sakusahub · 3 years
that beach day with jungkook drabble :(((( its so cute pls. just the right amount of sweetness aaaa
thank youuu smmm :)) i thought that people wouldnt like it since it was just a small drabble but im happy to know that you liked it😭😭😭😭
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sakusahub · 3 years
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Thinking about Draken having a soft spot for you.
He would roll his eyes when you cutely asked him to let you do matching hairstyles with him but let you do anything you wanted with his hair nonetheless, only to brag about you when his friends mocked him for having colorful butterfly clips all over his hair, saying “not my fault if you don’t have a cute girl for yourselves at home to do these for you.” (sometimes he receives glares from Baji and laughs every time because he knows that even if he denies, Baji has also a crush on you and is jealous of the proximity between you and Draken)
Ice cream dates? Of course! He would pay everything for you even if you insisted on paying it yourself. You even stop caring about it when you invited him to eat some ice cream, only sitting pretty and waiting for him in his bike while he paid for his and yours ice cream (he didn’t even had to ask what flavor do you wanted, he already knew by the countless times you got the same one). The kisses you receive from his freezing lips are the best anyway.
He knows how to take care of himself when he (rarely) gets beaten up in gang meetings, but he also loves the warm feeling bubbling in his chest when you get all worried with him, getting upset that he doesn’t take care of his own bruises and that he’s wasting your sanrio bandages, claiming that they’re expensive. He says that the only one wasting money in the colorful bandages is you and that you could easily pay for normal and cheaper bandages, but he always ends up buying your sanrio ones anyways, you don’t even have to ask.
Draken also loves spending silly time with you! Playing animal crossing and Kirby on your nintendo switch (that he bought for you as a birthday present) all day and taking the day off only to give your countless plushies (that he and baji also gave you as a silly gift) a bath outside are the favorite things he adores doing with you, even if he hides it behind a annoyed façade.
He notices the soft spot you have on him when Mikey points out the low, soft voice he only has when talking to you, or when Mitsuya laughs that he doesn’t curses or beats anyone when you’re around.
Draken treats you like a doll: he washes your hair when you’re taking a bath together — a bath which you’re wearing bikinis, saying that you’re not ready to show all of yourself to him, but it’s okay, Draken would wait all the time in the world for you —, he takes off your makeup when you’re too sleepy to do it yourself, he buys clothes for you and picks the exact outfits for you, he even cooks for you when you meaninglessly says you’re hungry (you only want to annoy him and he knows it, but he’d do anything for you.)
He also hugs and kisses you when you need to be comforted, gives you the best cuddles and caresses while you softly sob with your head tucked in his chest, letting all out.
Draken looks scary when he’s seen with his gang, all serious and aggressive. But when you appear behind him, bubbly and adorable personality that had him wrapped around your little finger, the entire façade he built for him to look like a mean, scary and heartless guy falls in less than a second.
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sakusahub · 3 years
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Just thinking of haikyu! boys and their Instagram accounts!! Every single one of them would have different vibes to their accounts and it’s only right to go through them together.
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BOKUTO uses the same account he made when he first downloaded the app. If you scroll far enough, you’ll see the first picture of a younger Bo with a wide smile and a thumbs up, don’t forget the corny caption reading ‘Welcome to my life!’ Timeskip!Bokuto would still post cringy things, but don’t think for one second that you won’t make special appearances on there. Remember that he’s a pro athlete, so he will have that blue check mark signifying he’s verified; if you’re not for social media presences he’ll respect that. He’ll try to bring you up only on special occasions, either by keeping it limited or just not showing your face (he’s respectful like that).
“Babe, come take pictures with me! Everyone’s dying to see you!”
“We’re only doing a few pictures, Kou!”
He loves livestreams so much! The first time he made a live, he had no idea how to use it. Oh my goodness he was so clueless. The comments were flooding in and the hearts were floating. He tried his hardest to answer everyone’s questions and that’s the reason for his struggle. He would try to scroll up and start from the beginning, but it obviously backfired on him. He would’ve struggled a lot more if it weren’t for your help. Telling him to just thank everyone for their kind words in general, and if he wanted to answer full on questions, to read them as quick as possible and do it. After getting the hang of it, Bokuto would make his livestreams frequent. Sharing with his lovely followers what he was up to and sneaking the phone towards you every once in a while.
“‘How is your relationship with Y/N so perfect.’ Babe, come here! The people wanna know how our relationship is so perfect!”
“Kou, don’t go telling your followers everything’s perfect when you haven’t taken out the trash like I asked you to!”
“I will talk to you guys tomorrow, I have some important things to do. But, this is how you maintain a perfect relationship. Okay, bye!”
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IWAIZUMI has two Instagram accounts; a public and a private. His public is only used when he wants to share his moments with his team, the pictures that don’t make it to the official team Instagram page. His private is the same one he made when he was in high school. The earliest post you’ll find is a mirror picture of him in the gym, post-workout sweat covering his bare chest and somewhat toned legs. The captions are those lame gym quotes to ‘inspire’ motivation, but Iwaizumi didn’t realize that most people found them quite obnoxious. He’s always tempted to delete them, hating the way you and his friends always bring it up and poke fun.
“You’re not allowed to delete those pictures, Hajime! How else is Mattsun supposed to get inspiration for his upcoming Halloween costume?”
“You’re unbelievable. I’m deleting them as we speak!”
Having his own private account gives him room to be himself, so Iwaizumi always posts things that catch his eyes. He’s always posting nature and the trips he makes, not wanting those memories to go away. He’s the type of boyfriend to want to take pictures of the two of you kissing in a new area. Countless photos of different outfits, different settings, different locations, but always the same two lovers.
“L/N Y/N, you get your ass back over here and kiss me like you mean it. You know better!”
“We’ve done this five times already, Hajime! It’s not my fault you have grandpa hands and can’t stop shaking while taking the pictures!”
“That doesn’t excuse the lazy kiss!”
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SAKUSA only has an Instagram account because of Komori, and he only continues to use it because of the teams pr manager. If it weren’t for them, Sakusa would not have social media. He hates that it’s public, but he also doesn’t want to make a private account, that’s just too much work. He knows it’s to make him more appealing to his fans, but Sakusa wishes he didn’t have to do it.
“All you have to do is smile and it’ll be over, Omi. You haven’t posted in a while and your manager only wants three little pictures.”
“Maybe if you ask me nicely, I’ll be more inclined to do it. Until then, you’re not getting any pictures of me.”
He hates how unauthentic Instagram feels, but you make it bearable for him. You seem to capture the realest moments, moments where he feels like Sakusa Kiyoomi. They range from volleyball to his personal life with you. He loves posting the videos where he’s the first to achieve a service ace, the story behind the competition always brings a smile to his face. And doing normal things with you helps add authenticity and realness that he never would’ve achieved if anyone else was in charge of his account
“Make sure you include the pictures we took at the store. You looked really nice in them.”
“That’s so cute, Omi. See, you can be so nice when you want to be.”
“Forget what I said, don’t post anything, you asshole.”
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a/n: this is about as much as i can handle lmao school is kicking me in the booty. but i really loved writing this! if you liked these, don’t be afraid to request this for other characters; i’d love to make this a series :) likes/comments/reblogs are welcome and appreciated <3
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sakusahub · 3 years
no but imagine beach day with jk.. putting sunscreen with him.. hugging him in the water..
