sapheriia · 1 year
itch edward art freedom of expression
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“ if you have an itch you scratch it . do you feel guilty for scratching the itch ? NO . i don’t know anyone who feels guilty for scratching their itch .. well the same way in imagination think of an itch as a new self concept, don’t feel guilty, don’t feel unworthy to scratch it .. there’s no bondage within you that stops you from expressing something within yourself “ - edward art , freedom of expression .
expressing something new aka changing your inner world is as easy changing your inner man ( the man within imagination ) who can move freely within your and can express a new circumstance that is change it’s state .
states are powerless unless given I AM . states are just an itch .
if your hungry in imagination you can just decide to eat something or be full .
everything can be expressed in this world ( imagination ) there’s nothing that can’t exist in this world all of these expressions are here they just need occupancy. theres no future or past in this world there’s only NOW remove past and future. there’s no trying because everything already is .
realize who you are within this world . every problem can be solved within imagination, through your inner man . start with imagination .don’t be so concerned about the 3D . figure out who you are in this inner world and learn how to express what you want in this world in order to express in the outer word . if you aren’t used to expressing in your inner world you simply won’t express it in your outer world . you are already what you want in this world just persist in BEING .
imagination doesn’t look to your background . free yourself in the mind first . associate yourself ( identify ) with the inner man . accept your imagination as the ONLY reality. not this outer world .. this outer world is a dream and it can be molded and shifted . freedom of expression is the greatest freedom .
don’t be concerned about the mental circumstances you find yourself in ., you might be frightened about a thought but don’t be concerned because you can always just move to somewhere else .. you can’t be stuck here you just can’t in order to be stuck you need to feel to be stuck but you are the I AM so you can be a new thing and find yourself expressing that . there are no problems in imagination that can’t be solved . it’s just an itch right ?
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sapheriia · 1 year
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snoopy museum, tokyo
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sapheriia · 1 year
The Omnipotent Light Method
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Hi everyone, as some of you know I’ve been playing around with combining the teachings of Neville, Alan Watts and Joe Dispenza, so I rediscovered a “new method” inspired by them, the I am state and the energy centers perceived in our body in order to get into the knowing, wish fulfilled and feelings of bliss faster in a simple way to concentrate your intentions!
I am calling this the Omnipotent Light method because it comes from a combination of being in God state per say, along with the visualization of a light field. This tends to work pretty fast for me!
Get into a focused inner state. By this I don’t necessarily mean to lay down. You can be walking, at your class, at a coffee shop, whatever. All it takes is focusing in your inner I am, you don’t literally need to be in the void like when you affirm for it before sleep paralysis. You can just close your eyes and visualize yourself being in a dark void. Hell, you can even do it with your eyes open as long as you’re a good visualizer. Try to focus also on your heart or pineal gland centers.
As you are in this dark place, or in a visualization end scene, I want you to imagine a powerful and well intentioned bright light that will do the job for you, even though you are also that light and everything that exists. That light will “possess” or surround the object, individual or situation you want to inject the desired intention in.
I’ll give a few examples:
I am manifesting white teeth, or super long hair. I will visualize a scene of myself looking in the mirror as my teeth or my hair light up as a body of white light (that’s always the color I chose for mine but you can pick whatever color you resonate with most) and as that light is there I assume and feel the fulfillment of my hair having grown a lot to my desired result, or that the light also makes my teeth ridiculously and instantly white.
Another way of doing this can be just imagine yourself in the void, but your body is a translucent outline, everything else in you basically being transparent. Then you have your energy centers with that powerful bright light and charged with an “elevated emotion” as Dispenza tends to call it, but for the sake of this being a Law of Assumption blog, just assume the centers to be in balance, coherence, basically working well and being strong. Basically you see your outlines and you are transparent but you see the centers. After lighting them all up, feel the space around you as in, an extended energy field of yourself that can be as wide as you want (wider meaning the energy in your body is stronger, aka you are doing well spiritually and in health) and that equally has that light in the same color, but a bit more translucent than the focused centers. After that you can focus on for example, as before your teeth, your hair, your skin. Another thing I did with this “almost void” place was focusing the white light on my face and intend clear skin. Next day, everything is pretty much gone.
You can also do this for specific people. You can imagine them in that dark place or in an end scene, or just focus on them in general. Then make their body glow with the light and set your intention, in which the light is transforming them permanently. Can be that they are the desired version of them that you want, that they love you even more than you love them, that they make a decision that you want… etc. Any intention should work. I use white light because it makes me feel like it acts with speed, efficiency and safely for everyone involved.
3. Open your eyes or comeback to the 3D and know it is done! But you can do it as often as you like, and it should produce the feeling of relief as many other methods.
Have fun :D Hope it works for others as well as it does for me!
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sapheriia · 1 year
practicing the shift in feeling.
the following is a segment from the 15th part called "awakening" of edward art's spiritual series. with this practice, you can exercise to shift your current state and assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled. in particular, you are recreating the feeling you'd have if someone familiar told you something that you wish to hear from them.
⠀⤷ here is the link to the original source !
1 ⋮ do what neville says and imagine someone you know. anyone. bring them before you.
2 ⋮ hear them tell you how great you are or how great things are going in their life.
3 ⋮ now practice the shift in the feeling. feel "this is real. they are actually telling me this."
4 ⋮ feel that shift that you just moved into this new world where you can actually hear what you want to hear. it is not longer just "imaginary." can you actually feel that, what you just heard was real? just as if you were to hear it in this 3D world?
5 ⋮ that feeling is what neville is trying to get you to feel when you imagine so you stop wondering about the how or the when and instead you experience it! remove all that stress and simply experience it.
6 ⋮ once you start to feel your inner world to be real, then you will become free because you can imagine anything you desire! you can feel what you have always wanted to feel, that freedom.
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sapheriia · 1 year
Hi, actually I want to enter in void since last year. But, i am not able to. Ik it's easy etc. But, I always end up failing. I have 0 motivation. Can you suggest me a technique or a challenge to wake up in void.
Heyy angel (✿^‿^)
Techniques :
♡ Commanding your subconscious to wake you up in the void state. Credits to me
♡ Yoga Nidra to enter the void state within minutes. Credits to me.
♡ I am state Meditation
♡ How to enter the void instantly using the phrase method. Credits to me
♡ A powerful Meditation technique to enter the void state instantly. Credits to @trynafindbarbiee
How to enter the void state. Credits to @konniesreality
Challenges :
♡ I am sure X sats challenge. Credits to @gorgeouslypink
♡ 3 day challenge to fix your void concept. Credits to @gorgeouslypink
♡ Phrase challenge. Credits to @milo-4-u-babygorl
♡ Zone out challenge. Credits to @milo-4-u-babygorl
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sapheriia · 1 year
hi, i’m saphie and i’m looking for moots <3 i’ve used tumblr a bit but i’m nowhere near used to this app. this’ll be like one of those girly blogs, just posting things like a diary probably. i’m also into law of assumption and shifting. reblog pls!
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