sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
Status Hierarchy System
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
Social Movements
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
Sexual Harassment
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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The broken window theory is particularly interesting. Within in this theory of deviance sociologists are able to understand how people choose to behave the way they do when considering “bad” behavior. In this picture we see two people who are obvioulsly partaking in deviant behaving—but why? Were they always like this or has their surrountings played a part on how they are able to interact with their world? For example, were these two people enticed into this type of behavior because their settings prompted it?
CONLEY, D. (2017). YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF: An introduction to thinking like a sociologist. S.l.: W W NORTON.
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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Socialization is the process through which people, children, learn things about their social world. Families help to foster these types of socialization and are a strong component of this crucial time of learning early on in a child’s life. Family traditions are one form of socialization, helping children to know what is of the norm and what is not. Participating in special holidays, especially those that are glorified throughout our entire country is a form of socialization. For instance, the carving of pumpkins during Halloween each year is a form of socialization that shows children various things; traditions are important on familial levels and is also (perhaps more in some cases) important on social level.
 CONLEY, D. (2017). YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF: An introduction to thinking like a sociologist. S.l.: W W NORTON.
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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Ethnocentrism is the idea that one’s values and beliefs sets them apart from those who do not share the same values and beliefs. This picture does an amazing job of depicting how we, as an “American” society, see ourselves as superior over those who are different than us; just as the girl in the picture potentially sees herself as better than the other woman due to the way she chooses, or believes, to dress.
CONLEY, D. (2017). YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF: An introduction to thinking like a sociologist. S.l.: W W NORTON.
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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When doing research there is no one particular way that encompasses all types of study that needs to be done. However, there are some interesting ways to gather information, one of which is participant observation. This approach allows for the sociological researcher to determine how people define their personal actions by simply observing them while they’re participating in said actions. The picture above does a great job of representing participant observation. Here we have three researchers who are seeking to observe how a panda cub is doing in its environment. From a sociological perspective we could examine the need to see how the panda cub is doing for a variety of reasons. For starters a sociologist may want to know how the panda bear interacts with its immediate surroundings, helping them understand what makes them survive and thrive. Another reason for investigating this population through participant observation could be to see how this species interacts with people or with its own members (other pandas). This could be especially true as the researchers in the above picture are dressed as panda bears while conducting their research.
 CONLEY, D. (2017). YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF: An introduction to thinking like a sociologist. S.l.: W W NORTON.
 Word Count: 214
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
Symbolic Interactionism
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Symbolic interactionism can be best defined as the way people interaction with the signs and symbols in their lives, to navigate their way through effectively. In the picture above we see the depiction of a “stop” sign. To those who know what this is, they understand that when approaching such they must stop (literally). This symbol is followed no matter where it’s location is: on the side of the road, in a school hallway, or on the side of a school bus. In addition to this placard being known for advising one to halt, in its particular placement in this picture (on the side of a school bus), the observer knows that they are being directed to stop a specific length behind the bus—making the placement of the sign as important as the ability to read and understand its message.
 Sociologists would use the theory of symbolic interactionism to help them make observations on how people interact with their world, and how said people make sense of their lives (Conley, 2017, p. 33). Using the above picture as an example, imagine there are several people in a group, some of who have never seen a “stop” sign. These people may drive their cars through intersections or into pedestrians if they do not know they are to physically stop from moving. In addition to this, if a sociologist were to look deeper into this picture they may inquire about how the weather has an effect on drivers. If the bus driver was putting out their stop sign, to stop, during a snow storm, the drivers behind them may take extra precautions to stop, while if there was no inclement weather the same drivers may simply regard the stop sign normally and take no extra care in slowing down.
CONLEY, D. (2017). YOU MAY ASK YOURSELF: An introduction to thinking like a sociologist. S.l.: W W NORTON.
Word Count: 298
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
Efficiency. Calculability. Predictability. Control.
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
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sammywich3269-blog · 6 years
Are we really only what we possess materialistically??
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