sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Movie night with friends
Warnings: kind of exhibitionism.
It was movie night with the girls, and it was something you had missed. There was always one of you that couldn't come, but tonight, everyone was there, and for the first time, you were the last one to arrive.
"Come in!" Hailee squealed while opening the door and dragged you inside.
"The others are waiting in the living room," she told you and closed the door behind you.
The girls had opened some bottles of alcohol already, judging by the laughter you heard almost immediately.
Hailee wrapped her arm around your waist and the two of you walked to the others.
It was a friendly gesture, nothing more, you thought to yourself, secretly hoping it was more than just that.
Playfully, Hailee cheered, "finally, everyone is here!"
All the girls turned their heads in your direction. "Get over here already!" Blake said, patting the spot beside her on the big sectional couch.
You practically ran only to flop down beside her.
"Thank you!" Blake jokingly said as she snatched the two bottles of wine you had taken with you.
"Hey! Those were mine!" you pouted, watching as she filled the empty glass on the table. "Here, drink up, buttercup," she said and handed you the glass.
You sipped your wine and watched intently as Taylor put her empty glass in front of Blake, grinning at her.
"You've already had so much to drink!" Blake joked but filled her glass too.
"I haven't drunk enough though, when I'm laying here passed out, that's when I've had too much to drink," Taylor giggled, sitting back, tasting the wine you brought.
"What do you guys want to watch?" Hailee chipped in, remote in hand.
"Something funny," Selena said, leaning on Taylor's shoulder.
"Something romantic!" Taylor said shortly after.
You looked at Blake with a smirk tugging at your lips, and she shook her head no like she knew what you were going to say.
"Ryan Reynolds!" you yelled out, in all seriousness.
"No, we are not watching a movie that my husband has acted in," Blake sighed.
"Why not? He's a funny guy," you argued.
"I came here to unwind, to get away from him and the kids."
"What do you wanna watch then?" you asked Blake.
"A comedy, maybe..."
"Okay, so a romantic comedy then..." Hailee muttered, trying to find a movie.
Ultimately ending up choosing Mamma Mia! Here we go again!
"Be ready to watch Taylor and Selena sing their hearts out," Hailee said, glancing at the two singers.
"Oh, so you're telling me you don't jam out to ABBA?" you asked her sarcastically.
"I do! But I'm only warning you, soon they'll be performing like they're on stage!"
Taylor and Selena only shrugged their shoulders in response.
It turned out that Hailee wasn't lying after all. After some more glasses of wine, Taylor and Selena stood on the table, the two empty wine bottles in hand, pretending they were microphones, singing at the top of their lungs.
"Does this always happen?" you asked, as you never had watched musicals with the singers before.
Blake only nodded, then her gaze landed on the two women as they nearly fell off the table.
"I told you so!" Hailee said, hitting your shoulder playfully.
"If they're going to sing all the songs, I'll need more alcohol," you said and stood up from the couch.
You left the women and went to the kitchen. Rummaging through the cabinets, and the fridge, trying to find anything to drink that could get you more inebriated.
"You know you should just tell her..." a voice spoke out behind you.
"What?" you said startled, turning around.
"Tell her how you feel about her," the tall, blonde woman said, walking closer to you.
"What are you talking about?" you asked confused.
"Oh, come on, we all see it! Blake even noticed it, and Selena and I have known for a long time now, hell, even Joe has become aware of it when he goes out with us!"
You looked away from Taylor, afraid that Hailee might have caught on too, about the fact that you were in love with her.
"I can't tell her... if she doesn't feel the same then I'm losing her as a friend."
"So, instead you're choosing to be unhappy?" she asked, sounding surprisingly sober.
"I'd rather have her as a friend than not have her in my life at all."
"I can understand that... but to be honest with you, it's getting hard to watch..."
"What do you mean?"
"When you look at her, it's like your world lights up, and every time she speaks, you're staring at her lips... and when she laughs, I swear, I've never seen you smile so wide at anything before," she said, smiling at you.
"It is so obvious to everyone else... and I don't think I've ever seen you so in love with anyone until now..."
You stayed silent, not quite sure what to say.
"Now come on, they're waiting, and a new song is playing!" she squealed.
"But I haven't found any alcohol yet..."
"That's because you're looking in the wrong spot, dumbass..." Taylor said and gestured to a cabinet that you hadn't checked yet.
"I'm taking all of this..." you said as you opened the cabinet, grabbed the wine, shoving some bottles into Taylor's hands.
"Fine by me..." she said smirking and started to walk back to the group.
"What took you so long?" Hailee asked, her eyes going wide at all the bottles you and Taylor had brought.
"Were you in my stash?" she asked, her voice suddenly sounding stern.
"No..." you said, but it sounded more like a question.
"You bet your ass we were..." Taylor said, stopping you from embarrassing yourself.
"You're such a bad liar..." Hailee said, a small chuckle leaving her lips.
Sitting down again, between Hailee and Blake, you glanced at Taylor, who sat opposite of you. She was just smirking, tapping Selena's shoulder, and her gaze instantly landed on you.
You wanted to glare at them but decided to just look away. Then Hailee leaned into you, her soft body pressed against yours.
It was difficult to focus on the movie as her perfume crept up your nose. She was so close, and you didn't know what to do at all.
Slowly you looked back to Taylor, who was too focused on the movie to notice your panic. Selena carefully put her arm around Taylor, trying to show you what you should do.
Taylor caught on and drank more wine so she wouldn't laugh at how terrified you looked.
Then you felt Blake push you closer to Hailee. They were all setting you up at this point. You inhaled softly and decided to put your arm around the brunette. She instantly intertwined your hands in her lap.
Exhaling in relief, slightly squeezing her soft hand in the process, you looked back at the movie.
That's how you sat until the movie was over, never moving away, sitting completely still as Hailee leaned into you.
"It's getting late," Blake said as the end credits rolled.
"You've already sent Ryan a text, haven't you?" Selena asked, catching on.
"Maybe... okay, yes... he's in the driveway, waiting for me..." she answered, looking guilty.
"Don't keep him waiting, babe..." Taylor said, standing up, pulling her in for a hug.
Then Selena stood up, giving Blake a quick hug.
"Hey, lovebirds, care to give me a hug?" Blake asked, a smile tugging at her lips as she looked down at how Hailee leaned into your touch.
"Oh... right," Hailee mumbled, letting go of your hand and stood up.
"Come here!" Blake said, squeezing Hailee, and hugging her tight.
She then let Hailee go and leaned down to grab your hands and pull you up from the comfortable couch.
"Didn't think I was leaving without a hug, did you?" she asked, pulling you into her secure arms.
"Just kiss her already," she whispered into your ear, taking you by surprise.
"I've watched you pine over her all night long... I'd rather be tortured than watch that ever again," she joked quietly and let go of you.
"You guys' better text me about this... situation," Blake said to Taylor and Selena, gesturing to you and Hailee, but Hailee wasn't paying attention at all.
"So long!" she then yelled, and everyone waved and said goodbye in her direction as she left.
"What do you guys wanna watch now?" Hailee asked, sitting down again.
Taylor poured herself some more wine, and said, "more romance?"
"I agree... more romance," Selena squealed as you glared at them.
Once again, the two drunk women tried to set you up.
Selena and Taylor were both slurring their words, commenting on how true the movie was.
"People do, don't they... wait too long to tell the truth, until the one they love is in love with someone else?" Selena asked in a serious tone, sadness creeping through.
"They do. It's devastating, really. Some people wait far too long, and then they realize that they were too late when they finally decided to be honest," Taylor answered, her slurring worse than before.
Their words stung. You knew they weren't just talking about the movie. They were talking about you, directly to you, trying to make you realize that you were letting Hailee slip through your fingers every day.
It wasn't a secret anymore how head over heels you were for the brunette that stared at the TV, watching as the characters regretted their actions.
You decided to not say anything. Instead, you poured yourself another glass of wine.
"Anyone?" you asked the remaining girls in the room, slightly shaking the bottle.
Selena slid her glass over to you, and you poured her some more.
"I don't think I should have more, but why not?" Taylor slurred and put her glass down on the table too.
"You two are going to be so hungover..." you said, looking at the two women who only laughed in response.
"Can you pour me some too?" Hailee's voice startled you.
"Sure..." you stuttered out, turning around to take her glass.
"Thank you..." she smiled at you, making you blush. Quickly turning around so she couldn't see your rosy cheeks, you filled her glass up.
Slowly you leaned back into the couch, handing Hailee her glass, and kept watching the movie.
Taylor and Selena enjoyed the wine, a little too much.
All that could be heard was the movie.
Then came the snoring.
"Oh god, look at them..." Hailee giggled, pointing at Taylor and Selena who had fallen asleep.
"They won't know what hit them in the morning," she went on, softly laughing.
"They never learn," you stated, grinning at their uncomfortable positions.
"I don't think they ever will..." Hailee said, placing her hand on your thigh.
Your breath hitched at her touch.
"Why didn't you tell me?" she asked, nearly whispering, which only confused you.
"Tell you what?"
"About your feelings for me..."
"What?" you asked, taken off guard.
"I overheard Blake..."
You looked away.
"And you've changed... y'know, you're more shy than before... and quiet. It seems like you're scared of being close to me..." she went on, stating her point.
"I'm sorry..." you apologized, refusing to meet her gaze.
"Don't be."
You felt her eyes on you as you kept looking away.
"Look at me," she softly said, cupping your cheek, forcing you to look at her.
She was simply stunning, but the sinking feeling in your chest only grew, like you had ruined your friendship.
Hailee leaned over to you and pressed her lips on yours. It was a soft peck, and then she went back for more, tilting her head.
She tasted sweet, just like you imagined she would. She was careful and gentle, and the hand she placed on your shoulder was warm.
"Is this okay?" she asked as she straddled your lap, her eyes searching your face.
You only nodded and rested your hands on her hips.
Not in one million years could you have anticipated this. How everything changed so quickly and escalated. She pulled away to catch her breath and smiled into the new kiss she initiated. It wasn't as gentle and loving; it was needy and impatient.
She kissed you harder and unzipped your pants.
"What are you doing?" you asked, pulling away.
"What does it feel like I'm doing?" she asked back, a small chuckle leaving her plumped lips.
Her fingers stimulated your clit, making you let out a soft whimper.
"Hailee... this isn't a good idea."
"Relax, they're asleep..." she reassured you, adding pressure to her strokes as she kept stimulating you.
With her free hand, she unbuttoned her pants, grabbed your hand, and placed it at her core. Noticing your hesitation, she started grinding down on your hand, smearing her wetness all over your palm.
"They're asleep. Don't think about them, focus on me," she said, as she kissed your neck, making her way up to your lips, hovering there, your lips slightly touching.
"How are you so sure?"
"I'm not," she answered, slipping a finger inside of you.
You gasped at the sensation, and she clashed her lips onto yours, muffling any moans that threatened to escape.
You found her clit and pleasured her too. The whole situation was surreal, two of your friends sleeping on the other side of the big sectional couch as you were fucking each other.
It was impossible to keep silent as she brought you closer to your orgasm, your legs were trembling and your strokes on her clit were getting sloppier, which only made her grind down harder, trying to chase her release.
She thrusted another finger into you, making you moan loudly.
"You need to be quiet..." she hushed you, leaning slightly down to suck on your neck.
She sped up her movements while starting to bite, leaving bruises on your poor neck.
Her thumb started toying with your clit, occasionally hitting your bundle of nerves just right, making you shudder. She grinded down on your hand more frantic than before, until she finally nuzzled into you. She held her free hand over her mouth, trying to silence herself as she came.
Her movements became sloppy as she panted on top of you, so you had to ride her fingers. You were desperate to have an orgasm yourself, doing anything just to get closer.
When she started thrusting her fingers again, you moaned, louder than you should have.
You looked over at Taylor's moving body, and before you could react, Hailee's hand was on your mouth, shutting you up. Making sure no sound would leave your lips.
"Shhh." Was all you heard as she pumped her fingers into you, sending you over the edge.
Your breathing was rapid, even more so as you could only breathe through your nose. Hailee smirked down at you, looking at how you arched your back into the couch.
She kissed your cheek softly, and rested her forehead against yours, letting you catch your breath.
"Would you like to order something to eat?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
"Yes," you giggled, with a smile tugging at your lips.
"Oh, thank god, you're finally done," Selena said, slowly sitting up.
Hailee and you froze, like you both turned into ice.
"And you better go wash your hands before I order pizza," Taylor followed up, before standing up, and picking her phone up from the table.
"You were both awake all this time?!" you asked confused.
"No, the moaning woke me up," Selena answered unbothered by the question.
"Same, but I am so texting Blake about this. She is going to flip out!"
Hailee got off your lap as fast as humanly possible to run after Taylor who was going to spill the tea to Blake.
"Nuh uh, get your sticky fingers away from me and my phone. Don't you dare!" You heard Taylor scream at Hailee, before she ran out of the living room, in a hurry to get in contact with Blake.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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The very first night
This is what happened in the hotel room before, "I will always love you more than him"
Warnings: Infidelity.
You hadn't planned on staying at a hotel. But here you were, putting your bags on the floor, looking around the dim room.
It was just a quick stop. For one night. Phoebe was supposed to catch a flight tonight, but she changed her mind, saying she'd take an early flight the next day.
It was impulsive of her. But how could you tell her no? She needed to rest.
She walked past you, put her own bag on the bed, and took out a bottle of wine. You only stood and watched as she took two glasses from the cabinet.
"Do you want some?" she asked while pouring the red liquid.
"Oh, yeah, sure..." you answered her with a shy smile.
You walked towards her when she held the glass out for you to take, then followed her out on the balcony.
The cold breeze felt good on your skin. The city lights shined in the distance. It was like the city came alive after dark. It was a beautiful sight, easy to take in, but even easier to forget.
"Does it ever become too much?" you asked and sat down on one of the chairs.
"What do you mean?"
"This life... travelling and going on tour," you went on.
"Why do you think I bought this wine?" she joked, making you laugh.
"Fair point."
She took a sip of her wine, looking out at all the shining lights.
"I'm happy you invited me," you said, smiling at her.
"And I'm happy you decided to come with."
She looked thankful. Maybe even relieved.
"Why didn't you invite Paul?" you asked unbothered and drank some of your wine.
"It's not really his scene..." she answered, drinking some more wine so she couldn't elaborate.
He didn't seem enthusiastic about her career. But you were. You always supported her, even if she had rebellious ideas and got in trouble, you were her partner in crime. He simply wasn't.
"His loss then," you said.
"Yeah..." she agreed lowly.
She deserved better. It was all you could think of as you drank the rest of your wine. He was an idiot. And she was the best goddamn thing that ever happened to him.
Maybe his ego was too big for him to realize that he should be more supportive of her.
"Do you want some more?" she asked, signalizing to your empty glass.
"Sure..." you said, without thinking of the consequences.
"Thank you..." you said as she poured you some more wine, and she smiled softly at you.
You liked making her feel appreciated. Because she was.
She poured herself some more wine as you stood up. You looked out in the distance, one hand resting on the railing. You heard her getting up from her chair.
Her presence beside you was impossible to ignore, especially her perfume.
"Thank you for being here," she said as she placed her hand on top of yours. It sent shivers down your spine. It felt different. Maybe it was the wine that deceived your mind.
Or maybe she felt it too. The love you had for her that you kept unspoken.
Left for another time. A better time. An appropriate time. A time that will never come.
Some part of you knew that you'd be waiting forever. But you still waited.
"I'll always be here," you stated, looking down at her hand on yours.
She squeezed your hand in appreciation and drank more wine.
Holding hands with her was nothing new, but now it wasn't the same as it always had been. It didn't feel platonic anymore. Everything had changed in a blink of an eye. Or maybe you thought so because you wished it too much. You didn't know anymore.
Now it made you nervous.
It never had before.
Not like this.
From below you heard music, and sirens, cars driving by, nothing out of the ordinary. A busy city. But in your ears your own heartbeat was so clear. It was even louder than the thoughts spinning in your head.
Trying to calm yourself down you drank even more. You felt her look at you.
She moved her hand away from yours, only to take ahold of your glass, carefully moving it away from your lips.
You felt slightly embarrassed as she placed the two glasses on the table.
The blood rushed to your cheeks, making you feel exposed. Your feelings were a secret you couldn't keep. Not because you told her, but because your own body betrayed you.
"What are you doing?" you asked uncertain as she pressed herself against you from behind.
Her arms snaked their way around your waist, embracing you. Her head resting on your shoulder. She was blurring the lines between friends and lovers.
You should have frowned upon it. You should have stopped it. Moved her hands away. Walked away and left her on the balcony. But you didn't.
Instead, you leaned into her.
Let her hold you, hug you tighter, letting her do whatever she pleased.
She pulled away, only to move your hair to one side, giving her access to your neck.
It didn't feel real. Like you were waiting for yourself to wake up from a dream.
Soft lips met your skin. It was wrong, but it felt so right.
Slowly you turned around, scared that when she saw your face, she'd realize that what she was doing was unethical. But she didn't care. She only smiled at you.
Her hand cupped your face, her thumb stroking over your lips.
You inhaled sharply, knowing that this was against the laws of monogamy.
It was taboo, the start of a forbidden love affair.
But that was exactly it, it had a start, which meant it would have an end.
So, it didn't matter, as long as no one found out.
Just one time, no one had to know.
Therefore, you let her pull you closer, you let her lean down to meet your lips.
You let her get lost in you, and somewhere along the way you felt yourself fall even deeper in love with her, but she didn't need to know that.
This was just the result of the alcohol in her veins.
But to you, this was what you had dreamed of since you met her.
A fantasy, something you wouldn't act on. That somehow happened regardless.
You let your hands slip underneath her sweater, and she kissed you harder. Your fingers traced her stomach, and upwards towards her breasts, exploring her, feeling her up.
She moaned into your mouth, and started to undress you, throwing your denim jacket on the ground.
It didn't take long for her to push you inside the room again, closing the door to the balcony, leaving the wine bottle and the half empty glasses on the table.
She helped you out of your clothes and was quick to move her bag away from the bed. She had no time to waste, anything in her way got thrown away, out of sight. Then she got on the bed and undressed herself while smirking at you.
"Come here," she said with a soft smile tugging at her lips. She looked utterly beautiful. Sitting criss-crossed, just waiting, as her anticipation only grew bigger.
With no hesitation you straddled her, and she pulled you in for another kiss. A much softer one than before.
