samanthapagesof · 3 years
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Concussed, tatted, and depressed. The big 3 ☠️ (at CLOUD NINE) https://www.instagram.com/p/CVO8LjYM-CiMAoRHdXHl2abOjXQH1aWx0hFHGM0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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samanthapagesof · 3 years
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#camdenmaine & #barharbormaine https://www.instagram.com/p/CQPUtZxMZNo/?utm_medium=tumblr
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samanthapagesof · 4 years
January 2021 Awareness: Cervical Health Awareness Month
Each year a variety of communities and organizations dictate a “monthly awareness” in order to spread awareness about a particular cause or health issue. There is a deeply rooted power in spreading awareness and with each month comes new information and studies surrounding the cause/health issue. With more people learning the more solutions can arise.
Knowledge is power. 
The United States Congress designated January as Cervical Health Awareness Month. More than 13,000 women in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year. According to the American Cancer Society, there are an estimated 4,290 deaths from cervical cancer in 2020, in addition to the 13,800 new cases in 2020. While the most recommended treatment is surgery and radiation there are new developments in research in the use of herbs as treatment for cervical cancer. A review done by the Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research focused on a variety of medicinal plants such as Rosmarinus officinalis, Solanum nigrum, Kaffir lime, and Garcinia nujiangensis. The review concluded that “The mortality rate due to different types of cancer has been increasing in spite of several treatment strategies for cancer. Plant-derived molecules or drugs could be an effective alternative for the treatment of different types of cancer. This review is an attempt to understand different types of plants and molecules which are used for the cancer treatment, especially for cervical cancer.”
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samanthapagesof · 4 years
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Photo 1: Photo required for class project. 👍🏻 Photo 2: Photo of me throwing myself away from the noise in the bush behind me 👎🏻 #merrittislandflorida #throwbackpic https://www.instagram.com/p/CH8lcCtH5Q1/?igshid=dgeio5a0aami
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samanthapagesof · 4 years
November Awareness: Healthy Skin
National Healthy Skin Month each November is sponsored by the American Academy of Dermatology. Some may not realize it, but your skin reveals a lot about your health. As many can attest to its a common factor to self-esteem issues and in turn that can affect your mental health. I can attest to this because I suffer from bad skin, this is in part my diet and lack of vitamin D. This month is important because it makes it known what it really takes to keep one’s skin healthy, as well as understanding how to treat and prevent common skin problems. 
National Healthy Skin Month seeks to inform the public about how they can reduce their skin cancer risk by protecting their skin from the harmful ultraviolet rays of the sun, a way to help prevent skin cancer is the proper application of sunscreen. There is also a variety of environmentally safe options for sunscreen for sensitive skin my personal favorite it here (no this is not an add just my recommendation). The National Healthy Skin Month public health and awareness campaign also works to increase the public’s knowledge about other essential skincare tips.
Herbs that can potentially help with skincare: Holy Basil, Calendula, Ashwagandha, Aloe Vera
Make sure to check out @grimwood_herbal on Instagram for more information about herbs that can help with skincare!
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samanthapagesof · 4 years
Ep. 1 Nightshade: Atropa Belladonna
The crisp cool air covering her like a wool blanket, scratching the layers of goosebumps consuming every inch of her body. Her heart pulsating so loud, her ears felt as if they are about to burst. The slight shake in her hands as she watches the young girl, Cecilia, sitting in front of her grind, and smash these vivid purple berries into a paste. She was using a mortar and pestle made from the stone of the sea, a gift Livia’s dear friend sent to what seemed like a lifetime ago. The day Livia opened it Cecilia was speechless and a single tear fell from her beautiful evergreen eye. The connection between Cecilia and that mortar and pestle seemed odd to Livia. Yet, she told Cecilia that she was allowed to use the mortar and pestle for her potions and poisons as long as Livia was never on the receiving end of one of the poisons. The girl sprinkled a small amount of magic into the paste and hummed an enchanting melody. 