⋆ ࣪.  ᓚᘏᗢ beach day with jungkook. yum
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It was a sunny, hot day.
To be honest, you weren’t so fond of going to the beach, something about wearing bikinis in front of others making you uncomfortable. But you didn’t mind wearing it around your boyfriend, so it was the last thought in your head when Jungkook nicely asked you to go to the beach with him.
“Don’t forget the sunscreen, pretty.” Jungkook told you when you were already running towards the water. “Come here.”
He sat you on his lap and took the sunscreen out of his backpack while you got the orange juice from inside his backpack (that you didn’t know he even bought it first of all), he knew you’d steal from him and drink all his juice and only rolled his eyes. His soft but calloused hand tapped the sunscreen on your cheeks, spreading it trough your whole face. Then he patted your legs on his lap, spreading more sunscreen, now in your body.
Quietly, you got the sunscreen bottle from his hands and put some on your fingers. Jungkook looks at you. “I’m already putting on you, lov-..” he was cut when you started passing your fingers in his face, spreading the sunscreen. He chuckled and continued patting your leg.
You giggled. “Done, gguk. Come to the water with me?”
For the whole day, it was just you and Jungkook cuddling in the beach, salty and wet kisses in yours and his face, the quiet sound of the water and the breeze of the wind and stolen orange juices ((again)).
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sakusahub · 3 years
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Welcome again! These are the rules for my blog. Please follow them or otherwise you’ll be blocked/ignored!!
— do not vent to me about personal and triggering topics as if i am your therapist.
— Do not ask me personal questions, don’t bring up political or religious questions. Questions like what’s your favorite color? are ok.
— Do not ask/pressure me to answer requests. It may take days to do it!!!!
— Please do not be mean you will be ignored 😭😭
— SFW please. I only feel comfortable in writing smut when I do it for myself.
— Don’t specify appearance. You can ask for things like chubby reader, gender neutral, shy reader, male reader, etc. but not for extremely specific reader traits.
— I only write requests with reader/yn
— Please give me a prompt!! The more specific the better.
— I only write for BTS. Mainly Jungkook.
I don’t write topics such as cheating, character deaths, abortion, predatory, unhealthy/toxic relationships!! subspace, DDLG, ABO, etc! Please respect.
💌 Requests are OPEN!
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sakusahub · 3 years
think im gonna open my requests now send me smth sfw
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sakusahub · 3 years
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Rest 💕
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sakusahub · 3 years
💌 streamer!jk over the months (and you, his lovely girlfriend soon-to-be-wife) ᕱ⑅ᕱ
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Jungkook considered himself a successful man. 24 years old, college student, stock trader and the most popular twitch streamer worldwide having the most followed account on twitch with his lives having 600k average viewers. You, on the other hand, weren’t as fortunate as him; being a 19-year old working with your art on your eighteen thousand followers twitter account selling your cosy, cute art (that makes everyone smile) through commissions.
It was funny, really. You met him in a famous gaming event when you bumped into him while going to the bathroom. He talked to you saying that he recognized you from your twitter account and that he really loved your art.
You weren’t actually into gaming and streaming, only going to that event for the experience, but it was kinda impossible not to know who the famous JK (bluebpie on YouTube and twitch) was, so you were happy when he paid you to do exclusive emotes for his twitch account.
This leads to now: both of you are in a one-year old relationship and moving together (to Jungkook’s house).
At the beginning, Jungkook was afraid to introduce you to his fans, something about them harassing you in the social media, but the first time you appeared on his livestream their reaction to you was totally the opposite of what Jungkook thought it would be: people praising you, paying subs only to tell Jungkook that they wanted to see you more times and your followers on Twitter increasing (more commissions increasing too).
Jungkook was a reserved man, not really showing his life out of his streams, so he was openly jealous of you when he read comments asking you to marry them, if you’re single, if the chat could take you in a date.
He only answered them with a “Nope, she’s mine.”
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“Heyy!! Jungkook, have you already showed them our daughter?”
As you sat on his lap while he just chatted with his viewers, the chat got confused with your comment.
Do you have a baby???
wtff jk why didn’t you tell us you had a daughter
I hope she looks more like y/n
You giggled reading all of them while Jungkook only rolled his eyes, caressing your legs on his lap.
Getting Puddin — your calico cat —, you held her and showed her to the camera. Jungkook only smiled at your happiness in showing your cat to everyone.
“This is Puddin, chat! I adopted her on Y/N’s birthday last year.” The chat exploded with comments praising you and saying that Puddin was cute. But a comment on the chat got his attention.
But JK, don’t you have plans in making a family with Y/N?
He stared at you, who was innocently reading the comments and thanking the chat for saying that both of you were cute. He sighed.
“Yeah, I do.”
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Jungkook thought about making a family with you more times than he likes to admit.
Marriage was also in his head, of course. Everytime you would go to a mall he would sometimes stop to look at a pretty wedding band in Pandora’s window, or stare at cute wedding dresses and imagine you in them.
One day, after a tiring stream on a friday night ended, he saw a picture from one of his friends on Twitter. It was a cute picture, really. Mina held her newborn baby in her arms, looking as happy as ever. Just like 1 million people, he liked the tweet and congratulated her. Deep inside, he felt something in him flutter.
He wanted you to give him a baby.
Jungkook took you to an expensive restaurant date, just like he always does, but he had something in mind for when you come home. He pampered you, paid for your expensive meal, kissed you when you entered his car and caressed your leg during the whole car ride to your shared home.
That night, you noticed his neediness when he asked for no condoms and pounded into you relentlessly, spilling his seed inside of you as you cried, creaming on his cock. If he didn’t put a baby in you this time, he had all the time in the world to try again.
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Jungkook started to notice before you even did.
Bigger and sensitive breasts, your increased urge to pee, mood swings that only Jungkook could handle and morning sickness. It was so obvious, principally for Jungkook who was always with an eye on you.
He was sure you didn’t know it yet, so he just waited for you. Meanwhile he would just pamper you. Jungkook was always gentle and soft with you, but this time it seemed like you were a doll. Always doing things for you, spoiling you with your favorite snacks and prioritizing you even more than he did before.
You started to notice Jungkook’s behavior, of course. But you also started to notice how you were also feeling: missing period, hips getting seemingly larger and the urge to vomit everyday, so your first reaction was to tell Jungkook.
As much to your surprise, he looked relaxed when you told him. He smiled at you and kissed you for hours, later taking you to drink some bubble tea while watching the sunset. He told you he made an appointment with a doctor, saying it was better than some cheap pharmacy pregnancy test.
In the two weeks waiting for the results of the pregnancy blood test to come out, both of you were calm. In your insecurities of being a false alarm, he held you in his arms and reassured you that everything would be ok and, even if you weren’t pregnant, there’d be many other times you could try again and again.
When the results came out, Jungkook was in the middle of a Resident Evil stream — needless to say, busy. But, not wanting to bother him, you waited (minutes before) for the results to come out online on the clinic’s official website while eating a fat spoon of vanilla ice cream.
With shaky hands, and afraid that Jungkook wouldn’t be there to comfort you if the results came negative, you logged into the clinic’s website and saw your blood results.
HCG Level 41.1 mIU/mL
RESULT … Positive
Jungkook heard you break down crying even through the soundproof walls of his gaming room.
