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I know we haven’t posted in forever and we do not plan on continuing the comic or anything, but I just really wanted to redraw this old art of Mae to see my improvement over the years.
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Happy Valentines Day!
In honor of this insanely stupid Hallmark Holiday, Echo and I present our attempt at relationship advice. I mean, we tried, take it or leave it. Hope you all have an amazing time with you s/o, all the buddies, or you spend tonight alone watching Star Wars...which is 100% NOT what I’m doing. Whatever you are doing, enjoy yourself and stay safe. Until whenever next time is. 
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We’re Back!
After what has felt like a lifetime, we’re back on tumblr and we’re here to stay at least for now.  Anyway, our return begins with this nice lil’ re-do of our first post in Echo’s more preferred not digital method that shows our new styles. In addition to this, we have a few “schedule” updates. 
-Our main comic is, for right now, canceled. It was hard for us to create the next comic as the way Echo planned on drawing the comics didn’t line up with how I was writing them. We might try again in the future with a completely new comic idea or try to pick that one up. With our schedules right now, Echo and I don’t have time to plan a full comic or long running story of any sorts.
-Our next mini-comic is coming out sometime within the next few weeks. I’m aiming for Valentine’s Day, as it is a Valentine’s themed comic, but it’s all about when Echo finishes it. (nothing on you, echo, we both live busy lives)  Look forward to that in the coming weeks.
-Planned right now is another mini comic to fill you guys in on what has been going on in our lives, or at least what we feel comfortable sharing with you guys. That one is mapped out as being longer than the all the other ones we have done, so I don’t now exactly when that one will be coming. 
- Also, Echo and I have been discussing personal drawings and writings here in addition to what we do together. Don’t hold us to that though, it’s only an idea right now. I know I have nothing planed to post, but Echo might. I only vaguely remember the details of that conversation. 
That’s all the “schedule” announcements I have. Until next time, which I swear won’t be a million years later. 
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Taking a break.
Hey... I’m sorry. Not only have we not been posting that much, but Jez and I have both been neglecting our responsibilities. Well, Jez and I did discuss this. The main reason we’ve been ignoring this blog is because we figured out that we didn’t plan out the comic well enough before starting it, and we’ve reached a fork in the road. We also are individually seeking out our own personal projects that we work on individually. (Also, I dont think I can stand to continue on making my comic while I look back and see just how terrible my old art is, which makes me just want to redraw everything)
Anyways, I am not sure if we will leave this account to collect dust, or if we will come back to it once we feel ready to continue on.
Again, I apologize for doing this, but I feel that both Echo and I need time to build up our own individual projects before attempting to work together again.
Thank you for your time. Also, ignore my spelling and grammar mistakes. I am extremely tired and haven’t slept for two days.
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Terminous Breakaway Part One
The time has arrived... THE MAIN COMIC HAS BEEN LAUNCHED!!!! YAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY! I cannot begin to explain how excited Echo and I are to have finally created the first page. I do not have a specific time/ date in which part two will be uploaded, but I will inform you guys when we have a set date (i think we should do it once a month but I haven’t talked to Echo yet). Anyways, that’s all for me today, hope you guys enjoy part 1!
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I found a redo of a previous comic in my laptop, so I decided to show you guys. Right now, I'm working really hard to make a few pages for our main comic. Thanks for your patience. </p><h2><b>~Echo>
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Terminous Breakaway~ Main Comic
                                       6 recruits,One Mission:
Intergalatic communication. These six strangers will be sent on a one way trip to establish intergalatic relations under the orders of (Not NASA because copyright). When they are forced to work together light-years away from their comfort zone, what will these young humans start loosing?
COMING JUNE 24, 2017
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Happy Pride Month!
Echo and I both wanted to post something special for Pride Month. Of course, we have been busy working on the intro and pilot for our main comic (both coming VERY SOON), so we didn’t have time to make a full mini comic.  After a long brainstorm session, we agreed on nothing. Echo surprised me with this design, so I don’t have too much more to say. Stay save with all the pride month activities and don’t fail at life! I guess.
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Mae Introduction
I’M BAAAAACCCCKKKK!!! Long time no see, aye? I’ll give you guys a little update/explanation in another post later, but for now I’ll give you the last character for the main comic! By far, she is probably my favorite character, Jocelyn is a really close tie though. Without more fluff from me, here is her bio.
The 22-year-old has made a name for herself for being the smartest member aboard. However, the Asian-American has struggled with a long time with being too smart for her own good, sacrificing her childhood for the education her parents forced her to get. Now that she’s older, she refuses to be anything her parents tell her to be, trading her Ph.D for a spacesuit and using her powerful brains to be more than just a pretty face.
That’s all for today, I hope you guys enjoy. I hope to become more active as school draws to a close for me, but I do have a few things that are happening the first week I am out of school so I will probably not post then. Until next time, if I’m not driven insane by the people in my house first. 
