samira-txt · 2 years
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samira-txt · 2 years
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samira-txt · 2 years
excerpts from FAWNS
the following sprung from the holy corpse of a mutated stag (incomplete): 
at the entrance of the hedge maze stands a stone fawn topped with a light sprinkling of snow, almost like powdered sugar. it’s a sweet-looking thing, especially in the sunlight when everything glistens. children and grown-ups alike pat its nose before entering the maze, seeking a blessing that they’ll make it back out. (they always do.)
unlike the stone fawn which stands holy and mighty before the green hedge labyrinth protecting all,
this ghostly entity inhabits the basement of a well-to-do suburban family, floating divinely and feeding on creamy milk-moonlight.
a little girl found it frolicking in the fields and like Jesus led it home, down, down into that dark underground space where it glows and swims among motes of dust and moths,
untouchable, playful, not helping or hurting anyone, just existing in an eternal state of gaiety.
the medicine didn’t work, and neither did prayers, so alone in that hospital room Jennifer nearly succumbed. her skin began to—decay?—and her eyes sunk deep. with no clear cause or cure, she thought it might be the end… until the image of a fawn appeared on the screen of the hospital machinery. it stared at her through that screen, met her gaze, and later on as her skin and eyes cleared up she wondered whether she might see this blessed digital creature again.
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samira-txt · 3 years
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showcasing some old werewolf pieces i’m proud of
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samira-txt · 3 years
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here it comes,
that cool and dizzy music.
what am i to do?
love is hell.
the scarlet rooms
beneath the earth
all smell like you.
off you go,
a golden, peach-sweet glow.
your colors mesmirize.
here i come,
a dog with callow teeth.
you fox with fawning eyes."
end ID.
title and inspo taken from @nosebleedclub's pinned list of september prompts.
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samira-txt · 3 years
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she sands me down, in her own way,
against the blood warm dark.
soles of my feet pressed flat to wood,
gritless fingers groping nothing.
my daughter sighs in her sleep,
a perfume, like apples and offal,
in her sweet breath. lips held apart
by the grown up, too-big teeth
she took from me."
end ID.
title and inspo taken from @nosebleedclub's pinned list of september prompts.
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samira-txt · 3 years
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so i'm seeded. so i outgrow all the trees. i snap the frame. i block out the light.
my mother is learning to swallow her screams. to vanish her tongue. her fault is mine.
i crack the bones of her body, the scab on my world. i listen. there's music outside.
moonlight licks my skin. it's good and clean. my father is crying. it's fine."
end ID.
title and inspo taken from @nosebleedclub's pinned list of september prompts.
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samira-txt · 3 years
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samira-txt · 3 years
Recently got reviewed by the lovely people at a curation site called Indie Muse. Check it out here!
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samira-txt · 3 years
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vignettes from will @vhsviscera's as of yet unpublished book
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samira-txt · 3 years
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where did I come from / / where am I going?
artist: hans vanderkerckhove
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samira-txt · 3 years
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Vinnoth Krishnan
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samira-txt · 3 years
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Good news! My latest booklet, "Kitty Cat: One Hundred Word Horrors" is now available for pre-order! Below are the links to its Amazon page, as well as everywhere else you can currently find it. Reblogs are deeply appreciated.
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samira-txt · 3 years
Discussion 4/2/21
1. Difficult things you did to survive 2. University library 3. Brown skin 4. Falter 5. Terrifying angel
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samira-txt · 3 years
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“Eugenia wasn’t a witch, but she was ugly, and dirty, and strange, and that was enough for the little boys and girls of Weaver Lake. That was more than enough.” 
Part rationalization, part confessional, “Eugenia” reveals the burgeoning evil that simmers at the heart of a deeply religious suburban community. The kind of evil that seems to take special root in the actions of children. 
To receive this story, go to my website and sign up for my mailing list. Aside from receiving the story as a downloadable document, you’ll only ever be emailed to be notified of new book releases. You can also unsubscribe at any time, no questions asked. 
Note: Please check your junk folder if you don’t see any new messages in your inbox. 
Reblogs are deeply appreciated!
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samira-txt · 3 years
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Alessandro Malossi  
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samira-txt · 3 years
hi, it's me, Kihnindewa. black, native, bisexual, two-spirit & trans & poet. it's trans day of visibility, and i wrote something like a short story about a painful but formative experience being a (trans) man loving another man (using these prompts from @nosebleedclub).
and i used an excerpt to do this with it :) i hope u like it.
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you can read the whole piece here on my patreon, at tiers $10 n up, and some more of my writing here as well as by taking this fun little quiz. i'm pursuing becoming a full time artist, and i just quit my unsafe pt job so i could really use & would appreciate some support for my art 💗💙🤍💙💗
thank you, happy tdov :)
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