sammibug93 · 7 years
[text] And here I would have thought you’d ask if I was really Alex. Considering you’ve never been able to get me to drink coffee, and the chances of me doing drugs are even slimmer than the chances of getting me to drink coffee.
[text] Which is kind of ironic when you stop to think about it because I like tiramisu-- which, yes, has coffee in it.
[text] I also thought we had established it was sleep was for the weak or sleeping for a week. Personally, I’m beginning to near the latter. I don’t know what has me up. I’m just at the point where I’m tired but sleep isn’t happening. And you always have pick-up lines, Edie. I’m honestly surprised you don’t begin all of our conversations with one.
Alex and Edie (because you've made me remember just how much I loved their friendship.) [text] I need coffee or weed or sleep, not sure which one.
[text] … What about coffee and weed? Cause if you make brownies with weed butter that’s totally a thing, then you can add coffee to that and it’s technically a mocha brownie. Or tiramisu cause I’m pretty sure that’s coffee.. But I’m not sure how to go about putting weed in a tiramisu. Weedamisu. (y) I’m so clever.
[text] Sleep is for the weak unless it’s nap because power-naps. I though we established this. But seriously, what’s got you up buttercup? Want me to pick-up line you to sleep? I’ve got some new ones… Not gonna lie. If I was a male and told you them. I’m like 99.8% sure you’d go me. 
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sammibug93 · 7 years
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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sammibug93 · 8 years
Kris Allen - Live Like We’re Dying
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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I could pee myself, that’s how excited I am to see that @thegleeacademy is back. I was in the roleplay before it closed down for years and I have honestly never seen anything like it. It’s the most welcoming rp I’ve ever been in and I was introduced to the most original and well-thought out characters there. I look forward to being there as it takes off again, I just know that it’s going to be great. 
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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In Ohio there is one prestigious school split into two sides; Dalton Academy for Dominants and McKinley Preparatory for Submissives. Both schools are combined into one giant, college campus, with classes and dorms for both submissives and Dominants. Children are born as “blank slates” and given a typical childhood experience and allowed to mingle equally. As their minds develop their roles begin to form, and by the time they are thirteen, every child has a mark behind their right ear to tell whether they are a submissive or a Dominant. At thirteen, they are sent to a D/s academy and put in their respective dorms and schooled for whatever role life has given them. Dominants may leave once they’ve officially graduated the Dominant program some time after their 18th birthdays, but unclaimed submissives must stay until they’re either claimed or they turn 25 and are then summarily shipped off to the slave markets. These are the stories of some of our 18+ students.
The Glee Academy has always been infamous for being a place where the widest variety of creativity is nurtured while the dark and macabre thrive. Not everyone is strong enough to survive the experience. Are you tough enough to stick it out during the scariest time of the year?
This is a triplet roleplay, so we have all of the canon characters, a select number of original characters, and everyone has two siblings that were born with them. We want both dominant and submissive applicants and we accept fraternal twins! Ignore the masterlist; because this is a reboot for most, all characters are OPEN. Players from any of the previous incarnations of TGA are welcome to come talk to me. No need to reapply, just message me and we’ll talk things over. 
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sammibug93 · 8 years
Album highlight from Storyline
Still Fallin’ by Hunter Hayes
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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Some of you might be wondering why I’ve made so many bisexual pride icons in the last few days. The answer is both simple and exciting;
It’s #BIWEEK and Celebrate Bisexuality Day is HERE
What is Bi Week? It’s relatively new, actually, having started in 2014. That means that we’re the taste-makers for how big this becomes, how visible it is every year, and how long it will remain a thing, so keep that in mind when deciding whether or not to scroll past this.
For those of you that are interested in the history behind this, Celebrate Bisexuality Day was created by three bisexual rights activists in 1999. Also called Bisexual Pride Day, Bi Visibility Day, CBD, Bisexual Pride, and Bi Visibility Day, this day was created because of the way that bisexuals are marginalized in both the hetero and LGBTQIA+ communities. September was chosen because it is the birth month of greatly-loved bisexual icon, Freddy Mercury. From there, this day of celebration has only grown in both recognition and practice. It’s been addressed positively by the city of Berkeley in California, universities, the White House, and in UK government. As previously mentioned, in 2014 the seven days that surround Celebrate bisexualiaty Day were declared Bi Awareness Week by BiNet USA.
Feel free to use this information, or research more on your own, to throw events in roleplays, give your character something to talk about, or just plain give you a reason for bisexual awareness and visibility. Fly your flags proudly. It would not be unrealistic for the city government or a group at school (student run or otherwise) to host an event for this. You can research some real events that real organizations will be hosting for inspiration, but a good go-to is an active day at the park with food vendors, games, and all the pride you can handle. 
Below is a list (with links, alphabetical by last name) of all of the bisexual pride icons that I have made. If you would like to request bisexual pride icons of anyone else, no matter what the fandom, just let me know. I will be putting these above all other requests until the end of Bi Awareness Week.