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Echo has returned.
Umm... Hello. It’s Echo. I am aware of my absence, and I apologize. The work that Jez has posted was mostly made a month in advance just in case a situation, like the one that has happened, was to arise. I occasionally have random times of poor health, and I waas quite sick for a bit, partially why I have not posted a page telling about me. I have recovered, by now, but now I am busy with loads of schoolwork and studying for finals, as well as managing a fullscale graduation party for my elder brother. Expect to see me a bit more often this time next month, because school is letting out in a few weeks, meaning that I will be able to work on art all day. I also intend on creating a sheet telling more about myself, but I am not sure if you guys would really care much for it... Please send us feedback, it is always appreciated. Thank you, and farewell until next time.
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Eddie Introduction
Hey guys! I told you I would post again soon. Anyway,this is the second to last character for the main comic. Within the next few weeks, the final character and an official title/release date for the comic. So, without further talk on my end, here is Eddie!
The 19-year-old is fresh out of college and ready to do whatever it takes to prove himself in his lifelong dream job at NASA. His success, however, comes with many dark secrets that got him here, making him only work harder to prove himself. Only problem is, he can’t seem to prove himself worthy to the most important person there could be: himself.
That’s all for today! Hope you guys enjoyed. With this posted, this means that only one more character needs to be posted. Tbh, I’m just waiting for Echo to finish the drawing, I have the bio written already.  Until next time guys!
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Marcus Introduction
Long time no see guys, I apologize for that. Both Echo and I are maxed out schedule wise and I am slowly being driven insane from all this stress. After a long wait, however, another character has arrived! Yay! Enjoy guys.
Marcus is a  26-year-old African American who served in the American Air Force right after graduating college.  He served until his leg was amputated after a major injury in Iraq, leading to being honorably discharged at 25 and receiving a bionic leg. Working as an engineer for NASA, his fast thinking, high intelligence, and serious manner made him a natural choice for the position of captain, the only thing holding him back is his PTSD and the fact he has been in the closet for the past 26 years.
That’s all for today guys. Another character should be going up really soon hopefully. Also, with Marcus being posted today, that only leaves two characters left to introduce and then the official release of our TBN main comic. That’s all I got for you guys today, until next time! 
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If Jez and Echo were Disney Princesses
I asked this question to Echo one time “Dude, what if we were Disney princesses?” and thus this comic was born. Also, its May the Fourth or Star Wars Day so I figure our Princess (Leia) needs some love hence the 6th panel. Anyway, enjoy and May the Fourth be with you!
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Umm.. hello. It’s Echo. I decided to do an art style challenge. I listed each style above the depiction on our o.c. Jocelyn in different styles. I add that my current style has changed a bit since I drew her in it. I will most-likely redo this in the future. Thank you, and farewell!(Note: I failed completely at the ikimaru style)
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Leonardo “Leon” Introduction
Long time no see guys. Sorry about that, Echo and I have recently been very busy with outside work and myself specifically with family issues. Anyway, today we present to you another character introduction for out tbn main comic. Without further ado, here is Leon!
Leonardo “Leon”
The 24- year- old spent his entire childhood sipping Sweet Tea on the front porch of his small home in rural Mississippi. Viewed as a womanizer by his town, he has repressed his true feelings toward men since his teens. Now that he has escaped the town, his vast knowledge of mechanics and talents in handy working will get him placed on a mission to space with someone he never thought he could love.
That’s all for today. I hope you guys enjoy. I just wrote a new mini comic that Echo is working on illustrating that should go up soon.. Until next time which hopefully will not be a long time again.
~ Jez
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The first look at our main comic!
Hey guys! I am so excited to announce two of the five main characters of out to be named main comic. I hope you love the twins and all the other characters as much as Echo and I do. So without further ado, a full introduction of Joey and Jocelyn.
A 23-year-old who developed a talent for computer programming and design. Being noticed for complex video game creations, she has worked hard to achieve everything she’s ever wanted in life. With her twin, Jocelyn, by her side, she feels unstoppable, that is until her family hundreds of light-years away disowns her, for one main reason, one that involves her biggest secret yet.
The 23-year-old twin of Joey has always been extremely likable. Known is high school to be the voice of reason for a multitude of disputes, she was recruited to be the first intergalactic human-alien negotiator. The only thing holding her back is a prior engagement, being the peacekeeper of her family. She ended up siding with Joey, and was disowned like her younger twin.
That’s all for today. The other three characters and Echo’s personal introduction are all coming very soon. Also, an official release date and title will all come in the following weeks. Until next time
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Hello. I supose this is my first time writing directly on a post. I am Echo, the creator of all visual art on this blog. I just finished this comic (after several redraws) and I wrote this this comic myself, so pardon my poor writing. This comic is about when I failed as a wingman for Jez. Hope you enjoy!
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