saltyxander · 6 years
lmao you clearly don’t know what pedophilia is, bad post op
by anti’s logic, klance is also pedophilia because keith is 18 and lance is 17
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saltyxander · 6 years
Some shallie: by antis lo-
Me:*already scrolling down*
Another shallie: i was born with glass bones and paper skin and u not letting me draw porn of min-
Me:*is already scrolling down*
Some shallie: all antis align themselves with the people who sent Jo-
Me:*scrolls down and blocks*
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saltyxander · 6 years
if you think sheith is pedophilia....explain why so many of the staff have expressed support for it, including kihyun ryu, who literally drew and uploaded sheith art to his Instagram? Like do you know more about the ages of the characters on the show than its literal writers/creators? Or are they all pedos too?
muffled shriek] - Hi. I'm Lenny. - [muffled speech] Oh, little buddy, did I scare you? I'm sorry. Wake up. Okay, don't worry about it, I'll get you out in a jiffy. Keep holding your breath, little wormie. - Yo, Lenny. - I'm coming, Frankie. - [Frankie] Move it. Pop's waiting. - Here we go. And gotcha. Okay, buddy, you're free. Now escape. Just go. Cry freedom. [shrieks] - You almost gave me a heart attack. - What are you doing? I was just... picking you some flowers. Hey, Mom said it's not okay to hit. [yelps] Mom's not here. [hums Jaws theme] Don't. [Lenny] Don't. - That song gives me the creeps. - Whaddya mean? It's our theme song. [interference] Are they gone? Are they gone? You sure? Good morning, Southside Reef. I'm Katie Current, keeping it current. We've received official confirmation the sharks are gone. I repeat: the sharks are gone. # Don't worry # Don't worry # About a thing # Every little thing # Is gonna be all right # Don't worry # About a thing Tuna Turner. Mussel Crowe. Jessica Shrimpson. Cod Stewart. [seal barks] [Katie] Up next, a mother of tells us how she does it all. But first, over to Janice for the traffic report. Thanks, Katie. Slight congestion here on the InterReef . There's an overturned mackerel. Authorities are trying to calm him down. Get out those shell phones and call in to the boss, 'cause you'll be late. [garbled yelling] Don't you yell at me. My mother is your mother, okay. [ragga scatting] - Yup. It's fake. - Fake? I worked eight years on that. # About a thing # Every little thing # Is gonna be all right [silence] [groans] According to the latest Scallop Poll, fear of sharks is at an all-time high. Join us tonight for an in-depth report. How long must this reef live under siege? Is there no hero among us? Who can stop this shark menace? Hi, I'm Oscar. You might think you know, but you have no idea. [rap music] Welcome to my crib. The good life, the way the other half lives. Check it out, I got my " high-def, flat-screen TV with -speaker surround, CD, DVD, PlayStation hook-up and an -track player for days when you're feeling a little... [beatbox] old school. [laughs] 'Cause even a superstar Mack daddy fish like me has to have the basic necessities. Yeah, like money. [laughs] Come on, Shorties. Why ya'll messin' with my fantasy? 'Cause you so broke, your baloney has no first name. That's very funny. Hey, Oscar. Over here. I gotta talk to ya. - Be right there. Hang onto these. - Oscar, you da fish. Yo, doo. Yo, Crazy Joe. Now that you live in that penthouse, can I be your financial advisor? That's a billboard, Crazy Joe. You live in a billboard? And they call me crazy. - Hey, Oscar. Look who came to visit. - [shrieks] - [Shorties] Gotcha. - No. Don't do that. - Shouldn't you be in school? - Shouldn't you be at work? Right back at me, huh? Little smart mouth. Look, I'm on my way. Stay outta trouble, all right? - And clean that stuff up. - See ya. [# intro from Car Wash] [# intro from Car Wash] See ya, Oscar. [laughs] # Say what, say what # Car wash, car wash Yo, what's up, fellas? Big O's in the house. What's up? Hey. Reef side. - Yo, Johnson, is it lunch yet? - You just got here. That's my point. Hey, Headphone Guy. - Lookin' good, ladies. - Hey, Oscar. Keep up the bad work. Huh? I'm already punched in? Angie. Good morning. Can I help you? [deep] One wash and lube, please. - Hot wax? - Please. Kelp scrape? We're having a special. Why not? It is mating season, and I'm feelin' lucky. Sykes' Whale Wash. A whale of a wash, and the price... oh, my gosh. Mm-hm. Mm-hm. May I suggest a barnacle peel? Removes lines and salt damage. - Good. - Hey, Ang. - Oh, my gosh. Hi, Oscar. - Thanks for covering for me. Yo, I'm sorry, Dun. Angie needs to get her freak on. Would you hold for one moment, please? Thanks. - Oscar. - Come on, Ang. Dance with me, mama. Let me see it. # Tomorrow I will be rich... - Come on. - Oscar. You're gonna get me fired. Please, you fired? That can't happen. 