The empress could remember when Augustus brought Cecilia to her, she was a beautiful young skittish girl whose skin was kissed by the star in the sky. Barely 14 years old, she had dirt beneath her fingernails and twigs and leaves sticking out from her light almost white yellow hair. When the slaves tried to clean her she demanded they save the mess of foliage from her clothes and hair so she may make a proper wreath to honor “the goddess”. 
It was then she received her first lashing the child’s back was an open wound for weeks, dripping with pus and oozing a vile odor that from time to time Livia, out of pity, would rub a poultice mixed with herbs and mud on her back to soothe the pain. A trick she was taught by Cecilia. An odd child, who even though she was forced to endure constant punishments, she never wavered in her beliefs, and this was a quality respected by the Empress. 
 “I can’t quite remember where it was Augustus brought her to me from, somewhere along the sea, north from us I believe, or was it south? I’m not sure. Although from the stories I’ve heard it was quite a beautiful place. ” Livia thought to herself. 
It was quite graceful how she is able to squish the berry and not get a single drop of juice on her. Instead, her body works as if designed to do just this. The empress sat in admiration of her ward, acknowledging the intelligence Cecilia held between those ears of hers, Tiberius was quite taken with her when she first arrived. He demanded she spend every waking moment with him and that he was going to marry her as soon as they came of age. The poor boy had no way to prepare for her rejection. She responded to his marriage proposal with a swift kick to the shin and a declaration that no person can have her, that she belongs to the earth, and the spirit of the moon. 
Cecilia added more herbs to her concoction and continued to hum an enchanting tune
That day so long ago was filled with sadness beyond the pain of having Tiberius’ heart broken. Even with Livia’s protection, she was not above disrespecting the Emperor and his wishes and those of his son. This was the day everything changed. Including Livia’s perspective of her husband, yet didn’t change the opinion she had of her son. As punishment for denying a man of power Cecilia was beaten bloody and exiled from Rome. To return meant death. 
Now, years later the two women sit across each other as opposites, it is Livia who sought out Cecilia and begged her help. 
“Fetch me that satchel from the horse Cecilia, I fear I may forget something if I don't pack it away correctly. It is of the utmost importance no one knows we were here, a single trace can be disastrous to what must be the future.” Livia shakingly spoke. 
“I do my own bidding now Livia, fetch your own satchel. For it is you who has a monster to fear not I.” Cecilia snapped.  
“Fine, child. Misbehave like always.” Livia responded and rose to retrieve the basket from the horses. She turned from Cecilia, took a few steps and turned to look back at what was once like a daughter to her. Cecilia, still meddling away, pauses to push up her sleeves to reveal deep pink scars around her wrists, a reminder of the time she spent under the empress. Livia shudders at the sight of her dark history and continues to the horses. 
A few steps to walk over the roots to where both their mares stood tied to the leaning tower of an Oaktree. It’s roots sprouted from all over the ground. Twisting and turning, design patterns like lace but bulky and rigid. The sky was rose and lavender mixed with orange as the sun sank from the sky and the stars began to shine. Standing under the painted sky, Livia caught herself in memory or rather a stream of memories, each about the same event but saved from over a period of 50 years. 
Augustus is her second husband, and Tiberius was a result of her first marriage. In later years Augustus adopted Tiberius and it was then she knew his fate was set. He was the spitting image of a demi-god and it would be at Tiberius's word that the world would be one under the emperor Tiberius. The seas would roar in honor of such a definitive leader and at his sword, each enemy would fall and be used to pave the way to the heavens to which she and her son would sit together and rule all. It was no secret that the emperor was one with specific tastes, ones specifically for young, beautiful girls. Over the years Livia grew to live with her husband's constant infidelity because their marriage was never really one based on love but instead mutual respect, it was a partnership. 
As the years rolled on the partnership began to waver when rumors about Livia's intent were questionable. She has always fought for the welfare of her son, his future was her future and he is destined for greatness. But members of the elite, too felt their champions in life were worth more than the plate they were served. The doubt in Livia started with the sudden death of Claudius Marcellus, Augusts nephew, considering his very mysterious death now meant one less possible successor for the line to be emperor. Then the mysterious deaths of Augustus's exiled son, two young boys Gaius, and Lucius. Their deaths were ruled by illness. Something quite peculiar considering the recent visit from a representative of Livia. 