You felt yourself falling deeper in love. You shouldn't have done this. You'd be a mess once all this was over, and you knew it. But right now, it felt good to be wanted by her, even if it was for all the wrong reasons. So, you let your hand creep in between her thighs.
She did the same. She didn't need to think twice.
The room was filled with moans and soft whimpers as you pleasured each other. Two of her fingers slipped inside of you and it took you by surprise. She chuckled, leaning into you, nuzzling your neck, placing sloppy kisses wherever she could.
This wasn't what friends did. Friends wouldn't have gone this far.
You were crossing the line every second, making everything worse, loving each other in a way you shouldn't. It was impossible to take back.
No amount of conversations would make your relationship the same ever again.
But truthfully, you didn't care about that right now, as you rode her fingers, chasing your release. Your own fingers grazing her clit, your tongue caressing hers, swallowing each other's moans.
Because for just this night, she was yours. You kept repeating it in your head, like it would justify it, like you somehow got to call her your own. That in this hotel room, you could do whatever you wished together, and it would stay here, in between these four walls.
No one would have to know that a few glasses of wine ended up in an affair.
"Fuck, don't stop," you panted, so close to release that you were going to lose your mind.
Your free arm swung around her, your nails scratching her back as you tried to get as much friction as possible.
She fucked you harder, and your hot breath hit her neck as you tried to keep pleasuring her, wanting her to come undone too.
Her thumb grazed your clit and sent you over the edge. Your hand tugged at her hair, maybe it was harsh, maybe it wasn't. It didn't matter. She chuckled.
She liked it.
She gave you time to catch your breath, peppering your collarbone with kisses, biting your shoulder. Those small things only confused you more. She took her time.
Nothing made sense anymore.
Coming back to your senses, you took ahold of her jaw, only to clash your lips onto hers, kissing her deeply while your fingers found her clit once again.
She moaned loudly, without a care in the world. Your strokes were fast, and you added more pressure, figuring out what she liked. You had both forgotten about the wine, what time it was, and even where you were.
Nothing mattered.
Just her.
She was bad odds, but you were a luck pusher. Even if your relationship had zero chance of going back to what it once was, you were still pushing it.
Her tongue caressed your own as you stimulated her. She started shaking, and you knew you had her. In the palm of your hand, she came undone, bucking her hips to ride out her orgasm.
And now you had pushed it to the limit.
Her forehead was glistening. The hotel room reeked of sex and sweat. A painful reminder of what you had done.
Instead of saying anything, you snaked your arms around her, embracing her. She did the same, slowly stroking your back. You didn't need to talk about it.
You both knew it; this shouldn't have happened.
Before you pulled away and got off her lap you kissed her temple.
Something sweet to remember when all this was over.
You sat up against the headboard, trying to clear your head.
Phoebe was silent.
Maybe she didn't know what to say.
Maybe regret had already washed over her.
It was impossible to say.
You didn't regret it. So, you thought of confessing, right here, right now.
To tell her you loved her. It couldn't end worse than this, right?
You had already ruined it.
Why leave anything unspoken? What more could it possibly ruin?
"I'm in lo-" you tried to speak but were cut off.
Time and time again the chance for love had passed you by.
That is what happens when you wait too long.
"This was a bad idea," she stated, her fingers running through her hair in regret.
But she had initiated this. Not you. She booked the hotel room, she bought the wine, she kissed you. Not the other way around.
"Then why did you kiss me?" you asked.
"I don't know."
It made you angry, you felt used.
"Then you should have stopped yourself," you said, feeling betrayed.
You knew it would end this way. Still, you were hurt.
"I didn't, but I should have, it was a mistake. I'm sorry," she apologized.
"Are you mad at me?" she asked, scared of the answer.
"For fuck's sake, of course I'm mad at you! You just use me and throw me away like I'm nothing to you..."
"I haven't thrown you away, or out for that matter," she said confused.
"Well, you don't need to, I'm leaving, it's what you want isn't it?" you asked, while getting out of bed.
"But I didn't ask you to leave!" she said, as she looked at how you paced around the room gathering your clothes.
"You want me to leave, but you don't want to be alone either, you just can't admit it."
"I didn't say that! You're putting words in my mouth!" she yelled while she got out of bed herself and quickly started to get dressed too.
"Don't be worried that Paul's going to find out. It's as you said, 'a mistake' it won't repeat itself. I won't mention anything about this... whatever this was."
You took your bags and ran out of the room and slammed the door behind you, your hair was a mess as well as your clothes. It was obvious that you had left in a hurry.
"Wait!" you heard Phoebe yell from behind you, so you only sped up, quickly disappearing down the corridor.
You got into the elevator, and loud footsteps were coming closer, fast. She was running, trying to catch up to you. But now she was the one that was too late.
As the doors were closing, you saw her, she looked hurt, maybe even more hurt than you did.
"Fuck," she panted, you heard her through the doors. She sounded defeated.
The elevator doors opened down in the lobby, and you let out a sigh of relief as you stepped out, walking towards the exit.
But to your inconvenience the door to the staircase flew open, she had run down the flight of stairs just to get to you.
"You can't be serious..." you said annoyed.
"Don't leave, I don't want that."
"Fuck you, Phoebe, you just don't want to be alone," you yelled at her.
"All your friends are on your payroll, but I was yours for free," you screamed at her.
You both knew that you weren't wrong. But you could at least admit that you were being an asshole, something she couldn't.
"You only think about yourself!" you yelled as you walked away.
"Look at where that got you, Phoebe."
You left her standing on her own in the hotel lobby.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
sapphic smut
Taylor Swift
Watch me
The voice of an angel
Kissing in her car again
Breaking up & making out
Phoebe Bridgers
The very first night
I will always love you more than him
Hailee Steinfeld
Getting married
She wasn’t yours to lose
Movie night with friends
Billie Eilish
Aubrey Plaza
Celebrating a love that once was just tolerated
Elizabeth Olsen
A fight turns into something more
On a press tour
Scarlett Johansson
Telling pretty lies
Movie Night
Florence Pugh
Mending your broken heart & driving to the coast
As it was
Brie Larson
After an award show
Natasha Romanoff teasing you
Natasha Romanoff coming home from a mission
Natasha Romanoff & Wanda Maximoff just a shower, right?
Wanda Maximoff not a snack but a whole goddamn meal
Yelena Belova is a good distraction
Kate Bishop friends since High School
Maria Hill compliance will be rewarded
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Maria Hill compliance will be rewarded
It didn't take you long to get eyes on the target, she did stand out even though her mission was to be invisible and blend in with the crowd. You could say she was doing a terrible job, regardless of her high-ranking title within S.H.I.E.L.D. You leaned onto the wall some meters behind her, eavesdropping on her conversation.
There she was, standing in her beautiful black dress, swirling her champagne as she talked to Nick Fury's right-hand man, Phil Coulson. Since she was wearing heels, she looked slightly taller than him, and nothing crushes a man's ego faster than a woman being taller than them, but he didn't seem bothered by it at all. She's scouting the area, most probably for threats and things that seemed out of place, Coulson looked at her dumbfoundedly.
"What are you doing?" he asked as he looked at her and then her glass of champagne. "That's not wine," he followed up, stating the obvious. "I know that," Maria answered back as she turned to look to her right. "Then why are you swirling it like it's wine? Champagne isn't supposed to be swirle-."
Maria cut him off before he went on to talk about the history of champagne. "Okay. I won't swirl it, alright? Now can you see anything?" she asked as she placed her full glass of champagne on the table in front of them.
"The only thing suspicious here is your lack of knowledge about champagne," Coulson answered her sarcastically.
"You're a nerd, you know that right? You know so much about history I'm surprised that your deaths have occurred in this decade, and not centuries before this. The way you talk about World War II, it's creepy, always seems like you lived through it," she mockingly replied.
By now she was looking up at the staircase that some people would describe as majestic. "I guess you could say I lived through Steve Rogers," he said as he smiled like a little kid.
"Oh god, you're fangirling. Too bad you took a trip to Tahiti, and never got your set of Captain America trading cards signed by him," she said and looked at him sympathetically. "Yup. Tahiti... It was a magical place. Not going back in a while," he said and proceeded to chug the rest of his champagne.
Maria proceeded to turn around for just a few seconds, but it was long enough for her to notice you scanning the room like she had done moments before. Then your eyes met as the people behind her started gathering on the dancefloor in front of the staircase.
This expensive lake-house did not disappoint, and the chandelier hanging from the ceiling over the dancefloor was a nice touch, some might argue and say it's a little over the top, but you disagreed. It's not every day that you get to live like a princess, so why not let the fairy-tale be your own reality even though it is all pretend.
Coulson looked over at the dancefloor and smirked. "Do you want to dance? I won't step on your toes, I promise."
Maria turned back around again, looked hesitant at first but soon enough he was leading her out on the dancefloor, leaving her purse on the table before she stole one more glance at you.
Making sure that Maria's focus wasn't on you, you took your chance. You started walking the direction she and Coulson went. You had to walk past her purse to follow them, so you discreetly dropped a tracker in it, hopefully letting it stay hidden as a backup plan. Then you walked onto the dancefloor after them, just quick enough to hear Coulson say, "Melinda taught me to dance, actually."
"Oh wow, didn't expect that," she said as she laughed out a little too loud. You let a minute pass by before you further made any moves. Watching her from afar and slowly making your way closer to her was far more enjoyable than you would've anticipated it to be.
From the outside it would look like you were clumsy and stumbled into her by accident, as a result of having your back turned to hers. But it was in fact calculated.
"Oh god, sorry! I didn't mean to bump into you!" you apologized and found the balance you never actually lost. "It's fine, don't worry," she answered, eyeing you up and down.
"May I have this dance to make it up to you?" you asked with a shy smile. Coulson looked smugly at Maria and pushed her in your direction. She gasped and you could see by the look on her face that she was most likely going to politely decline, but you weren't ready for your plan to not flow smoothly.
"I insist!" you said as you took a hold of her hand and spun her around. "What's your name?" you followed up, as she proceeded to take the lead. She took her time before answering the question, like she was deciding if she was going to be honest or not.
"It's Maria... what's yours?" she asked back as she pulled you closer than you had ever been to her. Your nose filled with her floral scent that had hints of peony and lychee, which made it hard to think.
"My name is whatever you decide..." you said jokingly. "That is the cheesiest thing I've ever heard... does that usually work?" she asked skeptically with one eyebrow furrowed.
"Truth be told, it's the first time I've said something as stupid as that so I will take a leap here and say it doesn't usually work," you informed her as you let out a chuckle and put your arms around her neck as a result of the song changing into a rather slow one.
To get close to S.H.I.E.L.D.'s most feared agents was supposed to be difficult, but this was like a walk in the park.
HYDRA has been close to S.H.I.E.L.D. before but having your arms around one of their best agents and smelling their perfume was another type of close to the enemy. HYDRA has been inside S.H.I.E.L.D. before but your mission could lead to another type of inside, it wasn't necessarily going to be difficult, but it sure would be hard.
Dancing back and forth to the beat, gazing into each other's eyes. It sounds incredibly romantic, but sadly this is all pretend. It's all a big act, its fake, but it still makes you feel something, it may be love or pain and before you even know it yourself it can end in both.
Truth be told, it doesn't really matter in the end. Whether it's a comedy or a tragedy that you either act in or watch, you might be left with overflowing emotions, but then again, it doesn't matter in the end, because all you can do when something ends is to move on.
This acting turns into a show that those on the outside doesn't even know they get to watch for free. Hell, they're even in the show like extra actors in the background and they're watching the story unravel without even acknowledging that what they are in fact witnessing is someone else's story. In your own story, those who hurt you are the villains, but in their story, you might even find yourself to be their nightmare, the villain who keeps them up at night.
You literally got lost in her lovely ocean eyes, painfully reminding yourself how this is all just a big act, that was all it was going to be, and right now the show had to go on. "You're gorgeous..." you complimented her, keeping up the act and testing out the waters in the process.
Then you let your gaze shift from her eyes onto her rosy-red lips multiple times, making sure she had made out what you were doing. There was no denying it, S.H.I.E.L.D. had a lot of attractive agents, it was a smart trick. No one dislikes having someone to sneak glances at, which to women's advantage makes men easier to manipulate as they seemingly make the mistake of thinking with the wrong head that is driven by lust and not logic.
As seconds passed by without any reaction from her, you had to carry on with your well-thought-out plan. The best way to act, in your opinion, was to seem uncertain and ashamed, afraid of having moved too fast and overstepped in some way.
"Shit... I'm sorry!" you said as you let your hands fall to your own waist, then you quickly walked away from her. Nervously you glanced back at her one last time only to get met by her stare.
It was fun acting like she was a stranger to you, but the special thing about this stranger wasn't just her mesmerizing eyes and the longing stares from across the room. Everything she knows, all the information she sits on is pretty special, and even with all that information she didn't know that all of her and S.H.I.E.L.D.'s secrets were about to be spilled and used against them. By knowing their truth, HYDRA could easily make up lies to feed the world instead, while making sure that S.H.I.E.L.D. would have no proof to why what HYDRA leak isn't true.
The secrets were going to be broadcasted on TV, all over the media, and S.H.I.E.L.D. would be painted as a terrorist organization. The whole world will view S.H.I.E.L.D. as the definition of destruction, not protection. Pretending to be humanity's shield, just to cover up the fact that they aren't a shield, that they never were, and that they were never going to be what the world needed in times of crisis.
The most satisfying part is how S.H.I.E.L.D., and Maria will be forced out of the shadows where they liked lurking, working from the side-lines. All their secrets spilled like wine and no matter how many times they will try to clear their name and wash away the stain on their reputation, it would never fully go away. It was surely going to leave a scar that time couldn't ever fully heal. They would be forever doomed, buried in lies, never even getting the chance to change reality in the slightest bit.
S.H.I.E.L.D.'s calamitous downfall was all you could think and fantasize about as you found the luxurious bar that was matching the whole house's elegant style and charming interior decoration. It was quieter than you would expect, and there was a lot of people having conversations of their own in every corner of the room but still the chatter was calm and never getting old.
The guests were having a good time enjoying the free alcohol and food, but you were delighted by your own thoughts, finding comfort by simply sitting alone sipping the beer you had gotten for free from the bartender as you envisioned S.H.I.E.L.D. crumbling before HYDRA.
Your daydreaming came to an end as you were startled by a soft hand on your shoulder. You didn't dare turn around, or even peek over your own shoulder. You didn't need to turn around to know who it was, because your suspicions were confirmed when the familiar floral scent crept up your nose. Before doing anything else you took two shots of vodka in a row, trying to calm your nerves.
The plan had worked this far, your only disadvantage was not only her being unbelievably hot, but it was also the fact that you were now getting a little bit under the influence as time went on and the combination of those two weren't good at all.
Since you didn't turn around to greet her, she asked, "Is this seat taken?" but she didn't wait for an actual answer, because beside you, you could clearly hear her sit down on the bar stool. Clearing your head felt impossible but you turned in her direction to face her. Letting your eyes fall upon her alluring face made it seem like time had stopped just momentarily. In your head you were cursing yourself for even allowing yourself to consider the smallest possibility of viewing her as anything more than a mission.
Then you quickly looked away, ashamed of your own thoughts. "Oh no... haven't I embarrassed myself enough for one night already?" you asked her as you fiddled with your hands on the bar counter. You call that embarrassment? You must've never been the dumb one that let the opportunity of a kiss pass you by," she stated as she laid her hand on top of your own.
"Well, I don't believe for a second that you're dumb... I think you're selling yourself short," you told her as you flashed her a smile and observed all the features on her face once again. The more you look at that woman the more you get pulled in, and you don't want to stop looking at her, so each time you look away the clearer her face gets embedded in your mind, the image imprinting itself in your brain.
"What are you looking at?" she asked with this weird expression on her face that you couldn't quite figure out what meant. You were still lost in your thoughts unaware of time and space. "Hello? Earth to stranger I shared a dance with..." she said as she waved in front of your face until you reacted.
"Shit... what?" you asked her confused, as everything came rushing back. You spaced out when I asked you what you were looking at..." she informed you with a smug look plastered on her face.
"You were looking at me, so what crossed your mind? Spit it out, stranger," she asked as she tried to figure you out. "Stranger... oh fuck, I didn't really introduce myself, did I?" you asked back rhetorically.
"Don't avoid my question. What did you think about? And your name is currently irrelevant to me. I want to know what you thought about, you zoned out considerably for a long amount of time," she stated as she nudged your shoulder with her own.
"Okay, fine... I just thought about you... or more specifically, your face," you answered her and you quickly looked away as your cheeks were getting redder by each second that passed.
"You're cute..." Maria said as you tried to compose yourself. "And you're pretty hot," you said and took another sip of your beer, giving yourself time to check the mirrors without being suspicious.
You couldn't see Coulson anywhere as your eyes scanned the room. "Hey... didn't you come here with a man?" you asked then bit your lip as you waited intently for her answer.
"You probably mean Coulson... and yes, he invited me here," she said as she stared you down. "Is he your boyfriend or something?" you asked as you stared back. "No, he certainly isn't!" she answered with a chuckle.
"Well... since he isn't your boyfriend, can I get your number?" you asked, knowing you'd get a fake number, or the number of one of her many burner phones. "Oh honey, you can get more than a number," she answered as she gave you the most seductive grin she could possibly make.
You were blushing like crazy, and she just chuckled lowly. "What do you say to getting out of here?" This was the plan all along, but executing the plan was beginning to feel messier now that your conscience came into play.
You let her lead you out to the parking lot where she had parked her car. She opened the passenger seat for you, then she slid into the driver's seat and started to drive. As she kept her eyes on the road, you discreetly surveyed her car for any weapons or something important she could have left lying around, having forgot to hide it. Of course, she didn't have anything out in the open, that anyone could see. The only way to see what she had in the car was to ransack it like a raccoon ravages a dumpster.
When you were finished looking around, you let yourself steal a glance at her. Her fingers tapped on the steering wheel like she was playing a tune she heard in her head. Other than that, the silence was ironically loud, but it wasn't awkward. It was a comfortable silence.
The silence broke when you gasped at the warm and soft hand she had placed on your thigh. "Sorry, did I startle you?" she asked as she glanced at you and smiled. "Yeah..." You answered as she gently squeezed. "I'm making a habit of that, aren't I?" she asked rhetorically as she let out a light chuckle.
Resting her hand on your thigh you could feel every move she made, the bumps on the road making her hand glide closer and closer to where you would want her the most. You were so caught up in how her hand moved that you didn't realize that the car had stopped.
