sakuras-journey · 7 years
ever notice that the mean voice in ur head that insults u is awful confident for something thats literally never done anything in its life except be mean to you… like… one of us is pathetic and its not me buddy… get a hobby… yikes
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Fic kins really annoy me and I don’t know why
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
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@ phosphoro Many stim blogs use banners that say who cannot interact with their stim blogs even though most of the time the content isn’t theirs. They tell lesbians or what they call “terfs” they cannot like or reblog from them. They are lesbophobic and they have what is called mob mentality. They spread lies about feminists, and are ableist towards those they disagree with. They want to control who can and cannot stim. They pressure newer stim blogs into putting these banners on stims or else they are not part of their uwu community.
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Isn’t it weird that we let tiny domestic lions into our houses and eat food
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
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😂😂😂😂 Now I need both of these things to happen.
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Perhaps this is a hoarding problem instead of a collecting problem anon?
I hate myself. For some odd reason I love collecting pretty things. Flowers, perfume bottles, pretty makeup(I have that shitty highlighter that has a rose in it), sometimes candy. I never use any of it, apart from the flowers I put them in vases. I feel less masculine when I do so, and I crush the patriarchy less with each perfume purchase I make. I just love collecting pretty things and I feel shitty. I have a thirty dollar nail polish bottle. How do I stop? I feel like less of a radfem.
First off, its not about feeling masculine. Its existing without gender stereotypes. What I did to break away from makeup was find a new habit or something new to do, and for me that was writing. Its a nice replacement and lets me vent about toxic gender roles and expectations. Maybe try to find something to collect in its stead? Like shells or rocks or something?
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Thanks for assuming, anon.
Lol you have a Japanese friend. What are your thoughts on omorashi, she’s probably into it 😂
Its gross….
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Definitely agree! Lolita fashion is very damaging to everybody, and I hate it very much!!
so with the new DVA skin I don't really get why they basically put her in what looks exactly like Japanese Lolita fashion. It doesn't really make any sense with her being South Korean. As far as I know, they hate lolita fashion and anything to do with the term lolita. Pretty sure Japan is the only country that had essentially a lolita fashion thing going on because it pissed off the men cus they didn't like it or so I read. Just doesn't make any sense to put a South Korean in lolita clothing...
Yeah that didn’t make a lick of sense to me either…. it’s also super creepy and fetishistic. It’s impractical and the whole reason it’s even there is to appeal to nasty fucking men who love to infantalize Asian women
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
This is so horrible! Anon this is why most men are trash and you need to tell someone rather than “act more feminine”! You are probably not ugly and they’re just scared that you are threatening their masculinity!!
Hi I’m a woman who’s trying to be more feminine(I’ve grown up surrounded by masculine women) but I feel as if I’m too ugly to be feminine. The only people that have called me pretty in my life are my close friends and my boyfriend, and people have actually threatened to beat me up just because I’m ugly. I’m trying my best, I wear more pink and I’m following a skincare routine and I’m trying to put makeup on more often(admittedly I’m not good at it) I even paid £30 for acrylic nails. What do I do
It sounds like you’re doing well already! You don’t need the face of a model to be a good and feminine woman, it’s all about how you act and present yourself :)
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Why have I have to take everything personally
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
I can't believe that anon was saying those things to you? nothing I've seen on your blog points to you even remotely being a pedophile - all you did was say that it's legal for teenagers to have sex with other teenagers when their ages are close. I hope they stop bothering you soon!
It stemmed from messages between us before unfortunately 😕 however I feel that they are done now!! Thank you for saying those kind things it means a lot 💜
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
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Semi edgy cuz i got bored
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
@sakurainliverpool is an actual pedophile. no really. look at her blog.
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
So new year? That's really cool!
Yep 😊😊 I like it because it feels like everyone’s counting down to my birthday!!
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
When is your b-day?
On Ganjitsu/元日!!💜
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sakuras-journey · 7 years
Where can I buy Harajuku fashion in the UK?
I have some of my old clothes but I’ve outgrown most as I got taller!
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