'Cause then I would have absolutely no reason to come to work. Oh, you don't mean that. Course I do. You're like my best friend. [gasps] [groans] Listen, tell me what you think about this. This is like the best idea ever, all right. It's a sure thing, guaranteed cash extravaganza. - Bottled water. - Oh, no. All I need is an advance on my paycheck from the boss and, Ang, I am out of this place. I mean, I am... pschoo! Oscar. Instead of getting in Mr. Sykes' face with another get-rich-quick scheme, go do something you're actually good at: your job, which by some miracle you still have. Oh. I almost forgot. - I brought you some breakfast. - You didn't. Kelpy Kremes? Your favorite. By the way, you're still on hold. Oh, my gosh! Thank you for holding. Busy, busy. Go. How can I help you? [muffled voice] No, I'm sorry. Mr. Sykes is at a meeting right now. He won't be back till later. How are my little babies this morning? You miss me? You doin' good? Huh? Huh? You see, Sykes, it's a fish-eat-fish world. You either take or you get taken. [winces] Truer words have never been spoken. Is that it? We done? Now, you and me, we worked together a long, long, long time. Please, Don Lino, it's hardly been like work. - You know... - I love that about you. Let me finish. That I've lived my life for my sons. - Raising and protecting them... - You're the best! He's the best, right? Am I right or am I wrong? Am I right? - It's all been to prepare... - Right? ...to prepare them... - Sorry. ...for the day they run the reef. Well, today is that day. - [sighs] - [record scratches] - [sighs] - [record scratches] Luca. # I like big butts And I cannot lie # You other brothers... Hey, boss. Big Butts. [chuckles] Oi vey! Long story short, from now on you work for Frankie and Lenny. - Capiche? - [Sykes laughs] Lenny? Frankie, I understand. But Lenny? You can't be serious. I'm dead serious. It takes more than muscle to run things.
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saltyxander · 6 years
shaladins stop screeching in the anti tags CHALLENGE
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saltyxander · 6 years
fandoms act like pedophiles don’t watch tv, read books, or use the internet. “fiction vs reality” all you want but predators consume content that aligns with their interests. real, actual predators ship adults with minors, possess child porn of both real kids and fictional ones, read stories that show csa in a positive light, etc.
like I can see a predator watching how y'all justify minor / adult ships and feeling validated. they don’t just enact violence outside of the internet. they are real people who consume media just like you and me. those of you who ship children with adults share a space with actual predators
it’s also wild to me that y'all don’t think a pedophile could ever be an artist or writer. I guarantee you they are content creators you enjoy on social media. you’re giving them a space to safely express their interests and you validate their inclination to hurt real children when you promote “hebephilia” as healthy. every time you say “the technical definition of pedophilia is 13 years old and younger”, some adult freak feels better about being attracted to a 14 year old. saved by the bell huh!
you’re harboring actual predators, making them feel great about themselves, giving them a platform in fandom & the ability to harass minors into silence with that platform. it isn’t just desensitizing kids, it’s also desensitizing predators
just like white people felt justified in thinking of black people as all sorts of stereotypes (monkeys, mammies, pickanninies, unintelligent, biologically predisposed to being enslaved, etc) thanks to racist cartoons, justifying pedophilia in fiction is a gateway to them excusing harmful behavior in real life and actually doing it. if that should bother you
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saltyxander · 6 years
whenever someone tells me to "learn the definition of pedophilia" i have to sigh & roll my eyes
i KNOW the definition of pedophilia, i learned it the hard way
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saltyxander · 6 years
not to be a discourse hoe but while i get the Hateful Anti stereotype because some of us get out of control, most of us just don’t want ped*philia and ab*se popularized and presented as normal.
stop playing the victim and going off about the mean people who won’t let you enjoy your ship when you can’t acknowledge the affect fiction has on reality & adjust your views accordingly.