"We're here," Maria informed you and you let out a breath you didn't know you had held in. She opened her door and got out, so you did the same. Locking the car, she walked towards you and softly took your hand in hers.
Studying the appearance of the building you got slightly suspicious. "Isn't this really expensive?" you asked as you could practically smell rich guys all over the hotel. "It's just one night... unless you want to stay longer," she said as she led you to the elevator.
She didn't check in at the reception, which was weird, that meant she already had booked a hotel room. But you didn't question her since it could blow your cover.
It would be idiotic to fuck up when you were so close to having a chance of getting the intel you were here for.
In the elevator there was just silence as she still held onto your hand, all you heard was the ding when the doors opened again. The room she had booked was on the fourth floor, and not all the way up to one of the highest floors which you feared it was going to be.
Walking down the corridor you searched for other possible exits, other than the elevator. Making up an escape route and not having enough time to look around was sometimes the most difficult part of a mission, which often led to failure. To get out alive is where most people fail.
But you weren't going to fail. You had this. You were good at complying. Compliance will be rewarded. Therefore, you were going to do this mission and get the hell out of here alive, and HYDRA would rise once again.
The walking came to a stop, and she used her key card to open the door. "After you," she said as she let go of your hand. You smiled at her and walked in. Then you took your shoes off as you heard the door close and then click behind you.
Knowing you were locked inside the room you turned around to face her, as fast as you turned around you were met by Maria's hand around your mouth. At first you didn't understand what was going on, but when she gagged you with a ball gag, then you were certain of what was going to happen.
Being submissive wasn't a problem for you at all, compliance would always be rewarded, and you knew that. You didn't know what you were going to do, so you tried to speak, only to mumble, forgetting that you were gagged for this reason.
Maria chuckled when you were quiet again and proceeded to put her finger on her lips and shushed you like parents quiet their babies down. Then she took some steps closer to you, patted your chest brushing something of your jacket.
All you did was observe her facial features as she concentrated on taking the jacket painfully slow off you.
The more you looked at her the more you admired the woman in front of you.
"This is a nice jacket," she said as she folded it and placed it on the dresser. Then she turned around and looked you up and down, just like she had done once before on the dancefloor.
"I want you to strip for me, nod if you also want that. If you don't want to, you don't have to, okay?" she informed you, as she glanced at the bed that was behind you.
You nodded, happy that she asked for your consent. She then walked past you and sat down on the bed, crossing her legs.
"Then strip," she ordered you as you still were standing with your back turned to her.
Slowly you took your pants off, making sure to bend, giving her a good view of your ass before you proceeded to take of your socks, only to turn around and watch her grin like the devil. You then walked towards her, taking off your blouse.
Standing there half naked and exposed, only in your underwear for her to judge you.
"My beautiful little doll..." she said as you felt yourself getting even more comfortable with her eyes all over your body, starting to like having her attention more than before. Your hands went behind your back to take off your bra, but she immediately stopped you. "Stop. I want to do that," she said, and you let your arms fall again. She stood up, and walked behind you, her head hovering over your shoulder.
You could feel her breath on your neck as she spoke, "I'm going to undress you now, and you're going to crawl onto the bed for me," she both informed and ordered you, and all you could do was shiver as her soft hands travelled from your waist then up to your bra.
Slowly taking it off, only to watch your breasts fall. Her hair touching your shoulder as she got even closer to you. "You're remarkably stunning," she whispered into your ear as one of her hands traced your back downwards.
Then her hair tickled you as she stepped back, only to keep tracing your back with her fingers down to your waist, only to take your panties off, admiring you. Stepping out of your panties, you stopped right in front of her again, unsure of what to do. You closely watched her as she dropped it behind her, letting it fall to the floor like the rest of your clothes.
Once more, she was standing behind you, so close that you could smell her perfume again. No matter what happens, you would remember that scent for the longest time. "Didn't I tell you to crawl onto the bed... are you intentionally disobeying me?" she asked in annoyance, knowing you couldn't talk.
You tried to speak again only to be reminded by the muffled sounds that you can't talk, the mumbling makes Maria chuckle lightly. "Get on the bed, darling," she ordered once again, but slapped your ass making you gasp, which also got silenced into a small quiet mumble.
"Did I startle you, again? ... you're just never prepared are you..." she said as you found your
way onto the bed. All you did was nod to what she had said. She then went back to the dresser where she had placed your jacket and found some rope.
"I'm going to tie you to the bed, nod if you're okay with that and shake your head if you aren't." To no surprise, you nodded. "You have to be honest, okay? Are you sure you're okay with it? I know that this might be new territory for you. So please, nod or shake your head again," she said as she crawled onto the bed, waiting for you to think again about your own limits. You nodded again and she took your hands up to the headboard. With no hesitation she tied your hands, making it impossible for you to move your arms.
"Is it too tight?" she asked, but you shook your head no and reassured her.
"Do you want me to tie your legs too?" she asked as a smirk appeared on her face. All you did was nod. Never having done this before gave you a rush of adrenaline. "It isn't too tight either?" she asked. You shook your head again. "Are you sure? Try to move for me," she ordered skeptical to why you didn't feel like it was too tight, when she clearly had tied the rope tight.
When you tried to move, there was no chance of escaping the ropes, and the more you moved the more the rope's friction would slowly burn your skin, but you didn't seem bothered by it.
"You like pain, don't you?" she asked once she figured you out. You nodded at her and watched her as her face lit up. She walked back to the dresser only to find a knife, when you saw it, your breathing fastened instantly.
Walking over to you again she took notice of how you seemed shocked, scared even. "Relax honey, I'm not going to hurt you, unless you want me to. Remember, one tap for continue, two taps for slow down and pinch for stop," she informed you as she sat down on her knees in between your legs and used the knife to trace your breasts.
The cold blade gently touching your nipples, making them harden as she kept on playing around with the knife on your body. She traced the tip of the blade in circles on your stomach making you shudder, then continued down to your thighs. Just tracing the letter M on your thigh a few times before she went upwards again.
All this was new to you, but you didn't even realize this turned you on. "You're going to soak the sheets, darling... All I've done is play around with the knife, princess," she mocked you.
Her humiliating you made you even wetter. She placed the knife beside her, and before you could react her hand had found your cunt. Teasing you, she ran her fingers through your wet folds, building your anticipation. She plunged two of her fingers inside you, but the only thing coming out of your mouth was small gasps and mumbles.
Her fingers thrusted in and out, at a fast and steady pace. Her thumb circling your clit, stimulating you as you kept on mumbling, and nearly drooling. Your breathing was becoming uneven, not by fear but by the pleasure you were feeling. You bucked your hips, trying to get more friction.
With her other hand, Maria picked up the knife and started to fondle your breasts with it, all you could do now was listen to your own moans turn into mumbles just like any other sound that left your mouth. You were completely powerless being tied up and gagged, and desperate to reach your climax.
When your mumbling became even louder than before, Maria added more pressure on your clit and kept rubbing in circles, not slowing down her thrusts. Your legs started to shake, and your hands pulled on the rope as your walls clenched around her fingers.
When you started to come down from your high you quickly became overstimulated, panicking, you tapped her twice. She laid the knife down again and sucked her fingers clean before she took the ball gag out of your mouth letting you speak.
"Do you want me to sto-?" she asked but you cut her off. "Mark me," you said as you searched her face for any reaction. "Are you sure?" she asked, scared of overstepping, pushing your limits too far.
"I'm sure..." you said as you watched her pick up the knife again, but only this time she'd mark you, not just trace your skin. Maria wasted no time, and she was now tracing the letter M again on your thigh. She looked up at you to check one last time if this is what you really wanted, and that you didn't want to do this just for her sake.
You nodded now without the gag, even though you knew you could speak you kept quiet, seeing as it relaxed her when she could focus in the silence.
The tip of the blade cut into you with precision.
You whimpered as the knife kept cutting into your flesh, but since you were tied up it was easier for Maria to carve her initial into your thigh. Blood droplets started to form, and the stinging sensation got stronger the more she cut.
"Sweetie, you're doing so good for mommy," she praised you as the M was nearly finished.
When she was done, she smeared the blood that was on the knife on your other thigh. The hand she had used to stimulate you just moments before, she once again placed at your throbbing core.
"Stimulating you now will turn the pain into pleasure..." she said as she started to rub your clit just like she had done when you had reached your first climax. She did not lie. The pain you had felt earlier still stung but soon enough it was like a new surge of pleasure that shot throughout your body.
The closer you got to your second orgasm the more your body started to shake. You were starting to feel overstimulated, and you couldn't control your breathing anymore. Trembling under Maria as desperate cries of pleasure left your mouth.
To get you over the edge Maria realized she had to do something she hadn't yet done with you. She simply had to kiss you, and so she did. Her lips roughly met yours taking you off guard and muffling your moans.
Her lips tasted sweeter than how you'd imagine S.H.I.E.L.D.'s annihilation could ever taste like, and you can't taste S.H.I.E.L.D.'s ruination on your tongue, but her you can taste, and her flavor is forever going to be savored in your mind.
She rode out your orgasm, still muffling your moans and slowly but surely you could think clearly again. Your stomach was now rising and falling evenly, but all you could do was appreciate the woman in front of you, even though she was just supposed to be a mission. HYDRA had been inside S.H.I.E.L.D. before but maybe it was fate that let S.H.I.E.L.D. be inside HYDRA for a change.
Maria reached up over your head and untied your arms, then she turned around to untie your legs. Your skin was red where the ropes had been tugging at your skin, but you hadn't even felt it as you were consumed by the pleasure you received.
"Wait here, doll, let me get something to clean the wound with... I don't want it to get infected, but it will probably leave a scar," she said as she got off the bed and disappeared into the bathroom only to come rushing out with a piece of bandage, a towel, saline, and some weird kind of tape.
She sat down beside you, dabbed some saline on the towel and looked you in your eyes for consent once again. You nodded, finding it funny how this was your most used way of communicating.
"You should hold on to something. This will also sting like one big motherfucker," she said in complete seriousness. You grabbed onto her thigh, and she dabbed the towel onto the wound. Wanting to scream when the pain resurfaced you squeezed her thigh for dear life. When you realized you could have hurt her you started stroking her thigh soothingly instead of apologizing.
"Shit..." you muttered out as you leaned your head backwards. "We're nearly done... hold on, just a little bit longer," she said as you felt the towel withdraw, being replaced by her soft hands around the wound.
Then you felt her pressing the bandage on and putting tape over it on the sides. You were finally done, and you couldn't help but feel tired, resulting in you letting out an audible yawn.
"There. Now that's out of the way... You can borrow some clothes to sleep in," Maria said as she made her way to her dresser and threw the clothes at you before disappearing into the bathroom.
As she was occupied you put her tank top and your own panties on and swiftly walked around checking the most obvious places first. Nothing in the plant in the corner of the room. Nothing in the chair in the corner opposite of it, and just your jacket on the dresser. If she had any valuable information stored here, it would be hidden, you heard the toilet flushing and water running from the sink, so your found you way to the bed.
Walking out in her own sleepwear she smiled when she laid eyes on you again. "Already gotten comfortable?" she teasingly asked you as she crawled onto the bed to get under the covers with you. You felt your cheeks getting red, as she pulled you closer. She was laying on her back so you could rest your head on her chest, and your hand on her stomach.
Tracing her stomach with your fingers, then the palm of her hand and up her arm, stroking her smooth skin, noticing how calm it made her, you kept doing this until you saw her beautiful eyes slowly getting more and more tired. You waited until she fell asleep.
Then you took your chance. You found your way into the bathroom and searched it thoroughly until you finally found intel, a file hidden under a tile in the floor and written on it was Project T.A.H.I.T.I.
It was something designed to revive a fallen Avenger. Nick Fury put the project in action after Coulson was killed by Loki during the attack on the Helicarrier. Seeing as Fury considered Coulson just as important as his Avengers Initiative. Now you realized what Maria's conversation with Coulson had meant. A magical place. Nothing is more magical than reviving Earth's so-called mightiest heroes. What T.A.H.I.T.I. stood for was soon to be discovered.
Flipping the page, your stomach instantly dropped. Terrestrialized Alien Host Integrative Tissue I, that's what the abbreviation T.A.H.I.T.I. stood for. Using the body fluids of a decaying Kree corpse to make many different serums, S.H.I.E.L.D. had finally made one that worked for completely regenerating cellular tissue and implanting fragments of cellular memory of the host to the receiver, they called it; GH.325.
You then flushed the toilet, and washed your hands, like you had just used the toilet as one normally would. Walking out again you checked if Maria was still sleeping. Mumbling in her sleep and making adorable sounds you figured she was still drifting away into a peaceful slumber.
Carefully getting under the covers again you observed how her chest was rising and falling.
Lost in deep thought you realized that you had fell for her harder than you'd ever like to admit. As you pondered about your feelings for the brunette beside you it didn't take you long to acknowledge how you might end up as the villain in her story.
You manipulated her, but you fell for her in the process. It might have been a mistake, but regardless of that it was a sacrifice because you complied, loyal to HYDRA until the very end.
Turning away from her, you found a comfortable sleeping position and drifted off to sleep, her irresistible face showing up like flashing images in your mind, never giving your poor heart a break.
You quickly woke up when you felt something suddenly weigh down on you, as you opened your eyes you saw that Maria had straddled you, hence the weight. It wasn't a good way to wake up, because the cold blade of her knife was held against your throat.
"You really never are prepared," Maria stated giving you a cold stare.
"What the fuck is going on?" you asked her and gulped when the tip of the blade was threatening to poke a hole to your skin.
"Compliance will be rewarded, huh?" she answered you and gritted her teeth.
"God, you're even stupider than you look. Did you think I didn't know? You really thought you were playing me?!" she asked as she looked like she wanted to slap you across your face. You didn't know what to answer. She knew, and she had known it all this time.
"The minute you walked in the door of that gala; I already knew you were one of HYDRA's brainwashed victims turned into a puppet. Who do you think I was scouting the room for, huh? You were my target, dipshit," she said as she slowly withdrew the knife a few inches.
Hearing her say that made your head spin. How could you be so full of yourself, thinking you were the one manipulating her. Your heart ached more than ever, knowing it was already going to be hard to move on when you thought you were the one playing her, but now it seemed impossible as she was the one who ultimately betrayed you.
Your face said it all. The sad expression starting with your lip nearly quivering, and your eyes on the verge of tearing up. Maria had gone from being one of HYDRA's enemies, to the villain in your story, making you feel like nothing really mattered. Because you did feel love, and you did feel pain. After getting to feel both you knew why love and anger is burning red like blood. It stung like a bitch when you cut yourself on the thorns of love, making the anger boil in you, just like the blood flowing in your veins. Giving your heart away only to get it back full of scars, you watched your own world fall apart.
The anger took over as you slapped her knife out of her hand, then you slapped her face with all the force you managed from this unlucky position. She tried to punch you, but you blocked her. Maria then took a hold of your arms and pinned them up behind your head, like she had done last night.
You headbutted her, taking her by surprise resulting in her letting go of you, giving you the time to push her off the bed, making her fall to the floor. As she landed on her back you practically jumped at her, then started hitting her repeatedly in the face, until her nose started to bleed.
Thinking she was getting tired by all the punches to her face you let your guard down. She hit you square in the jaw and proceeded to grab your throat, trying to strangle you unconscious. That's when you reached out for the knife you had knocked out of her hands just moments ago.
Finally, having picked up the knife you cut her leg, not wanting to stab her since it can cause permanent damage. She shrieked out in pain and her grip on you got weaker, then you kicked her in the chest making her fall back, and you rolled backwards, making as much distance between you.
She crawled over to the nightstand beside the bed. Pulling out a gun, aiming it at you as she caught her breath making her aiming steadier than ever.
"Grant Ward was in the wrong, Romanoff isn't better eye candy if you ask me," you stated, then stole one last glance at the most captivating woman you had ever laid your eyes on, before you then ran out the door and down the corridor to reach the exit. Running down the stairwell you started to comprehend the fact that you had complied to both her and the mission in more ways than one.
All the people watching you as you ran out in the street, half naked and exposed. It was creepy, they were all watchers. It felt like they already knew your story, but they didn't interfere. Things could have ended differently if you left in the middle of the night. You could have acted and done something in the car ride to the hotel. Hell, you could've even killed her before escaping.
In your head you kept asking yourself one question and that was: What if...?
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Kate Bishop friends since High School
You were currently on the phone with your boyfriend and your eyes were brimming with tears that you desperately tried to hold in.
The car ride to your best friend Kate's apartment was silent if it wasn't for the angry voice that was screaming at you from the other end, hateful words laced with spite, spilling like red wine out of his mouth.
Every word he said left a stain on your heart that only seemed to get weaker and weaker with time, and after you apologized for something that he was to blame for, he proceeded to act so divine.
Refusing to look over at Kate who was driving the car, you sat frozen in the passenger seat trying to block all your thoughts out, wishing you could escape your own mind for just a second or two.
It felt like you were walking on eggshells every time your boyfriend was around, never knowing which version of him you'd get when he got home from work, or if he would be in a good mood when driving the both of you home from a family dinner.
Sometimes he was the sweetest guy you had ever met, since he was the only man that you had ever fallen for, and he'd tell you he would never leave your side.
But the next day he could end up throwing a vase at you, and if you were unlucky and it hit you, he would never say that he was sorry or that he wasn't thinking clearly, he would tell you it was what you deserved for not being grateful that he had stayed with you and kept up with all your bullshit for so long.
You had first met in High School, the same place where you had met Kate actually. Everyone had wanted to be you, and tried to steal him from you, and in this moment, you wished that they did, but at the same time you'd never wish that even your nemesis was to be stuck in a relationship like this.
A relationship where you were thought of as worthless, but then his princess, and most of the time the ugly and ungrateful bitch who ruined his life. High School sweethearts was what this so-called love was seen as, but in all reality this life you were living could not be a love story with a happy ending that never seemed to really end, it was a horror movie at best where you'd end up brutally murdered by the hands that was supposed to hold tight around you and keep you warm during the coldest winter nights.
Before you could really process what had happened, Kate took the phone out of your hands and said, "you know what Matthew, you're a total dick, hope you choke in your sleep."
Then she hung up and threw the phone into the backseat, out of your reach. "What was that for?" you yelled at her with your breaking voice, ultimately making you shut up, feeling stupid and ashamed for asking when you already knew the answer.
You were well aware that the love you shared was a messy and ugly kind of love, that never truly felt safe in any way, a relationship you had thought of leaving for a while now but never had the guts to actually do since you were scared to death of the consequences.