This memory is something she holds as a sacred testament to their partnership and commitment. An overall representation of what she and the emperor were to one another. She taps the forehead of her mare and grabs a brown leather satchel from behind the saddle and returns to Cecilia. Who had finished preparing the poultice Livia had requested. 
Cecilia packed away the items and pulled a fig from the tree above where they were sitting, she grabbed a small wooden spoon from her pocket and spoke “To take advantage of the potency in these berries you must not touch it with bare hands, take a wooden spoon and cover the item with a thin layer of the poultice. Once it makes contact with the skin it will take an hour to kill. If the monster you seek to end, should have a small yet recent open wound it will take mere minutes to stop the heart. 
“Oh, Cecilia, how the world has changed for both you and me, what I wouldn’t give to go back and rewrite the past and change the decisions I have made.” Livia looked up to the sky with tears falling from her chin. 
“The past is set and all we can do is move into the future, Livia. There was a time for tears but not anymore. Pull yourself together and finish the task you have set out to do. In addition, this is the last time you will see me. I can no longer be tied to you, and the path you have chosen. I wish you no ill will and will mention you in my whispers to the goddesses. 
Cecilia mounted her mare and rode off into the darkness. Livia sat alone, allowing the silence to fuel one last look on that memory she once held so dear. Then she to mounted her horse and rode back to the emperor. 
She hung the brown leather satchel next to the door of her chamber. Across the garden beneath her, she could see right into Augustus’s chamber. It had been years since they shared a bed together. 
Most nights he kept the windows shut, out of respect for Livia. She only ever asked him to never force her to see his deplorable acts and in that request, her willful ignorance could shield her from heartache. She stood at the opening starring up to the night sky filled with little sprinkles of light, the evening air washing over her. No one was there and she stood staring into emptiness. Her mind filled with worry as she started considering what choices lead her to this point, and even a sliver of doubt in her plan had crept its way into her mind. And to what seemed like fate that on this night she could see directly into the room, where once no one stood, Augustus now stood in the embrace of a woman, the stewardess of the kitchen in fact. She was entrusted with preparing his meals, because according to him “She is the only one who knows what he wants.” Entangled with the stewardess he stops and his eyes meet Livias. It was like in that moment he felt a sliver of guilt and he just stared at her, and she back at him. A few moments pass and the stewardess notices his pause, Augustus then walks forwards and shuts the window. Staring at the now sealed window, Livia felt any kindness in her slip away as she put her hand to her lips and blew a kiss to her husband and went to bed. 
The next morning Livia awoke to find Augustus sitting at the end of her bed, dressed in his robe with her cloak sitting next to him, he took a deep breath and spoke, “I must apologize for the unfortunate events you witnessed last night. I have warned the guards about keeping my windows shut. But it seems they were preoccupied last night with drinks and women.” Livia forces a smile and comforts him “I understand that mistakes can happen, my dear, let us just move past this mishap and continue on our day. I assume you are ready for our outing?” “Yes my love, I am ready. I will meet you at the horses” Augustus’s rose and left her room, but not before he could turn around and smile at Livia, that smile that used to make her weak in the knees. A smile that promised partnership and companionship. “Oh, I almost forgot to mention, Tiberius is said to return within two days’ time. We received word from him this morning.” A jolt of joy made Livia jump out of bed and exclaim “that is wonderful, it has been too long since I have seen my dear son. Oh, how I have missed him so. I ache for him to be in my arms again.” Augustus smiled and nodded then left her room. 
Now dressed and ready to join Augustus, Livia puts the brown leather satchel over her shoulder, takes a deep breath, and is joined by her handmaids. The group of women walks down to the stables where Augustus is sitting on his stallion, with a hand extended to guide Livia upon her mare. The two ride along a familiar path, for the majority of the ride Augustus, spoke of news of the world and messages he had received in the morning about potential dangers from across the sea. But Livia kept her eyes forward with the occasional nod to acknowledge her listening. But the only thing in her mind was Tiberius and his return to her. How she longed to hear his voice, run her finger through his hair, and feel whole again. Tiberius is the other half of her heart and without him, she is half alive. 