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One month later, Jungkook was in front of his camera after saying to his viewers that his next livestream would not be for the new game Nintendo just released, but for a surprise he had to announce.
“So.. um… I don’t really know how to explain this so I am going straight to the point” he sighed. “Y/N is pregnant. I am going to take some time for her. My stream schedule will still be the same, but now her and our baby are my priority, so the streams will last less hours so I can take more time with her. I hope you understand, chat. That’s what I had to say.”
Next week, on Jungkook’s stream, the chat had some questions about you, since you were not so active on your twitter account anymore. (Actually, you disappeared out of the blue even before Jungkook announced to his viewers that you were pregnant and some people were getting worried)
What about Y/N? Is she ok?
Jungkook read the comment out loud and heavily sighed to himself. At first it looked like he was irritated, but then he hid his face in his hands and sighed again. He was flustered.
“Pregnancy went down well with her. She’s…” he sighed “…glowing right now. I mean, she has always been breathtaking but now it feels so different… I don’t know.” He laughed at the comments, a bunch of them saying that it was so cute that he was so head over heels with you, that he was a simp, others asking Jungkook to show you to the cameras, since you had disappeared from the social media to focus more on yourself.
Jungkook continued the stream, sometimes answering questions about you or talking about the games he was playing. And, as he promised to you, he ended the stream earlier, also explaining to the chat (again) that he was also going to take a time for you, the streams lasting a little less time.
He said bye to the chat and quickly went for a shower, wanting to finally lay down, cuddle you and talk to the baby even if you were already asleep.
Seeing that you were awake, Jungkook laid in bed by your side and started moving his hands up and down your back, enjoying the comfortable silence, the only sound echoing in the room being the light breeze running.
“Hi” you whispered in your soft voice and Jungkook didn’t understand why you were murmuring, but he assumed that it was not to wake up Puddin, who was sleeping in a ball in front of you and being caressed by your soft hands.
“Hi, pretty. Is everything ok?” He also whispered, not stopping the movement of his warm palms on your back. You nodded, getting closer to him and closing your eyes. “You napped all day, brat. Don’t sleep on me now, we have to eat something before going to bed.”
You giggled. You were so close that Jungkook could feel your sleepy breath mint. Then, with warm cheeks, you softly smiled
“So… glowing, hum?” Finally looking at him, you grinned. You saw a clip of the moment on Twitter, tearing up when you heard him saying such sweet things about you.
Jungkook was enamored by your pretty smile. He always has been.
“Shut up.” He laughed and hid his face on your neck, kissing your neck and jaw. The prominent red on his cheeks made something twist inside your belly (and it wasn’t your baby, for sure)
“You’re so… enchanting right now, angel.” The breath Jungkook let out was one of adoration for your face. Pretty doe eyes always looking at him and following him like a lost puppy, only wanting to be pampered by him; a pretty gummy smile that made his heart beat faster looking at it, everything in you was pretty. “It’s impossible not to fall for your charms right now, brat. I don’t think you have ever been this beautiful.”
Butterflies were making a picnic on your stomach while you laughed with cheeks reddening.
“So charming but you didn’t even ask me in marriage, wow, such a good boyfriend.”
He held your cheeks in his hands. “Oh, so you wanna marry me?”
“Are you asking my hand in marriage right now?”
“No, I just want a confirmation that you will accept.” Even if he was giggling, his tone was serious and you knew he wasn’t joking. “I know you’re waiting for it, pretty thing. And I want to wait for the exact moment.”
You didn’t reply, only looking at him. He took that as a confirmation.
“Ok, baby. Now let’s eat something. I’m going to make you a fruit salad.”
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Jungkook didn’t stream on weekends, so he took his day off to spend some time with you. It wasn’t something big, he just bought you a Mc chicken after you begged him to eat some junk food and massaged your legs while watching some silly movie.
Truth is: you napped all day in his lap. He made a vegetable soup for you and you ate with some juice on the sofa, just laying there. Then Jungkook found you asleep there (again), empty soup pot on the center table. Jungkook didn’t have the heart to scold you for being lazy all day: it was cute and you needed some rest, so he just laid there with you, not even sleeping, just cuddling you and relaxing at the sound of your soft snores and the city sounds from outside.
When you woke up, it was already seven PM and Jungkook was peacefully napping with his face in your neck and hands caressing your baby bump. Jungkook was so pretty that you felt like you were going to die. Sharp jawline, dark messy hair being so fluffy in your hands and pink lips adorning in a pout touching your neck. This sight for you was so pure that you felt love running through your whole body. You felt so happy by his side, pregnant with his baby and the whole world knew you were his.
You couldn’t wait for him to make you officially his, and the pretty ring Jungkook hid in his gaming room’s desk didn’t help for him to deny that he felt the same.
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💌 I’m not happy w this felt like i could have done more &gave more details&feeling like my english is trash rn but it was in my drafts since idk june and i wanted to post smth so yeah thank you for reading maybe i’ll write a part 2 with jk finally asking your hand in marriage and reader giving birth its not a promise
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sakusahub · 3 years
Omg baby blue love is so good 🥺😭 is the little series over or are you planning on writing more for it? ❤️❤️
Ohh thank you!!!! :)) It’s not over at all! There’s some more chapters and drabbles that I’m planning to write but right now I’m focusing on studying so I don’t have time to write but there’s more to come! 💌
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sakusahub · 3 years
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— Hello! Welcome to sakusahub ♡´・ᴗ・`♡ I’m Lina, 20, she/they and I write for fun! ^^ I’m an armyonce, Jungkook & Sana biased, but I’m not so much into the kpop community.
💌 DNI ˖ ࣪⭑ If you fit the basic dni criteria, you send hate to creators.
# NOTES I mainly write female readers and/or oc’s, but if you want to request a male or gender neutral oc/reader, feel free to do it! Also, English is not my first language, so if you see any errors, you can tell me. Just don’t be rude about it, please!
💌 — I also mainly write fluff! I do write smut and angst, but not on the same frequency as fluff. smut and angst only when I’m in the mood to write it :)
sometimes i fb because I feel bad for not following someone back just like i do in twitter so don’t mind it lol
current status ˖ ࣪⭑ thinking about haikyuu kageyama ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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🍧 — [I AM accepting requests!] Please read the rules before you send me anything!
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🍧 — ˖ ࣪⭑ Midnight Blue 🍧 — ˖ ࣪⭑ Arctic Blue
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sakusahub · 3 years
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This is my drabble series BABY BLUE LOVE’s 2nd chapter :D
# SUMMARY!  Jungkook is an asshole. But not that of an asshole.
# PAIRING! Senior!Jungkook x freshman!fem!oc (named iara)
# CONTENTS! sexual harassment, attempted rape, drugging (none of these done by JK), violence (fist fight), blood, mentions of sanakook (・_・ヾ , bicuriosity/bisexuality, drinking 
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“I’m not gonna lie, he teaches me better than some teachers. But he was so unnecessarily cold to me during the whole tutoring, and what I don’t understand is that he called me a pretty girl the first time we met! How’s he gonna be so mean but throw this at me out of nowhere? I-I don’t understand this boy.” Iara whined, soft voice explaining to Sana what happened during the first and second time they met. Soft rain sounds echoed through the campus with only a few people walking through the area, something unusual for a Thursday night.
