the expanse : season 2 … sentence starters
“Even losing her was worth it.“
“But it’s still worth fighting for.“
“Suit-up… We’re going on a hunt.“
“How many people have you killed?”
“Even more reason I choose to fight.“
“I came an awful long way to find you.”
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
“Yeah, there’s nothing to be ashamed of.“
“I’m done fighting. I just want to go home.”
“Oh, really? Then go get me a cup of coffee.“
“Luckily for everyone, cooler heads prevailed.“
“But still, nobody knows what really happened.“
“I was supposed to… find you. Bring you home.“
“So, don’t talk to me about sacrifice ever, again.“
“I would have stopped him before it went too far.”
“How is that possible? What the hell is that thing?“
“It’s hard to believe that we can make a difference.”
“The peace talks are a delaying action to buy time.”
“We fought for nothing. People died. We nearly died.“
“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’d do her if she’d let me.“
“What, so I’m the one you need to protect? Is that right?“
“We need you back home. It’s hard to find good people.“
“Well, when you put it like that, it does seem kinda crazy.“
“The only thing those weapons are good for is first-strike.“
“There’s already a lot more do-gooders than we expected.“
“That’s our job. To make sure that that war never happens.“
“Listen, I hope you understand if I ask you to sit this one out.“
“You didn’t even try to stop me from bashing that kid’s head in.“
“Whatever happens, happens to both of us. It’s gonna be okay.”
“Until we get more information, we need to keep this under wraps.“
“I thought I was done with all this… sending people to their deaths.”
“I don’t know. We die, maybe. But if we don’t die, that’d be interesting.“
“We went to bed every night thinking that we would wake in nuclear fire.”
“When I said I need your help, I didn’t mean create a diplomatic incident.“
“You can go anywhere else in the whole universe, but you can’t go home.”
“Every shitty thing we do makes the next one that much easier, doesn’t it?“
“You don’t choose anything. You’re born into it man, one side or the other.“
“From what people tell me, you’re the one really running things around here.“
“We need to tell them everything we know about it. We need to tell everyone.“
“Because I believe in you. You’ve made a guy like me… believe in something.”
“When I first saw that thing outside, for a split second I thought I was hallucinating.“
“Yes. Of course. I’ll sacrifice what’s left of my credibility for a few short-term trinkets.“
“I need you to know, whatever happens, wherever you go, you’re not gonna do it alone.”
“Who knows? Maybe you’ll develop superpowers you can use. That’d be perfect for you.“
“The sight was so completely outside of their experience, they just couldn’t compute. So they didn’t see.“
“Either you’re doing an incredibly shitty job or you’re no longer in control of the people who work for you.“
“Our first priority is to protect ourselves. And that means we’re gonna take advantage of every edge we’ve got.“
“And all the old farts like me, we’re all going to be telling you ‘this is how you do it and this is the path you take’.“
“My file for what to do if an advanced alien species comes calling… is three pages long. And it begins with Step 1: Find God.“
“The way I see it, there’s only three kinds of people in this world: bad ones, ones you follow, and ones you need to protect.“
“But there’s only one thing that I need to tell you. And it’s the simplest thing. But it’s the hardest thing to remember. Listen to your heart. No matter what. It’ll always be the right call.”
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hurt feelings … sentence starters 
“I trusted you…”
“You hurt me. Why?”
“That was uncalled for.”
“I… I thought you loved me.”
“Why are you acting like this?”
“That was a cruel thing to say.”
“—– How could you say that?”
“That was a low blow, even for you.”
“Your love hurts more than their hate.”
“Why are you saying this, I don’t… understand?”
“Don’t come back. I don’t want to see you, again.”
“You told me I could trust you. And then you did this.”
“You betrayed my trust. I don’t think you can get it back.”
“If I’d known you felt that way, I wouldn’t have come back.”
“You’ve never been like this before. What’s gotten into you?”
“I just want to know why you hurt me like this. I deserve to know.”
“Everyone warned me not to get close to you. Turns out they were right.”
“How could you do this? I asked you not to. I ask you. And you did it, anyway!”
“If you could say that to someone you claim to love, I’d hate to be your enemy.”
“Don’t touch me. I don’t want you near me. I don’t want you anywhere near me!”
“You love me…? What a joke. You don’t do things like this to people you actually love.”
“The fact you feel comfortable saying that to me just proves what kind of person you are.”
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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope’s high resolution, near-infrared look at Herbig-Haro 211 reveals exquisite detail of the outflow of a young star, an infantile analogue of our Sun. Herbig-Haro objects are formed when stellar winds or jets of gas spewing from newborn stars form shock waves colliding with nearby gas and dust at high speeds. 
Credits: ESA/Webb, NASA, CSA, T. Ray (Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies)
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What do you mean I actually have to rest to avoid burnout. I should be able to rest simply by thinking about taking a weekend really hard.
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Carey Mulligan in Far From the Madding Crowd (2015)
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Hi, Hello
It feels weird to say this, but I think I need Sally again. Without her I feel lost and lacking a side of me that's a sort of built in friend and confidant.
So, what's this mean for all past threads and plots? Some of them I can keep. I want to peel back my Sally to her original course. She's a spy, a detective, and definitely has her hand in the wibbly wobbly timey wimey. Let's throw out the smut. She can have some romance, but Sally was always meant to be an adventurer. If you remember, in the Blink episode, she was seen being flirtatious with Billy and with Kathy's brother. I interpret that as part of her playful personality and less of a real interest in dating. (Plus, this mun has been in a happy relationship for 4+ years now and feels uncomfortable with going too far into all that.) Flirting for Sally, yes. Mild romance for Sally, sure. Am I Sally? No.
If you're interested in an adventure with Sally, let us know! Shes ready to get going!
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The trick is that they're all self inserts. Every character you write is an expression of some understanding of yourself, or desire for something better, or a million other things. It all comes from you.
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unironic number one most important and useful writing tip I can give you is to make your women weirder. If your female characters are feeling flat or one dimensional give them a odd lil obsession or hobby. ESPECIALLY the sexy characters add a little “strange and offputting” spice in there and I’ll 1000% guarantee they’ll become better. Listen to me. Listen to ME it’ll work or your money back let the femme fatale give live newts to people as thanks and she’s become a more engaging and realized person.
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Comet Leonard, Christmas Wish
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i recently had a thought. which, as you can imagine, was stressful
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Carey Mulligan
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give yourself the patience you give others. advocate for yourself when people push and invalidate your limits. you deserve to be supported - by others, and by yourself.
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hey you. im proud of you. im proud of you for overcoming all the obstacles you've faced to be here with us today. and i'll be proud of you tomorrow for the obstacles you continue to overcome.
you've put so much effort into this life, and that deserves praise. even though many of the things you had to work through should have never happened to you. you did it. you're here. you're right here. and you don't have to go anywhere.
so i hope you're proud of yourself too - or that you will be, someday. take all the time you need. everyone lives differently.
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Unfortunately for all of you, I am online
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Yess girl slaaayyyyyy wait no stop don’t actually girl what are you doing what are you doing stop stop stop oh my god god no no he’s dead no no no oh my god girl what have you done
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a significant part of why dr who is so weird is that most shows have a couple of extremely weird bits of lore but with dr who literally all of it is extremely weird lore
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saying “hm. must be the curse” every time something bad happens and refusing to elaborate is my new hobby
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