sandly-cosplay · 5 years
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sandly-cosplay · 5 years
How to make Indrid’s glasses mirrored
So I searched high and low for round red mirrored glasses and found nothing. I don’t want my eyes showing so I had to get creative for the look I wanted.
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You need to buy flat glasses and window film. It’s important the glasses are completely flat or the film won’t fit.
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Clean the glasses with a glasses cloth and glasses cleaner. Windex works as well. Make sure you don’t use a paper towel since it will leave particles on the glass. Cut out a square of film and peel off the plastic protection.
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Use your finger to press the film flush to the glasses. If you have fingernails it helps get into the grove. If you don’t try to find something that can, like a guitar pick.
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Use a blade or x-acro knife to cut around the edge of the glasses and remove the extra film.
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Repeat on the second lense and boom. You have mirrored glasses.
*Edit: Yes you can see perfectly fine out of the glasses! There is a slight reflection of your face but I can walk around in them just fine.
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sandly-cosplay · 5 years
I'm trying to make a mtmte tailgate cosplay but I've never made one before,and I'm not sure what to use or do. How do you all figure out the proportions and measurements of the costume; and is cardboard ok to use or just foam? Also do you just use a black Halloween jumpsuit under the armor ? Sorry for all the questions. 😐
I’m gonna put this under a readmore because it’s complicated.
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sandly-cosplay · 7 years
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Here’s a “life-hack” for you. Apparently concentrated Kool-Aid can be used as a pretty effective leather dye. I was making a drink while cutting the snaps off some new straps for my pauldrons and I got curious, so I tried it, thinking, “ok even if this works, it will just wash out.” Nope. It took the “dye” (undiluted) in about 3 seconds. After drying for about an hour and a half, it would not wash off in the hottest tap-water. It would not wash out after soaking for 30 minutes. It did not wash out until I BOILED it, and even then, only by a tiny bit and it gave it a weathered look that was kind of cool. Add some waterproofing and I’d wager it would survive even that. That rich red is only one application too. Plus it smells great, lol. So there you go, cheap, fruity smelling leather dye in all the colors Kool-Aid has to offer.
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sandly-cosplay · 7 years
Ever since I posted my most recent video of my Nightcrawler tail, my inbox has been filled with a bunch of miscellaneous questions of how I made it.
SO I just decided to give you guys a quick rundown with the WIP photos I’ve taken so far. Please feel free to use this method for your own cosplays, because the results are really amazing!! This can be used to make any type of moving tail, just edit the pattern to your liking!!
I loosely followed this tutorial, so credit for the original idea goes to him!! Between his and my tutorial, this way of making an articulated tail should be pretty clear :D
Supplies: -Paper -1 Craft foam board -X-Acto knife -Denim or some type of non-stretch sturdy fabric -Thick upholstery foam -Scissors -4-way stretch fabric
OKAY SO I started out with a digital pattern that I drew myself. I know I wanted it to be very long, so I made it as long as I thought possible without it dragging. IF IT DRAGS, YOUR TAIL WILL NOT SWAY. ALSO make sure your tail is horizontal to your body. If it goes vertical at any point, it will not sway with gravity. Please don’t make that mistake!!
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Be sure to number your pieces!! It’ll save you a lot of tears later LOL Then cut apart each number box digitally, and place them onto separate document. Here’s exactly what my documents looked like:
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sandly-cosplay · 8 years
a VOLTRON Paladin torso armor pattern
Hey dudes~ so someone asked if i was willing to share my armor patterns, and the answer is HELL YEAH.
So, here’s the dealio with these: 
1. I used a dress form sized to me to make these.
( that’s  5″5, ~150lbs, 39-40″ at the bust lv,32″ at the waist.and 16″ across the shoulders.)
they can resize, but that’s on you. ;D
know your measurements, know where things line up.
2. These are designed with EVA foam as the intended material. Stuffed fabric could also work. (maybe.)
3. I’m all for sharing creativity, but for frack or quiznak sake, don’t repost and say you made these. don’t remove the text. its irritating and ugly fine, but the notes on the armor are important. 
(it will confuse people and hurt my feelings okay? let’s be a cool fandom everyone.)
Let’s start!
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I recommend using a ruler. since this is on pattern paper (a godsend, btw) the distance between the little blue marks is all a perfect square inch.
the EASIEST way to achieve symmetry is to do one half and fold and copy it to the other. 
*I haven’t done the V shape yet, but can add it later or just make a proper tutorial thing.
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Note: registration marks! also, this is designated as the LEFT shape, and connecting to the BACK piece of the armor. not the front. (flip it over and you got the right side!)
Now, I realized after cutting the foam and making sure i can get my head through the hole, this could get interesting really quick when getting the chest piece on and off, especially since my suit zips up the back…
(or do, if you can fit. I can’t. broad shoulders.)
instead,on the back, I’m going to glue/staple/glue some black stretch fabric, and shape the gap to fit at an angle. it should sit flat when in place, and stretch when you need it to.
that way, you can get it on and off easily. 
**I will update on how this goes. 
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this is where folding the pattern for symmetry is REALLY handy.
and a good example of how great this paper is.
the length of my guard is 20 inches.it lines up with the marks on the torso pieces.
the line going across as labeled is the light level. (EL tape goes there! diffuse your LED’s guys! be careful of your circuits!)
I still need to figure out the shoulder pieces, but this is what i got so far!
for anyone new to EVA foam:
Evil Ted Smith’s youtube channel is a friggn gold mine, guys.
if you do use EVA, please be careful. its difficult to cut, foam gives off fumes when heated or burned, and knives are sharp and most dangerous when slightly dull. use a dremel to fix an edge, not a knife. (it wont work.)
I’d also be happy to make a tutorial for using a dress form for this kind of thing!
feel free to message me personally if you have any questions, happy and safe cosplaying~!!
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sandly-cosplay · 9 years
Reblog if I'm allowed to send you in character asks even if we have never talked before.
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sandly-cosplay · 9 years
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Hey there! Since i’ve (almost) reached a milestone, I decided to do some tumblr awards. Here are the rules:
must be following me
only reblogs count, but you can like this post to bookmark it
don’t unfollow directly after reblogging, please
I will choose 1 winner per category, depending on the amount of entries (so I might add a winner or runner-up)
please message me if you would like to be considered for a particular category
ends June 30th
Best URL
Best Theme
Best Icon
Best Mormor
Best (BBC) Sherlock
Best Doctor Who
Best Marvel
Best Supernatural
Best Pride
Best Original Content
Best Multifandom
And optional, in case of many entries:
My Fav Cosplay (can be any fandom)
My Fav Roleplay Blog (can be any fandom)
+ follow from me (if not already)
link on my blog/updates tab until the end of September
3 promos whenever you so desire until the end of September
a ficlet of a ship of your choosing (multiple chapters negotiable)
a playlist / fic rec / graphic / headcanon / whatever else you can think of
I will choose the winners early July, so keep your eyes peeled and good luck! <3
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sandly-cosplay · 9 years
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Castiel from "Supernatural" Btw, my first [true] cosplay at my first convention!!! 8D
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sandly-cosplay · 9 years
Forgot to mention, Seb's cosplay design was based off of hippano's lovely Sebastian Moran art!
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sandly-cosplay · 9 years
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Sebastian Moran from BBC's "Sherlock"
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