vaxxedagainstbs · 4 years
A semi rant
While I fully acknowledge the shaming fat people have been enduring for a long time in history, now that the society has shifted to be more accepting to plus sized people, which really great, but that came along with gaslighting, shaming, marginalising skinnies.
Everytime we vent about us getting bullied by family and friends and stranger alike, we are hit with "But doesn’t everyone like to be skinny? Why are you complaining? Society is built for skinnies, skinnyshaming isn't real, skinny shaming is like racism against whites"
From self-worth, image, relationships, personal experience everything is portrayed as vastly favoured for skinnies, then where, me as a skinny, at BMI 14 naturally, without any diagnosed medical condition, living healthy just really underweight, and people like me fit the narrative? Why were we distancing ourselves from social gathering, afraid to be shamed again, cowering somewhere less crowded with people?
Thin privilege exists, when we coin people somewhat within healthy BMI range as skinny.
Why is it so hard for people to grasp the fact that people under BMI 18 exist and they are like that naturally? Do we really need a new word for people under BMI 18 to talk about our problems without getting bombarded with fat people having it worse?
Some fat people can't shed weight because it's in their genes or medical conditions, but people like me having hard time gaining weight can just rely on double cheese burgers and grease because it isn't hard to gain weight, such hypocrisy!
How many of us we called names like twig, sticks, corpse bride, walking skeleton, bonebag growing up? Surely, they are very flattering sounding.
Every physical interaction done with unnecessary brute force just to state "oh look, you can't take that much, how weak"
Or being scooped up by friends just because they can and it's fun to toss us or shove us for fun.
How many of us were cornered to get our waiste and wrist measured with bare hand to see prove they can do it so, against our will in very uncomfortable situation? Getting poked?
Everytime there is a weight machine, we get asked to get measured because the whole room is curious if we gained weight?
Insults from family like they are ashamed to take us to anywhere. Rebuking verbally.
Being fed to throat until we feel like puking still not eating enough because we don't gain weight. Being the clown character in the circle all the time who can be poked at and make subjected to insulting remarks without any retribution.
How many of us were called we are not real women because we lack boobs?
With a demeanour that boy like thick women and we'll fail at love.
How many us have been wearing oversized shapeless clothes or shop from kids section because no store has our clothes? When is the last time an XS size cloths fit us as expected?
Job markets surely see us as weaks, drug addicts.
Throwing around fancy words like anorexia to describe us, when our doctors didn’t. Even so, people who actually has medical conditions, get still shamed.
Ironically, all of the above should be taken as harmless behaviour because thin privilege and everyone likes to be skinny.
And the famous reaction "how are you not dead yet?" And implying words "better die than living like a corpse"
It feels like as fat people are getting more voice, they are doing everything they have in power to shut our voice and dismissing us not acknowledging our problems.
If body shaming is going to be used interchangeably with fat shaming exclusively, then I don’t think I can see to their eye to eye anymore.
Say fats and skinnies face different problem, which is correct in the way that happen, but making it a competition and dismissing our suffering to be non existent and that fat is the only victim and deserves all support while they contantly belittle and gaslight skinnies is what boils my blood.
At some point I literally say to myself fuck fatties they can literally earn their pig name for the shit they are putting me through since my birth.
If someone isn’t subjected to the perpetual target for mockery for being skinny, they are not skinny. Periodt. Either we could get a name for being in the mocked population or the unbothered ones can get a new word, I don't care, but a safe place to talk about skinny problems and stuggles would be marvelous without getting it shifting to fatties having it worse, and let people realize how shitty they can be towards us.
It may have ended as a vent, both the senses apply. FATPHOBIA CAN BE FOUGHT WITHOUT GASLIGHTING SKINNY PEOPLE
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vaxxedagainstbs · 5 years
Posting about Achievements on Social Media | Admission War Etiquettes
Do you agree people shouldn’t post on their timeline about their achievements, anytime or in specific times?
If yes, kindly consider your connection with me because I think people can post about their achievements and any memories they deem worth sharing on their profile without being subjected to any moral etiquettes, regardless of any time in their life.
And I do too post about my milestones, and I have been under the impression that my friends will be happy for me and they deserve to be a part of my happy times, like I will be for them. In all social media I use, I let my friends know about rock bottom time as well because I am under the impression that my friends will be there to comfort me as well, like I will be there for them.
However close, anyone making a connection online with me are to some degrees my friends, who I by default think would have no problem peeking into my personal life as well. So yes, people connected with me will have the access to the overview of my life events that I feel comfortable to share.
I believe if I get triggered, or fall into depression by seeing someone else beaming from their achievements, that's a problem of my own that I work on myself. I believe in non-targeted circumstances like simply a status update merely giving a good news about themselves, those people shouldn’t feel obliged to cater to sensitive minds who couldn't achieve the same.
Yes, I didn’t have enough energy not to make negativities out of everything I've seen my friends celebrating during admission tests. And I worked on myself not make everything about myself at that time, in non-targeted situations like my friends celebrating earning a seat in JU-D that I badly wanted but failed miserably to make a position in the merit list.
I didn’t earn a seat there, which certainly means someone else did, knowing the name who, even if it turns out to be my friends shouldn’t affect me any better than just not earning the seat myself.
Good news is to be shared, and I'd feel offended if my friends didn’t share their milestones thinking it might hurt my feelings.
I honestly acknowledge that sometimes seeing my peers succeeding in a time when I'm failing feels like a huge slap, but I think it's wrong to expect them to halt their celebration to cater to my mind making a non-targeted situation directly targeted for me, that I'm not okay with.
Good friends think about others friends.
Certainly, and it happens both ways. It shouldn’t be an one sided duty to care.
If they really cared about my feelings, they would comfort me in words instead of concealing their good news from me.
Whether they care or not, I'd feel very much happy to see them celebrating their milestones and letting me get an option to congratulate them.
That's it, that's my stance on this issue. If you think the opposite, let me warn you, you're going to be very pissed with my timeline.
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