salosion · 7 days
G👑D Is Not There For Y👁️U He’s There Through
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salosion · 13 days
A G🌹rd🥀n !ƨ a Kept Junglə. 🌴
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salosion · 28 days
When Y👁️U Seǝ This Y👁️U Wǝre Meant T❤️
AL✨˥ Ways To The G⛅️tǝƨ of
He🌩️vǝn’ƨ That’s Almighty G👑D’Ƨ & To EvƎrything & EvƎryone He Gave
Y👁️👑 & Around Y👑👁️
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salosion · 5 months
Whatever spark you can whatever start you can you can go why is it so hard to start though why is it so hard to let go why can’t I get up and start flow why I need so much to feel though, negativity is all that clouds, thunder strikes and rain pours down lightning lights and hits the ground, why can’t I absorb the illumination of the static now grab a spark of my own lightning bolt shoot that shit make flowers grow Zeus lit hit the flower though put that in a bong, joint, bowl and blow the clouds back out to flow…I just need my medicine I just need my herb I just need my garden NOW why can’t I be heard? Been so long since I been myself feels like I’m gone so lost, too far too come back atleast with my garden I can try to repair all the time lost that costs air, I’m depressed all my thoughts are on death, I can’t kill myself though cause then I got but nothing left. How do I get out this hole I may have dug myself but then others pushed me down it stuck can’t get out all I needs some help. It ain’t fair when others ruin who you truly are fake to care and fake to share no one’s near or far, you’re all alone and all you got is you and got no car, alone to tread all these miles the earth has illuminated with stars. I’m lost, I’m stuck, I’m sad, I’m fuck get me out this jail cell I just want to live. Breathe and love and laugh again and love I wanna give take me back to medicine that gardens known to give, give me that boost I need cause I just want to live. I’m not addicted I’m not wicked there’s nothing really wrong, I just need a push of light to get me moving on. Moving on on stars and ships that sail unknown seas to conquer all the beauty hits when you’re sunrise motivates your deeds and bleed I just want to bleed love and bleed don’t cut me please but stuck so I cut myself, not to feel something cause I can’t but cause I’m stuck without my wealth. Help me. I’m stuck help all I need is help.
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salosion · 2 years
G👑d made Y❤️U FRƎƎ to manif🚀st Himself.
G👑d is L❤️VƎ the only way G💜d can create more of Him is by creating a w🌎rld in which ignorant human beings exist oblivious of the fact that there even really is a G🎁d (when the proof is all around you/us) to then In a w🌍rld with free will and ignorant human beings with the chance to decide to do the evil or the good and only when we decide to do the good In a w🌎rld where the bad can also be created; only
when WE decide to do the good can WE cre🎨te that energy that is G🖤d which is L❤️VƎ. What is the greatest thing and preserver of L🌴FƎ and blossomer of L🌴FƎ and the Univ✨rse? What is the greatest most infinite euphoric feeling ever?
It’s L❤️VƎ. (What are the realest things Y👁U posses in this L🌴FƎ ¿? Its Y🎁UR feelings they are what tell Y💋U this is AL˥ some sort of real,
L❤️VƎ is the greatest, heaviest, holiest most infinite and never ending feeling we posses, our feelings are our realest things, they are what tells us this is AL˥ some sort of real.) G⚡️d is the greatest thing EVƎR; He is Infinite L❤️VƎ.
G👑d cannot make himself greater for He is the greatest thing EVƎR G❤️d can only make Himself greater and create more of what He is and create more of Him through US, only when WE cho👁se to do the go💜d in a w🌍rld where the bad can also exists and be created and when and ONLY when WE choose to do the good can WƎ cre🎨te that energy that is G👑d / L❤️VƎ and goes back into the atmosphere / Univ✨rse to crǝ💋te more of what is
G❤️d. Only when WƎ AL˥ (or at least 52% of the population fully wholeheartedly understand this and act upon it I believe will WE manifest towards the next phase and shape of existen🌙e.
