samias700-blog · 3 years
Watch "First Day in Kangana's Lock Upp" on YouTube
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samias700-blog · 3 years
I won't say if Umar Riaz's eviction was fair or.. Its unfair! I don't think it's my department to have my say on it but I'd definitely like to say that Umar Riaz is a doc and must be very intelligent because that's what his field expects him to be.
Now, coming back to the topic of discussion "what exactly went wrong".
To start with I'd like to bring Pratik forward and ask him if he and Umar were best of friends in the house and like 'tejran', people outside had some ship name for them too. Something like, 'umatik'. Why he threw water on Umar? Guess he also amidst the ongoing task, wanted to play Holi with plain water with Umar. Like, Teja and KK had played it the other day.
Now.. The thing is very clear and is known by many. That Pratik just loves provoking people to the next level. He is a reality TV star, he knows that he can't raise hands on people but.. He surely can provoke them and to an extent that the other person ends doing something he shouldn't have done.
Coming back to Umar. He isn't a child nor he had just joined the show that he doesn't know how Pratik works. As I said in the beginning, Pratik's tactics are known to many.
Umar too shoulda been little aware of the fact that Pratik had done it ony to instigate him. He shouldn't have reacted the way he did. He had been receiving warnings from Salman Khan. Umar shoulda think about it, ony. But.. That guy... That guy destroyed it all and for what..?
I'd like to end up with a question mark. If any Umar fan wants to answer me! I'd like to hear to hear from them.
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samias700-blog · 3 years
Doc. Umar Riaz who needs no introduction is being a dumbhead these days in Bigg Boss 15. Hes after Tejasswi Prakash mercilessly. Like he's been bottling all this up from a very long time now.
Everyone knows that he has a problem with Tejasswi Prakash but going after her like this is definitely wrong. I am not saying it because ion like Umar Riaz or.. I like Tejasswi Prakash.
It's nothing like that. The thing is that like I said he's been bottling this all up and when he realised that he got someone by his side too. He started letting it all out and how..
Unfortunately or... fortunately , Umar Riaz had to keep all this malice for Tejasswi Prakash to himself because she is an established name in our entertainment industry.
Karan Kundrra being by her side only adds up to her popularity because Karan Kundrra is in this industry for almost a decade now and has a massive fan following. I mean who doesn't know Karan Kundrra.
Now that Rashami Desai has entered Bigg Boss 15. Umar Riaz I believe is thinking, that he can get off from Karan Kundrra's shadow and do whatever he wanted to now, freely. Without being bashed or jugded from people who loves Karan Kundrra and is being his fan from a very long time.
Rashami Desai herself is a known face of our entertainment industry and is entertaining Indian audiences for a very long time. She has come a long way, just like Karan Kundrra.
Rashami Desai being a contestant in Bigg Boss with his younger brother; Asim Riaz in season 13, knew Umar Riaz too.
They all used to party tgt. In fact some fans had also given Umar Riaz and Rashami Desai, a ship name. Though many of Asim Riaz's close friends has mentioned it that they both never had a scene. Umar Riaz just used to party with Asim Riaz and his Bigg Boss pals after the show ended.
Doc Umar Riaz being an experienced doctor, just stepped in the world of entertainment industry. He too holds a huge fan following. Being Asim Riaz's brother and a good human being but.. My friend! Every industry be it entertainment or.. some other, asks u to have talent, desire to work your ass off and HAVE A GOOD AMOUNT OF CONTACTS.
I wrote 'have a good amount of contacts' in all caps because it is what it is. Some people can ridicule it or have a debate on this but if u don't know people in a particular field and have good relations with them. Your hard work and your talent won't do u any good.
Having good amount of contacts doesn't mean you've to b 'Yes Sir' guy only. It also means that you should respect one and all and b let your brains b in the right place and not in your ankle.
My sincere apologies if I'm going out of context but doc Umar Riaz I believe should be a little patient with Tejasswi Prakash and considerate enough to understand that he can't just let go a friendship with Karan Kundrra which is quite evident these days. He even yelled at him for no reason.
Umar Riaz like I said should also b considerate that whatever Tejasswi is doing, right or wrong doesn't matter. He should not yell at her in public because she at the end of the day is Karan Kundrra's supposedly girlfriend and he should respect it.