"Well, I'm not letting you stay with him tonight," Kate spoke out, in a soft voice.
"Please Kate, he'll be even more pissed if I don't show up until tomorrow," you pleaded, even though you knew he wouldn't just be pissed, he'd be furious, and if you said one wrong word, he would most probably threaten to hurt you if you ever pulled a stunt like this again.
"No chance in hell. He's beyond pissed because you and I had a girls' night out. He does not own you; you are not his property!" she said while glancing over at you, trying to catch a glimpse of your face as you looked out the window, at the midnight sea.
Soon enough you had reached the outside of Kate's apartment building, and you followed her into the elevator where the silence was so loud, but it wasn't uncomfortable, quite the opposite, it was calming, like you had never gone so long without being scolded or screamed at, it was peaceful.
You remember the last time you had felt so undisturbed, it was back in High School. You remember it clear as day, like you were reliving it right now in this moment.
You were taking the books you needed out of your locker, dreading the fact that the bell would ring any minute, resulting in you having no choice but to find your way to class again.
Beside you, Kate was leaning against the locker that was beside yours, like she was trying to be cool, wearing the cutest sweater you had ever seen in your whole life. With headphones around her neck adding to this weird nerdy style she currently was rocking.
"You look really nice, or uh, pretty today," Kate stammered as a red flush covered her cheeks, making her accidentally drop the book she had been holding close to her chest since she got nervous.
"Oh, let me get that for you..." you said with a mischievous grin, picking it up, observing the cover before giving it back to her, saying, "I see... you're reading Hope Is the Thing with Feathers... I did not know that you, my Avengers obsessed dork knew poetry!"
Then you took a strand of her messy hair and tucked it behind her ear, making her hold in her breath while she focused on you and nothing else. Then the bell rang, too quickly for your own liking, but you sighed disappointed, closed your locker and started to walk away. You turned around and said, "see you later Kate, meet me behind the mall!"
Kate stood there, dumbfoundedly gawking at you while you disappeared out of her sight, still leaning against the locker that wasn't hers.
"Uh, can you move? I need my shit, for class, can't be late," A boy with an alternative clothing style stated, and Kate got out of her trance and rushed to class whisper yelling, "oh shit I'm going to be late, oh no, Ms. Hayes is going to kill me!"
When the elevator doors opened you snapped back to reality, stumbling as you tried to catch up to Kate who had already stepped out.
When you had rounded the corner, you could see her unlocking the door, you couldn't help but smile when she stood there waiting, holding the door open for you to slip in.
You took off your jacket and shoes, then made your way to her living room shortly after.
"I'm sorry for being harsh on you in the car..." she apologized as she walked in with two glasses and a bottle of soda.
"No, don't be sorry. It is not your fault. You were right, I'm not his property but I do let him treat me like I am," you answered her, as you looked down at your hands, feeling ashamed of your lack of self-respect, and the fact that you don't know how to stand up for yourself anymore because of him.
"To be honest with you, I don't get what you see in him. He might be attractive, but he is far from kind. You fight every day, or so it seems," Kate said quietly as she studied your face for any reaction.
"He is kind... or he used to be. It's like the one I fell for isn't there anymore. Like it was all a big façade, and the walls tumbled down and I see him for who he truly is," you answered her while pouring soda in both of your glasses.
"When did you realize that the real him was hiding behind some kind of mask?" she asked as you sat back on the couch.
"I don't know... I thought he simply had bad days and that is allowed and normal, but bad days turned into weeks, and then months, and now it's coming close to a year..." you told her, while nervously looking around the room, avoiding her beautiful face.
"Why did you not tell me that he treated you this shitty? If I had known that he was always acting like this I would've tried to help sooner!" she said letting out a sigh, pain hiding behind her eyes.
You sipped the soda and put the glass back on the table, while your head felt like spinning with all the thoughts that was filling up your mind.
"I don't know, Kate, okay?! I was scared!" you said with a raised tone but regretting it the second you realized what you just had done, you could not bear to be like him.
"I'm your best friend! I knew something was going on, but I did not know exactly what, and I didn't want to pry..." she said with a soothing voice with words that had no intention of hurting you.
"Yeah, you're my best friend, Kate! You should not be the one to care this much for me, it should be him!"
Kate stood up and while she did, she said, "but of course I care for you... I love you!" Instantly putting her head in her hands, like she felt helpless standing there.
Soon enough you stood up too and walked over to her placing a hand on her shoulder.
"I know you do, and I love you too!" you told her with a reassuring smile.
"No, not like that..." she whispered regrettably.
"You're not making any sense, Kate," you stated, holding up her chin, searching for answers in her eyes, her face, any place that could give you a hint of what was going on in her mind.
Before you could react, her soft and warm lips carefully pressed onto your own. Her fingers carding through your hair, and her uneven breath slightly tickled beneath your nose, as she then frantically pulled away.
"Sorry, shit. I don't know what came over me. I shouldn't have kissed you; I know you have too much on your plate right now," she apologized as she stepped back, avoiding your gaze like she would turn to stone if she dared to even look at you, and forever be in this state of humiliation and regret.
Not thinking anything through, you stepped towards her, like someone else was in control of your body and you were just watching your bold self sweetly taking a hold of her cheek and caressing it.
Then you tenderly leaned in, your nose nudging hers, your chest pressing against hers as your lips once again met, now in a passionate and slow manner. Savouring each other's warmth, and the feeling of safety and comfort.
Her perfume crept up your nose, and you knew that the scent would linger when the kiss had to be broken when there was no oxygen left in your lungs.
In a rush to be close to you, Kate pulled you in again, one of her hands lightly placed behind your neck, your lips slightly parted, allowing her to slip inside, her tongue gently caressing your own.
She turned you both around and carefully pushed you backwards until your back touched the cold wall making you shiver.
Your bodies pressed together heatedly against it, lips moving in sync once again, tongues dancing, not seeking dominance, but still she took the lead on this dance.
You were not sure if it was your own heartbeat you heard, if it was hers, or the sound of both of your hearts hammering inside your chests, truth be told you were ready to explode from the joy that you were currently feeling.
In the clumsiest of manners your clothes were scattered all around the living room, hallway and finally bedroom.
"Are you sure?" she asked you, scared of you not being in the right mindset, afraid of overstepping and taking advantage of you in any way.
"Yes, Kate, I am," you reassured her, but it wasn't enough for her to give in yet.
"I'm serious. You're my everything, my heart is weak for you, and it always has been, and I don't want you to regret anything that we do or say tonight," she informed you, revealing the fact that she has been in love with you since forever.
"So poetic, seems like Emily Dickinson really made an impact on you, huh..." you joked, making her raise her eyebrow in return.
"Kate, I haven't been sure of anything in my life, but this I'm sure of. So just kiss me already!" you said and seconds later got pushed down onto the bed.
Her lips quickly found your collarbone, pressing chaste kisses all over you, leaving you in a state of bliss, wanting more.
"You have no idea how beautiful you are," she whispered and you could feel her breath tickling your skin. Every movement she made you slightly shudder in anticipation. Her hands roamed your body, rough fingertips grazing along your smooth skin.
Her lips moved downwards to your breasts, wanting to give them both the same attention, she first started to gently suck on one of your nipples, while fondling with your other breast.
You could not help but let a moan escape your lips, while her tongue did her magic. Her free hand started to roam even more, until it was resting on your thigh.
"Goddamn you're absolutely gorgeous," she said while it was clear that your breathing was getting slightly uneven. Fingertips tracing your inner thigh was making you impatient.
She was like a drug, she pulled you so easily in, and you wanted to be high on her, you knew if you weren't careful, you'd desperately need her, you felt like an addict wanting to be in a state of bliss.
Luckily for you her hand found your wet core and started to stimulate you without any more teasing. Slowly rubbing circles on your clit, and increasing the pace until she got a reaction, she quickly noticed how your thighs would twitch when it was obvious you were feeling pleasure.
Quiet moans turned into whimpers, and she kept on stimulating your clit. You were chasing it, the long-waited release, to leave all stress behind. Taking a hold of Kate's free hand, you intertwined your fingers with hers, slightly squeezing as your legs started to tremble.
You were not chasing your release anymore, it simply made its way to you, patiently waiting for you to let yourself go, to forget the past for just mere seconds. When you finally came, and the orgasm came washing over you, and you knew what volcanoes truly felt like.
"You're doing so good!" Kate said as she rode your orgasm out, letting you hold on to the feeling of rupture, so you could saviour it in your mind. It was nothing like you had experienced before, someone as loving as her making you feel so safe and content in a state of vulnerability.
It was simply better than how you could ever imagine paradise to be like, momentarily it seemed like heaven must have been overrated.
After having calmed yourself, sorted through all the thoughts that had come rushing back after your high, you gripped onto Kate's arm, pulled yourself up and your lips met hers in a loving kiss.
When your hands started tugging in her hair, and your kisses started to go from her lips to jaw, she slowly pulled away.
"This night is just for you, let me take care of you," she said as she pulled you in for a hug, pressing kisses on your neck.
You didn't know how to react, you were not used to this kind of affection, but now everything had changed. Kate started to stroke your hair, while phrases of praise left her mouth, telling you how good you had been. How proud she was, and how much she loved you.
After you had been sitting in her warm embrace with her safe and secure arms around you, she slowly pulled away, making you ache for her to come and hold you again.
She sat up with her back against the headboard, and opened her arms for you, soon enough the feeling of content came back. In this moment everything was perfect, you were safe and happy with Kate.
She was and is everything you had ever yearned and ached for. Pulling the covers over you and kissing your forehead before she then held around you, until you fell asleep, never letting go of you before you woke up the next morning.
"Good morning," she whispered when you lazily opened your eyes, forgetting for a second where you were and all that had happened the night before, until all the events of last night flooded back into your mind, making you blush just thinking about how lucky you were to be here in this moment.
Kate cuddled you, held around you, embraced you, showered you with love and affection and pressed kisses all over your face. "I love you; don't you ever forget that," Kate said, in a stern voice, like she was scared that you'll doubt her love for you, like it never existed.
"I love you too, babe... wait, can I call you babe?" you asked as stress was slowly consuming you, eating you up from the inside.
"Of course! But like, are we're in a relationship now?" she asked as her lips tugged into a big smile, grinning from ear to ear.
"Yes... only if you want to try, I have a lot of baggage to sort through!" you said, like she had no idea about your now ex-boyfriend.
"I can deal with him, no problem. I've got a lot of new arrows I need to test out," she said sarcastically with a chuckle. 
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Yelena Belova is a good distraction
You had been doing schoolwork, and prepared yourself for your exams, non-stop the last five days, and now you were thinking about studying the whole weekend too. Studying was all you did, and since it took all your time, your girlfriend got slightly frustrated.
She had made dinner, and you hadn't even touched it, but kept your nose in the book you currently were reading and had been reading for the last two hours. Yelena called it the book from hell, since it sucked the energy out of you like a demon.
"Aren't you hungry?" Yelena asked as she took the macaroni that she had made for you and held it out for you to take. Instead of politely declining the food, you shrugged her off.
She took the macaroni and walked out of your shared bedroom, and then all you heard was the loud TV in the background, disturbing your peace.
"Can you turn the volume down?" you yelled out annoyed by all the noise. Soon enough the TV couldn't even be heard, you had even tried to sit there on your bed and quietly listen if there was something else to complain about.
Not even forty minutes later, Yelena came back to check on how you were doing. Standing in the doorway, arms crossed, disappointment all over her face when she realized you were nowhere near done.
"Do you want to watch a movie with me?" she quietly spoke out, doing her best to not to provoke you.
"No. I need to study, if I don't then I basically don't have a future," you hissed at her, being mean to her even when she asked a sincere and innocent question.
"Hey, I didn't go to a school like you, I turned out fine, didn't I?" she heart-warmingly joked, in hopes of making you laugh, but failing miserably.
"Well, S.H.I.E.L.D. took you in because you're a widow, I have to go to the academy to be something other than just Maria Hill's puppet, I swear to God, that woman orders me around more than you do!" you said angrily, wanting to throw the book from hell at the wall.
"Last time I checked you like being ordered around," Yelena said sarcastically, and went on, "I'll give you one more hour, and then you need to relax, before you end up breaking our furniture."
Then she walked out again, and the silence in the apartment was all that could be heard. You could hear your heart beating, that's how silent it was. Like no one was around, and you were floating somewhere else where space and time acts differently, and you were frozen on your bed, but you looked at everything in a new way, an out of body experience.
It was refreshing, until you thought about Maria Hill. That woman bossed you around like she did it just to torture you. Maybe she was the key to solving your problems. You stood up and found some of the mission files Hill had given you. There was a bunch of details on how to use what you had learned in classes, what to do in an actual situation where bullets were flying through the air, bombs went off, and you were stuck in a bad position.
You felt so dumb, but so happy at the same time. Maria Hill had given you the answer without you acknowledging it.
"Lena! Where did you put the mission files from the Attack on New York, 2012?!" you practically shouted while your head was starting to spin. Just seconds later, Yelena came in with the files in her hand, you reached out hopeful, but she held them over her head in a teasing manner.
"Give them to me!" you said and tried to jump to get your hands on them.
"You've been working too much, babe. We are going to relax before you even think about going through all of this. It's the same size as the bible, there is no way that you're starting on it tonight," she stated with a serious tone.
You started laughing and said, "well, I have faith in S.H.I.E.L.D. so I don't care how many pages there are."
Yelena let out a sigh and let her guard down, and you took the chance to grab the files right out of her hand. Laughing you jumped back on the bed, but little did you know that Yelena was right behind you, soaring through the air.
Landing on top of you, making your hands open in surprise all the pages scattered around on both the bed and the floor.
"Lena!" you giggled as she looked down at you, her lips tugging into a smile.
Her lips clashed onto yours and soon enough you felt her desire growing stronger. She got rougher, but still her lips were so soft on your own. Clothes were taken off and thrown to the floor leaving you both naked on the bed.
Shortly after, you could feel her knee pressing up between your thighs. Her tongue caressed your own in a hungry manner, and her hands wandered all over your body, exploring territory she was all too familiar with from before.
Rough fingertips traced your skin, making you shiver in anticipation, wondering what she would do next.
"You're distracting me!" you told her and quickly noticed the smirk on her face.
"I have endless of information that I need to go throu-" you were in the middle of a sentence but got cut off when your words got stuck in your throat by the knee that rubbed against your clit.
"Everyone needs to be distracted every once in a while, detka," she stated, as her Russian accent took completely over.
You looked at her with loving eyes, it was hard not to adore the woman on top of you. One of her hands traced down your stomach and her fingers teased your wet core. Placing kisses all over your collarbone and chest, while her fingers slowly started to stimulate you.
Her mouth found your nipple, and she then started to suck and gently bite while she fondled with your other breast and nipple with her free hand, giving both breasts the same attention.
Softly rubbing circles on your clit, she changed it up and slowly started to thrust her fingers into your soaking cunt. All the tension from stress needed a release, and Yelena took her time.
"Lena, please," you pleaded, and her eyes instantly met yours, she pulled away from your breast and moved upwards again. Her lips hovered by your earlobe for what felt like far too long before she finally whispered, "okay... just this once, my solnishko."
She quickly pulled away and made her way between your thighs. Her fingers thrusted into you both faster and harder, and her tongue swirled around your clit, hitting your bundle of nerves just right. With her free hand she reached up and took a hold of your hand, and softly intertwined your fingers together.
Getting closer to your orgasm, chasing your release, you started to cradle her face, in hopes of keeping her there. Your other hand went down to her head, fingers tangled in her blonde hair, trying to pull her even closer.
She was not scared of slightly getting suffocated by your thighs that seemed to close more and more by each second that went by. Your legs started to tremble, and when you started moaning and began to shake, she spread your legs with her arms, and used her weight to keep you down while your walls clenched around her fingers. She then rode out your long-awaited, and much needed orgasm.
Breathing unevenly as you came down from your high, finally having a feeling of being relaxed, and unstressed your phone rang. The caller-ID was no other than Maria Hill. You picked the phone up. "Hey, Hill, why are you calling? It's late..." You said while breathing heavily, and your cheeks reddened.
"I hope you're not working out right now..." she said but you cut her off without thinking and said, "no, no I'm not."
It was probably the dumbest decision you had ever made in your whole career. Yelena was holding in her laugh beside you, listening in on your conversation.
"Stop!" you whispered to Yelena while she sat there struggling, holding onto dear life, not letting herself make a sound.
"If you're not working out in the gym, then I do not wish to know what you were doing at this hour," Maria stated, but you could hear her stifling a laugh on the other end.
"It is not my fault that I'm so attractive, making me the perfect distraction," Yelena whispered sarcastically and got your death glare in return.
"Is someone there with you? I swear it sounded just like-" Maria went on, but you cut her off, "no, uhm, I am alone, no one's here. I am all by myself, it must have been the... the uh, the cat," you answered her, not letting her finish her sentence.
"I know damn well Yelena Belova doesn't have a cat. She has a dog... named Fanny," Maria said with a chuckle, taking you off guard.
"How, wait what?" you said both to Maria and Yelena that was having trouble breathing by laughing silently for what felt like an eternity.
"It is my job to know everything about my agents, just like Nick Fury's job is to have secrets that have secrets. It is not news that Natasha Romanoff was a good friend of mine, she told me a lot of interesting things throughout the years. But, anyway, I just called to inform you that tomorrow at 12:00 you're needed at my office, I'm giving you your first mission, even though exams are in four weeks from now. Remember to come prepared, oh, and say hi to Belova from me, bye!" Maria said, then she hung up before you could process every word she just had said.
"I am so, so, screwed, aren't I?" you asked your girlfriend rhetorically.
"I don't know about that; I just know that I screwed you just now," she answered with a chuckle, hiding behind a pillow, waiting for you to slap her, but the slap never came, instead you ended up throwing your phone behind you on the bed and then said, "if she teases and humiliates me for this, then you're in deep shit, Yelena." 
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Wanda Maximoff not a snack but a whole goddamn meal
You had given Wanda attitude over the course of the two last days. To say the least she was pissed off because of it. She'd tolerated your mood swings but now it was getting out of control, and she couldn't put up with it anymore.
"What do you want to eat for dinner?" she asked you as you were slumped down on the couch with the remote control in hand. "I don't know, you choose," you sighed back as you kept switching channels on the TV.
"Did I do something? Have I said something?" Wanda asked confused and sighed as she opened the fridge to see which ingredients you had bought that she could make a meal out of.