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salosion · 2 years
Truth set me free
Truth let me be
Open up my eyes to infinity
My hearts thump she bleeds
Pedals that receive
The water of life’s pure exctasy
Open up my soul to heavens secret 50 gates
On wings of the wind let out spirits
All human beings whose hearts
They can relate
All human beings whose hearts
All human beings have in them
Who have in them the spirit of Holiness
Let their legacy’s crack the codes
Of the Universe’s tendencies
Help me please
Render me
Lies cannot stand strong they deceive
And cave in
Like an avalanches debris
Let me rise up from the ashes
Of the mistakes our deeds bleed
And fly with but the truth
Like the innocence of the youth
Truth come get used
And let me plunder in it’s views
All of Loves sacred pews
All of Loves sacred hues
Lord of let me see
Get me high and let me be
All of love is all I need
All of love I want to breathe
All of love in and out in and out
Pounding in it’s comedies
Why is this so laugh now
Applauding commas with its ease
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salosion · 2 years
🌈⚡️❤️ Modes of expression are inherently subjective, there are no thought forms or models of reality that can represent the entirety of the thing they attempt to describe; they are each finite and therefore incomplete, the reality revealed through spiritual vision however is free from the restrictions of linear definition. For truly objective awareness to be experienced it must occur outside of time & the language structures bound to it, and while awareness is loosened and unencumbered by the syntax of temporality expression can only be a reduction of the fullness being sensed. The first description is the first limitation of the infinitude of existence ALL that gets defined becomes ordered into a context, into a structure that then derives it's meaning according to it's relationship to every other meaning alongside which it coexists. When the experience of spiritual illumination reduces itself into the corridors of expression it's narrowness defines the parameters of it's inaccuracy. The multitudes are the mask of subjectivity the expression of which forever confines meaning into the boundaries that describe it deceiving the listener to the extent that she clings to it's divergent forms while forgetting it's unified content; it is for this reason the words that stream into the mind one after the next to illuminate the splendor of the limitless light are forgotten beneath the currents of time, flowing into the endless ocean. Each distinction a dissolving grain of salt in the great sea~Do not listen to these words with attention on the tiny particles of salt, but receive the totality of the great sea into the retina of understanding;for the component parts of each particle of perception will not reveal the grandeur of the wH O le they will only draw the perceiver into the subjectivity of conceptualisation, tempting her to define herself by what she see's and it is by this definition that she condemns herself to temporality and dies because of it.The livingness that animates the perceiver remembers how to listen it is the eternal witness who fly's through the weightless waters of the great sea. Her knowingness effortlessly rides on vertical currents floating across sound and meaning as though they were but the fluttering ripples of wind through her feathers, these currents she locates by the heat of their spiraling ascension stabilizing the wings of awareness only long enough to carry her above time where her understanding soars in completion. Guide your attention therefore to the warm currents behind the particular forms of these words, let your thoughts penetrate the structures of these expressions to the expansiveness they conceal and yet radiate, this you will do only in your heart where the piece of the unlimited weight-fullness supports the souls of your feet as the stones you step across on the journey to the home we share.- Agnisa Um ❤️⚡️🌈
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salosion · 3 years
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Fact Is Fact Like Funfetti Is Funfunkin’fetti
You change the world around You by changing yourself.
You control your own thoughts now You shape Your life and control Your Destiny.
Your good thoughts become Your beliefs
You raise Your awareness and Live more consciously
You have the power to change Yourself as You see fit
You create Your Life as you see fit
Everything You desire is available to You
You release limiting beliefs You have the right to accept Your own Greatness You=You use Your own power to build the Life You want … hundreds of millions of times.
Affirmate the design designed to BURN away Self.
Fantasy ain’t no fiction,
Fantasy is as real as real is You, Your Imagination is a figment that at the same time is Imagining You.
Fantasy Ain’t No Fiction,
Fantasy Takes time for Her to appear,
Thats why patience was taught as a virtue;
Quietest thingamajig that’ll make you disappear.