“Well, at least he didn’t call you stupid and dumb like he always does to me.” Sana laughed at the way Iara looked towards her, a cute grimace around her face. “I swear it’s not like that! He’s an asshole of a friend sometimes, yeah, but he calls me those names in an…. affectionate way?”
Iara not only grimaced at Sana’s comment but also grimaced to Jungkook, who was finally showing up at the campus entrance ready to take her to the library to start the tutoring.
Sana also noticed his presence, giving the way she waved at him and did not  stop smiling. “I see you have to go now, boo.” Sana checked the hour in her watch. “I’ll take you home at nine. Call me if anything happens. And don’t be an asshole, Jungkook.” She looked at Jungkook, faking an angry expression and leaving the campus to the dorms. He just raised his eyebrows while staring at her.
Quietly directing themselves to the library, Jungkook suddenly gasps. “When did you meet Sana? She doesn’t look anything like you.” 
Iara explains, weirded out by the unusual question. It was really ironic because everyone said that they matched like they were siblings; both girls with bubbly personality’s, the only difference between the two of them was that Iara was shy, while Sana was extroverted and friends with everyone. “She’s been my best friend since we were eight. We didn’t talk a lot during high school, but when she discovered that I got accepted to the same college as her we became close friends again.”. A “hum, fair” was the only received answer. 
“What about you? You said she doesn’t look anything like me but I wouldn’t take you for someone who have outgoing friends like her”
“Of course you would assume I’m an introvert, you don’t even know me.” Iara felt a little hurt from the way he spoke to her, being the sensitive person she has always been. Though he wasn’t wrong — she really didn’t know him, but she was just trying to be cool. Jungkook noticed that she got distanced by his answer and decided to tell more about himself, despite being a reserved person who prefers to hide details about himself from those who don't know him. He'd only do this once because he felt bad for being mean to her.
“Sana is my ex. We dated for 4 months when I was a freshman, but I was confused about myself around that time, you know? About which type of people I am into. gender, personality, those things. and it was hard to discover myself when I was stuck in a relationship, so we broke up when she noticed we weren’t at the same pace. I’m kinda surprised that she didn’t tell you this, though.” he sighed, staring at Iara. “Don’t get me wrong, I really like Sana, I even tried to ask her on a date this year so I could make things different this time but she declined, something about her seeing me as an older brother now.” 
Despite thinking he was a dick for doing this to Sana, Iara did understand what he meant because she was going through the same thing as him, feeling curious about herself and not knowing anything about her tastes in the romantic area. nevertheless, it wasn’t something that bored her, she simply didn’t care enough, having flings with both boys and girls and still exploring her sexuality. 
And just like Jungkook, she was also sort of astonished that Sana hadn’t talked about him before, but she supposed it was because they weren’t so close in Sana’s freshman years, or because she simply didn't care about this: it was her past, after all, and Sana doesn’t like to get stuck in it. 
Jungkook turned on his laptop and started tutoring after they arrived at the library. It was a quick class, just a rapid review on functions, prototypes, etc.. It didn't last an hour, but with Jungkook being so unusually handsome, Iara got a little distracted. Sure, she has some problems with focusing even on things that she likes, but something feels slightly different today. Maybe the way she could see some tattoos from time to time when he pulled his shirt sleeves up, the way his messy hair smells like baby shampoo, or perhaps it was just because his beauty was always breathtaking, sharp manly face attracting attention of others all the time as if it was impossible to get used to seeing someone that beautiful. Anyhow, her distraction made the time go by quickly (Jungkook didn’t notice her stare, he doesn’t really pay attention to his surroundings when he’s focused on something.), and suddenly it was already time to leave. 
Thundering sounds reflected throughout the whole library, the rain pouring in the windows has increased a lot since they arrived. Jungkook was just staring at the rain streaming from the outside, face apathetic as always. He looked at her. 
“We should wait for the rain to pass.” Jungkook toyed with the bracelets on his wrist, sighing. “I was waiting to talk to you so I could make up for the last class I missed, but I prefer that you choose another day that isn’t tomorrow.” 
Oh, the missed classes. Sometimes Jungkook would message Iara cancelling the day’s classes, often being evasive by just saying he couldn’t go that day. But he would always fit the missed class on some day of the week, and this time wasn’t different. 
Iara wasn’t really surprised that he would be busy for the Friday night, being the reputed fuckboy he is she would likely find him in some random frat party near the campus. But honestly it wasn’t something she actually cared, after all, it wasn’t her business and Iara doesn’t like to get into things she’s not involved. 
“We could make it into Sunday, if you’re free” hardly anyone could hear her shy, tiny voice, but Jungkook got what she said. Exhaling, he nodded.
“Sunday it is.” 
The rain was getting louder and heavier, going contrary to what he hoped for. Iara was quiet, intimidated by Jungkook that was quietly suspiring; she couldn’t read if he was actually angry or just more serious than normal.  
As a matter of fact, Jungkook wasn’t waiting for the rain to stop so he could go home, he was waiting for Sana to come and take Iara to their dorm. If he wanted to, he had a car waiting for him in the parking lot, but he didn’t want to leave her alone, not in this heavy rain, thunders reflecting in the whole city. (he actually does that on other days, going home and not waiting for Sana to take her home, leaving Iara in the library. She didn’t mind it), and hence he’s quietly sitting with Iara in the library’s surprisingly comfortable armchairs, waiting for Sana to show up. Iara in fact didn’t know that, she was just waiting for the rain to pass so she could go home, thinking that Jungkook was doing the same and cluelessly humming and fidgeting with her beaded phone strap. But it's been a while since class ended and Sana didn't show any signs of life, so Jungkook was slowly starting to feel annoyed. It was 9:45, Sana didn't keep her promise to come at 9. 
Not so suddenly, his patience was getting to an end, so he picked his phone up and quickly texted Sana 
09:48 PM | JK I’m taking Iara home  09:48 PM | JK idk if youre coming but im not gonna wait for u 09:48 PM | JK and im also not leaving her alone its raining 
Not even waiting for a response, Jungkook got up from the armchair — earning a curious stare from Iara — and quickly nodded at her to come with him. “m’ not gonna wait for Sana, i’m taking you home” “but she could come at any mome-” “just texted her saying I was going to.”  
The dormitory room she shared with Sana was on the other side of the campus, a little far from the library, therefore he planned to leave her there with his car and then go straight to his apartment, which was out of the campus, in the city center. 
Jungkook knew their dorm by the countless times he came to visit Sana when they were dating, so he drove there directly, only stopping in the red-light, when his phone lit up from Sana’s text notification. 
09:59 PM | Minatozaki < 3 im so sorry tell her pls jk 09:59 PM | Minatozaki < 3 i was going to get her but the rain sounds were so good that I slept (;﹏;) (;﹏;) 10:00 PM | Minatozaki < 3 if you intimidate her again im going to cut your dick in half  10:00 PM | Minatozaki < 3 but thank you for taking her home guku (_^∇^)・_・)η  10:01 PM | Minatozaki < 3 take care of my baby or ur never gonna see your balls again 
10:02 PM | JK ノಠ_ಠノ
After being quiet through the whole ride and only staring at the stars in the dark sky, Iara got out of the car, smiling at Jungkook in a silent acknowledgment from being gentle to her. Her voice was barely a whisper on the active thursday night.
