sammiesonyourleft · 4 months
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early seasons spencer reid>>
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sammiesonyourleft · 4 months
I wish Sam Wilson got more love
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sammiesonyourleft · 5 months
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sammiesonyourleft · 5 months
when my local friendgroup hit our late 20's/early 30's we all metamorphosed into ancient romans and/or redwall characters bc now whenever we have 'get togethers' ppl are always bringing over cheeses and crusty breads and cured meats and olives and grapes and ales etc
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sammiesonyourleft · 6 months
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this MIGHT be spencer reid
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sammiesonyourleft · 6 months
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don’t make me cry pls 🥹
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sammiesonyourleft · 7 months
Sam Wilson’s tooth gap.
That’s all.
That’s the post.
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sammiesonyourleft · 9 months
city lights - p.p.
pairing: peter parker x black best friend f!reader
summary: your best friend finds you in a strange place mourning your failed relationship
notes: dedicated to everyone who had a bad situationship) (dis my own canon)
word count: 906
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"Oh hi, Peter," You say pausing your music, sitting up from your position.
"Don’t just ‘hI pEtEr’ me? What’re you doing up here dude? It's so late!"
"I needed to breathe. I hope you don't mind. What're you doing here?"
"This is where I come when I take breaks from night patrol. Is everything alright?"
Taking a deep breath in, "No Pete, they're not."
Y'all sit in uncomfortable silence before he asks "Do ya wanna talk about it?"
"I loved him but it wasn’t worth the heartache ya know. I lost myself trying to be what he wanted. I changed so much, and not to say those changes were bad… I made some pretty healthy ones. they were just for him. I adapted so that he’d be more comfortable… so he’d love me back… I realized that it was hella wrong. I shouldn’t be hiding parts of myself because he’s uncomfortable. I shouldn’t have to hold my tongue because he doesn’t like my response. I've spent many nights crying over the fact that he didn’t want to be with me and that I was trying to force something that was not there in the first place. I just wanted to see if he’d come around, ya know. that wasn’t my first mistake. my first mistake was not leaving when he told me he didn’t want a relationship when I told him I had feelings for him. my second mistake was staying."
He opens his mouth in disbelief, pausing before deciding his next words, "But you couldn’t have known that, y/n."
Shaking your head, "Peter, when a guy knows he loves you, he loves you. And he means it. no ifs, and, or buts about it. He will do anything to make you happy and keep you happy. I would know… I’ve seen it before. My grandfather… has dementia. He still goes out and buys my grandma flowers every week. I knew. I just wanted to see if he felt the same. Turns out he didn’t, and I'm difficult to deal with, and “I do too much”. Serves me right though… I knew this rel— whatever this was — had an expiration date, no matter how long I pretended it didn’t. I wasted my time." Sighing dramatically, you lay back down, covering your eyes as you finally come to terms with your feelings.
Peter rushes to lie down next to you, "No, you didn’t; This was a learning experience for you. Sometimes we go through stuff that we don’t want to. but it teaches us for the next time. so now if some guy comes to you now, you have the chance to set boundaries and make sure you're being intentional with who you're spending your time with. And if he takes off running then he’s not the one. If he stays and gets to know you, the real you, not the one that dirtbag tried to make you into, he could be the one."
"But how do I know that it’s not gonna end up the same way again? I’ve been in so many talking stages. I'm tired of learning what to do and what not to do to keep a guy. that was the longest one. and this one hurt the most. we had so many plans together. and now they’re all gone. because of me."
"Absolutely not. Wrong. Not because of you. Because of him. He couldn’t see past everything that’s inside you. He only saw what he wanted to see. He waited until you were fragile enough for him to break you over and over again. He decided he wanted to flirt with you after you told him you had feelings. He’s the one who stayed after you said I love you. He got into your head and convinced you that you were crazy. when you’re not. He had so many opportunities to say “hey I’m sorry, I know what you want but we don’t want the same things, so I think it’s best if we go our separate ways.”
"But he told me he wasn’t ready. I should have just listened."
No. Absolutely not. I’ve seen the text messages. He told you that after y'all bared your hearts to one another. Did you forget where he said he loved you back? Because I don't! That was a big thing. Y/N, Im so sorry he played with your feelings for months. You deserve so much better than that. I’m happy he’s gone."
"Well now you sound like MJ."