. *BAM* bloom-explop-plode-plop up to reappear inside a dream outside a desire; upside a cloud but behind the bells of gospel soul angels flow inside Your frame aswell, Despite the fact that Your current existence is only existent through the molding and shaping of translations of conditions; vibrations are really ALL- Just like you just thought your thought I just then I thought my thought by thought that thought just then to thought to thought and thought out loud to prove the point that thoughts are thoughts that thought pure sounds inside your head; frequency and vibrations translating what is and what can be through the 5 given senses; the ears of sound directly tunnel-connected to the source, whilst the other utensils are deslightfully different in experience but in the fact and truth of things and laws that physic our notions of motion of the layers of perceptions we deposit at every moment; the whole moment. The moment when you realize that at the end of the day the rest of your senses end it’s contact with the last and first essential form that is ALL. AL✨˥ receives vibration and energy in various figures and forms that shake the breathe to breath and exist and leave a life well lived to leave through the vibration and frequencies that vibrate truth and spurs of reality through vibration; at the end, at the end it’s vibration.
At the end of the day it’s VIBRATION,
At the beginning of the day it’s VIBRATION,
Loud frequencies of the earth that shutter beneath the toes of your waddling feet;
Stepping steps around,
stepping steps of sound,
Music is what surrounds.
Music Is The Only Thing In LIFE That Surrounds=Fact=Reason=Because; Frequency Is Music Music is Frequency and that is well, sound.
VIBRATE from the ground and into the sky; just use Your found intuitive guide that sings broken melodies by it’s lonesome self; Proud so proud and loud cause fuck it I’m allowed, Im allowed cause I am sound. We are outer-dimensional beings of frequency of sound, thats how HEAVY and GODLY SOUND IS; Sound is So GODLY and So HEAVY IT’S OUTCOME IS AN ANOMALY AND ERROR OF SORTS THAT DEFIES THE CODES THAT ELEMENT THE CRITERIA OF OUR SUPERNATURAL EXISTENCE,LIFE IS SO DAMN CRAZY THAT TECHNICALLY WE SHOULDN’T EXIST THEN.
SOUND IS US; SOUND IS WHAT YOU SEE ALL AROUND AND SWEAR TO SMITHERineS CONCRETE IS CONCRETE AND matter is what it seems but matter don’t matter cause matter doesn’t matter anyway, Atoms are Matter; Atoms are tiny little invisible vibrating balls of ENERGY; SOUND;VIBRATION. Take into consideration the Wh O le of the loop understand the duality that breathes life and the contradiction that is the end that begins the end and ends the begins and begins the end till’ they’re dancing cause they’re thirst can only be quenched and appear of existence to the things that just pretend concrete is really resistant passed the blood and fractures of the denotation of the wall, cement the fall that lets you fly or jive in the air by the beauitful blue sky that’s so winding shy it need’s it’s friends nearby to hide behind their fluff that fogs the eyes of the conscious holy Wh O le.
Acknowledge the fact that is concrete that be the concrete that is concrete in definitivity of the frame of the now grasp THE ABSTRACTIONS that radiates attraction and exists infinitely as potential of the flow in any shape size or form and dimension THAT WHICH IS IS CONCRETE CONCRETE IS THAT WHICH IS INFINITELY IMAGINABLE, (We’re thinking of the place right now our selves), we are tripping with the trippy trips that take consciousness though life to beat the steps and thoughts that act and feel and ground and sound beat, beat thats the Sound beat beat thump beat damn thats loud inside your head thats Invisible shards of spikes that sounds the loud thumping of the reason YOUR
Heart Strikes.
Pounds, pulsates with its rhythm of the bit; inventing reason and the time that never exists. A million years past Today.
There is a People,
You kind of well raised.
Our daydreams of sprinkled contradictions,
Form the world that makes our caked realizations finger up the glazed.
Everyone has been through,Everyone has been through,
Everyone has been through,Everyone has been through,
Everyone has been, Everyone has seen, Everyone does mean Everyone has been through the tangling of the thought that trumps our dreams into songs.
Everyone is mean,
Everyone does mean, One is evil if lived by mean and will crumble by own to it’s own inevitable evaporation due to singles own squandered potentials disintegration of the beauty and the power and the potential of a soul.
Can you believe it costs a soul imaginary money to claim it’s really free?
