sailorjade125 · 5 days
Beetlejuice vs Rory is like picking between the bear and man in random woods both are awful choices but one is worse in a real world scenario the other one will just kill you
If someone put a gun to my head and made me choose between having to marry Rory or having to marry Beetlejuice, I have to say that Beetlejuice is by far the better option.
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sailorjade125 · 9 days
As someone who loves Elena and couldn't watch season 7 for a long time bc she left the show, the reason the majority of the remaining fandom hates Elena is
1: They're Stefan stans who love him and can't stand the fact that tvd is about a love triangle between Stefan, Elena and Damon, and Elena picks Damon. So they spend their time calling Elena a selfish slut and complaining about the writing and fanservice
2: Caroline stans who like to feel special for hating the female main character
3: Bamon stans who read the books and think Bonnie deserves better (Which she did) means her ending up with Damon and blames Elena for Bonnie not getting a better ending instead of Julie Plague
I will never not be baffled by the way Elena is genuinely the most disliked tvdu character for doing the same exact thing the other characters did, she's whiny/self centered/selfish/a bad friend and a horrible person in general? That's every other character, they were all either murderers/rapists/pedos or besties with/defended said characters somehow Elena is the only one to be held accountable to this degree , like it's a cw vampires show written by Julie plague y'all can let my girl breathe a little
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sailorjade125 · 10 days
Speaking as someone who watched the show on the bottom I would say they were both victims it's just that Bonnie the girl on the right was a victim of both the writers being racist and being killed multiple times to protect her friends and almost being killed several more times along with all her family dying. While Elena was a victim due to her family all dying, dying herself, almost being killed at different points, stalked by a guy 150 years older than her. The guy being a serial killer who manipulated and dated her without her knowing that he killed people. His serial killer brother then also became obsessed with and killed her brother after turning him down and being used as a human sacrifice for immortal to become even more powerful against her and being used as a human blood bag without consent. The first serial killer trying to kill her the same way parents died without her knowledge or consent to get revenge on the immortal who was using Her as a human blood bag.
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sailorjade125 · 10 days
I'm telling you, the nazis are trying to off Trump before he can lose the election and run Vance and Rfk jr!!! This is an inside job!!!
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sailorjade125 · 12 days
I kept reading TSPWL after watching season 1 and falling in love with Eloise and was waiting for the rest of the bridgerton siblings to beat Phillip to death with pall mall mallets with how awful he was. It never happened
Me: Reading TSPWL
Me: Eloise, blink twice if you need help.
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sailorjade125 · 12 days
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This is absolutely catastrophic.
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sailorjade125 · 15 days
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sailorjade125 · 22 days
Don't have money rn!! REBLOG?!!
since lists like these tend to gain more traction than if i just published the asks, i've once more compiled a list with palestinian survivors who've reached out to me. please donate if you can, and REBLOG FOR REACH. thank you!
ahmed al-nabih, #218 on the vetted gaza evacuation list, €25,526/€30,000
shaima and family, unvetted as of yet, $170/$30,000 (EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS)
abood and family, vetted by association through mohiy-gaza, $5,122/$40,000
youssef al-habeel's tragically ill son (URGENT!), #406 on the butterflyeffect project spreadsheet, €8,582/€20,000
muhammad al-shaer, vetted by el-shab-hussein, £13,762/£50,000
noureddine and family, vetted by roadimusprime, $13,095/$45,000
ahmed and family, vetted by 90-ghost, €13,672/€80,000
anas al-sharfa, unvetted as of yet, €1,062/€50,000
ahmed al zaeem, #129 on the vetted gaza evacuation fundraiser list, $24,706/$50,000
hazem shawish, vetted by association through samarsh97, €4,811/€50,000
rudaina and family, vetted by 90-ghost, €10,150/€30,000
aya almajdoub, vetted by roadimusprime, €437/€55,000 (EXTREMELY LOW ON FUNDS)
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sailorjade125 · 28 days
Kamala Harris is NOT pro-Israel (part 1)
Edit: since so many people on this site love to piss on the poor, I should state very clearly that I'm not claiming "Harris has never said anything positive about Israel" I mean that she's not against Palestine as trolls are claiming, she is fighting for a two-state solution, as you would know if you watched her acceptance speech or you actually bothered to read this post before hurling insults at me.