"You... you just talk too much, Wanda!" you huffed out as you ran your fingers through your hair, wanting to rip it out.
"If you need space just tell me and I'll give you space, but you have to talk to me in order for me to understand what you need, we must communicate if you want us to work," she stated as she started to rummage in the cabinets, making loud and unpleasant clattering noises with the kitchen equipment.
Her rummaging in the kitchen made you throw the remote control in the chair opposite of you. Afterwards you shot up from the couch and made your way to the kitchen just some meters away from where you had watched TV.
"Stop it!" you shouted at her and took the frying pan out of her hands and slammed it onto the counter in pure anger. "If you needed space, I assume you would have told me already. What is this really about, huh?" she asked as she looked over her shoulder and down at your scowling face.
You didn't answer, just let out a grunt. "What did I do?!" she once again asked, now getting slightly annoyed by your attitude not letting up. You looked at her with a sulky pout forming on your lips.
"Oh... this is about what I haven't done, is it?" she asked as she searched your face for an answer. As you looked away in embarrassment, she grabbed your waist in an instant and placed you on the counter.
She spread your legs and stood between them, then softly lifting your chin up and leaning in, locking your lips. "Wrap yourself around me," she ordered, and without questioning it, you did. Wanda dragged your pants and underwear down to your thighs, sat you back on the counter and dragged your clothes completely off, letting them lay in a pile in front of the closed fridge.
Once again, her lips met yours, and her hands stroked your thighs up and down. You held her close with your arms around her neck, not letting her go. After she pulled away, she slowly placed kisses down your chin, and neck. "Arms up," she said, which you certainly listened to. Your t-shirt was then thrown onto the pile of clothes on the floor.
You grabbed her sweater, pulling her close again. Then took a hold of her neck and pressed your lips against hers in a hungry manner. Her hands started to fondle with your bra, and soon enough she had removed that piece of clothing too, which meant that you were now butt naked on the counter.
You kissed her until you were out of breath, and that's when she went even lower. With one hand she groped one of your breasts and fondled with your nipple, sucking the other one, making you moan in anticipation.
"Wanda... please," you begged her as she took her time, making you even more impatient. "Huh?" she asked sarcastically as she was moving lower down. She was kissing the insides of your thighs, which made you close your legs by instinct, since you wanted and needed her closer. You cradled her face with your thighs, starting to grind forward into her face.
Just seconds after, she spread your legs again, denying you the friction you had so desperately tried to get. "Fuck me... please!" you whined out as you were aching for her touch.
"Will you behave and drop the bitchy attitude if I do?" she asked in a mocking and teasing tone. "Yes. I swear... please," you now begged her, as your craving grew larger.
She was hovering over your already soaked core and grinned to herself. "Please!" you begged once again, as you felt her breath on your unstimulated and needy cunt.
Wanda finally gave in, and you moaned in pleasure as her tongue finally started to give you the pleasure you longed for. You felt delighted as she didn't stop to tease you anymore, and you grabbed her hair pulling her even closer. "Oh...fuck, W-Wanda." Was all you could stutter out as she brought you to your climax by stimulating your clit as she swirled her tongue around it, just the way she knew you liked it.
She licked you clean, and you were all over her mouth and chin. As you had gotten out of your state of bliss you quickly grabbed her again and pulled her closer. You could taste yourself on her lips and you pulled her in for a passionate kiss to show her how much you actually appreciated her.
"So, uhm... we should probably eat something," you stated as you went towards your pile of clothes. "I just ate... and I'm not finished with you yet, kitten," she said as she grabbed your hand, spun you around and threw you over her shoulder and slapped your ass making you gasp.
It didn't take long before you were thrown onto the comfy bed. You quickly sat up, uncertain of what she had in mind. "Since you've been a little bitch with an attitude and never telling me why..." she started and stripped down with her back in your direction.
"I think I need to teach you a lesson," she followed up as she was fiddling with something.
"Uhm... okay, Wanda," you said lowly, nervous for whatever she was planning.
"You know what, I want you to call me... mommy," she informed you as she turned around with a smug expression. The first thing you noticed as she walked towards the bed was how perfectly her breasts bounced, but soon after you realized what she was wearing.
"We've never used it before, Wanda!" you said with a shocked expression on your face. She crawled onto the bed and stopped as she had positioned herself in front of you. Her hands cupped your cheeks, and she used her thumb to graze your bottom lip. "Princess... what did I tell you to call me?" she asked, her tone laced with disappointment.
"M-mommy..." you said shyly, as you looked down only to see the strap-on, which made you look back up at her in uncertainty. "Don't worry, I'm pretty sure you'll like it. If you need me to stop because you can't take it, then I'll stop immediately," she stated with a smirk appearing on her face. "Remember the stoplight system?" she whispered in your ear, hot breath tingling at the back of your neck.
You only nodded to what she had said, soon after you were spun around, and pushed down making your ass shoot up in the air. Then you felt her hands grabbing and squeezing your ass. You let out an involuntary moan, and you quickly shut yourself up by biting into your hand.
Wanda shuffled behind you, but you couldn't see what she was up to. "What are you doing, mommy?" you asked but quickly put two and two together when you heard a bottle squirting sound.
Then one of her hands took you by surprise as she slid her fingers inside of you to make sure that you were still were wet, and that you didn't need more lube than she already had smeared onto the strap-on.
She came up behind you and teased your opening with the tip of the strap-on and slowly pushed a little into you, then out again, every time she was gentle until you instinctively pushed yourself onto it without acknowledging it yourself.
"Mommy, it feels... so good," you said in between each thrust, a moan threatening to escape your mouth every time she pulled a little bit out then went right back to plunging into you.
Instead of getting the perfect view to your ass, she wanted to have you closer, and she got that as she pulled out of you only to order you to lower yourself on her, with your back against her stomach.
Not seconds after she started to pound into you, holding you in place by wrapping her arms over your breasts, pressing you even closer to her naked body, and you felt her breasts on your back with each thrust.
"Don't stop, please don't... don't stop!" you cried out as you threw your head backwards, into her shoulder. Her lips made contact to your chin, pressing kisses to your soft skin, trailing down your neck, making you moan out in pleasure as you were nearing your release once again. She slowly traced her hand down to your clit, stimulating it as well to get you closer to your orgasm.
"Oh fuck! I-I'm gonna cum... mommy," you screamed out as she started to pound even harder into you. Then her lips clashed onto yours, muffling your moans as your walls clenched around the strap-on, and you came all over it. You felt like you were in heaven as you were getting down from your high in her embrace. Panting in sweat, you slowly lifted yourself up, making the strap-on glide out of you, and then you slumped down again beside her.
"Have you learned your lesson now, or do I have to remind you again to not behave like an ungrateful slut?" Wanda asked in a playful tone as she took the strap-on off and looked back at you with a grin.
"Believe me, I've learned my lesson," you answered as you pulled her closer and pecked her lips. "Well, babe, are you still hungry? How does a homemade pizza sound?" she asked with a sweet smile. "Yes, please!" you squealed out.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Natasha Romanoff & Wanda Maximoff just a shower, right?
The humid air fogged over the mirror, leaving damp marks behind. The warm water ran down your body, trailing every curve. As you massaged the shampoo into your scalp you heard the door creaking from behind you.
While you're cleansing out the shampoo, two people squeezed their way into the shower behind you.
"I thought you said you were going to wait for us..." a raspy woman's voice said as a pair of hands slithered their way around your waist.
"I don't recall saying that, Natasha..." you stated as you took some soap and slowly rubbed it all over your stomach and chest.
"I think she needs to be reminded, maybe she'll remember exactly what she promised us," a soft voice spoke out from behind, nearly muffled out by the falling water from above.
Suddenly Natasha's hands wandered from your waist and moved upwards to your stomach and rinsed the soap off for you. You didn't even need to look up at her to know that she was enjoying it when her hands fondled your breasts.
As you still were being rinsed off, you could make out the shuffling that was happening behind you. Soon enough the owner of the soft voice made their way in front of you, making a smug grin appear on your face.
Now you were standing between the two women, sandwiched in the middle.
"What did I promise you, hun?" you asked the woman in front of you as you grabbed a hold of the soap and started rubbing it on her stomach.
You took a step closer to her, bodies touching, leaving no space whatsoever between the two of you. Slightly hovering over her you had to lean down in order for you to whisper in her ear.
"I promised you the night of your life, didn't I, Wanda?"
You could feel her shivering beneath you, and you felt familiar arms snake around your waist. It didn't take long before a hot breath lingered on your neck and wet kisses were placed on your chin along with her biting and tugging at your flesh.
Leaning into the redhead, you roughly grabbed the shorter woman in front of you by the arm and pulled her closer. Your hands made their way up to her face, and slowly tucked her hair behind her ear.
"You really are beautiful, princess..." you informed Wanda as you caressed her cheek with one hand, and holding her chin up with the other, forcing her to look up at you.
As you went on caressing her, taking in every single detail about her gorgeous face, your thumb eventually grazed her bottom lip. After that you couldn't help but clash your lips against hers.
When the kiss went from passionately to heated, a hand began groping your ass, making you gasp since you were taken by surprise, resulting with you moaning into the kiss.
Your hand grabbed a hold of Wanda's neck, as you slowly pulled away biting her bottom lip in the process. Then you rather quickly started pressing chaste kisses all over her neck, until you instead went on to suck on her neck, making sure to leave a bruise.
Then without any warning, you turned off the water, grabbed a hold of both Wanda and Nat's hands, one in each of your own palms and strutted out of the shower.
--- Time skip ---
You whispered an order into Wanda's ear, and you could almost see the hairs on her arms rising at the idea. She then proceeded to slowly walk over to Natasha, pushing her silently onto the office chair. Wanda slid onto her lap and began trailing kisses down her neck.
While they were occupied, you walked over to the nightstand drawer and got out the handcuffs.
As Natasha's hands started to roam on Wanda's bare back and finding their way even higher, pulling at Wanda's hair, you harshly grabbed one of her hands and cuffed it, then you quickly took a hold of the other one and now she was officially handcuffed.
Wanda pushed Natasha's arms over her head and pulled them down in between the two of them.
"You sneaky bastar-" Natasha growled but were cut off when Wanda proceeded to suck on one of her breasts. You could see Natasha struggling as she bit her lip, doing her best to not let out any sounds.
You found your way back to the nightstand drawer and got some rope. Faster than the speed of light you were tying Natasha's legs to the office chair making it impossible for her to move.
Wanda noticed that everything went according to plan and glanced up at you smiling and pecked Nat's lips, like she knew that this scenario would quickly change.
"Get on the bed, Wanda," you ordered her and without questioning you, she did. She looked at you with a glint of uncertainty in her eyes.
"All the way up to the headboard," you once again ordered as you pulled Natasha's arms over her head and behind the chair. Then you walked over to the nightstand drawer once again and got out something you had been waiting a long time to use.
Making sure to hide it behind your back you crawled onto the bed and straddled her lap.
"Close your eyes, honey." As she once again obeyed, your hands came up over her and you carefully placed he blindfold on.
You looked back at a proud-looking Natasha.
"I see you've picked up on my tricks, sweetie," Natasha said in a cocky tone as she desperately tried to move her legs, making her look powerless which gave you satisfaction just by the sight of her ego crumbling before you.
Just as quickly as you had sat down on Wanda's lap you had to get off her again, but before doing so, you roughly kissed her lips, making the anticipation she was feeling grow even bigger.
You had found the nightstand drawer for the last time, and got out even more rope, and crawled onto the bed, straddling Wanda again. She gasped when you grabbed her hand and held it up against the headboard. Then you tied her hand and did the same thing to the other one making her unable to move her arms.
Without any heads up your hand found its way down to her already wet core. Your hand quickly rubbed her clit in a circular motion, and her hips started bucking against you for the extra friction.
Her breathing became uneven a lot faster than you had expected, and you couldn't help but enjoy it. Knowing Natasha was sitting in the chair watching you, without the chance of pleasuring herself made you even more turned on.
You made a show of trailing your other hand up her body, starting to fondle with her breasts. Trembling under you, Wanda didn't manage to get out actual words. Her stuttering turned into moans that she had no chance of keeping in, her technique of biting the inside of her own cheek only worked for a little while.
"I would say I'm keeping my promise, aren't I, princess?" you asked her rhetorically as her legs were practically shaking from the pleasure she was feeling.
"Answer me, princess," you whispered into her ear as your hand kept stimulating her, faster and faster not slowing down for even a second. "Y-yes... you a-are..." she answered as her hands pulled at the rope, resulting in you letting out a light chuckle.
The sight of her desperate and powerless was the best sight you could ever dream of. At this point her moaning became so frequent that it didn't sound like plural moans but a long never-ending moan.
When you added even more pressure as you stimulated her you pushed her over the edge. Even though she came once and was breathing uncontrollably, it didn't stop you from deciding it would be fun to keep pleasuring her.
Her body was shaking under you as you kept rubbing her oversensitive and swollen clit. Overstimulating her until she was whimpering, and her moans turned into desperate cries of pleasure leaving her mouth that was wide open and never closing.
Her hands kept pulling at the rope and your lips abruptly met hers, throwing her off guard and muffling her loud moans as she came again. You rode out her orgasm and even a blind person could see that she was exhausted, to put it mildly.
You carefully untied her, took the blindfold off, and smiled down at her as she caught her breath, her stomach finally rising and falling evenly. She rapidly grabbed the side of your face and pulled you close and pecked your lips.
Then you softly stroked her thigh, kissed her cheek and crawled off the bed again.
"Enjoyed the show?" you asked Natasha who was sitting in the chair just as you had left her. "I certainly did," she answered as you untied her legs and took the handcuffs off, at long last freeing her.
"You thirsty?" you asked the two equally beautiful women. Wanda just nodded in response, with a thankful look on her face that was flustered just moments ago.
"Are you done for the night?" Natasha answered your question with a question and a frown plastered on her face.
"Yes, I actually am... and I get why you don't need us to pleasure you every time. This was satisfaction enough for me, babe," you stated with a grin.
"But if you asked because you're unsatisfied, well... then I think that's even better. You'll just have to wait until next time, Tasha," you informed her teasingly as you disappeared out of the room to get some water for both women, and yourself.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Natasha Romanoff coming home from a mission
Usually, it didn't take a long time for Natasha to come back from the missions she would go on. This mission was different, something about Budapest, if you remembered correctly. It took longer than expected, in other words, she had been gone for a long time.
You had planned on going to bed, but a bad habit of taking your laptop with you so you could watch videos on YouTube, or a movie on Netflix was becoming routine for you. Sitting on your bed, clicking through the videos that came up on your recommended was what you were currently doing, but it quickly became boring, so you turned the laptop off with a sigh.
You officially had nothing to do, you were bored out of your mind, and you weren't tired, meaning that sleep wasn't really an option. Then the idea popped into your mind, and your cheeks went red just momentarily.
You knew you weren't allowed to go through with the idea you had gotten, but Natasha wasn't there, and she probably wouldn't be home this week so it didn't matter because she wouldn't know.
After debating with yourself for a small amount of time, you got rid of your underwear, which left you naked from the waist down. Your hand travelled down between your thighs, and it didn't take long before you felt a well-known wetness as you were pleasuring yourself.
Lost in thought and closing your eyes, imagining that Natasha was the one stimulating your clit, you bit your lip and increased the speed. Knowing you weren't allowed to pleasure yourself without her present made you even more turned on, you knew very well that you needed her permission, and you had not gotten it. You got closer to reaching your climax and kept up the speed.
"Wait, are you masturbating?!" you heard a familiar voice ask from beside you, and your eyes shut open in a flash and you ripped your hand away and dragged your t-shirt down, trying to cover up.
"Oh my god, really? You just couldn't wait, could you?" the voice once again asked, but you were nervous and kept looking away, knowing you had broken the rules.
The redhead then sat down on the bed, and took a hold of your chin, turning your head in her direction.
"C'mon babe, open your eyes, you're not that scared of punishment, are you?" she asked mischievously, and you opened your eyes only to see her lips tug into a smirk.
"I'm sorry..." you said, just to be cut off.
"I get it, I've been gone a long time, so I'm sorry, it took longer than I expected," she apologized, glancing down, avoiding eye-contact for just some seconds before she then looked up again. Honestly, you were way too horny to ask her how it had gone.
"I'm not scared of punishment," you stated with a smile, knowing you would get release after all.
"Good, because it's your own actions that made you deserve punishment. You do remember that I said you needed permission, right?" Natasha asked as her hand started stroking your thigh.
You only nodded in response. It didn't take long before Natasha pushed you down on the bed, she leaned down, avoided your lips, and instead her mouth was hovering over your ear.
"You're going to regret not behaving, acting like a slut, so needy that you couldn't wait for a few more days..." she whispered into your ear, her breath lingering on your skin, making you shiver. Her slender fingertips traced down your body until she found your already wet core.
Then she started stimulating you, like you had done to yourself just moments before. Her hand rubbed your clit in a circular motion making you buck your hips for the extra friction.
"I got a feeling you're going to beg..." Natasha stated with a sly smile. Low moans left your mouth as she added more pressure. Your hands disappeared under your t-shirt, and you started fondling with your own breasts, chasing your release.
You started to tremble under her, and just as you were about to come undone her hand left your body.
"Natasha, please," you said as the sensation of pleasure disappeared, a feeling of disappointment taking over.
"Honey, you know that isn't my name," her hand landed on your hips. Just inches away from your goal.
"I'm sorry mommy."
Soon enough she was stimulating your clit again, once again you were letting out moans as the rupture between your thighs were becoming unbearable without a release in the nearest future. Your breathing was becoming harder to control as you got more sensitive for each second that passed. It was hard to cover up the fact that your legs were starting to shake slightly again, and your moans turned into desperate cries as the orgasm you were chasing got closer. Once again as you were about to come undone beneath her, she stopped pleasuring you.
The loss of contact was pure torture. You knew this was your punishment, so you did what every brat would have done in this situation. You begged, "for fuck's sake, mommy please!" All she did was chuckle lowly with satisfaction.
When her hand once again found your core, you immediately felt a spike of pleasure shoot throughout your body. You were so sensitive that the orgasm didn't need any build-up anymore.
Every time you were getting close you felt your body grow more tired but still you wanted the release more than anything.
"Please don't stop. I'm begging you..." you said in between heavy breaths. She kept on stimulating you, and you were biting the inside of your cheek trying to silence yourself as the moans escaped your mouth.
"Trying to be quiet? Who gave you permission to do that, huh? Guess you won't get to come now either," Natasha said with a grin.