"Yea she kind of gave me the run down of what happened, but I knew I needed to talk to you. I don't regret any of my actions."
"What'd you do? Web him up in an alley?
His eyes get wide, and he pops up really fast, "Well well well, we have school tomorrow, why don't we get going?
"Peter Parker, what did you do?"
"I had to do something! He hurt my best friend! So I dragged him out his sleep and he's currently handing above the dumpster behind his apartment building."
You scream, "PETE! He's HANGING???"
"Yea... Please don't be mad. I can go take him down if you'd like." He looks genuinely scared when he says this.
You laugh, pulling him in for a hug, "Thanks Pete, you're the best friend anybody could ask for. Now let's go. We have pictures to take with a certain boy.
We be word vomiting. Please if you liked it this pic let me know. Any comments or advice will be greatly appreciated!
dai :)
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sammiesonyourleft · 9 months
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sammiesonyourleft · 10 months
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Please share far and wide. Do not give any of your time and money to these companies.
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sammiesonyourleft · 10 months
"It's the Great Paywall, Charlie Brown!"
Once again the greedy assholes have stuck "It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!" on Apple+.
This cartoon has been a Halloween tradition of mine since it first aired in 1966 on network TV.  For decades kids enjoyed this for free.
So it infuriates me that now the only people who can see it have to pay for streaming or the DVD.  I can't even afford streaming.
So here it is, the whole thing.  Feel free to reblog, download and/or share.
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sammiesonyourleft · 11 months
guess who’s watching Captain America: The Winter Solider ~again~
such a comfort movie for me
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sammiesonyourleft · 11 months
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sammiesonyourleft · 11 months
i love sunny days and hate cops. reblog if you love bisexuals
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sammiesonyourleft · 11 months
the older i get the more im like. brown and green are such good colors
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sammiesonyourleft · 11 months
first black fem sam fic i've seen in a WHILE. thank you 🥺
the girl at the front desk
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description: sam is hopelessly in love with you, the girl at the front desk of the VA. intended for black!fem!reader
author’s note: y’all know that part in catws where sam tells steve to stop by and make him look good in front of the girl at the front desk?? that’s this story.
disclaimer: i did some research about what the VA (office of veteran affairs) does and used that for this story. if you spot any inaccuracies please let me know🫶🏾
oddly, thursdays were your favorite day of the week. there was just something so peaceful about them. there was also the guy who came in once a week to lead the veteran therapy sessions.
sam wilson.
there was just something about him. his smile, his laugh, his kindness. most people at the VA barely acknowledged you; they never gave you more than a nod or simple “hello.” sometimes you would talk to visitors coming in, guiding them to where they needed to go. otherwise, you spent your days answering calls, emailing, and mailing things.
but not sam.
sam was the highlight of your week. he always came a bit early and stopped by the desk to talk to you. some days he would bring a chocolate chip cookie and drink from the café down the street. your friends told you that you should ask him to lunch; his sessions always ended just before your lunch break. but you were worried. what if he was just being nice? maybe your standards were super low because of the other people you worked with.
this thursday was looking like a good one. traffic was light, you had enough time to get a tea before work, and people seemed nicer and happier. at 11:45 on the dot, sam walked in - he was 15 minutes early as always.
“good morning y/n.” he said, his usual smile on his face.
“morning sam.” you replied.
“how’s your week been?”
you divulged some of the events of your week, leaving out some more personal facts. he listened intently, asking questions and adding advice when appropriate. in return, he told you about his week. after a bit of talking, you noticed the time.
“you should start setting up soon. it’s almost twelve.” you said.
“damn. i should start coming earlier so we can talk more, huh?”
“i wouldn’t mind that.” you smile, leaning forward a bit.
“i’ll talk to you later, y/n.”
“see you sam.”
as he left, your smile grew wider. it stayed on your face as you continued your day, counting down the minutes until sam finished. as you were working, a man stopped by the desk. you looked up, only to find the face of captain america in front of you.
"hi! how can i help you?" you managed to say.
"hi. i'm looking for sam wilson."
