sandyxandy · 3 hours
Can I ask what you suggest we do instead of "vote blue no matter who" (re your recent post)? I'm not trying to start drama and I'm asking in good faith, I just don't ever see actual suggestions on what to do besides "disengage entirely," and I feel like that's not very helpful.
if you can't imagine political actions that goes beyond voting once every four years then sorry, but you're already disengaged
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sandyxandy · 3 hours
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Are you fucking kidding me right now
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sandyxandy · 3 hours
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sandyxandy · 4 hours
This is urgent 🍉🍉🇵🇸🇵🇸
The previous account has been suspended (shadowbanned) and I'm no longer able to send messages and do mentions
Please help me to donate or share
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sandyxandy · 4 hours
i don't think people take me too serious when i say i'm legally blind. Like, guys I am legally never allowed to drive, I need assistance with a lot of stuff because I can't see. People both irl and online tend to be like "oh but you're not THAT BAD OFF" it's not a thing of whether my eyes are "that bad off" it doesn't matter, they're still blind. i still use magnifying and screen readers. i'm learning braille because my eyes are getting progressively worse and I'd like to be able to still read.
I may not be totally blind, but that's the thing, a lot of blind people AREN'T Totally blind. Blindness is a spectrum. and i don't think a lot of people realize that. And I'm just as valid in my blindness as someone on the spectrum with better eyesight than me, or someone with worse.
(This is OK to reblog. I hope that sighted people who might read this really get it into their heads that blindness is a spectrum...)
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sandyxandy · 4 hours
I feel like I'm out here asking for help every other month but the bank is genuinely about to empty and I'm out of options. I picked up an extra job but it won't kick in until at least September. Right now, anything helps and I REALLY appreciate it.
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sandyxandy · 1 day
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sandyxandy · 1 day
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sandyxandy · 1 day
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sandyxandy · 1 day
so matt's absolutely giving scorched earth orders behind the scenes right. Not only are publically visible transfems dropping like flies, but every third person who musters up the audacity to comment negatively on Staff or Matt about this vanishes fucking instantly
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sandyxandy · 2 days
there are still people in the notes of that thread failing to grasp that this isn't a hypothetical for me. I know trans people up here who had their front door covered with 'I ❤️ JKR' and 'adult human female' stickers. there are active terf groups who harrass queer cafés and bookshops and use her name as an in-group identifier on signs and t-shirts at protests and at pride. she actually personally funded a trans exclusionary women's crisis centre in edinburgh, after her followers hounded and harrassed an inclusive service into shutting down. she is a tangible threat to trans people here.
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sandyxandy · 2 days
Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)
The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered
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sandyxandy · 2 days
If you aren't following the news here in the Pacific Northwest, this is a very, very big deal. Our native salmon numbers have been plummeting over the past century and change. First it was due to overfishing by commercial canneries, then the dams went in and slowed the rivers down and blocked the salmons' migratory paths. More recently climate change is warming the water even more than the slower river flows have, and salmon can easily die of overheating in temperatures we would consider comfortable.
Removing the dams will allow the Klamath River and its tributaries to return to their natural states, making them more hospitable to salmon and other native wildlife (the reservoirs created by the dams were full of non-native fish stocked there over the years.) Not only will this help the salmon thrive, but it makes the entire ecosystem in the region more resilient. The nutrients that salmon bring back from their years in the ocean, stored within their flesh and bones, works its way through the surrounding forest and can be traced in plants several miles from the river.
This is also a victory for the Yurok, Karuk, and other indigenous people who have relied on the Klamath for many generations. The salmon aren't just a crucial source of food, but also deeply ingrained in indigenous cultures. It's a small step toward righting one of the many wrongs that indigenous people in the Americas have suffered for centuries.
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sandyxandy · 2 days
If anyone's interested in handmade crochet stuff, here's my sister's ko-fi shop she asked me to promote!
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sandyxandy · 2 days
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sandyxandy · 2 days
Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)
The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered
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sandyxandy · 2 days
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