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saltyxander · 6 years
i’m an anti and a victim of grooming and abuse, and i agree, relationships with age gaps aren’t inherently abusive - for example, a 40 year old and a 50 year old, despite the decade between them, mostly still have normal relationship with no age-related power imbalance 
it depends on what exactly the age gap is
in the case of shiro/paladin ships, shiro has been confirmed to be 25 (video recording of it here), while pidge is 15, and hunk, keith, and lance range between 17-18. And while an 18 year old is a legal adult, they are still in their formative years, they brain is still developing, whereas a 25 year old is an actual grown adult. And normal 25 year olds don’t engage romantically with teenagers because no matter how healthy those relationships might look, they carry an inherently unhealthy age-related power imbalance
25 year olds who seek out romantic and sexual relationships with teenagers are usually the kind of people who crave control, and no matter how mature an 18 year old may seem, they are still very susceptible to grooming
these types of age gaps specifically should not be promoted by media or romanticized, ESPECIALLY not to young people
I don’t care what all y’all think, an age gap in a relationship does not make the relationship immediately ABUSIVE or PEDOPHILIC or PREDATORY. The age gap relationship may be one of those things, but just cause it’s an age gap doesn’t mean the relationship is bad. A relationship is bad she one person emotional manipulates, abuses, or grooms the other. A bad relationship is person A forcing themselves onto person B. A bad relationship is when the person disregards your feelings and blames you for everything, making you think things are your fault. A bad relationship is when the person harasses you because you broke up with them to try to get away from said relationship. An age gap does not the relationship bad, the people in it do. But you still have to be careful, especially if you’re a teen dating an adult. click here for information on what grooming is and how to identify it. I read the article and actually got nervous because i read one or two things that my BF does. But I trust him bc he brought me to meet his family and friends. and that’s not exactly a thing that a groomer does. But still, you should read this to make sure your relationship is a genuine one. For my friend’s senior project, she hosted a school assembly and had an organization that helps CSA survivors talk to our school. They talked about how to identify if you are being groomed. 
Just cause a relationship has an age gap, doesn’t mean it’s bad. But still be careful and research to make sure the relationship you’re in is a healthy one
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saltyxander · 6 years
let’s unpack this
1. antis bashing shiro’s character
i definitely agree that a lot of people hate on shiro for no real reason, but i haven’t seen anyone give shiro’s character qualities to lance? and ALL my friends and mutuals in this fandom are antis, so idk where you’re getting that from
2. shendak
just because someone doesn’t talk about something doesn’t automatically mean they condone that thing. shendak IS gross torture porn, but it’s nowhere near as wide-spread, accessible, and romanticized as shaladin ships
3. shiro’s age
here is a VIDEO of the head writer of voltron stating that shiro is an adult, lauren montgomery and joaquim dos santos are sitting right beside him as he’s saying this, so yeah, shiro IS canonically an adult who’s around 25 years old
4. age is just a number
faaalse, the difference between an 18 year old and someone in their mid-twenties is huge because the 18 year old is still in the middle of their formative years, their brain hasn’t even stopped physically developing, it’s a bad foundation for a relationship and definitely not something that should be promoted to kids because that can make them more susceptible to real-life grooming
5. jealousy of keith & shiro’s bond
not really? keith & shiro��s bond is presented very differently from keith’s bond with the other characters, they’ve clearly known each other for a long time, but as we saw in season 2, shiro has a tendency to dismiss keith’s concerns, and generally isn’t too well tuned to what keith goes through emotionally
it’s clear that they really care about each other, but it’s framed in a very familial way, which is especially apparent in how keith really looks up to shiro and kinda trusts him to “fix” everything. he doesn’t look at shiro as an equal, but rather sees him as a protector/guardian
so no, as a klance shipper, i’m not jealous of their relationship, i have no reason to be
6. antis reaching for evidence of grooming and abuse in shiro’s character
i’ve never seen this - what i have seen is antis distancing themselves from shiro’s character because shaladin shippers take this character who’s framed as a responsible, yet mentally damaged 25 year old man, and turn him into someone who would engage romantically/sexually with a TEENAGER. i love shiro and can tell you that he would never date a damn teenager, especially not one that idolizes him and looks at him like a brother-figure
7. death threats
i have a problem with death threats too. i’ve been vocal and prominent in the anti community since 2016, all of the people i’m mutuals with and am friends with are antis, i’ve interacted with most of the antis in this fandom at some point, and 99% of them don’t send death threats, and whenever someone is exposed for sending death threats, they get ex-communicated - the thing is, the shitty people often yell the loudest
i regularly get death threats and threats against my family - this shit comes from both sides! stop acting as if antis send more threats or are the only ones to do it, because that’s just not accurate
there are just as many bad eggs on your side
I’m adding to the discourse here so here’s your warning if you don’t want to read this and get angry or involved. Plus I’m on mobile and don’t know how to put it under a cut oops my bad.