"he's in a session right now, but the room he uses is right down the hall."
you smiled in response, immediately grabbing your phone once he was gone. you texted your best friend, excited to tell her the news.
you: rowan, you'll never guess who just showed up at my job
ro💛: Who??
ro💛: ...He's a veteran, y/n. That sounds about right.
you: you always have to spoil my fun🙄
you laughed quietly to yourself as you put your phone down. you looked down the hall to see if you could spot steve. he was outside of the room talking to sam as the other veterans filed out of the room. as you were staring, you accidentally made eye contact with steve. you dipped your head down quickly, pretending to be busy.
after a few moments, you noticed steve and sam walking past the desk. steve seemed to nudge sam towards you before he walked out of the building. sam walked up to you.
"hey, y/n."
"hey sam! how was it today?" you asked.
"tough, but that's to be expected."
"it's really nice that you do this. people need it."
he smiled. "yeah?"
"yeah." you said softly.
he looked back over at steve, who simply nodded his head.
"i was wondering-" sam started.
"what time do you get off?"
"around four. why?"
"would you want to go see a movie? they have outdoor movie nights in the park nearby."
finally, you thought to youself.
"i would love that, sam."
he nodded, smiling as he walked off. he finally got a date with the girl at the front desk.
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sammiesonyourleft · 11 months
the girl at the front desk
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description: sam is hopelessly in love with you, the girl at the front desk of the VA. intended for black!fem!reader
author’s note: y’all know that part in catws where sam tells steve to stop by and make him look good in front of the girl at the front desk?? that’s this story.
disclaimer: i did some research about what the VA (office of veteran affairs) does and used that for this story. if you spot any inaccuracies please let me know🫶🏾
oddly, thursdays were your favorite day of the week. there was just something so peaceful about them. there was also the guy who came in once a week to lead the veteran therapy sessions.
sam wilson.
there was just something about him. his smile, his laugh, his kindness. most people at the VA barely acknowledged you; they never gave you more than a nod or simple “hello.” sometimes you would talk to visitors coming in, guiding them to where they needed to go. otherwise, you spent your days answering calls, emailing, and mailing things.
but not sam.
sam was the highlight of your week. he always came a bit early and stopped by the desk to talk to you. some days he would bring a chocolate chip cookie and drink from the café down the street. your friends told you that you should ask him to lunch; his sessions always ended just before your lunch break. but you were worried. what if he was just being nice? maybe your standards were super low because of the other people you worked with.
this thursday was looking like a good one. traffic was light, you had enough time to get a tea before work, and people seemed nicer and happier. at 11:45 on the dot, sam walked in - he was 15 minutes early as always.
“good morning y/n.” he said, his usual smile on his face.
“morning sam.” you replied.
“how’s your week been?”
you divulged some of the events of your week, leaving out some more personal facts. he listened intently, asking questions and adding advice when appropriate. in return, he told you about his week. after a bit of talking, you noticed the time.
“you should start setting up soon. it’s almost twelve.” you said.
“damn. i should start coming earlier so we can talk more, huh?”
“i wouldn’t mind that.” you smile, leaning forward a bit.
“i’ll talk to you later, y/n.”
“see you sam.”
as he left, your smile grew wider. it stayed on your face as you continued your day, counting down the minutes until sam finished. as you were working, a man stopped by the desk. you looked up, only to find the face of captain america in front of you.
"hi! how can i help you?" you managed to say.
"hi. i'm looking for sam wilson."
"he's in a session right now, but the room he uses is right down the hall."
you smiled in response, immediately grabbing your phone once he was gone. you texted your best friend, excited to tell her the news.
you: rowan, you'll never guess who just showed up at my job
ro💛: Who??
ro💛: ...He's a veteran, y/n. That sounds about right.
you: you always have to spoil my fun🙄
you laughed quietly to yourself as you put your phone down. you looked down the hall to see if you could spot steve. he was outside of the room talking to sam as the other veterans filed out of the room. as you were staring, you accidentally made eye contact with steve. you dipped your head down quickly, pretending to be busy.
after a few moments, you noticed steve and sam walking past the desk. steve seemed to nudge sam towards you before he walked out of the building. sam walked up to you.
"hey, y/n."
"hey sam! how was it today?" you asked.
"tough, but that's to be expected."
"it's really nice that you do this. people need it."
he smiled. "yeah?"
"yeah." you said softly.
he looked back over at steve, who simply nodded his head.
"i was wondering-" sam started.
"what time do you get off?"
"around four. why?"
"would you want to go see a movie? they have outdoor movie nights in the park nearby."
finally, you thought to youself.
"i would love that, sam."
he nodded, smiling as he walked off. he finally got a date with the girl at the front desk.
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