They arrive at the leaning tower of an oak tree, its roots sprouting from the ground twisting and turning like lace but rigid. She dismounts her mare as he does from his stallion. The pair walk along the roots, to sit beneath an overflowing fig tree, together they sit beneath it letting the sun wash over them like a warm wave of water. The satchel still tightly around her shoulder she leans over to Augustus and asks “My dear, it seems I have forgotten my water pouch, could you retrieve it from the left side of my saddle?” “Sure, I will be right back” Augustus responds. With his back to her, he walks through the roots on the ground and nearly trips. They two share a laugh at his un-coordination. He turns his back to her again. 
She quickly and quietly removes the poultice from her bag and the small wooden spoon and carefully layers two figs hanging above her. Then puts the items back in the satchel and tightens it around her shoulder once again. Augustus walks back over and stands above her, looking down. He hands her, the water pouch and winces in pain, he exclaims “Ow, something pricked me.” He put his right finger to his lips and sucked on the open wound. “It seems you are in need of a new water pouch. We will have one made when we return. I wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.” 
He moved to sit next to her again. Instead, he is interrupted, “August my sweet, I believe I see the finest fruit of them all, look to your right next to her head. Don’t those figs look just perfect? I must have them. Here put them in the basket.” He reaches up and pulls the two-pieces of fruit from the branch next to him, one with his right-hand one with his left, and drops the fruit in the basket. He sits down next to her and leans his head back and closes his eyes. Livia stared at him, remembering all of the years and hours they spend under this very tree. Picking figs was an agreed outing the two refused to miss. It was the time they were free from judgmental eyes and could be themselves.
A few minutes passed and his eyes spring open and his body began to spasm uncontrollably. He looks to his dear wife and begs for help, but instead, she brushes his hair behind its ears and she leans down to whisper in his ear, “Oh my sweet Augustus, the emperor, the legend, the man, who believed to be untouchable. My love, go rest easy now. For it is time for the true emperor to take land and sea to rule as one. Tiberius is the future and destiny.” Augustus in his dying breath says “Live mindful of our wedlock, Livia and farewell" and he died as he kissed her cheek. She sat staring down at him, shut his eyes, and was filled with relief. Tiberius is to return and she is no longer tied to the man who stood in the way of her and her son's density. She gently kissed his cheek and laid on the grass next to him, blanketed with warmth from the summer sun she started to hum a familiar melody and dreamt of the future to come. 
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samanthapagesof · 4 years
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My roots 🌿💋 #colorado #mountainsofcolorado #photography #photooftheday #photographer #naturephotography (at Colorado) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbH1alH5fe/?igshid=vht8h9e25qgm
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samanthapagesof · 4 years
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Looking for a new way to light up your life? Light a @grimwood_herbal natural candle ⭐️ Buy now at https://www.samanthapages.com 💛 #herbalist https://www.instagram.com/p/B_cldVcHi76/?igshid=1cn3vfzigabff
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
#1 Don't Fear The Reaper-Short Horror Film
Don’t Fear The Reaper
Serena is a lone survivor from, what seemed like, a harmless camping trip with her friends Hope and Peter. 6 months later she is still trying to piece together the pieces of that hazy night and can't stop listening to her "dead" friends.
I’d like to add that this is my first time filming/writing/editing/directing a film of any kind and while there places it’s obvious its an amateur film this is a creative outlet I never felt I was worth. But the time and effort I spent in the story development are what I am most proud of. There is a lot of the story left out in this 5-minute short film that I hope to add to a feature film someday. But for now, please enjoy this spooky student film.
Thank you so much for those who helped me with this project.