It’s incredibly interesting to me that a lot of these people who bash on Shiro’s character, often give the very same traits they say are bad and evil and “problematic” and gross… to Lance??
Clearly, the reason antis hate on Sheith isn’t because the ship is any of those things then. It’s incredibly hypocrital.
Lets also take into account that not a single anti talks about Shendak, which is straight up torture porn, as a problem. Don’t get me wrong, this is not a call out post by any means. I understand that what you ship doesn’t reflect your values don’t worry. However, you’d think the people bitching about problematic ships and how they must be eradicated in order for their “mastership” to survive (yes, that’s a Hitler joke) would be triggered by that too.
Nope. Somehow that’s okay to them but pretty much anyone else shipped with Shiro isn’t because Shiro is an “adult?” Because adults are bad mmm’kay.
Sure, that makes sense.
Nevermind the fact that the Voltron handbook isn’t official and that Shiro has been called a teenager from day one on all official products. For all we know Shiro could only be nineteen or in his early twenties since we have no idea when he joined the Garrison, or when he graduated, or when he went on the Kereberos missions.
Nevermind that age is just a number and doesn’t reflect who a person is? As the creators have also mentioned one hundred million times…
Nevermind that Shiro and Keith have shown to support one another at every turn and completely trust each other. That both Shiro and Keith have shown to give up everything they think is important for the sake of the other being okay. Not evidence that they are in a relationship sure, I can view it without the shipper glasses, but it is clear evidence of how important they are to each other. Clearly, a healthy and stable relationship in the making if it were to happen.
Anyway, I digress.
I’ve come to the conclusion this isn’t about age. It never was.
The antis are mad jelly of Shiro’s very real close relationship with Keith, regardless of whether anyone views it as platonic or romantic. They want the relationship Shiro has with Keith, they just DON’T want it to be with Shiro. And they are blinded by their own hate and jealousy so much that they don’t want to accept that Shiro is a good and well developed character.
They bash Shiro, make him the villain in their minds, reach for evidence of grooming and abuse… and then replace him with Lance instead? And give Lance all his qualities and angst and development, out right ignoring the things that make Lance’s his own character, and all the important growth he’s made as a character in the show?
I’m a multishipper, and it’s a good thing I didn’t join the fandom until late. If it had from day one, I would have HATED Lance’s character, and the Klance ship, because of the fandom.
People can ship what they want, and headcanon what they want of course. I do not have a problem with that. However, when people start letting it kill friendships, or start sending death threats to artists and even the creators and voice actors themselves, we’ve got a problem.
And no one come to me with the “no all klance shippers” or “but some shaladin shippers” argument. I’m talking majorities here, which already makes your point useless. And since a MAJORITY of antis made fucking headlines by blackmailing and threatening creators of the show or supported those terrible actions, I’m going to go ahead and say your argument is invalid.
I’m rambling again.
The point is, and I’m gonna throw down some real salt here, watching antis is like watching a bunch of toddlers who watched someone else get a toy they wanted for Christmas, so they break it and then throw a tantrum or try an manipulate their parents to make them go out and buy them a new one.
It’s childish, entitled, bratty, and honestly pretty pathetic.