What is good what is be? What is bad, what is me, what is you what is we what is us won’t we see the time that illusions imaginary scheduled breeze like a prick popped the first balloon you ever got as a kid,
I hope we did. I hope we do.
I pray to God,
I pray to God,
I pray to God, at all continuing instants,with My heart.With My heart inside.
I adore and Love God so much, I adore and Love God so much, so so much.
I adore and Love God so monstering much<3 [Righteous Monster; Benevolent Monster, Meritorious hunky-dory of a crackerjack who gives his cookies to the hungry; The Best.]
I pray for me, I pray for you.
I pray for Love for all and Life for Each.
I Pray Because I AM.
I Pray to God because I am because and only because of God and His Righteousness, Kindness and Almightiness.
I sold my misdemeanors and partied off my crimes;
But my ego I traded for enlightenment so insightful, full sights dives of divine.
Only Love can fill the wh O le and light the reason You flicker luminance carved around free will will free be the humans if they free what they hold so bold only rainbows will do as their told cause the axis was spinning frenzy when the colors saw the soul;
Gravity was developed through the outcome of the wh O le makes the reason reasons gratified with its own existence of existence to existence of transperity too keep the heart in hand with the soul
Arise with the sun, and all them lazy dreamers.
Reality it ain’t,
Reality it won’t ever be,
Cause the only thing that ever really exists,
is the moment you’re standing in N🎁W.
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salosion · 3 years
“Aliens Splaceshlips Crowns Palace Shpplace, Atmosphere Today / (Alien Space) ”
By: Salo Sion
Trees breathing life, hold within, dreams dreaming wide on my skin God please collide ALL OUR SINS. God please forgive all our sins.
The universe she breaks in such a pretty way,
And I cannot mistake that look upon your face,
Grass’s cling to Life,
Soaked within,
God please ignite what wet our skin.
Rolling in the hay high as Kings
Rolling in the grasses gin
God forsaken all my sins
God forsake my passed trapped hella
God for Soaked showers in
God spoke to day Life swells
blasting off like the swords with in,
Fighting off the lack of Loves wealth,
The universe she breaks in such a pretty way,
And I cannot mistake that look upon your face,
Fighting for the cause of Love to win
God sung us power spells
Blessings of rain showers storms thick wind,
Throwing thunder into splits that yell
splash up the resonance upon your thunders taste, You’ll wish you came back to this place.
splash up the resonance upon your thunders taste, You’ll wish you came back to this place
You’ll wish you could come back to hell.
Like stanky scales from Heavens kin blossoms plate. You’re golden thrown is this way.
God sung power chords of spiritual gold Far Beyond Justification
That strung out the vibrational Force that is the Lord I pray to Love to grow I Love to pray too grow bold too like hearts of rainbow can’t be sold too Their gems are cherished as sound.
There gems are cherished as spaced sound.
I pray to God that we’ll forever win the L❤️ve that You set us for.
The universe she breaks in such a pretty way,
And I cannot mistake that look upon your face
Put a grin upon my face
Sign off to forget of all passed due mistakes disgrace
Turn a leaf into a jet to boomerang your out
of utter faith
G d forgive my sins God forgive my ways
I apopoligize for beings always astray,
I apologize every single day,
And as for the only things that I can say,
Are as of the only things I can relate. Translate earthquKe the things we dance to break the things we get down to take the wings we blast upon each of our heads to trap the inside of hearts through there heads palace carpet tunnel ride to a door with a picture of a box and forever more.
Temptation gets the best of me
It beckons like the rest of me
Plz help me restrain myself
Plz help me ignite my spark
From the trees earthy bark
Plz G d forgive all our sins
For we are only humans deep within
Foolish and weak
Not like the trees
Ignite my soul with strength and love
Don’t let me use that awful drug
Let me tap into my reality
Without the help of calamity
Plz G d forgive all our sins
For we are just weak within
And I could not forsake the run the river it came to awake
Grass’s Treesin’ Life,
Soaked within,
God please ignite what wet our skin.