Keep reading
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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I haven’t made it easy on you…
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sammibug93 · 8 years
✿ ✌
✌ :Fondest role-play memory, between muses?
While I have countless memories that I love thinking about, I think one of my all time favorites is the journey involving Wyatt and James. They were always so much fun to write and I can recall countless times Eli and I were talking ooc about how stupid they were being, cute, loving, and just about any adjective that you can think of. They are probably one of my all time favorite ships to date, which is saying something because I usually end up loving my ships to pieces. It was such a trial and error situation, for both of them.James had his demons, Wyatt knew about them and made it his personal goal to help James fight through them. It made me learn my bratty and sarcastic boy was honestly one of the sweetest muses I had-- he just rarely showed that side of him to anyone but his Jamie.
✿ :Fondest role-play memory, between muns?
Can I just say all of the above? I have so many fond memories of the people I’ve written with. My ship partners were/are amazing. I was always invested in my characters and the ships that they got involved with, but I don’t think it was until I started rping on tumblr that I became so in-tuned with them an everything. I suppose the memory I’d have to go with, and I’m still technically cheating when I say this, is the days/nights where I’d be lost in a long conversation with my partners about our characters, plots we wanted to do, and creating silly little hcs that may or may not have been true.
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sammibug93 · 8 years
♂ ✉ ▼
♂ :Do you have a role-play/writing routine? If so, what is it?
I stare at my blank reply for three hours and constantly ask myself why it won’t write itself. Which sounds like a joke but is usually how it goes. Not necessarily for three hours but I’ve stared at a reply and asked myself that. Otherwise I just put on some music and lose myself in my muse’s head.
✉ :On average, how long does it take you to write a reply that you’re pleased with?
That depends. I’ve seen time that I’ve written a reply in five minutes and loved it and other times I’ve rewritten the same reply ten times and still don’t like it even after I post it.
▼ :Are there popular head canons for your character that you disagree with? Why?
I don’t think so. I generally play OC’s which means I’m the one who creates their head canons.
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sammibug93 · 8 years
✍ 😤 ☂ and ❤
✍ :Offer 3-5 tips on how to get other role players started on interacting with your muse. 
Depending on the muse you’re looking to interact with, this can be easy or difficult to do on a general basis. Alex and Wyatt are definitely the easier ones to interact with out of my muses while Jayden and Joseph are both loners more than social butterflies. So I’ll do one for each of them.
When it comes to Alex just have your muse say hi and be friendly. He’s a little shy at first but he loves to make new friensd. He’ll also talk your ear off when it comes to cooking or anything related to the kitchen. Or when it comes to gushing about Elliott and how amazing he is. >.>
Jayden varies when it comes to socializing and who he’ll socialize with. Pity parties and people who run their mouths just to cause trouble he’ll generally pretend like they don’t exist. Just talk to him and give him some time to warm up to your muse. Or to reach the conclusion that he doesn’t like your muse.
As for Wyatt, don’t take anything he says to seriously. His filter gets misplaced a lot of the time and he tends to speak before he thinks. But the one thing you can guarantee with him is the fact he won’t hide if he likes you or not. So if he acts like he likes your muse than it’s genuine.
Joseph will need to be pushed a little bit to socialize. He’s not good in social situations and he doesn’t do well with confrontation. So be nice and have patience with him and he’ll likely warm up to your muse after a while
😤 :Worse role play-related encounter and what advice you would give to others to avoid similar situations?
The worse roleplay-encounter I’ve had would have to be a while ago with one of my first official ship partners when I started rping on tumblr. Certain things happened ooc that led to character bleeding and just a lot of negetivity all around; both in character and out of character. It was not a fun experience and it made not only writing as my character difficult but it was stressful in my personal life too. My advice to avoid similar situations would be not feeling obligated to continue something when it’s effecting you out of character and not just in character. Roleplaying is meant to be fun and the moment lines begin to blur and you stop having fun is when you need to stop and consider if this ship with someone is worth it.
☂ :Spread some love: mention someone you’ve met that has influenced you or your writing in a positive way, and explain how.
Eli who I will come back and properly tag in a little bit. He’s influenced me in… honestly a lot of ways. I think one of the biggest ways he’s influenced me is by opening my mind up to possibilities I hadn’t thought of before. Not just when it comes to writing but in my everyday life. I don’t know if I’ve ever actually told him but I’ve had a few instances when I’ve referred back to something he’s told me and passed it along to someone else– opening their mind in a similar way that he’s done for me.
❤ :What are some role-plays that you have done/are doing that you particularly enjoy and wish to share with your followers?
I love all the roleplay’s I’ve done or I’m doing. I joined @thegleeacademy as technically my second roleplay on tumblr but it was the first one I’ve joined that I actually got to develop my characters and in the end I made so many amazing friends and got to experience the joy of watching so many characters and plots develop. It will probably be my favorite group of all time and the one I’m most sad to see go inactive again. The one I’m currently part of is @twistedwishesrp which another amazing group. It hasn’t flourished quite the way I saw TGA flourish, but it’s no less amazing and the members are too.
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sammibug93 · 8 years
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