Anti’s are in for a RUDE awakening when they get out of pre-school and enter the real world.
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saltyxander · 6 years
are you just assuming no antis go outside and work for csa prevention irl bc that’s a very narrow assumption that indicates that you might have a bit of a confirmation bias
i do volunteer work for csa prevention organizations & have helped host support groups for victims, so you’re not special
also lmao pretending antis are the only ones sending suicide bait and hate is rich when both sides fucking suck, i’m sure you’ve received some ugly messages just like i have, you can’t pin it on one side
Nice reminder that I’m working in CSA prevention in real life, with actual actions and moving things to fill a void that my country has on this topic, instead of creating pastel Tumblr blogs to spam with hate and suicide baiting people like if that could help anyone :)
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saltyxander · 6 years
Hey anti blogs
If any of you guys see blogs that post CP or who advocate for hurting or manipulating kids, please do NOT report them to tumblr. All that tumblr is willing to do is delete their blog. That person can easily make a new account or move on to another website. The person themself faces no punishment for this. Instead, please please please send in links to this site
THIS will actually lead to the FBI looking into it, and if tumblr deletes the blog, well then there goes the evidence.
You don’t have to fill out any personal info if you dont want; it’s super quick and easy. If you still dont wanna take the time, than by god make a post with the links for other antis to see and ask one of us to report it, or hell just message me the links. I dont wanna look at the posts but I will if I have to in order to report them.
Please reblog this post as well to pass the word around, because I’ve seen a lot of legitimately dangerous and even criminal posts on this site get deleted before they could be properly reported and viewed, and the poster gets off scott-free!
Let’s not let this keep happening. No more getting blogs deleted with no actual resolution. Let’s instead report them to the people who can DO something about it.
Thank you for taking the time to read this very angry psa
I’m going to @ some anti blogs that pop into my search just cause I know a lot rarely go into the anti tags (for obvious reasons)
@anti-pedo-patrol @anti-map-receipts @anti-ddlg
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saltyxander · 6 years
Like TBFH im Sooo tired of all sides of this discourse claiming to care about all minors when u kno damn well ya dont
Its one thing when you Dont Kno if a minor is being harrassed but its another to striaght up ignore it like lmao tf???
Shaladins callout ur side when they say stupid shit to minors
Antis callout ur side when they say stupid shit to minors
It is really disgusting how many antis knowingly ignore this stuff and its equally as disgusting when shaladins do it too
Making a post about it isnt gonna stop anything without action and i know that
I know tons of people will tell me to untag this properly tagged post and i kno some will try and ignore it but this fandom is fucked both sides
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saltyxander · 6 years
damn did it ever occur to u that we can do both lmao
If y'all put half this energy into harassing actual pedophiles (people who are attracted to actual real life prepubescent children) you would actually be making a difference.
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saltyxander · 6 years
“Images of child pornography are not protected under First Amendment rights, and are illegal contraband under federal law. Section 2256 of Title 18, United States Code, defines child pornography as any visual depiction of sexually explicit conduct involving a minor (someone under 18 years of age).
Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor.  Undeveloped film, undeveloped videotape, and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child pornography are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law.”
I saw someone made an argument in the anti shaladin tag about how it’s wrong to draw, say klance, in a sexual way bc lance is 17 and a minor so that’s child porn and that shit’s illegal. So I’m like okaaaaaaay slightly taken aback. That was like a week ago. Then tonight I realized, “wait… whoa, they’re fictional characters… does it count?” So if someone could give me hard proof that it does count that’ll be great. Like seriously, this shit’s messing with my head rn
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saltyxander · 6 years
antiantis-saltmine reblogged your post:
I’d like you to provide proof of the apology...
you blocked me so i can’t reblog & respond to u lmao smart move
anyways here: https://saltyxander.tumblr.com/post/165323524234/
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saltyxander · 6 years
how tf are you an anti yet still ship incest... apparently you ship jonerys which is an aunt and nephew??? yet you claim the moral high ground and say shaladins etc are wrong??
hello anon, when did i ever say i shipper jonerys?