He only nodded at her, the apathetic expression not getting out of his face. But he couldn’t deny the warm feeling he felt in his chest from Iara’s tiny voice. 
“Thank you, Jungkook”
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“You should come with me. Maybe I'll pay you a McDonald’s after we leave the party. All the people from the college will be there and you’ll not be alone, you know, I have some friends that would like to keep you company.”  Sana emphasized the end of the sentence with a side smile, making it obvious for Iara to understand what she meant by company.  
It’s not that Iara didn’t like parties, but she has always been that lonely kid in her teen years, so it wasn’t a common thing to do. Being alone in this type of event didn’t make her feel comfortable. But now, with Sana inviting her and saying she had friends that would feel like staying by her side in the party, even in an amorous, sexual way, made some type of curiosity light up inside her, wanting to go and explore new things and people.
“Ok, um… I want to go but I don’t really know what I should use?”
“No worries!!” Sana’s bubbly personality was in it’s finest. “I know exactly what fits your body, and I also want to do your makeup, if you let me.” She said while looking through her wardrobe, a glistening smile appeared on her face when she finally found the pretty and shiny red dress, showing it to Iara, the brightening smile still on Sana’s face. It was an alluring  dress indeed, however it’s not something that Iara usually wears. As if reading Iara’s mind, Sana suddenly said “I know it looks like it doesn’t really fit you but I swear you’ll be the finest girl in the world wearing this. I’ve actually been thinking about you wearing this dress for some weeks. Y’know, you should explore your sexiness. You may think that it’s now really your style but to know that you should at least try it, bub.”
Well, on Iara’s eyes, Sana was not wrong at all. In fact, she truly needed to explore her other sides; Iara was too smug in her cuteness, not caring to get out of her comfort zone, but she felt that she needed to change even if she wouldn’t be fitting in new individual styles. After all, what she really needed was different, new experiences in her life.
And Sana was right: even if it wasn’t something for her, Iara would be charming showing everyone her duality. 9:30 PM, 30 minutes before the party starts, both of them were stunning, makeup done by Sana, tight dresses adorning their bodies which smelled like expensive Chanel perfume.
When they arrived at the nightclub (thanks to Sana’s friend Taehyung, whose Iara discovered that was a rich fine arts senior), Iara felt like all eyes were on her and Sana. For a fact, it was sure that Minatozaki was popular in the campus as the “cool and smart and pretty girl” and being her best friend also attracted eyes on her, but still, Iara felt shy at that moment, a contradiction to what she looked like in the moment.
The first thing Iara did when she arrived was going — and pulling Sana by her arms — directly to the bar and checking the menu. She was hungry even after Sana made her eat some hamburger that she made, saying that Iara shouldn’t start to drink with an empty stomach. Looking for some random snack or appetizer she would pick to stop the urge to eat something before she orders a drink, Iara suddenly heard Sana squeal while squeezing her hands tighter, not even needing to turn at her to know she was smiling.
“Mina-Chan! You finally came!” “Sana-channn!!!”  
When Iara turned to look at Mina, she felt like she was in a movie, or an anime where the protagonist sees someone so stunning that hearts jump in her eyes. Thin face, black silky hair and a cute smile that made all eyes throw at her.
“Hi!” Mina, seeing that Iara was eyeing her, gently started the conversation. “You’re Iara-chan, right? Sana talked about you.”
Oh, so Sana told her about me?
“You’re also Japanese, right? Sana told me you came from Osaka and I was so excited to meet other Japanese people here!”
Sana went to talk to a random boy that appeared right in front of them shamelessly flirting with her, leaving Iara and Mina alone. After a while talking about foolish things, Iara finally noticed that Mina was really flirting with her. Sometimes she would brush her hand on Iara’s soft thighs, or mess with Iara’s hair, smiling while caressing her shiny locks. Then she realized she was finally reaching the trigger when Mina approached her, side smile and pretty face staring at her mouth and palms holding Iara’s tiny face, quietly advancing towards her until they were right in front of each other.
“You’re a very pretty girl, Iara. I don’t think I have a reason not to kiss you right now.” Holding her face and getting closer and closer to Iara, Mina throwed a teasy grin at her.
What Iara didn’t expect, however, was to find a familiar face when she ran away from Mina’s gaze out of shyness. A very familiar face, to say at least.
It would be a lie to say that she wasn’t surprised. The brunette boy with a flirty smile on his face and a tall, blonde girl in his lap was pouring an energy she has never seen in him before. Legs spread — the blonde sitting comfortably in his thigh —, cup of beer in the hand that he wasn’t using to hold the woman’s waist, a loose balenciaga shirt adorning his fit body, short sleeves making his tattoos free for anybody to see, something that Iara hasn’t seen entirely before, ink always covered by less revealing clothes. Jungkook didn’t even look like the same person that tutored her in programming weekly. It was a whole new face.
“So this is why he didn’t want to tutor me today” she thought. Fair enough.
She was still eyeing him and, although she was surprised, Iara now understood what everyone meant by their gossips on Jungkook being a fuckboy. Though she thought it was all just rumours because he looked very reserved to himself in their meetings. Thinking about that, the only thoughts that went through her head right now were that “Jungkook didn’t really like you”. It would make sense; it was something that she was thinking about for a while, he always looked gentle and flirty to every girl with him — including Sana — but with Iara he always acted so cold, the only time he revealed his teasing personality was when they met, the “pretty girl” never really left inside her head.
As if feeling her gaze on his body, Jungkook abruptly took his eyes off of the blonde in his lap and found Iara’s astonished gaze living in his figure. Jungkook sent a chuckle on her way, seeing that she was shocked by his presence, yet he was as surprised as she was, only hiding his shock behind a flirtatious mask.
The shy and reserved Iara in a nightclub? With a girl? The only thing he could think of is that Sana’s probably behind this.
Iara gasped after noticing his eyes on her, feeling her cheeks burn quickly.
Not knowing where to look, she looked away from Jungkook, encountering Mina's face again, who was following Iara’s gaze and also glancing at him. The look in her eyes wasn’t admirable, considering she was going to kiss her and was brutally interrupted. Mina looked at Iara again and laughed dryly.
“You know Iara, I’m very interested in you. But I see you can’t take your eyes off of Jungkook-chan.”
Mina kissed the side of Iara’s mouth, leaving a pink lipstick mark on it and after that she just gave her a smile and left her alone, seeing that Sana was already coming back with lipstick all blurred and her perfect hairstyle now messed up.
“Did I interrupt something, pumpkin?” Sana looked at Iara with her brows furrowed in a worried expression and moved her gaze to Mina, who was already going for another place in the nightclub and disappearing from both of their fields of vision. Iara only shakes her head, sighing loudly and side eyeing Jungkook that has already moved his eyes off of Iara and was making out with the blonde. Sana, though, didn’t notice Jungkook there.
Damn Jungkook. Pussyblocking her.
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As the hours passed, Iara and Sana just continued talking, flirting with random people and drinking random drinks they chose. It was 12:12 P.M, the nightclub full of people dancing and drinking.
The nightclub lights flashed through the whole saloon when Iara met an attractive, blue-eyed blonde man — whose name was still a mystery, considering that he hadn't told her yet —. They kept talking and Sana, seeing that she was getting into another person, just separated from her and carelessly went to the bathroom, not wanting to disrupt the girl in any form.