I'm sure a lot of this is just alt-right trolls trying to stop leftists from voting for her, but to all the genuinely well-intentioned people out there, please read this post (and the others too, preferably)
1: In her acceptance speech on Thursday, Kamala made it clear that she wants an immediate ceasefire with a peaceful, two-state solution, and for all hostages to be freed.
2: "But Biden is pro-Israel!" She is not Joe Biden. She is Kamala Harris. She still works for him, and can't speak out against his handling of the war publicly. Similarly, she was NOT in charge of his policies.
3: "But why isn't she doing more?" She, along with others in the administration, have been working on negotiating for a while now. There are rumors that Trump told Israel not to accept so she would look worse, but these are not proven
4: "But the DNC didn't have a Palestinian speaker!" Kamala Harris is not in control of the DNC. She does not control who speaks there. The DNC likely did this because the war is an incredibly divisive issue and they didn't want to alienate the many politicians who are staunchly pro-Israel. it sucks, but it is not because of Kamala.
Even if you don't believe me for whatever reason, what harm would come from voting for Harris? What good would come of not voting for her? It's either her or Trump, it's not like if you don't vote no one will be elected. This is what all this anti-Harris propaganda never mentions, as they lie to you about her stance.
Voting is not about endorsing someone who is perfect. No one is perfect and no politician will 100% line up with your beliefs. Politics is about deciding which candidate you would rather have in office, and right now your options are Kamala Harris, or Donald Trump. Who would you rather have running the country?
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sailorjade125 · 28 days
There were so many cis girls in my highschool with the same name as me that my teachers called me by my last name
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sailorjade125 · 1 month
House Blackwood for life
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sailorjade125 · 1 month
Hi, friend! I just wanted to say thanks so much for the kind words on Chapter 48. :') Suspense is a bit new for me, and I'm pleased to know that the narrative had the desired effect. Thanks so much for reading and commenting and UGH ALL THE THINGS, YOU FLAWLESS HUMAN! <3
You're welcome, it was extremely suspenseful so you succeeded on that part
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sailorjade125 · 1 month
Ok but this chapter is a masterpiece of suspense from the moment Effie got the call from snow, I was yelling "Oh shit" thinking she was going to get sent to the arena only to calm down and then start screaming when snow started blackmailing her with Eros safety for the video to be returned
Chapter 48
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"I mean, yeah, Haymitch is in love with you," said Finnick, "so he gets it to an extent. But I feel like the way we love is different than him, you know?”
Effie’s heart thudded in her chest. "But I don’t think Haymitch is in love with me, per se.”
Finnick raised a skeptical brow. “Whatever you say, sugar.”
“I just…” she stammered. “I mean, he’s never said anything.”
Finnick snorted. “That’s because Haymitch is an idiot. He’s gorgeous. But he’s stupid.”
Happy Fine Line...Thursday? I'm moving tomorrow and won't be able to update, so enjoy the latest chapter a day early. I'll just let it speak for itself. :)
TW: This chapter details getting drugged against your will and frank discussion of this universe's human trafficking ring. Please read responsibly.
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sailorjade125 · 1 month
“I guess everyone’s forgetting how Kamala—“
nobody forgot shit! we have bigger problems! the only alternative to Kamala is a man who wants to wage war on every minority in America. A man who wants to push us further into full on fascism. any “but that one time Kamala” talk benefits only one person right now and that’s Donald Trump. do your part by keeping that shit to yourself! nobody fucking asked and whatever you’re bringing up isn’t more important than queer people’s lives — which ARE at stake. just shut the fuck up and vote, republicans are counting on infighting among the left, so just put it aside. It can wait, I promise.
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sailorjade125 · 2 months
I see posts going "Okay, I'll vote for Kamala, I GUESS IF I HAVE TO" and "omg if that's the best we can do I suppose I'll support it" and I'm like...
What do you people fucking WANT?