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saltyxander · 6 years
What does it mean to be an anti
Ok. Things are getting insane in the vld fandom, from aggressive discussions to death threats. Why? Because “antis” and non-antis constantly clash in this fandom. But what are antis? I considered myself an anti since I joined this fandom, so here’s what I mean by being an “anti”:
I am against shaladin ships. But why is that? In my opinion, a romantic relationship between Shiro (25) and his younger Paladins (15-18) (Pidge, Hunk, Keith, Lance and Allura) is unhealthy due to their huge age gap and their power imbalance. Especially in Keith and Pidge’s cases we can safely assume that he has known them even longer, which leaves a very predatory taste in my mouth whenever people imagine them being in a romantic relationship. I hope we can all agree that Shiro is no predator.
And I’ve seen romantic art where Keith is in his garrison uniform while Shiro is in his instructors one. Where one of the Paladins is clearly a kid, even younger than in the show, being sexually involved with Shiro. (on a side note: making another Paladin way older, e.g. Lance and another way younger, e.g. Keith is the same thing. We just focus on Shaladin, since Shiro’s canon age is already 25 so there is tons of it) In general, there is so much sexual content. Sexual content between an adult and a teenager. Kids have access to that content, you only have to google harmless things to be exposed to that.
What I, as an anti, stand for, is the fight against harmful content in a fandom that is mainly targeted at kids and teenagers. That includes: - trying to create a “safe space.” Since I don’t have the power to make everyone understand my point and stop spreading harmful content, the least I can do is to join or create a safe space. The “anti” space. - trying to reach out to people. Of course that mostly doesn’t work because either people won’t listen or they immediately associate antis with hate and block all arguments coming from them. - speak out against it. Yes, that’s part of it, since antis DO think it is harmful in a lot of different ways.
What an anti should NOT stand for or do: - coming after people in a hateful and aggressive way. - seeking out shippers. - spiking up discourse every minute. - making this about a ship war since this is not what it is about. (e.g. klance versus sheith.) - sending death threats or threats in general to anyone in any shape or form. Not to shippers. Not to the staff or the VA’s. To no one.
To anyone who does this: You are not what antis wanted to accomplish by creating the “anti-shaladin” space. You are doing more harm than good, in fact, you are doing only harm and a lot of it. You are not only hurting people by threats or whatever (which is illegal), you are also getting in our way to get our point across. You are painting us as the evil doers (and I know people will see antis as evil no matter what, I’m aware of that) who have fun harassing people and have no actual goal they want to achieve. We want to put a stop to questionable content especially considering there are kids involved. Or at least have people think about what they are spreading in a fandom that kids have easy access to. You are not an anti in the same way we intended this community to see it.
I know people are already using this against the anti thing as a whole. And thanks to that it’s even harder for us to be taken seriously. And I in no way want to excuse any of the stuff some of those people have done. Because it’s not excusable. What I do want, is people to understand that it is not our passion to harass people and it gets harder and harder with “antis” who don’t get the point at all and do shit like that. And I also think some of that is our fault, too. We should have made clear what we stand for. This is not a shipping war, this is not about spreading hate. This is about getting a point across, about creating a safe space (at least, trying to), about educating people. Some people just hopped onto the “anti train” and completely misunderstood our intentions. So there are tons of “antis” who, instead of doing the right thing, spread hate. If you are one of them, think about your actions. Think about your intentions. Are you making this about shipping? Are you just having fun to be considered “evil”? Then you are just childish and no better than shaladin ships. Ask yourself, consider, think about it.
And I just want to say a last thing to other antis: Some of you have to learn to move on and get over things. Especially now with the whole Josh Keaton thing. First, the “discourse” is from 2016 and there was no need to bring it up again. And there was no need, there will never be a need for this, to send him or his family threats in any way. If you are just a person who has fun to fuel discourse or likes to participate in it all the time, think about what exactly you are doing. Discourse is not supposed to be fun. I am disgusted by your behavior and I feel very bad for him. He apologized, stood up to his actions and gave us an explanation. That’s what we want right? That people understand our intentions, that they don’t make fun of us or say harmful things. Josh did say some questionable stuff but now he gives us an explanation, he thought about our words (thanks to some antis who brought this up RESPECTFULLY!) and I think we should let it go now. I’m very glad he understood what angered us and that he explained without excusing anything so now it’s our turn to leave him alone and accept that people can make mistakes and we can forgive. We can. So do it.  
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