However, the blonde-haired boy didn’t have very good intentions with her, much to their surprise. It was a bad move for both Sana and even Iara to stop Sana’s eyes from checking her to see if everything was safe.
He was showering her in praise, getting closer and turning their conversation into something more flirty, coy smiles to Iara when he noticed she was becoming more and more intimidated by him. It was just a normal reaction she had, though, because the girl didn’t notice when he innocently offered her another drink stating it was a mojito. Iara thanked him, drinks for free at least, and didn’t really mind when she saw that the ice had sinked and there were an odd amount of bubbles. “If he wanted to spike my drink he would have done it earlier and not after paying me for many expensive ones.”
They were still talking, the man throwing her some weird comments here and there; he was surrounding her in a corner next to the bathroom in a way that almost no one could see that there was someone there. Iara was starting to feel dizzy, not focusing on anything he was telling her. All of a sudden the blonde slowly started to grope her, first caressing her thigh and when he eventually got tired of waiting, he groped her breasts while kissing her jaw, only snickering when Iara tried to get away from his touch.
“I’m sorry, b-but I don’t wanna do anything right now. I didn’t came here looking for sex.” She said whilst attempting again to run away, voice raspy and failing.
He only scoffed at her while smiling. “I don’t think you understand what’s going on, cutie. I don’t fucking care if you want it or not.”
And that’s when Iara felt the fear going down her throat. He was a thousand times bigger and taller than her, she finally noticed that her drink was, in fact, spiked, and there was nothing to do. She was getting hazy and sleepy, even if she attempted to scream or say something, no one would really hear: first because the music was loud and second because the drugs in her body were adding up to her haziness, her voice would probably break down.
She tried though. A low scream was heard next to the bathroom, but as the blonde quickly shut her mouth, giving a silent slap to it, no one really looked or wondered what was happening there.
While still groping on her body, the blue-eyed man quickly dragged her to the males bathroom, it was all blur and she had no choice but to let him, thoughts of what would be her life after that started to float through Iara’s head. Completely immersed in despair, the only thing that she could feel beyond fear was that there would be no salvation for her.
Iara would have her first time in a party’s dirty bathroom, drugged and abused. Non-consensually deflowered and possibly left there alone. Horror and humiliation creeped through her whole mind and body
It was one of the most dreadful and horrifying feelings in the world: she was being assaulted; there was nothing she could do and no one there to help her. Iara felt one of the blonde’s hands go down her dress and push her panties to the side, touching her cunt. There’s no Sana, no Mina and not even a Jungkook to help her, she could only hope to get out of this alive.
Trying to get him off of her, Iara sank her nails into his wrist, piercing his skin to the point of blood. He grunted, pulling out the hand that was groping her ass to throw a punch at her jaw. It violently pulled her into the bathroom’s sink, her nose brutally hitting the faucet. She felt a sharp pain and not having the force to scream, Iara only managed to tremble while feeling the weird texture of blood leaking through her nose into the bathroom sink, floor and bench.
“Stay still or it’ll hurt more, fucking bitch.”
The sound of his belt being opened echoed through the whole bathroom and Iara felt weak, only wishing for it to go quickly, the pain in her nose was getting excruciating and it was surely the worst day in her life. Shaking while waiting for him to do what he wanted to, it never came.
It all happened in a flash, the blonde that seconds before was getting ready to put his dick in her was unexpectedly found in the ground, wailing. Since it was all a blur for her, Iara didn’t understand at first what happened at first. Did he fall? Did he regret it? But all her questions were answered when, with her vision fuzzy and unclear, she saw a pair of lowkey familiar tattooed arms on top of the other man.  
From this time it was all a blur. Iara rapidly fixed her clothes, covering anything that he messed up before. She fell into the floor holding her knees and trembling, not having the strength to do anything but watch Jungkook smear the man’s face with blood.  
His face was not so different, she could faintly see a big cut in his eyebrow; his blood falling into the blonde’s face at the time he still punched his face, not even letting the boy breathe. Iara was scared, tears pouring freely in her flushed and bloody cheeks. It was like Jungkook wanted to kill him.
While on top of him, the blonde suddenly threw a punch at Jungkook that made him groan, beating Jungkook’s face relentlessly into the dirty bathroom’s ground. This was the last trigger to release Jungkook’s anger, who got on top of him again and started to break the boy’s face as hard as possible.
Jungkook suddenly stopped the violent punches on him when he heard a sob coming from Iara. His brutal gaze softened bit by bit at the sight of her: nose and mouth covered by blood, cheeks full of tears, messy dress and a delicate scared look in her eyes.
Jungkook left the other men bleeding and unconscious on the ground to go near Iara and try to comfort her.
The girl knew that Jungkook wouldn’t do anything to her, but with the event that almost happened she had no option but to let the dread possess her thoughts and think that he would also try to take advantage of the vulnerability the blonde left in her.
As if sensing what she was feeling, Jungkook softly touched her hair and said “don’t worry, I’m not gonna do anything, I swear I never would. Sana said she heard a faint scream and didn’t find you in the place you were before so I came looking for you.” Jungkook was holding her face in both hands. “Let 's go home.”
“Is she ok?! Oh my god” suddenly, Sana screamed after entering the bathroom. Seeing the whole scene, she gasped. “Did you come here in time? I was so desperate, Gguk.” Sana’s eyes were full of worry. She sat on the ground side by side with Iara and took a cloth from her bag to clean the amount of blood on Iara’s and Jungkook’s face.
“Leave her, Minatozaki.” Jungkook murmured.
Iara heard a low hum from Sana. “Are you going to take us to the dorms?”
“Nope, I'm gonna take her to a doctor. I don’t know what he gave her but she is clearly drugged.”
Jungkook cleaned the rest of the blood on his nose in his arms, putting Iara — who gently let him hold her, still trembling — in his arms in a and getting out of the nightclub, Sana’s purse on his shoulder. Jungkook tried to clean Iara’s soft face — now full of blood again — with his white shirt, not caring about getting it dirty. Sighing and getting his car keys in his cargo pants, Jungkook unlocked his car and opened the back passenger door, softly putting Iara’s hazy figure in his car.
Sana went to sit by her side again, taking the opportunity to clean Iara’s face again. The nearest hospital was far away from the nightclub, so she would give her best to try to heal her bruises.
It all passed quickly for her, Iara didn’t really remember anything indeed, by the time she was probably passed out.
When she woke up, the first thing she saw was an unfamiliar room, laid in a bed that she didn’t recognize. There were game posters in the walls, a tidy gaming set-up and a cup of water in the bedside table.
The door opened slightly, showing Sana in her pajamas and Jungkook right behind her entering the room. “I don’t know, Sana. The doctor said she would probably feel nausea and vomiting, so I think it’s better if both of you stay here before coming back to the campus monday”. Iara quickly connected the dots, seeing that Jungkook looked comfortable in his clothes, moving things in the room. He was the first one to notice Iara’s stare on him, eyes vaguely widening.
“Oh, you finally woke up. It’s everything ok? Can you understand what I’m saying?”
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Tag List: @fangirl125reader @yoonchrisgull @teresaisla ♡´・ᴗ・`♡
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sakusahub · 3 years
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Bird positivity! Keep creating, even if no-one else sees your work!