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
The Girl Who Always Cried
Waves of Tears
She had Raven hair with creme skin. Her eyes soaked in tar clouded with the pain of every breath. She cowerd from any and all who approached her. Cold and disconnected. The idea of kindness haunted her day drams, hope was a sickness with a never ending search for a cure. She was a lost soul in a world that swallowed her whole and spit her out again. The rumors behind the rivers of tears ranged from whoretisc attention to pure rebellious rage channeled into a gothic state. She wore only black but once a year on October 31st, when the children would dress in costumes and masks filled with joy and eagerness for the sweets of the night, only then could she show her true form. Dressed in a white robe whose borders had such extreme yet delicate details, so elegant it appeared to be gold from the wheel of the baby snatcher himself. No one dared speak to her, for each who tried were answered with a cry all glass shattered into dust, and if one touches her weeps would cease and her turns turned black and with a voice from another realm she spoke “moarte”.
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
Casper The Friendly Ghost, A Childhood Favorite, Brought Back To Life
Exploring Casper The Friendly Ghost’s Home Town
A childhood favorite of many brought back to life in this day trip to Camden, Maine. The town that inspired many of the locations in the 1995 live-action Casper, a Halloween classic. When I say a town can truly take your breath away many Mainers know it is Camden I speak of, for those who want to explore the untainted beauty of Maine I highly recommend spending a weekend or even just a day trip to this natural beauty. This little town is the place that inspired the fictional town that is Friendship Maine, the hometown of a friendly neighborhood ghost, Casper.
The 1995 movie filming locations were mostly sets made and filmed in Hollywood, however, to capture the true essence of Maine the producers picked a coastal city a couple of hours outside of Portland to film many of the transition scenes.
The film follows the rollercoaster afterlife of Casper, The Friendly Ghost and his troubles to find love. He peacefully a haunts Whipstaff Manor while this three outrageous uncles, Fatso, Stinky, and Stretch are less than peaceful. Rather, they enjoy scaring whoever dares step foot in their self proclaimed home and regularly travel the world to scare who ever they so choose.
That is until the friendly and not so friendly ghosts afterlives are turned upside down when therapist to the dead Dr. James Harvey (Bill Pullman) and his teenage daughter Kat (Christina Ricci) move into Whipstaff on request from Carrigan Crittenden, the new owner of the manor who had tried many times to rid the mansion of the ghosts felt she had no other option but to call Dr. Harvey.
Little did Dr. Harvey know that Casper would fall head over heels for Kat. The sweet Romeo and Juliet type love will be put the test when a sudden tragedy falls on Dr. Harvey and Kat. The ultimate choice must be made and it falls on the head of a sweet young ghost, Casper, who only wants to find love in his afterlife. The Karaoke bar in the photo above is the place Dr. Harvey and his new pals, three ghosts, go to blow off some steam. NO SPOILERS HERE.
Guide to Exploring Caspers Home Town
This adventure was a day trip for me but could be spread out into a wonderful weekend getaway for the family or individually. It took me a collective of six hours in driving time there and back with two hours of exploration.
Start Location: Welcome to Friendship, Maine (Camden Public Library Park), 55 Main St, Camden, ME 04843
Latitude: 44.211580
Longitude: -69.064550
-According to LatLog.net
This is the location where the road into Friendship, Maine is said to be set.
Walking Time: 1 Minute (482.3 feet)
Next Location: The Karaoke Bar, (Marriners Restaurant), 35 Main St, Camden, ME 04843
Latitude: 44.210380
Longitude: -69.064590
-According to LatLog.net
This location is the Karaoke Bar Dr. James Harvey, Strech, Fatso, and Stinky drink their sorrows away and bond over the troubles of life… and afterlife.
Drive Time: 3 Minutes (1.3 Miles)
Last Location: Whipstaff Manor-In The Distance (Camden Hills State Park) 280 Belfast Rd, Camden, ME 04843
Latitude: 44.228180
Longitude: -69.049330
-According to LatLog.net
This location is a distance shot of where Whipstaff Manor is supposedly set, there is a difficulty in finding the actual location due to the fact the manor was a set in Hollywood. But none the less this location had some stunning views and even though the sky’s don’t match, this offshoot of seemed to be the closest in terms of cliffside and water location.
