General wishlist
I gravitate toward books that are emotionally and thoughtfully evocative, and books that push me to the edge of my seat. I look for unforgettable characters and relationships, rich world-building and compelling voices. I also love to see unique narrative styles and mixed formats. I adore a sweeping romance, but don't find it necessary for every book.
I am interested in all forms and genres of children's and young adult books, from picture books to young adult, and YA memoirs to graphic novels. I'm particularly looking for more diversity in books, especially in the main cast of characters. For middle grade and young adult, I would love contemporary, gut-punching stories set in worlds as diverse as ours today, along with high-concept adventures, fantasies and sci-fi with vivid and expansive settings. For chapter books and younger, I am seeking fun, timeless characters and lots of heart.
At the end of the day, I want to see books that leave an impression long after the last page is turned, and books that you just want to re-read.
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