"No! mommy, p-please!" you nearly screamed out as her hand disappeared like it had done multiple times now. She looked at you like you were her prey, and now she was just playing with you, messing around, waiting for the right moment to strike.
You glared at her until she once again started to pleasure you. "D-don't stop! Please! I'll be good mommy, I promise!" you begged her, uttering the words in a whimpering manner.
This must've been fun for her, but by now it was borderline unbearable. Within a few seconds you were trembling under her, legs shaking, and your breathing made your stomach rise and fall unevenly.
The indicators of how close you were, was always the same, but finally result was different. Your hands gripped the sheets as you came undone, and Natasha's beautiful green eyes stared you down with satisfaction plastered on her face as your legs closed by instinct. Before you knew it, she was stimulating you once more without any warning.
"No! No more!" you were now overstimulated, and it didn't take long before you came again nearly screaming when the second orgasm washed over you as her lips gently met yours for the first time since she had come home, and it was fair to say that you melted into the kiss.
You were exhausted, but the feeling of her lips against your own was something you'd never get tired of. Eventually you pulled away to catch your breath, but she never ceased to amaze you, how caring and loving she was, even though she could seem rough.
She sensed that you were tired, and pulled you closer to her, then dragged the covers over the two of you. Since you knew she needed time to open up about her time in Budapest, you found yourself satisfied with cuddling instead of talking. The only words exchanged later that night was, "I love you."  
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Natasha Romanoff teasing you
You were slammed into the wall almost immediately, by Natasha. It all happened too fast for you to react. "I told you to stop, didn't I?" she asked rhetorically. You gulped at the sight of her being pissed off, and quickly looked down at the floor.
You had teased her all day about her peanut butter sandwiches. The teasing was innocent, just like you. Since you now were pressed up against the wall you understood that you had officially crossed over the line when you hadn't listened to her when she told you to stop.
"You liked making me mad, didn't you?" she asked as she grabbed your chin and forced you to look at her. She searched your face for an answer, and you could see the anger boiling in her as you glanced into her mesmerizing emerald eyes.
"Answer me," she said as her thumb stroked over your bottom lip, signalizing you to speak. "I... I uhm- thought you liked it..." you answered honestly as you tried to get out of her grip.
You stopped rather quickly when you felt her knee press up between your thighs.
"You thought I liked it?" she asked as her hand were brought lower, down to your throat. "Just like how you enjoy this?" she followed up and wrapped her hand around your throat and squeezing lightly at the sides, slightly choking you.
The anger that she had just shown disappeared when you gasped for air as she squeezed harder and harder. You both enjoyed it, but you didn't dare to admit how much you liked being absolutely powerless.
As she took her hand away you frowned. Natasha then proceeded to lean closer to you, her mouth so close to your ear that you could feel her breath on your skin.
"Didn't think I would notice, did you kitten?" she asked as she moved her knee, which made you gasp at the sudden contact that once again took you by surprise.
You were spun around, and she pressed the side of your head against the wall. Her hands rather quickly roamed your body until she slipped one of her hands under your sweatpants.
You were already wet, and excited for what was going to happen next. Her hand slowly rubbed your panties and you couldn't help it but let out a soft and quiet moan. "So wet... you little slut," she said as she pulled your hair with her other hand, forcing you to look up at her grinning face.
"P-please..." you cried out. "What was that? Please what?" she mocked you as she released her grip on your hair. "Please... touch me," you begged her.
"I already am, princess," she answered you as her hand smacked your ass, making you yelp out in pain which turned into pleasure as her hand slipped under your panties.
She kept rubbing your clit as you let out small moans. "Natasha..." you said a little too loud making your cheeks as red as her hair. Her free hand slid up to your breasts, and it didn't take long before she had harshly grabbed onto one of them, as one of your own hands gripped onto her arm for stability.
"I- I'm gonna... cum," you said in between heavy breaths. That's when the lack of contact hit you. Her hands left your body, and she was not pressed up against you from behind anymore and resting her head on your shoulder.
As you found your balance again you slowly turned around to see her walking to your bed. You couldn't process what happened. She sat down and opened a book and started to read, leaving you there, standing all alone, and wanting more.
She didn't even need to look up to know what you were doing; she could feel you staring at her. "What?" she asked like what just had happened never actually did happen.
Even though you were the one that had teased her first, you didn't accept the fact that she wouldn't finish you off. You had to take matters into your own hands.
You ignored her question and stripped down. The sweatpants you quickly dragged down and stepped out of. Walking slowly towards her you stopped just beside the bed and threw your soaked panties on the page she was currently reading.
Natasha didn't look up, so you slowly started to stroke her thigh. Never in your life had you been more thankful for her wearing the shortest pair of shorts you had ever seen.
Without thinking you slumped down onto her thigh and started grinding on her to get the friction you were longing for. It wasn't until you were letting out moans again that she put the book on the nightstand again.
She sat up and in an instant one of her hands groped your ass, and the other one found the small of your back to keep you balanced. Your own hands went around her neck, playing with her hair as your breaths again began to get uneven.
Natasha quickly changed the scene once again. Instead of being on top you were now laying under her watching her lips turn into a smirk. She leaned down, her mouth yet again close to your ear. "Beg, kitten." She ordered and started to nibble on your earlobe.
"Natasha... I-... please," you begged as her head went down to your neck, she placed soft kisses and asked, "Please what?" you knew she enjoyed teasing you to get back at you even more, but at this point you didn't care.
"Fuck me. I need you to fuck me... please," you cried out as she was sucking on your neck, making sure to leave a bruise, marking you as hers. Not even a second later you felt two of her fingers plunge into you, which resulted in you letting out unheavenly noises.
You couldn't keep it in, you had waited for this since she first denied your orgasm. "Natasha... don't... don't stop!" you screamed out as your nails dug into her back.
She now started to stimulate your clit with her thumb as she kept on penetrating you with the two other fingers. "Tasha!" you moaned out as your walls were about to clench around her fingers.
Your moaning was muffled as her lips met yours in a passionate kiss, that you didn't know you had needed. Soon enough you were all over her fingers as she pulled them out of you.
She looked at you with a smug expression. Her hand went up to your mouth and brushed your lips and before you could react, she had stuffed her fingers into your mouth.
"Clean my fingers, you little slut," you sucked and licked her fingers, tasting yourself, just as she had ordered.
"Will you behave and be my good girl from now on?" Natasha asked as she took her fingers out of your mouth, letting you swallow your own juices. "Yes..." you said quietly, like you suddenly had become shy.
"I love you," Natasha said as she pulled you closer to her. You pecked her lips, and then looked at her with doe eyes. "I love you too, Tasha," you said as you tilted your head slightly.
"Yes, alright, okay!" Natasha exclaimed as she wrapped her arms around you and positioned herself behind you. "Goodnight!" you said happily as you intertwined your hand with hers making sure she'll hold around you throughout the whole night.
"Sweet dreams," Natasha said softly and pressed a kiss to your cheek and afterwards rested her head on your shoulder.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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After an award show
I've got to be honest with you guys, this might be the horniest text I've ever written.
My excuse for that is that I'm hormonal and horny, because of my period.
I am so sorry for Brie Larson if she ever comes across this text. I'm sorry Brie, I really am.
I also hope this text makes up for the last one-shots that were really short.
Okay bye, I need to take a cold shower.
This was your first time ever attending an award show. It was quite scary if you were completely honest with yourself. To your advantage, you had Samuel L. Jackson by your side. He was your costar, and he had also turned out to be a good and close friend. Someone you could turn to for anything. Advice, and help, no matter the issue, he was always there to talk to.
"There is so many people here... goddamn," you said nervously, clinging to his arm.
"Don't worry... they'll all soon find their seats, just like we will," he reassured you.
Letting out a breath you didn't know you had been holding in, you followed him, until you finally could sit down. Looking around, you could see all these famous actors and actresses talking and laughing.
            They really did have a good time. But you couldn't. You knew that there was a slim chance you could end up winning an award, and it scared you, to stand up at the big stage having to tell a speech, which you hadn't prepared in the slightest.
Noticing that nearly all the women wore dresses made you anxious, it felt like you blended too in with the men as you wore a suit.
You took out the flask you had stashed in your pocket and drank from it, the burning sensation in your throat gave you something else to think about.
"Are you feeling okay?" Samuel asked, immediately laughing when you started drinking even more.
"No, I can't be here sober... it's giving major anxiety vibes... I know."
"I'm also getting 'major alcoholic vibes' from the flask you've been carrying all this time."
            "Oh god, you're too old to say major and vibes in the same sentence..."
"What? You're the one teaching me about what all the young people are doing and saying..."
You only laughed in response, feeling more relaxed as the alcohol slowly entered your bloodstream.
"So, now we just sit here and wait?" you asked, as you noticed Scarlett Johansson passing by.
"Oh my god... did you see her?"
"Scarlett motherfucking Johansson!" you squealed, too loudly for your own liking.
You looked Samuel right in the eyes, and said, "y'know, she is so fine, her smile, and those gorgeous eyes, like, I can't, I'm fangirling too much... she is so beautiful."
Samuel looked at you in disbelief.
"Gay awakening right there, like, if you didn't feel yourself getting warm and flustered as you stared at her on the big screen in a movie theatre, then you're a weirdo. A legend, an icon, and utterly stunning, is what she is!" you rambled on, forgetting where you were.
Someone cleared their throat right beside you, and you slowly looked up at them.
"You called my name?"
"Oh, God... shit. I am sorry."
She just laughed at your response. "No, no, it's fine! Glad to have helped you figure out your sexuality... you're looking quite attractive yourself, especially in that suit."
She flashed you a smile, winked at you and walked away swaying her hips. You slowly leaned back in your chair, praying that no cameras caught that embarrassing moment.
Samuel sat beside you laughing until he couldn't breathe, coughing, tears welling in his eyes.
"Are you sure she isn't your crush?" he said in between coughs, grinning from ear to ear.
"She isn't anymore... but believe me, she was my celebrity crush for quite some time."
"Mhhmmm..." he muttered out, unconvinced.
He tried to look where you were currently looking. Trying to see any faces he might recognize, that could be your type.
"Who is it then, your celebrity crush?" he asked smiling.
"If I told you that, then I'm never living it down."
"Oh, come on... give me a hint at least."
"It's.... a woman."
"No shit, sherlock. You're the gayest person I've ever met."
"You like women more than men like women... do you get that, that's some next level shit..." he said, stating facts.
All you did was laugh.
"True... true..." you mumbled, as the host walked out on stage.
All the talking from around the big room died down, and soon every head was turned in the direction of the stage.
A lot of famous names were said, but only a few of them won awards. Leading actress was far out of your reach, so you sat comfortable in your seat.
            Then it happened. There was not a lot of categories left, but of course, this one, you had been nominated for, the words Rising Star popped up on the big screen. Then the image of yourself, another actress, and two actors came up right under the text. You looked absolutely terrified. Your hands were getting sweaty. This was it.
"Now or never..." Samuel whispered, taking ahold of your hand.
Then your heart stopped.
The host said your name.
Your hand was squeezed softly, and Samuel stood up, pulling you with him.
In shock, you stood there with your mouth open, not believing your ears.
You didn't think you were going to win.
You hadn't prepared a speech, or anything.
Samuel pulled you in for a big hug, and you hugged him back, feeling his safe and secure arms around you pulled you back to reality.
All around you people clapped, congratulating you.
The director patted your shoulder, and grinned at you. All you did was smile, in pure shock.
Then Samuel put both his hands up in the air, and you hit them both, giving him the high ten in pure joy.
He wrapped his arm around your waist and walked towards the stage, guiding you.
Once you stood on the stage, you didn't really know what to say.
Nervously you walked up to the microphone, and Samuel gave you a thumbs up as he started walking back to his seat. "Come here!" you whispered at him, scared shitless by the lights that were shining at you.
"This is your award!" he whispered back, as you were internally freaking out.
"Well, I'm going to shit my pants! Get your ass over here unless you want to deal with that mess and clean it up."
The audience laughed. You only got more nervous. The microphone had picked your words up.
"You've got this!" Samuel reassured you, smiling, and now you actually let him go back to his seat.
You sighed before looking out at all the other actors and actresses, overwhelmed by how they all looked at you.
Then the host came over with your award, and you nervously thanked him as he gave it to you.
"I don't know what to say... I didn't prepare for this, at all..." you said into the microphone, voice quavering.
You pulled out your flask and chugged down the rest of the burning liquor.
"Oooh, that stings..." you stated, as you carefully hid it again.
Samuel laughed, grinning from his seat.
"Wait is that allowed, to drink on live television?!" you asked, getting even more nervous.
"Fuck, I probably shouldn't have done that... shit, am I allowed to say fuck? No wait... sorry... can I swear?" you asked, looking out at the crowd with fear in your eyes.
Once again, the audience laughed, but even louder this time.
The panic on your face getting clearer by each second that passed.
"Okay.... well, uh, first off, I have to thank the director, the producers and the whole crew, everyone behind the cameras, and in front of them. Thank you to Samuel L. Jackson, for helping me while filming the movie, thank you for all the laughter and the smiles that you repeatedly put on my face. Thank you to my parents, for supporting me, and letting me stand here and embarrass myself! Thank you to all the fans that watched the movie, both in theatres and in the comfort of your own home... Thank you for making this possible, I wouldn't be standing here if it wasn't for you guys!" you said, as your nerves slowly but surely disappeared.
"Now... is there a bar nearby? I need more alcohol, or else I'm going to drop-kick a child. Sorry, that was a joke. I do in fact not hate children...... that much," you joked, with a deadpan face, making the crowd burst out in laughter.
As the laughter was dying down, you walked down the stairs with the award in your hand.
When you had gotten far enough from the stage, you ran toward Samuel, in a hurry to get to your seat again.
"That was good! You did great!" he reassured you as you sat down in your chair.
"You really think so?"
"Of course!" he beamed at you.
When they had put ads on for television, all the people started moving, finding other groups to chat to.
"You said that you were thirsty? Was that also a joke?" Samuel asked you, with a smirk.
"No, I definitely need more alcohol..."
"Well, let's find us some..." he said, standing up.
Once again you were following him, feeling lost like a puppy.
You finally came to a stop when Samuel had snatched two champagne glasses from a cater that walked by.
"Finally..." you said and took a sip of it.
Then you spotted her. Your celebrity crush, in the flesh, walking towards you, only a few meters away from where you were currently standing. You were now choking because of the champagne that had went down your airway by mistake as you were caught off guard.
Samuel patted your back, and looked in your direction as you coughed, trying to play it off.
"Are you serious?"
"She's your crush..." he said loudly.
You smacked him in the arm with your award. "Hush!"
"I know her! We've acted together countless times! She's a good friend of mine!"
"Exactly!" you answered him, and he caught on.
Then she came over, smiling at Samuel, and then you. She went in for a hug, and there you stood, awkwardly watching them as she hugged him tightly.
"I don't believe we've met before... it's so great to finally meet you, I'm Brie! And congrats with the award, well deserved might I add!" She congratulated you, a smile tugging at her lips.
You didn't know how to speak. Words left your vocabulary. Your mind went blank.
Samuel nudged your shoulder.
"Uh... ehm... thank you... nice to meet you too!" you rambled on, internally screaming.
"I think it'll be starting again soon... but you're coming to the after-party, right, Samuel? Oh, you're also invited, a friend of Samuel is a friend of mine!" she asked him, grinning, walking away towards her seat.
Samuel just nodded at her, and she smiled back, disappearing into the crowd again.
"Now this... this is something you'll never live down... that was embarrassing to watch!" he stated, laughing, as you chugged down your champagne.
After the embarrassing encounter with your crush, time seemed to fly by, and soon enough it was time to leave.
It was unreal, all the flashing lights that blurred your vision as you walked out of there. Cameras in every direction, nearly blinding you.
All you could think about as you and Samuel walked to his car was the fact that you were going to an after-party, at Brie Larson's place.
            Samuel opened the car door for you.
"Thank you..." you mumbled.
Then he got into the driver's seat and started driving. "Where are we going?" you asked, looking out the window, fidgeting with your award, trying to find out where Brie lived.
"I am driving you home..."
"What? Excuse me, I am so coming with you to the party!"
"Of course, but not with the award, you're not."
You softly hit his shoulder in response.
"Scared you, didn't I?"
You stared daggers at him.
"So scared of not getting to be in Brie's presence... you really do have a crush on her..."
"Hey! It is not my fault that she looks so..."
"Hot? Sexy? Gorgeous? Pretty? Stunning?" he asked mockingly, teasing you.
            "If you put it that way... then yes. I was going to say, attractive... but those words also describe her very well."
He only laughed, pulling over outside of your apartment.
Soon enough you had put your award on a shelf in the safety of your own home, and then you went to freshen up, practically drowning yourself in perfume, fixed your mascara, and put on more lipstick.
Then you walked out again, happy that his car still stood there.
"What took you so long?"
"I had to freshen up!"
"Right... like you weren't turning heads already."
"I need her to look at me... meaning that those who already has been looking doesn't matter."
            "Scarlett Johansson looked at you..."
"Because I said her name, catching her attention."
"She also winked at you..."
"True," you said, while smirking.
"Look, right there, that's her place..."
"Uh... there's not a lot of cars here," you said, noticing the nearly empty street.
            "It's a small, and intimate after-party."
You only gulped at his words.
"Come on, you don't want to keep her waiting, do you?" he asked jokingly.
He knocked on the door and entered, once again you followed him like you were lost and in desperate need of help.
"There you are! Thought I recognized your car from the window!" Brie beamed, pulling him in for another hug.
As they pulled away from each other she looked at you and smiled.
"You're looking so left out, come here!" she said as she lazily put her arms on your shoulders, pulling you into her for a hug. Her perfume crept up your nose, and you could feel yourself lean into her touch just as she pulled away.
She was simply intoxicating.
"Are you thirsty?" she asked and gestured to the counter with countless of drinks and bottles.
Samuel grabbed a beer and thanked Brie, then she walked away, greeting the other people that just walked in the door.
"Do you want something?" he asked, but you shook your head, you were already tipsy and knew you probably shouldn't drink more if you wanted to remember this night.
Then he walked away, and you trailed behind him, until he sat down on a couch in what you presumed was her living room.
"So well decorated," you said, sitting down opposite of Samuel and pointed to the paintings at the walls, the plants, and looked at how all the colours seemed to blend into each other.
"Thank you..." a voice you could recognize anywhere spoke out, then you felt her sit down beside you. Your breath hitched at how close she yet again was.