Let's run down how she's rated politically by some organizations that we vibe with, kay?
ACLU = 93% on civil liberties
AFL-CIO = 100% on trade unions
Human Rights Campaign = 100% on queer rights
League of Conservation Voters = 91% on environmentalism
NARAL = 100% on reproductive rights
NRA Fund = 7% on gun rights (we LIKE a low score on this one)
NEA = 100% on education
Planned Parenthoos = 100% on reproductive rights
In addition, GovTrack (which is a nonpartisan tracker) places her in the MOST politically left-leaning categories of Senators. So we've got a very liberal, woman of color who's spent her career trying to mitigate draconian tough-on-crime laws to benefit the accused and keep black people out of prison and decrease recidivism and that's somehow...just barely tolerable.
So I ask again...what is that you're dissatisfied with? Is it Palestine? as recently as March she was calling for a ceasefire and demanding aid to Gaza. Keep in mind she's pretty constrained as to what's possible to do in this situation.
Is it just that she was a prosecutor? That is an important job that needs to be done and we WANT people doing it who aren't rah-rah tough-on-crime Gestapo types, which she is not. We need prosecutors who are addressing the root causes of crime and looking for ways to help people escape the cycle, which she has done to the point that she was often called SOFT on crime.
So what is your objection here? Is it that her politics aren't 100% aligned with a bunch of Tumblr socialists? I got news for you...we Tumblr socialists DO NOT REPRESENT THE ELECTORATE. If such a candidate existed, they would not win.
Democrats struggle sometimes because our tent is large. Republicans just want you if you're a straight white man and preferably rich. There's room for a lot more types in the lefty side, but sadly that means a lot of room also for dissention among the ranks. This is how they get us. Let's not let them, huh? Just a suggestion.
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sailorjade125 · 2 months
The left planning on protesting at the DNC because of Gaza, after Harris repeatedly said she’s pro-ceasefire, two months after Biden made his “ceasefire now!” speech on the world stage, and when his administration has been trying to get a deal for months, is not serious behavior and merely demonstrates how little reality impacts their ideology. No one should waste time trying to please people dedicated to never being pleased. The fact that they never protest Republican events is so telling, too. It’s about nothing but their egos, insatiable need to feel edgy, and loathing for Democrats.
The reason why they’re flipping out about Harris shutting them down yesterday, aside from her raining on their Main Character Syndrome parade, is because she cut to the point: “If you want Trump to win, then say that. Otherwise, I’m speaking.” She called out their very obvious game. Like conservatives, they want Trump to win and hurt all the people they want to be hurt—to own da libs. And Democrats don’t have to stand for that, especially when they pulled a similar stunt in 2016
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sailorjade125 · 2 months
Kamala Harris' career is a perfect guide for how to infiltrate a corrupt system and slowly change it from within.
She played the long game and made strategic compromises. She followed the rules, even the ones she didn't agree with, knowing that doing so would enable her to rise in the ranks and secure a position of power. And then whenever she managed to achieve a greater position power, she used her new power to change the rules for the better.
And I think it bothers certain leftists that Kamala Harris exists, because she challenges the story they've been telling themselves and everyone who will listen to them, that it is impossible to change the system from within, and the only solution is violent revolution.
Kamala Harris is living proof that there is a more humane, more deliberate, and more effective way to improve a broken system than simply waiting for it to destroy itself and hoping something better replaces it.
Her existence challenges the worldview of certain extreme leftists who would rather punish the system for its sins than try to improve it. They have become so resistant to having this worldview challenged that they are participating in a smear campaign against Kamala Harris. They are now promoting a false narrative that she's totally corrupt and morally bankrupt and she hasn't accomplished anything, just so they can continue evangelizing their false doctrine that corrupt systems are irredeemable, and the only solution is violent revolution.
I don't know what it will take to de-radicalize the leftists who've fallen into this ideological pit where they value ideological purity over actual real-world progress.
Kamala Harris is not perfect, and that's actually a point in her favor.
Because perfect is the enemy of good.
We don't need our political leaders to be perfect. We need them to do good.
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