Take-A-Way From This Ghost Inspired Adventure
The drive for me was about two hours to Camden and two hours home. The drive itself was worth trip, not pictured here, I drove through a handful of small towns along the river and my jaw dropped each time. The drive is similar to driving through mountains towns in Colorado (my home state) but instead of just mountains you get mountains , a river, and beautiful houses. Downtown Camden, embodies the essence of Maine and I would love to buy a place there and spend my days watching the boats in the mariana. Plus they have art festivals pretty often. This is a place for me, one day Camden, one day.
For more Movie Locations in Maine, check out my guide to Stephen Kings 1989 Pet Sematary here.
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
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Explored #camdenmaine today, I’ve honestly never been speechless at the beauty of a town before and needless to say, @camden.maine took my breath away 🚙🌎 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3qJGdMhc0s/?igshid=1g8bp0w1nt8r1
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
Racing The Moon
1, 2, 3, go. 
My food to the ground
Pushing with the force 
Of a thousand hurricanes. 
To my left, the glow
Of the Evening star. 
It blinds me, 
But only for a moment. 
I slow my speed and 
Am Hypnotized 
By its deep-archaic 
With the turn of my head, 
I realize I am am 
Falling Behind. 
With each mile,
I feel my soul dragging. 
Pulling me behind the
Goddess of the night. 
I lose the race and
I bow my head to her
Sheer-Ultimate Power. 
I give you my soul, 
Queen of the night and 
I pledge my everlasting 
Love to you, in hopes
To catch you and walk 
Through the gates of Valhalla.
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
Walking in the footsteps of the King of Horror’s 1989 Original Cult Classic Pet Sematary
Recreating moments from Stephan Kings 1989 Pet Semetary
It’s 1989 and the world is craving another horror movie hit from the mind of the King of Horror himself, Stephen King. After Carrie, a shy, friendless teenage girl who is sheltered by her domineering, religious mother, unleashes her telekinetic powers after being humiliated by her classmates at her senior prom, killing many of people in the process released on November 3rd, 1976 it gave the general public nightmares for weeks. But major horror fans wanted more. Next came The Shinning, on May 23rd, 1980. The story is about Jack Torrance (Nicholson), an aspiring writer and recovering alcoholic, who accepts a position as the off-season caretaker of the isolated historic Overlook Hotel (The Stanely Hotel) in the Colorado Rockies. He suffers a mental break and is overcome by the spirits trapped in the Hotel. King produced a couple of other major books during that time that were made into movies, Creepshow in 1982, Cujo in 1983, Children of the Corn in 1984, Creepshow 2 in 1987 just to name a few.
Then the famous words were spoken on April 21st, 1989,
"This is where the dead speak"  -- Jud Crandall, Pet Sematary 1989
We were shown the dark side of not letting go of the ones we’ve lost, and the consequences that follow when we want to play with the rules of life, everything dies. In Stephan King’s Pet Semetary, Doctor Louis Creed (Dale Midkiff) moves his family to Maine, where he meets a friendly local named Jud Crandall (Fred Gwynne). After the Creeds' cat (Church, short for Winston Churchhill) is accidentally killed, Crandall advises Louis to bury it in the ground near the old pet cemetery. The cat returns to life, its personality changed for the worse. When Louis' son, Gage (Miko Hughes), dies tragically, Louis decides to bury the boy's body in the same ground despite the warnings of Crandall and Louis' visions of a deceased patient.
Having just moved to Maine, I thought it best to introduce myself to my new home, and decided to explore the dark side of the Vacationland and walk in the footsteps of The King of Horror himself, and place myself in the locations that inspired and/or where the actual locations the movie was filmed. For those who don’t know, Penobscot County is where Stephan Kings grew up and still lives today!
I made it a day trip and took my pup Atlas with me. My drive started at my home base, in Greenbush, Maine, and took a total of 6 hours, in drive time and with a few pitstops along the way! Below is a Travel Guide for my trip, and if you don’t want to start at the same spot I did I broke it down into drive time between each location. So you can start from any of locations!