Looking at Samuel didn't help; he was desperately trying to hide his smile.
"So, congratulations again, on winning, must've been a big moment for you..." the blonde woman beside you said, her voice sending shivers down your spine.
"It was... I mean, I was so shocked... didn't think it was really happening..." you mumbled, scared of embarrassing yourself in front of her again.
"I think you handled it well!" she complimented you, as her eyes met yours.
You quickly looked away, and you could feel her smiling.
"So, what made you want to become an actress?" Brie asked, trying to get to know you.
"Uh... throughout my childhood I always had to pretend to be someone I'm not... so I decided to make use of that..." you answered, your voice slightly quavering.
            "Oh..." she mumbled, realizing that the topic wasn't really a happy one.
"But now I'm not pretending anymore... I mean, the closet was made of glass..." you said, letting out a small chuckle.
"I see..." she answered, understanding what you talked about and flashed you a smile. 
"Are you sure you don't want a drink?" Samuel asked, smirking from the couch opposite of yours.
"A drink would be quite nice, actually..." you said, and quickly stood up, glad to have gotten the chance to escape from the awkwardness so you could compose yourself.
Samuel chuckled and took a sip of his beer.
"I'm going to get a refill..." Brie said as she stood up too, immediately destroying your plan.
She placed her hand at the small of your back, slightly pushing you, guiding you to the kitchen even though you had just been there.
"So... what do you want?" she asked softly beside you, gesturing to the beverages, but you were too distracted by her facial features to notice. 
"Uh... what?"
"What do you want to drink?"
"Oh..." you answered, as you realized you had misunderstood.
"What did you think I was asking you?" she asked, a small chuckle escaping her lips.
"Uh... ehm, nothing?" you stuttered as all you thought about was how much you wanted her. You wanted to feel her close, twisted in bedsheets.
"I'll have some wine..." you said, trying to play it off.
She poured you some of the red liquor. All you could focus on was her slender fingers holding onto the glass.
"What's gotten you so distracted?" she asked, as she gave you the glass, her fingers grazing your own.
"Uh... nothing."
"If you say so," she hummed unconvinced as she refilled her own glass.
You both walked back to the living room, with your drinks in hand and sat down on the couch. Then you recognized a buff man walking in.
"Oh my, he's even bigger in person," you said, not believing your own eyes.
"Chris Hemsworth, yeah, he's... strong. But don't worry, he's kind as a teddy bear," Brie whispered in your ear, her hot breath on your bare skin making you shudder.
"Hey, congratulations on the award!" Chris said, shaking your hand. "I'm Chris!"
"Thank you..." you muttered out and noticed how his muscles nearly ripped his shirt open.
He then walked over to the other brawny men, Sebastian Stan, and Chris Evans. It was impossible to not notice them, all the ladies were sneaking glances at them every other second.
"So, how do you guys know each other?" you asked Brie and Samuel, trying to strike up a conversation.
"We've acted in many movies together, actually..." Samuel answered, glancing at Brie.
"Captain Marvel, Unicorn Store, Kong: Skull Island, is some of them, to name a few," she answered and took a sip of her wine. 
"Is it just me or are you like, really tense? You don't seem to be relaxed at all..." she followed up, in a worried tone.
It was hard to think, or speak, or do anything at all. She had picked up on how nervous you were around her.
"Excuse me, where's the bathroom?" you asked, getting up.
"Down the hall, first door to the left," she answered, glancing at Samuel who only shrugged his shoulders. You chugged down all the wine, regretting it immediately, and placed the empty glass on the table and practically ran towards the bathroom.
It was impossible to act even the tiniest bit normal. The effect she had on you was just too much. As you tried to open the bathroom door you quickly realized that it was locked.
Deciding to stand there and wait, Brie caught up with you.
"Are you okay?" she asked, standing right in front of you, just close enough to touch.
"Yes... just overwhelmed."
"What's bothering you?"
            "It's nothing..." you said refusing to meet her gaze.
She took a step closer to you, and your breath hitched in response.
Slowly she took a hold of your chin and forced you to look at her.
"Do I make you nervous?" she asked with one raised eyebrow.
"What?" you asked back, as your cheeks were covered in a red flush.
It somehow felt illegal to admit that you desperately wanted her.
Your eyes trailed downwards, her blue dress resting at the top of her breasts, the fabric hugging her in all the right places.
            You were wishing that her dress would slip down, just a tiny bit, but you scolded yourself for even having the thought.
"Is that why you're acting like this?" she asked, noticing where your eyes were wandering on her body.
You looked up at her, meeting her eyes again. Somehow, something just took over you, it was difficult to distinguish if it was arousal or confidence, because in a matter of seconds you put your arms around her neck and kissed her hungrily.
She didn't kiss you back, just put her hands on your shoulders, carefully pushing you away.
"You're drunk."
"Me being drunk doesn't change the fact that I've been crushing on you for so long..." you admitted, cupping her cheek.
"You're so gorgeous... it actually hurts," you complimented her, your thumb stroking her cheek.
"You're not thinking clearly," she answered, letting out a sigh.
"So, me being inebriated means that I don't know what I want anymore?" you asked upset.
"That's not what I said..."
"I want you so bad... I need you to just touch me-" you tried to speak but she cut you off.
            "I don't want to take advantage of you being intoxicated," she said in a stern voice.
"Well, you're not!"
"You're throwing yourself at me, something you most likely wouldn't have done if you were sober," she explained in a gentle tone.
Getting slightly angry you brushed past her and headed towards the kitchen. As you walked through the living room, Samuel asked, "where's Brie?"
You didn't answer him, just kept walking, and he immediately understood that you weren't in a good mood.
            She had told you that you were too drunk, and you decided to drink even more, just because you were hurt, and didn't take rejection well. Not a good solution.
You grabbed a beer and walked over to Chris Hemsworth.
"Hey..." you said, and he instantly moved a bit to the side, making space for you.
            "How's it going?" he asked a little bit concerned at the disgusted look plastered on your face.
"Could have been better..."
            "Someone pissed you off?" Sebastian asked, and looked over your shoulder, trying to see if someone looked guilty for making you mad.
"Yup," you said, and turned around, glancing at Brie as she sat down on the couch opposite of Samuel.
Chris Evans started laughing, with his hand placed firmly on his chest.
            "Larson made you angry?" he asked, shortly after.
"How?" Sebastian asked confused.
"She's so kind, how can she make anyone mad?" Hemsworth chipped in, looking at how she pulled at her dress.
            "I tried to kiss her..." you admitted, and chugged half of the beer.
"Easy there..." Hemsworth said and carefully nudged the bottle away from your lips.
"What do you mean, tried to kiss her?" Evans asked.
             "I put my arms around her neck, and kissed her, she pushed me away."
"Why?" Sebastian asked glancing at Brie.
"Because she's so kind and pretty..."
"I think he meant to ask why she pushed you away..." Chris Hemsworth said and chuckled.
            "Oh..." you mumbled, realizing you once again had misunderstood something this night.
"She said she didn't want to take advantage of me being drunk."
            "That's a fairly good reason to not kiss someone," Sebastian said, agreeing with Brie's actions.
"She could have been nicer about it," you said, and took a sip of your beer.
            "What do you mean?" Chris Evans asked, trying to understand the whole situation.
"She said I was throwing myself at her... and that I wouldn't do that if I was sober... but if I was sober, I wouldn't have had the guts to even look at her..." you admitted, feeling dizzy.
"I think you should apologize to her," Chris Hemsworth said, and took a sip of his own beer.
            The two other men nodded in agreement.
"You really think so?" you asked, scared of embarrassing yourself even more.
"Yeah, definitely," Sebastian said, with a smile.
"Okay... thank you guys... for the talk."
They all chuckled as you stepped away and made your way to the couch.
You sat down beside her and felt her eyes on your side as you placed the beer bottle on the table.
            Glancing at her you said, "I'm sorry..."
"For what?" she asked slightly confused.
"For kissing you... and acting like a dick afterwards."
Samuel's eyes went wide. "You did what?" he asked shocked.
            "It's fine... we all do things we'll later regret while we're drunk," Brie said, putting an arm around you, pulling you toward her in a playful manner.
You completely froze for some seconds. She was sending so many mixed signals, and you couldn't process any of them because of how inebriated you were. So, all you did in response was lean into her touch, focusing on how her hand was resting on your hip.
"Is that Tom Hiddleston and Tessa Thompson?" you asked, looking at the two people laughing in the corner.
            "Yes, it certainly is," Brie answered you as Tessa got her phone out and started showing Tom a video or something.
You grabbed the bottle on the table and drank the rest of the beer.
"Should she drink this much?" Brie asked Samuel.
            "I'm right here," you said, hitting her softly in the shoulder.
"I haven't really gone out drinking with her before, so I don't know her tolerance..." Samuel said and looked at you again.
Brie only huffed as you got up again, stumbling as you walked to the kitchen again, your vision already slightly blurry.
            You got excited seeing a bottle of vodka on the counter.
You filled up a small shot glass and poured the liquor into it and chugged it.
Filling it up again, and ready to chug it down a voice spoke out, "I really don't think you should have any more to drink."
            You chugged it down, not listening to the woman.
"Too late..." you said, chuckling.
"So... why are you drinking so much?" she asked in a disappointed tone.
"I'm drinking so I don't have to deal with my feelings."
            "That's never a good idea, honey."
"I know... but it feels good to just not worry for some time..."
"That's the high speaking... soon you'll be puking and wishing you never drank anything in the first place." 
            "You might be right... you might be wrong. Who knows?" you asked jokingly, slurring your words.
Then you tried to walk back to the living room, nearly tripping.
"I've got you..." she said and held around you, guiding you, that's when you noticed that it was Scarlett.
"Someone should take care of her... and drive her home..." she said loudly, looking around the room, noticing that everyone was holding a drink in their hand, too inebriated to drive.
            "She can rest in my bed and sober up..." Brie said as she stood up and walked over to the two of you. When Scarlett let go, you nearly fell, but Brie wrapped her arm around your waist and started guiding you towards her bedroom, and you could hear the group of brawny men laughing.
"I don't need your help..." you said getting annoyed at her firm grip.
"You sure?" she asked chuckling.
            "Yes..." you scoffed, and she slowly let go, and you used the wall to steady yourself as you walked, your vision so blurry that you couldn't see what was in front of you.
You felt a door handle and tried to open it. "That's the bathroom," Brie informed you in a gentle voice.
"Let me help you..." Brie said and wrapped her arm around your waist again, guiding you further down the small hallway.
"It's in here..." she said, opening the door, and helped you over to the bed.
You sat there on the bed, looking at her, as the room felt like it was spinning. Then you felt her taking off your shoes.
            "I'm placing them right here... beside the bed," she informed you, like she was scared you'd think she was stealing them.
"Okay..." you mumbled, understanding that she didn't want to get muck in her bed.
"Do you want help taking off your jacket?" she asked in a soft voice.
            "Mhmm," was the sound that left your mouth.
She started undoing the buttons, and took it off you, and folded it, placing it on the chair beside her dresser.
"Pants too?" she asked as you sat there, staring out into space.
            "Mhhmm," you muttered out again, as your gaze landed on her again.
"Okay, you need to stand up now..."
You slowly stood up having a hard time keeping your balance, then you tried to unbutton your pants but failed miserably as your blurry vision screwed it up for you. Then you felt her hands meet yours, only to move them away so she could do it for you.
            "Thank you..." you whispered, as she dragged the pants down your legs, and you stumbled out of them, only to flop down on the bed, your head hitting the pillow.
She folded the pants and placed them on your jacket, walked back to you, and pulled the covers over you.
            "Night..." she said, while walking away and closed the door, and as soon as you closed your eyes you dozed off.
Then you woke up and felt someone beside you. Carefully you sat up, looking out the window, realizing that it was pitch black outside.
            Looking down at the woman beside you that slept peacefully was a weird experience. Your head was hurting, your hungover hitting you like a truck, but seeing her half naked beside you made you aroused.
You laid back down and tried to fall asleep again. Her hot breath hitting the side of your face time and time again.
            You shifted around, trying to find something else to focus on. She was sleeping only a few inches away from you and it didn't help that you could feel the warmth of her body radiating. She drove you crazy as her warmth went straight down to your core, making you even more aroused.
            You kept on shifting every few minutes. She was so close to you, and you clenched your thighs together, hoping that the throbbing sensation in your clit would just disappear. But it didn't, it only grew stronger.
A frustrated groan escaped your lips as you gave up finding a position to sleep in.
Then you felt movement beside you.
"Are you alright?" she asked groggily.
            "Yes... I'm sorry I woke you..." you apologized, clenching your legs once more, thankful that you faced away from her.
"Are you sure that you're okay?" she asked, not convinced.
"Yes... just... go back to sleep."
She placed her hand on your thigh under the covers and said, "if you're not feeling well, then I'm not going to sleep."
You softly moaned at her touch since she was so close to where you needed her. You cursed yourself for doing that, especially loud enough for her to hear.
She sat up and you could feel her eyes on you, like she was staring.
            "Turn around..." she said, in a stern voice. You only gulped, scared of her seeing how hot and bothered you were.
"Come on, turn around."
"No," you protested, nearly groaning at her words.
"Fine," she said, and then took ahold of your shoulder and pushed you down, so you laid on your back.
            "Your forehead..." she muttered out, "glistening because of sweat..."
Your breath hitched as she analyzed everything about you.
"Your breathing is uneven; your chest is moving fast. It seems like you've been awake awhile, and you're alert..."
"Did you just masturbate?" she asked, one eyebrow raised as she stared down at you.
"What?! No!" you yelled out, not believing she really had asked you that.
            "I wouldn't do that with you in the bed... that's creepy... a violation," you said covering your face with your hands.
"Then what's wrong?" she asked, trying to figure out why you were so on edge.
"You literally moaned when I touched you, what is going on with you?"
            "Just drop it... go back to sleep," you pleaded.
"Is this about what you said when you were drunk in the hallway?"
"Huh?" you answered confused.
"You don't remember?" she asked surprised, with a smirk on her face.
You went silent, you had no memories of talking to her in the hallway.
She hovered over you, leaning slightly down.
"What are you doing?" you asked as your eyes were frantically looking all over her face.
            "Did you mean it?" she asked, and her breath hit your face.
"Mean what?" you asked back, uncertain and scared of what you had said to her while being drunk.
She bit her lip, looking down at you.
"You said you wanted me badly, and that you needed me to touch you..." she explained, and a red flush covered your cheeks.
            "I stopped the whole thing, telling you that you were drunk, and I guess I was right, because you were so drunk you don't even remember it."
"Is that what's bothering you?" she asked, searching your face for answers.
You laid under her afraid to answer.
            "Do you need me to... touch you? Is that it?" she asked, and put her hand on your thigh again, softly massaging it.
You didn't dare to answer, scared that she'd stop if you said the wrong thing.
"Do you need me closer?" she asked, knowing you wouldn't say anything unless you wanted her to stop.
The pool of wetness between your thighs grew larger as her hand slowly crept closer to where you needed her.
"Do you need me... right here?" she asked, as she rubbed circles on your clit over your underwear.
            You let out a soft moan and gripped her t-shirt and pulled her down until her lips met yours. She was calm and collected, you were not. You kissed her like you'd never get the chance to again, hard, and desperate.
            She pulled away and chuckled. "So, you did mean it."
"Yes..." you mumbled, blushing.
She leaned down again, and teased you, her lips brushing yours, but not really touching. Every time you tried to close the gap she would pull slightly away, making you reach out for her only to slump back down again.
            "Don't do that..." you said as you once again stared up at her, pouting.
"Do what?" she asked, a smile tugging at her lips.
When she leaned down to tease you again, you placed your hands at her sides and stopped her from moving away. You carefully pressed your lips against hers, moving softly in sync with her. Slowly you let your hands slip under her t-shirt, roaming upwards, but you didn't dare to go higher than her toned stomach. She pulled away from you, looking at you with curiosity in her eyes.
            "What is it?" she asked as your hands had stopped and simply just rested right under her breasts.
"Nothing..." you stuttered, afraid of messing something up.
"You can touch me, y'know, I am as much yours as you are mine."
            "Okay..." you said, letting out a breath you didn't know you had held in.
Still, you didn't do anything. She pulled her t-shirt over her head threw it away behind her and looked down at how you stared at her chest.
"Like this..." she informed you, placing her hands on top of yours, making you grope her. Her soft flesh in the palm of your hands felt nice, but also wildly illicit.
You softly squeezed, massaging them, fondling her breasts, taking your time. Looking up at her you got flustered seeing her biting her lip, with her eyes closed.
            "Sensitive?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper, while sitting up.
"Mhm..." she mumbled, as you leaned down to meet her chest. You latched onto one of her breasts, sensually stimulating her skin with your tongue, softly nibbling at her nipple.
You then did the same to her other breast, savouring the feeling of her soft flesh on your tongue.
She looked so pretty, and she was warm and soft to the touch. Gently you pressed kisses from her breasts and up to her collarbone. Trying to feel every part of her. She tilted her head giving you access to her neck, and you placed sloppy wet kisses all over her sensitive skin.
            Lightly sucking, and nibbling at her skin, making small bruises on her flesh.
You softly kissed her jaw, and chin, until you finally pressed a gentle kiss on her lips.
She eagerly kissed you back, and you parted your lips, letting her slip inside. She was passionate and loving. Then she carefully started to unbutton your shirt and pulled away from your lips.
You pouted, but as soon as her forehead rested against yours, you smiled, brushing your nose with hers, making a small chuckle leave her mouth.
            Slowly, she undressed you, and threw your shirt away, her arms reached behind your back to unclasp your bra. She smirked as your breasts fell and threw your bra away too, then she carefully pushed you until you were laying on your back and she was hovering over you.
She leaned down, kissing you softly, making you moan into her mouth, your hands tugging at her hair. Making her way downwards, she pressed chaste kisses down your neck and collarbone until she could fondle with your breasts.
            She slowly licked your sensitive skin latching onto one of your breasts, only to do the same to your other breast, then she decided to sensually pinch your nipples, and watch intently as you squirmed under her.
Her hands trailed down your stomach and played with the hem of your underwear. Once again, she was teasing you because she had most definitely seen how soaked you were.
You pulled your underwear slightly down, and she removed your hands.
"So impatient..." she said, and you stared daggers at her, making her chuckle.
She intertwined one of her hands with yours, softly stroking your skin with her thumb.
            Soon enough she dragged your underwear down to your legs, giving her access.