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sakusahub · 3 years
“Uranian Blue” JJK Baby Blue Love drabble series
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Feeling Jungkook’s hands softly running up and down on her back, Iara sighed, tired of spending the whole afternoon coding. 
“You should rest, precious. I made soup for you.” Jungkook’s raspy voice echoed through the empty bedroom, the smell of vegetable soup faintly going through the air. “You can do this later, I see you can’t even pay attention to what you’re doing anymore.” 
And Jeongguk was right. It was just 3PM, the only sound echoing through the bedroom being the quiet city sounds coming from outside and the weak noise of Iara’s laptop keys pressing. It was Friday, there was no class because it was a holiday, she decided to invite her boyfriend over for the weekend so she wouldn’t be alone. 
“I’m not hungry, guk. I ate a lot of cookies while studying.” Iara said while closing her laptop and stretching her arms and yawning, ready to take a nap.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m just gonna leave the soup in the kitchen and then I will come to bed with you.” Jungkook said, kissing her head and then leaving the room with the bowl in hands. 
Iara laid down in the bed while waiting for Jeongguk, closing her eyes and getting comfortable in between the sheets. In a few seconds Jungkook came back, opening the door quietly, already seeing her small form in the bed looking like a peaceful sleeping lamb.
Jungkook cooed, laying in bed by her side and covering each other in the baby pink kuromi blanket, hugging Iara whilst looking at her face with heart eyes and then kissing her forehead. “My pretty girl” he murmured. 
Iara hugged him back, burying her small nose in Jungkook’s neck and leaving tiny kisses in his jaw. Jungkook sleepily smiled while running his hand up and down her back. Both of them falling asleep cozingly hugging each other, in a lovely afternoon nap.
She woke up alone, it was one of those naps where you wake up sweating, with a weird taste in your mouth, the city sounds echoing through the room with the sky now dark and not knowing if it's 6AM or 6PM, but Iara still felt warm, even if Jungkook wasn’t by her side anymore, his presence now replaced by a cinnamoroll plush. The sound of the shower turning off followed by the sight of Jungkook coming out of the bathroom smelling like baby shampoo and wearing nothing but sweatpants made Iara smile. He was such a pretty boy. 
Drowsily opening her arms and inviting Jungkook for a hug, he laughed and jumped in the bed, holding her close to his body whilst peppering her tiny face, neck and body with kisses, her cute laugh making something twist inside his chest.. His strong smell was all over the room, her bed, her small figure. It gave him a warm feeling in his whole body, it was so good to love and to be loved. 
“Go take a shower, princess. I’m gonna order some Mc Donald’s, you can choose the movie we’ll watch tonight.” 
Both of them wanted this moment to last forever.
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Tag List: @jungkookmito @fangirl125reader
75 notes · View notes
sakusahub · 3 years
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This is my drabble series BABY BLUE LOVE’s first chapter :D
# SUMMARY! The start of Iara’s first semester at the college seems to get more difficult when the smart, mean senior is addressed to tutor her.
# PAIRING! Senior!Jungkook , freshman!fem!oc (named Iara)
# CONTENTS! fluff, college!au, f2l/e2l(kinda? It feels like jk doesn’t like oc but he’s just sarcastic/mean to everyone), mentions of unprotected sex (not with oc y'all), nerd programming talk 
# NOTES! This is literally my first English fic ever pls don’t be rude 😥😥🕴🏻
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College is hard. Principally when it’s your first semester ever, you don’t know anybody besides an old childhood friend and you are the shyest person there
It’s been one week since the classes started and Iara’s still only talking to Sana out of everyone in the campus and dorms, the shyness possessing Iara and limiting her to talk to anyone that isn’t Sana — even talking to the lecturers and professors made her embarrassed, it wasn’t once nor twice that she had to take deep breaths and some courage only to ask some silly questions regarding the lectures to the professors. Luckily, it was only the first week, an introduction to the subjects and courses that Iara will be learning in this semester in computer science
Iara studied very hard to enter the computer science college, but she still felt insecure. Of course, the hours she spent sitting in front of her desk at 4 A.M reading books, watching videos and developing her practical java and python skills were worth it, but it was a hard time for her, going to psychiatrists and trying new meds just to perform better and focus on studying and, needless to say, she will continue to make an effort in her studies now that she was accepted in one of the country’s most hardest colleges to get into.
Since it was the first week, she was relaxed about it. Until the friday class came, a lecture giving a brief introduction to the Programming Logic subject. In the opening class, the course coordinator said in the lecture that the course at the university was given, until last year, in Java, but this year it has changed to C++. And this made the nervousness in Iara to wake up. She knew a lot about the Java language, but C++ was always difficult for her.
Yes, classes are made for you to learn and this includes learning something from the beginning. But still, she wasn’t so secure about this. What if she couldn't keep up with the subject just because she didn’t learn c++? What if she failed the class? Iara wasn’t usually anxious like that but the mere thought of her classmates thinking she’s stupid for not understanding it made her legs tremble. She was smart, but this was an outcome of years of hard work, months studying 24/7 resulting in good grades, being the teacher’s pet and an acceptance to a good college. But still, she wasn’t so sure about this.
This leads Iara to a conversation with Sana at the end of the day. Sana, being the kind person she has always been, comforts Iara and recommends her someone to teach her the c++ language while helping her with the programming logic subject.
“I know it looks like a bad idea but you could ask the counselor if he can get someone to tutor you. Besides, you will meet new people.” Sana said, pointing to the class full of people going to their dorms after the end of the lecture. “Honestly, I don’t think you need it, but if you feel uncomfortable studying the subject without understanding it you should seek someone to help you. Some of the top students of this college do some tutorings for free, I know you don’t want it but think about it, ok?
Initially, Iara thought it was a terrible idea and she would never do that. Someone tutoring her? Some student at college? It would be humiliating, and there are, in fact, other options: do some free courses of dubious quality, pay a professional in the subject to teach her, or even try to teach herself. All of these options were better than the humiliation of  asking the counselor to address some classmate to teach her C++
But, as the week passed, she started to consider this option. Sana kept the entire week indirectly trying to convince her by regularly mentioning the tutoring topic, frequently giving different suggestions about it. Nonetheless, what made Iara rethink was a name that Sana mentioned. “I knew you wouldn’t pay attention to my suggestion so I told a senior friend about you and explained your difficulty in programming logic.” Sana was looking at Iara while searching for something in her yellow bag, taking a sticky note out of it and giving it to her while tying back her beautiful, blonde hair. There was a number written in black in the blue sticky note. “You don’t have to if you feel uncomfortable, but he told me that he can teach you c++ and help you with programming logic, just message him, his number is in there.” Sana pointed to the sticky note that Iara was already looking at. “His name is Jeongguk, he’s in his last year in computer science. You’ve probably heard that name on campus before but I swear he’s not the asshole that people say he is. I mean, he is, in fact, kind of a douchebag, too serious sometimes, but if you get to know him well you’ll see he’s someone cool to hang out with.”
Jeongguk. She has definitely heard that name before. And has certainly bumped into him at some point.