Start Location: Mt. Hope Cemetery, 1048 State St. Bangor, Me. 04401
Latitude: 44.81931
-According to Yahoo
This location is where the Creeds buried their son Gage after he is struck and killed by a truck on the road in front of their house.
**I didn’t take a “recreation shot” at this location because when I arrived there were two services happening. I didn’t feel it appropriate to invade their privacy and I certainly wasn’t dressed for the event, a D&D t-shirt, running shorts and converse. Plus I had my pup with me, and he is all bark.
Drive Time: Approx- 42 Minutes 34 Miles
Next Location: Orono Hospital (Ellsworth City Hall), 1 City Hall Plaza Ellsworth, Me. 04605
Latitude: 44.54275
Longitude: -68.42389
-According to Yahoo
This location is where they filmed the hospital scene. Ellsworth city hall was a step in for The Univesity of Maine, where Victor Pascow, a man who was brought in due to being run over/head flayed by truck. Who before his death warned Louis about the consequences that would follow if he ever messed with the Indian burial ground.
Drive Time: Approx-46 Minutes 29.1 Miles
Next Location: The Pet Semetary, Behind- 313 High St. Ellsworth, ME 04605
-According to Yahoo
This is the location that inspired the Pet Semetary. The path is behind the Creed House and leads to a crowded graveyard that homes the many pets that children have lost who live in that area. Most are those who’s dogs or cats were hit by the trucks that fly down the road in front of Jud & The Creed Houses.
Drive Time: Approx- 10 Minutes 1.9 Miles
Next Location: Jud Crandall's house, 308 Point Rd. Hancock, Me. 04640
Latitude: 44.50791
-According to Yahoo
This location is Jud Crandall’s house. The old man who lived across the street from the Creeds whose been there for many years. He is a sense is a guide to Louis Creed and is the person who introduced him and his family to the history of the Pet Semetary.
Drive Time: Approx- 15 Minutes 9.5 Miles
Last Location: Creed house, 303 Point Rd. Hancock, Me. 04640
Latitude: 44.50838
Longitude:  -68.25458
-According to Yahoo
This location is the Creed Families house. They move to this house from Chicago because Louis was offered a job in this small town in Maine as the new MD at The University of Maine.
Drive Time: Approx- 2 Minutes 489 Feet
It was about an hour and a half for my drive home from the Creed & Jud’s house. On my drive, there were a couple of places that caught my eye. There was a residence outside Hancock that seemed like something from another century. Hancock is one of the towns you drive through to get to the Creed & Crandall Houses. There was a sign that said “Stone Hedge House” and the building was constructed out of stones, with a beautiful landscape design that honestly, they could charge people to just take pictures on their lawn. A restaurant/antique called 1A Relics is in Ellsworth. It overlooks a beautiful forest and pickups some one of kind trinkets and Maine memorabilia.
Overall, was an amazing day trip that is easy to replicate and if you check out any of theses locations make sure to tag #theportalpost & @theportalpost to be featured on Instagram!
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
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The missing piece of furniture from the kitchen of Larry Redmon, an investigative journalist, who lost his mind and obsessed over the legend of “The Bye Bye Man” after following up on a peculiar murder investigation Iowa in 1969. The legend says there is shadow figure who partnered with a hell hound hunts down and corrupts the minds of those who dare say or think his name. In a fit of rage Mr. Redmond wrote the phrase “don’t think it don’t say it” in every wall, object, and piece of furniture in his entire house. He eventually went completely insane. He shot and murdered 4 friends and at the end committed suicide and drank an entire bottle of drain cleaner. This is the last piece of furniture from his home. #dontthinkitdontsayit #thebyebyeman https://www.instagram.com/p/B0_oQS0BELh/?igshid=1uvlslud3buvd
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
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Vegas was out of this world 🌎 #vegas #lasvegas #lasvegasstrip #thepalmslasvegas (at Las Vegas, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0uQAc4hQ19/?igshid=z8076taimep5
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samanthapagesof · 5 years
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