And I could not forsake the run the river it came to awake
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salosion · 3 years
🎸 🐍 🪓 🎸 🐍 🪓
🎸 🐍 🪓 🎸 🐍 🪓 🎸
🐍 S3L🕳🪓 Ƨ¡♾N🎸 🐍
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salosion · 3 years
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Index Finger 👆
#Painted 🎨
#Pointer 👇
#Zohar #Kabbalah
📖 🍎 🐍 🍏 🍄 🌳 👁👑 ♥️ 💎❤️ 💜 🕳 ♾ 📖
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salosion · 3 years
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Dreams Never Die or Expire That’s The Problem With Most They Quit Before They’re Even Ripe of Chance No One Knows What It Takes Till It Takes And Then You Break Make Quake It Cause You Can’t Ever Fake It Or Beat a Person That Doesn’t Give Up It.
If You’re Good Enough And Your Heart Is Pure The Universe Is Made of Stuff That Dreams Endure Reality is What Y👁U We Make It.
We Can Make It Whatever We Want In Actuality it’s all a beautiful miracle we must give Love Thanks To Everyday.
Reality Is What We Make It Dreams Don’t Die Or Expire.
People’s Hearts and Perception Do.
When The Outlet Is Inside The Plug Is Easy To Find 🔌 Y👁U Just Recharge Up The Fluid of The Soul.
Love Will Keep Y👁U Us Whole.
Love Is All We’ve Known Been Put Here To Come To Know
There is no Difference this life is a beautiful paradox trip gifted give Love Give Praise Give Thanks To The Lordd Swished It In a Net I Looped Round The Hoop of a Half Moons Bend When I Olay Dribble
Shoot it’s in the Cosmos Bend.
Dreams Never Die It’s Perception of Reality of Men.
♾ Salo Sion ♾
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salosion · 3 years
1999 Called ☎️ 📱 📞 They Want ♾2021♾ Bɐɔꓘ.
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salosion · 3 years
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salosion · 3 years
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The Reason They All Have E in It Is Cause of The Common Relation With E in Every Color Because It’s Relation with The E Is ENERGY.
EVERLASTING EAGER EARNING ENERGY Eardrums HEARE COLOR Earnestnesssly Eclectically Eccentrically Eccentricity Ecclesiastical Euphoric Easy Earnest Earthly Ear Splitting Colours Eating Earth Bits Of Everlasting Electromagnetic Experimentation of Electrokinetic Loves Electropositive Evolution Of EXTRAVAGANT ENERGY.
They Most Have E Cause It’s For Energy.
Empty Is Full Without Empty
Y👁U Don’t Understand Or Have Full.
The E In The Colors CorrElatƎs To The Ǝ In Ǝnergy.
Without The Letter Of Energy We Have Gold. Which correlates to The Most High The One That Makes Energy Spiral Fly Has No E Wonder Wondering Why Don’t We Speak More Of His Majesty’s Glorious My Oh My Oh My Thank You For My My.
No E better then Silver and Copper So Runner Up To Gold.
Gold Correlates To G👑D
G and The G
G👑D Which Correlates To Our Existence With Colors To Transcend Tying The Two & NOW HE EXISTS TO US AND IS BUT GOLD.
Phosphorus Correlates To His Flames Of F🔥🔥REEE Light His Angels Second To G👑D.
Who’ll Always Fight And Protect His Name And Those Who Serve It Oh Hey It Starts With The L that Correlates In GoLd, Lonely, take Away The L In
Y👁U Have
What Is G👑D ?
G👑D Is
And It Correlates To The and It’s The First Letter Of His Sacred’s Name Synonym
Eyyyy Starts With L Ends With E O 🕳 In The Middle and Half Upside Down Triangly.
🕳 + 🔻= ➰➿♾ = Ǝ
Is Lacking The E With The Energy Cause It’s The Sacred Empty Is Full Space With Sacred Energy That Allows The Energy To Reflect Off It’s Energy.
That’s Why Black Has No E Cause Black Is The Sacred Space Of Misunderstood Spirit Intensity That’s Allows For The Energy To Illuminate Us For Us That Allows For The Energy To Illuminate Us For Us That’s Why It Has No E By Spiritual Nature Theyre Inherently Separately Together Separately Conjoined.