A reputed fuckboy. Young and foolish, but loved by the professors for being the top student at the college — a 4.0 GPA, actively participating in organized extracurricular activities and recognized for being good at everything he does. Iara has bumped into him a few times, times enough to say he’s the most attractive man she’s ever laid her eyes on in her entire life. Pretty dark brown medium-length hair, tiny waist and strong arms full of tattoos. It’s undeniable that he was, indeed, a beautiful sight.
He’s the most popular student in the college, loved by many and carries a golden reputation for anything he does. Iara remembered one time when she was in the bathroom and overheard the conversation between two girls shamelessly talking about him and what he did to them last night (and many other things that she would like to forget). “He’s such a cocky asshole but he always makes me feel so good.” “Isn’t he? Last week, he came inside me and made me go home with his seed inside me just to ask me for pics later.” After that, Iara got red as a tomato and left the bathroom as fast as she could, grossed out. 
She also remembers this time when she ran into him in the elevator of the dorms. Iara looked at his arm tattoos — you can say anything about them, but it would be a lie to say they are ugly —, thinking he wouldn’t notice it, but Jeongguk throwed a confused, curious look at her when he got out of the elevator, leaving her flushed while going to her dorm. 
Enough to say, she wasn’t used to this type of boy, being the shy and reserved person she has always been. But like Sana has said before, she could get out of her comfort zone and meet new people, and this was the last push she needed to message him, sending a brief “heyy :) is it jungkook?” 
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After talking to Jeongguk, he invited her to go to the library with him next friday to organize the tutoring. The entire week was calm, talking to Sana and studying normally, but Iara couldn't lie, she got anxious thinking about friday. She even put a small Rilakkuma sticker on her planner for the friday schedule (as if she would be occupied all day), and thought about the tutoring for the entire week. 
As the day and hour came, she went to the library at the exact time, finding Jungkook sitting in one of the chairs, putting his black backpack on the table. Looking at her, he smiled, motioning for her to sit in front of him.
She did as he asked, sitting in front of him and putting her sanrio backpack on the table next to his black one. The first thing she noticed about him was his strong smell of masculine perfume, expensive and woody, hitting her like a truck. He held the look of someone who had just come out of the bath (and it was true, badly dried hair with the smell of shampoo hitting her right in the face again), the second thing was how he was handsome and charming: dressed in dark green cargo pants and a black long-sleeve shirt, she could easily say he’s the most handsome man that she has ever seen. 
Jeongguk could also say the same about her. When Sana told him about Iara, he didn’t really think much about her, since she was just a freshman, a younger girl — he’s not interested in this type of woman, thinks it’s too much to take care of. So he just offered help out of his kindness. But, looking at her now, Jeongguk feels his heart melt. Cuteness in its best. Shy, pure smile, big doe eyes looking at him, blushy cheeks and a cute cinnamoroll hair clip holding her silky hair. Not to mention the light pink jacket hoodie looking like a single dress for being too big for her, all he wanted now was to hold her tight in his arms. 
As a matter of fact, Jungkook was a simp. Nevertheless, he didn’t even know the girl, and as endearing as she could be, he just pushed this warm feeling inside his chest and ignored it, coldly clarifying some things about the tutorings. Jungkook wasn’t impressed with Iara, no, he’s had many flings with a lot of different girls, cute and pretty. But he couldn’t deny that she was the cutest thing. 
While talking, Iara explained to Jeongguk her issue in programming logic with c++. He gave her a curious look. “Honestly, I don’t think you need tutoring for that, I mean, you’re a freshman and this subject is literally made for you to learn.” Jungkook elucidated, looking at her. “I’m in my last year in computer science, in the first year the programming logic was given in Pascal, in the second year it was in C++, the third year was in assembly and now we learn in database. In reality, you’re worrying over nothing, but I agree that it’s better if you learn all of this by yourself or in a course, this is why I’m offering myself to tutor you.” Jungkook looked at her with a serious expression. Iara flushed, intimidated, and nodded, making the boy give her a side smirk. She got even more flushed.
The third thing that Iara noticed about him was how he was intimidating. Sometimes she would ask a question and he’d just laugh at her, as if it was the stupidest thing he’s ever heard, therefore she got even more quiet and embarrassed. He kept serious the entire time, coldly talking about the tutoring. Iara wasn’t so sensitive, but she got a little bit hurt from how he was acting. Why did he have to act so serious? Jungkook was not a professional, probably only offering to tutor her for his curriculum and reputation. He could at least be kind. 
Over time in the library, Jeongguk explained some more things to Iara, who kept quiet the entire time from now on. He noticed that and got embarrassed himself, something about just him talking in the empty place made him uncomfortable. And when they finally scheduled the tutoring for once a week, he invited her for a coffee. Surprised, Iara denied, saying she had to meet with her family (a complete lie, her family lives in the countryside of Japan). 
The thing is, when Sana told Jeongguk about Iara, she subtly mentioned that the girl was all alone in the college and, for a change, in a different country, so he quickly got the message: Iara was getting too uncomfortable to accept the offer. Amazingly, he didn’t get offended, Jeongguk actually thought it was cute. 
“Okay, then. Don’t forget to bring your laptop next friday. See you, pretty girl.” 
If Iara was flushed before, there were no words to describe how she was feeling right now. She really didn’t understand Jungkook.
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sakusahub · 3 years
BABY BLUE LOVE! Drabble Collection
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A series of drabbles about the different colors of the love between Iara and Jungkook.
# PAIRING! Senior!Jungkook x freshman!fem!oc (named Iara)
# CONTENTS AND GENRE! Fluff, smut, (future) angst, just pure fluff in general yeah, college/uni!au, f2l/e2l (kinda? It feels like jk doesn’t like oc but he’s just sarcastic/mean to everyone), fuckboy!jk!! v small age gap (jk is 21 oc is 18/19), oc is a good girl but this isn’t the main focus of my fic, jk is smart (so sexy of him!!), oc is shy we love to see it!!
# WARNINGS! Mentions of mental health disorders (oc has adhd), mentions of suicide, sexual harassment, bicuriosity tba
# SUMMARY! As a freshman at the college, Iara needed someone to guide her in how things work on campus. Jeongguk, being the top one student with a 4.0 GPA and a sarcastic demeanor, is addressed to tutor and take care of the shy girl in the campus.
# NOTES! This is my first ever English fic pls don’t be rude!! eng is not my first language so if you see some error pls tell me asap!! btw I named baby blue love a Drabble series/collection but I think I might release full long chapters in the future idk, 
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# SUMMARY! The start of Iara’s first semester at the college seems to get more difficult when the smart, mean senior is addressed to tutor her.
# CONTENTS! mentions of unprotected sex (not with oc), nerd talk, nothing much
# RELEASE DATE! June 30, 2021
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# SUMMARY! Jungkook is an asshole. But not that of an asshole.
# CONTENTS! Violence (fighting), blood, sexual harassment/rape attempt, drugging (none of these done by jungkook), mentions of sanakook (・_・ヾ, bicuriosity
# WORD COUNT! 4,7k
# RELEASE DATE! August 1, 2021
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 ˗ˏˋ Uranian Blue ˎˊ˗
Just Iara not being able to focus on studying and ending up taking a lovely afternoon nap with Jeongguk.
 ˗ˏˋ Midnight Blue ˎˊ˗
Jungkook didn’t consider himself a pervert, but being with a girl like Iara, he didn’t think he could resist.
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