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samias700-blog · 3 years
This is the Karan Kundrra I know.
He knows how to have fun. He is the kinda guy, you won't have a dull moment around with. His energies are always high.
Playing around with people around him and making people comfortable around him is his forte.
This trait of his is hardly seen now. Not gonna lie but this year's Bigg Boss has stolen his smile.
I believe if you're in a competitive game show. In which you make a really strong bond with someone. He or she should help u get the burden of the competition off your back.
Sadly in his case knowingly or unknowingly that particular person whom he goes to after every battle and after the tiresome day, is the reason why his smile is fading away with each passing day.
Let's joined our hands guys and help find Karan his lost happiness.
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samias700-blog · 3 years
This topic woulda been incomplete without the episode aired yest or.. the review Manu Punjabi does every night after the episode.
If you've still not realised, what I'm talking about. Let me tell yall that I'm talking about the outburst Karan Kundrra and Tejaswi Prakash had on yest night episode of Bigg Boss 15.
I'm referring to Manu Punjabi's review because I thought he had not noticed how Tejaswi Prakash was after Rashami Desai regarding a simple thing, she'd already clarified in an episode, aired a day before yesterday.
The thing is like Tejaswi was really pissed off with Rashami Desai for not saving her in a task. She questioned Rashami and she replied. It shoulda been end but Tejaswi decided to drag it. She kept asking Rashami Desai the same question over and over again.
If you've seen the 73rd episode of Bigg Boss 15. You'd have noticed during the conversation, Karan Kundrra, Tejaswi Prakash, Umar Riaz, Rashami Desai etc was a part of in the den. Umar and Tejaswi were talking because Karan made them talk because he wanted his supposedly girlfriend and best friend to talk their differences out.
On the contrary, while talking to Umar. Tejaswi out of nowhere turned to Rashami Desai. Asking her about why she hadn't saved her. Umar Riaz who was sitting in front talking to Tejaswi in his usual manner, took a backseat. When he realised that how conveniently Tejaswi switched to Rashami Desai, not having any explanations to his allegations.
Tejaswi Prakash was seen arguing about the same thing with Rashami Desai nearly 15 minutes or.. half an hour ago near the pool. Rashami Desai got frustrated and I believe anyone would get frustrated if someone constantly banging up ur head. She ended up saying what Tejaswi wanted her to say all that while but she said that in such a manner that didn't looked like she meant it in the first place.
Rashami was like, "it seems you wanna put words in my mouth, Tejaswi! What do you want to hear? It seems like you aren't happy with me saving Karan".
Tejaswi Prakash took out what she wanted to out of Rashami Desai and was like going one person to another telling them that its a joke that Rashami thinks that she wouldn't b happy if Karan Kundrra is saved.
Manu Punjabi as per my understandings didn't noticed it then but in his review last night, he acknowledged that he had made a mistake and that he too find Tejaswi wrong in that situation.
I'm saying that because in his review of the episode aired the day before yesterday, Manu was putting the blame on Rashami Desai. Which I didn't liked and I was surprised that why he was saying that.
As far as I know Manu, he always accepts if he's at fault. He never tries to defend if he is wrong. He tries to rectify it by bringing out what is actually the thing.
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samias700-blog · 3 years
Tejaswi has always done this. Whenever Karan Kundrra is on her side and has done anything for her. She stays happy.
Whenever Karan Kundrra tries playing the game and it God forbid didn't go on her favour. She starts questioning him and doubting his intentions. Like dude!!!
Tejran was fake from the day it started because people do have different opinions or.. Different takes on things but.. These two people were like two different poles altogether.
Karan on multiple times has also said that his patience level is now started to end coz it's teja only who always expected karan decisions to be on her favour. She has always questions him. Made him feel guilty for many things that doesn't turn out in Tejas favour.
She doesn't like Shamita. It's a world known fact. Hence why she always used to take karans class whenever she used to see both talking. Although Nishant never really favoured his beera in the game yet teja was always seen sitting with him, chatting gossiping about other contestants.
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samias700-blog · 8 years
Hello all
Hi there! I am basically a wattpader and write stories under the name of Samia Siddiqui. I heard a lot of Tumblr that's why I am here to promote my work on wattpad. I am also a photographer. So, if I ever click a picture that is worth sharing, ill definitely share it here with all of you. Thanks
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