Pink Doesn’t Have An E Cause It’s The Color Related To Love.
And Affection Kindness and Highest Of Spiritual Affections Pink Has No E In It By Nature Cause By Nature Its Above Energy Is Love Means Perfect.
G👑D Means Love.
Love Means G👑D.
G👑D Means & Is Perfect By Default Divine Design.
Indigo Has No E Cause It CorrelLates To The Higher Energy Of This World and Plane Which Has the E For Energy and Is The Color of Life & Soul.
Indigo Has No “E” Cause It’s The Higher Spiritual Vibration of This Earthly Beautiful Beautiful Blue
That’s Starts With B and End In E.
Indigo Is A Prophets Colour.
And Is a Color Meshed With Other Colors Hints of Purple Which Is The Highest Vibration Color Color Thats Relaxed and Calm Besides Red That Runs of off rhymes of Royalty Cause It’s Loyalty That Earned The Name.
Indigo Is The Color Of Great Devotion Wisdom Justice Fairness & Impartiality It Is a Defender Of Loves Rights In The End.
Indigo Brings Structure To Chaos.
No E
Energy Is Empty When It Encompasse’s Entire Each One Earns Together What Is Gained After Spirituality Energy.
♾♥️ G👑D ♥️♾
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salosion · 3 years
¡!¡אחים ואחיות שלי יקרים!¡! .
אני באמת אוהבים אותכם כמו אתם באמת באמת לא יודעה.
באנגלית אני רואה השיור הודעה של רק השם.
אחים מבין או לא אנשים רוצים אנחנו מת לא .
אנחנו אוכלים הרשים שלחם לארוחת בוקר, עים /\ זומנתי גם בזמן הזה אוכלים, קריות, גבינה, סלת, פנקייקים, לחם, שוקולד,דבש ועין חלב תאמים מעולה!! קתלני, קתלני,מצויין!! אנחנו כולם אומרים תודה אים הלב שלנו זה של להשם כי אנחנו מבין אל הנס של החיים הזה אהבה אחים שלים
השם אהבה אחים שלי.
רק אהבה זה השם .
רק עים אהבה לאשות אבודה של השם!¡!¡!
👑👑👑👑 ¡!¡אתה גיבור לעולם השם!¡! 👑👑👑👑
עים הלב לא נפל זה רק מ יש מה זה השם.
👑👑👑👑אהבה 👑👑👑👑 .
!¡¡!!¡¡!¡¡!¡!¡!עם ישראל חיייי¡!¡!¡!!!!¡!¡!¡!¡! .
העולם באמת רק גר כי אמונה של /\ ל השם מתי דברים לא
זה המבחן של העולם ולמה אנחנו גרים.
זה המבחן של אהבה.
זה המבחן של השם.
זה המבחן של אהבה.
זה המבחן של השם.
זה המבחן של אהבה
זה המבחן של השם
זה המבחן של אהבה.
!¡¡!!¡¡!¡¡!¡!¡!עם ישראל חיייי¡!¡!¡!!!!¡!¡!¡!¡! .
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salosion · 3 years
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“ Tw✌️ Fingers,
👆ne Is Medical,
Tw🤞🏽 Is Magical”
👑👑👑 @dr_lepeley 👑👑👑
So I Stumble Upon This Early Evening Trip Out With It’s Sudden Meaning 3’s My 1st Favourite Number 8 Is My Second.
So I Had To For a Second,
Count The Magic Reckons
Find Myself It Beckons
Find Y👁UR Self In Heaven.
Add Up ALL The Math & Infinity Is after 7.
7 - Look at It.
It’s Half of a Side of a🔻 #Triangle 🔺
The Tr🔻🔺NGL🗝Ǝ IƧ The Shape 🕳ɟ
⚡️#ENƎRGY ⚡️
⚡️#ENƎRGY ⚡️
So Long Story Short Long Story Long Short.
I Add The Riddle Up and Find Myself My Cup The Floor I Counted Up & 3👌 Is What Came Up.
Wonder What Beautiful Soul Did It.
Thank Y👑U Forever G👑D Bless INFINITELY
⚡️#EVƎRGY ⚡️
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