Her slender fingers stroked your slit, gathering all your wetness.
"You weren't lying..." she said softly, chuckling afterwards.
"What?" you muttered out.
"You do need me to touch you..."
"Is this all you've thought about during the party?" she asked, digging for answers.
            "Pretty much..."
"Every time I laid my eyes on you, I got flustered... I remember you hugging me, talking on the couch, and when you placed your hand at my back... and when your fingers brushed mine when you gave me the glass of wine..."
"That's all you remember?" she asked, with her eyebrows raised in surprise.
All you did was nod as a response.
            "I'll give you something else to remember then..." she said, as her free hand found your core again. Her fingers slowly stimulated your clit, tender strokes making your legs twitch.
Your eyes met hers as her smile grew wider, she had you trembling under her in no time.
"Does this feel good?" she asked rhetorically, already knowing the answer.
You were so flustered you couldn't find any words to answer, so you nodded frantically.
            She leaned down, nibbling at your earlobe while she kept stimulating you.
"Does it feel good? Answer me, or I'll stop..." she whispered into your ear.
            "Yes... Brie, it does feel good... please don't stop."
"Then I won't stop... I promise," she whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your cheek.
Soft moans escaped your lips as she added a bit more pressure. "Do you want me to go faster?" she asked, trying to figure out what you liked best.
"Yes," you muttered out, feeling her movements speed up almost instantly.
            "Do you like to be penetrated?" she asked in a gentle tone, which made you feel like saying yes would be illegal, even though you knew it wasn't, at all.
You kept silent. "Don't be embarrassed, tell me... I want to make you feel good..." she hummed, as she kept focusing on your clit.
            "Yes..." you admitted, looking at her, searching her face. "Do you want me to-" she tried to ask but you cut her off, "just fuck me... Brie, okay?" you said, cupping her face with your free hand, staring at her.
"No more questions, I just... I want you inside of me," you went on, and before you could do or say anything else, she slipped two fingers inside of you.
She chuckled as a shocked expression covered your face before you then hung your head backwards as she stretched you out for her. "Not so innocent, are you?" she asked in a playful manner.
            All you did was moan at her words and how her fingers were pumping into you at an aggressive speed. She went as deep as she could, only stopping at her knuckles. Then she curled her fingers, hitting the spot inside of you that made you squirm.
            "Right there..." you said in between moans, as her thumb kept stroking your clit for each thrust with her fingers.
"You look so pretty, taking my fingers so well..." she softly said, praising you.
"Think you can take one more finger?" she asked, and your gaze landed on her, fear hiding in your eyes.
            "I don't know..." you answered her truthfully.
"I think you can do it..." she said, as she pulled out of you, only to thrust three fingers inside of you, slowly, she stretched you out.
She looked absolutely mesmerized, as her fingers disappeared inside of you. As your legs started shaking, she was quiet, like she contemplated something, and you didn't know what.
Then you felt her add another finger. Your mouth fell wide open, a throaty moan leaving your lips as she was halfway fisting you. It felt like you were going to pass out.
            "Fuck!" you screamed out, squeezing her hand that she had intertwined with yours a long time ago.
"You're doing so well for me..." she said tenderly, leaning down to kiss you, but you just breathed against her lips, unable to do or say anything as she pushed you over the edge.
Your thighs clenched together, trapping her hand, as immense pleasure took over your body.
            A guttural moan filled the room as you gripped her arm, nails digging into her flesh, slowing down her movements. "Brie... that was..." you said in between heavy breaths, carefully removing your hand as she gently stimulated your clit, riding out your orgasm.
It was almost too much, but her lips pressing kisses all over your chest brought you back to reality as you tried to catch your breath.
"It was good, right? Painful at first, then bearable, and pure bliss?" she asked, looking down at you.
"Mhm..." you agreed with her. Then your hand started stroking her outside of her underwear, like she had done with you at first.
"You don't have to... I get it if you're tired," she said and laughed softly.
"But I want to..."
She only nodded at your words and dragged her underwear down her legs.
            "You're wet..." you said, as her wetness coated your fingers.
Chuckling at your observation, she quickly shut up as you stroked her clit.
She looked down at you while you focused on your hand.
            "That can't be a comfortable position..." you said, sitting up, pushing her down.
"Spread your legs..." you told her, and soon enough she did.
            "Wait, are you really gonna..." she tried to speak but moaned as you started to eat her out.  She grabbed your hair and pulled you closer if that was even possible.
Your tongue swirled around her clit, making her shudder in anticipation. You lapped up all her wetness with your tongue, then went back to stimulating her.
            She tasted sweet. It was expected.  
Her thighs cradled your face, keeping you in place. It was safe to say that she had wanted this, judging by how fast she was starting to come undone.
She used her arms to support herself and looked down at you, her eyes meeting yours as you kept eating her out.
            Then you started sucking on her clit, and she threw her head backwards, moaning as you pleasured her. She became a mess, her legs shaking, closing by instinct as she grinded forwards, meeting your tongue each time.
You moaned into her core, sending shiver down her spine.
Roughly tugging at your hair, not letting you pull away meant that she was getting closer. You kept stimulating her, until she came while shaking, a loud whimper leaving her mouth that sounded more like a strangled cry.
            You licked up all her juices and swallowed as she looked down at you. "Fuck..." she panted, and you crawled over to her, resting your head on her chest, both feeling and hearing the rapid beating of her heart.
            "I'm so glad that you got so drunk you had to stay..." she said, pulling the covers over you.
"Me too Brie... me too," you answered, kissing her breasts as she caught her breath.
"You should rest... you're going to be so hungover."
            "And sore..." you said with a chuckle. All you heard was her soft laugh as you closed your eyes, drifting off into a peaceful slumber while her hand stroked your back.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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As it was
Looking over at the woman on the opposite side of the table was impossible. You didn't understand how she could do this, or why, for that matter. Your mind was clouded, and the fog never seemed to pass as you stared at how her fingers tapped on the wood.
Nothing about this made sense. It didn't seem real. You thought back on everything that had happened. Buying an apartment together, her getting pregnant, the accident, the day everything went downhill. It all felt like some sort of sick joke.
You felt someone nudge your shoulder, making you look up. "What?" you asked slightly confused. The man beside you only cleared his throat. He looked quite handsome, clean shaven, short black hair, and not to mention a ring on his finger. He must have been one of the lucky ones in this world.
He had a woman to go home to, unlike you.
You looked good, given the circumstances, but the ring on your finger didn't mean anything, not anymore. It was a painful reminder of how everything had gone to shit.
Not daring to look at her, your eyes landed on the man beside her.
He flashed you a smile, but you couldn't return it. You were too sad.
You glanced at her, and her eyes were already on you, making you look away in an instant.
Never in your life had you heard silence quite this loud.
It was strange, to say the least. But it was the reason to why you were in this room, with lawyers trying to keep the peace between the two of you.
Whenever you two were alone, you'd argue. To be honest, you didn't believe you could ever have a normal conversation with her ever again.
The fighting and bickering had gone on for far too long. Trying to repair it only made it worse. It made the wedge between the two of you painfully clear.
You told your family for a reason; you couldn't keep it in.
Your sibling even splashed out on the bottle.
Everyone thought you were going to make it, that you both were in it for the long run.
But it wasn't so.
You had nothing bad to say about her, you couldn't even blame her.
Not once did you doubt your relationship, because you had given it your all, you were patient with her, gave her love and affection, and space when needed, but still it wasn't enough. The effort you put in was simply not enough to make her stay.
Hearing the scribbling of a pen made you anxious. She was signing the papers. It felt like someone was repeatedly kicking your stomach, you felt the need to throw up. You needed to get out of there.
Abruptly standing up, holding a hand in front of your mouth said it all. All eyes in the room landed on you as you turned around.
"Where do you think you're going?" her low and raspy voice spoke out.
"I can't just sit here and watch you sign the...." you answered, but couldn't finish the sentence as your voice broke, then you opened the door and walked out. You leaned against the wall, tears streaming down your face. From the inside you heard a chair scraping the floor, and soon enough the door opened.
"Are you okay?" your lawyer asked you, while you were obviously not okay at all.
"Does it fucking look like I'm okay?" you practically yelled at him.
"I had it all! I was happily married to the kindest woman I've ever known. We bought an apartment and moved in together. Before we knew it, we tried for a baby, reciprocal IVF was a lifesaver, we could both be biological parents to our unborn child," you yelled at him as people around you turned their heads in your direction.
"She was three months pregnant when a drunk driver drove into the side of her car while she was driving home from work! Not only did I lose a child, but now I'm losing the love of my life!" you went on, screaming your head off at him.
"Do you get that? Do you understand what I'm going through? And then you have the fucking nerve to ask if I'm okay! What the fuck is wrong with you?" you screamed, wanting to punch his teeth in.
"I don't want your fake niceties, I want you to be my fucking lawyer, you deal with the papers and the legal shit, if I wanted to talk about my feelings, emotional damage and trauma then I'd get a fucking therapist-" you kept screaming but were cut off by Florence yelling from inside the room, "that's quite enough!"
You instantly went quiet. She had that effect on you. No matter what, you'd eventually end up listening to her. Her being mad was something you liked; it was attractive. It was something you always had loved about her, especially to be the reason she was mad, but now it was different.
It wasn't something playful, or funny, something to look back at and laugh about. It was just her stopping you from embarrassing yourself even more. The divorce was humiliation enough.
Soon enough you sat down again, wiped your tears, and took a deep breath. She had already signed the papers. You knew what was about to happen.
Sliding the papers over to you with her famous frown plastered on her face, you knew this hurt her just as much as it hurt you.
You stared at her signature. Then the pen she had used that was on top of the divorce papers.
Once again, all the eyes in the room had landed on you, everyone was waiting for you to sign the papers and get it over with.
But you didn't. You simply looked at the papers but couldn't pick the pen up.
"Just sign the damn papers," Florence said, and you heard her lawyer hush her.
"What? She doesn't have a choice, and the longer she makes us wait, the harder it becomes!" she followed up, getting more upset.
"I don't want to sign the papers, Florence..." you whispered.
"I understand that... but we can't stay married," she said lowly.
"Why not?"
"Because we fight! It's all we do! Nothing is as it was."
"We can't turn back time, Florence... no matter what we do, it'll never be the same. It doesn't mean we should just give up on each other."
"Well, I gave up on myself a long time ago," she answered.
"I never gave up on you," you argued, as both of your lawyers' exchanged looks.
"It wouldn't have been fair to stay with you when I had already given up, I had to make a choice... I couldn't put you through any more pain than I had already caused you," she stated.
"It wasn't your choice to make!" you yelled at her.
"You can't choose if I want to stay with you or not! That's my decision to make!" you went on, getting more upset.
"Is this better? To argue about everything and nothing at all?" she asked, frowning.
"I'd rather argue than to lose you. Besides, we can work things out."
Both of your lawyers seemed to get an actual understanding of why she had filed for a divorce. Your lawyer leaned backwards in his chair, and her lawyer scratched his beard, trying to get time to pass.
"Please just... sign the papers," she pleaded, but you refused.
"No, not now, I can't."
"If you don't then you never will!" she raised her voice at you.
"Okay, let's just take a deep breath, both of you!" her lawyer said, trying to calm the two of you down.
"I know you! If you put this off again then we'll stay married forever!" she went on, getting annoyed.
"Exactly, you know me! Why throw that away?!" you asked, getting annoyed too.
"For fuck's sake, sign the damn papers, and even though I know you doesn't mean we're good for each other!"
"Look at yourselves, you both need to take a step back here!" your lawyer said, trying to stop the argument.
"Wow... great. Just decide that too, Flo, like you decide everything else!" you said, standing up and sliding the papers over to her side of the table again.
Then you walked out of the room and slammed the door behind you. The people that had watched you lose your calm just moments before, had their eyes glued to you once again. You walked away, down the hallway, and found the restroom.
Your hands rested on one of the sinks as you tried to calm yourself down. Then the doors opened. You knew who it was.
Her presence could never go unnoticed.
"I thought... that I should check up on you..."
"That's nice of you... after like what, eight months or so?"
"Oh, come on."
"Do you know how hard I tried to make sure you were okay? That you had someone to talk to, or someone who could just listen, or to just simply be there whenever you needed anything?"
She was silent.
"I slept in a chair for weeks, as you had to stay glued to that hospital bed. I kept the press away from everything, from the accident, the baby, and you in critical condition..."
"I didn't get to grieve, Florence! Our baby... he was going to be such a cute little man. I can't stop imagining how he'd look, if he would have brown or blonde hair, your eyes or mine, but goddamn I wish he'd have your button nose..." you said as your voice was breaking.
"You don't know if it was going to be a boy..." she said softly.
"I had a feeling, okay..."
"Okay," she whispered, as she walked over to you, hugging you from behind.
The feeling of her hands on you again made you shiver, but soon enough you leaned into her touch.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered. "I'm sorry... that I forgot that I wasn't the only one who lost something that day..."
You slowly turned around, letting her arms wrap around your waist. "I'm sorry for everything... I'm sorry for all the pain I've caused you..." she whispered and kissed your forehead.
Sometimes things happen way too fast. One minute you were trying to calm yourself by the sink, the next minute she hugged you, kissing your forehead, and now she clashed her lips onto yours. You didn't even realize when it all had started to happen. Her hands tugging at your hair as she pressed her body against yours.
Anyone could come in at any moment, but you didn't care, and it seemed like she didn't care either. She pushed you up against the wall, like she couldn't get enough of you.
You were completely lost in the moment, lost in her, the smell of her perfume, the warmth of her touch, and her rough fingertips tracing your skin.
She held you against the wall, kissing your neck.
Before you could react, her hands were in your underwear. Slightly moaning as she stimulated your clit, you put a hand over your mouth, trying to stay quiet, knowing anyone could enter the restroom at any moment.
She didn't even consider the danger. Two celebrities fucking in a bathroom after it was well known that they were leaving each other. But at this moment you didn't give a shit about anything. All that mattered was how she made you cling to her.
This is how you and Florence forgave each other. Her pleasuring you in a public restroom.
As you were getting closer to your orgasm, your legs slowly started to give out. You nuzzled your face in the crook of her neck, tugging at her short blonde hair, placing sloppy kisses and love bites on her skin, leaving small bruises on her skin.
You were quietly whining as she added more pressure. A guttural moan left your lips as the door was flung open; you came undone on her hand as you grinded down on her palm. Looking over her shoulder, moaning and panting, as she rode out your high you could see a woman standing there with her mouth wide open, and a little girl beside her that didn't understand what was happening before her.
The woman quickly placed her hand in front of the child's eyes and just stood there, dumbfounded.
You and Florence started laughing, both of your faces colored in a red flush.
Then she quickly zipped up your pants and went to wash her hands in the sink.
"You're Florence Pugh, right? And oh my god, you're her wife, or ex-wife?"
"Yup," Florence answered her, "something like that..."
You only stood there trying to wrap your head around this crazy event.
Instead of closing the door, she had stood there watching as you came on Florence's hand. What a messed-up world you lived in.
When Florence had washed her hands, she grabbed yours and pulled you towards her. "Come here..." she said while smirking and pressed a kiss to your lips.
Then she wrapped one arm around your waist and started making her way to the door.
"Can I get an autograph?" the woman asked, like nothing had happened.
"You don't want an autograph when you know where this hand has just been," Florence answered her cheekily.
"But you just washed your hand..." the woman argued, but Florence and you only walked past her, laughing as you walked down the hallway, back to your lawyers.
Opening the door, your lawyers seemed to have caught on as she held around you.
"So... no divorce then?" they asked in unison.
Florence only grabbed the papers and ripped them in two pieces. "No, these papers are addressed to the fire," she answered, while throwing them in the trash, and then she proceeded to take out a cigarette from her pocket and put it between her lips.
Then she took out her lighter and lit her cigarette, and her lawyer tried to stop her.
"You can't smoke in here!"
But she didn't care. She took a drag of her cigarette and dropped the lighter into the trash. "Hope you have a fire extinguisher nearby," she said and chuckled as the divorce papers were swallowed by the flames.
The two men ran out of the room, and you followed them, soon enough they put the small fire out and you left the building hand in hand.
Shortly after, the fact that you had been caught fucking in the restroom, saved your marriage and burned your divorce papers were splashed on the news front page.
All you knew and expected was that it never would be as it was.
I laughed during the smut scene loool and yes, while writing the smut I thought about The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and if you haven't read the book, then you're missing out and need to buy it and read it as fast as humanly possible!!! 
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Mending your broken heart & driving to the coast
This is part 2 of, "Telling pretty lies"
Parking outside of Scarlett's new house was weird. It was a big house. A big enough house to raise a family in, and that is what she did.
She was living there happily with Colin and their baby.
You hadn't really talked to Scarlett since the divorce, even though there was no bad blood between the two of you.
There was no fighting or bickering. Just simply the two of you dividing everything equally.
The media speculated like crazy, but you and Scarlett kept everything away from the public eye and announced that you had separated and were still friends.
To say that you were friends might not have been the best choice. Because after the divorce, you stopped talking, but that was mostly your fault. You told her you needed space to move on, so she kept her distance as you had asked her to.
After you hadn't been spotted together for several months, the media started prying again. Paparazzi following you a lot of the time. But now you didn't really care anymore, all that had meaning in this moment was the present you had in hand, and the woman beside you in the passenger seat.
"Do you wanna come with?" you asked with a smile.
"Are you sure? Isn't that a bit weird... since-" she tried to speak but you cut her off.
"It'll be fine!" you reassured her.
Soon enough you both stepped out of your car and walked over to the front door.
Knocking on the door, you felt yourself getting nervous.
"Hey..." Scarlett said, opening the door, Colin walking up and standing beside her.
She looked quite surprised, but Colin didn't really understand what was going on.
"I bought your little baby boy some clothes, a blanket, and a stuffed animal... I think it's a dog... I'm not really sure... it was cute," you said, giving her the present.
Without thinking she gave it to Colin and pulled you in for a big hug. Both Colin and your own girlfriend looked at the two of you awkwardly.
"Thank you..." she said, stroking your back.
Her warm embrace felt safe, soft, warm, and familiar. But it wasn't something you craved anymore.
Because beside you, stood Florence. The woman that you had fallen head over heels for. You didn't know what it was about her. It could be her piercing eyes, or plumped lips, her raspy voice, how talented she was at her job, or the food she cooked. Everything about her was a dream come true.
She never hid anything from you, and if she had an issue with something then she'd tell you. When you fought, she'd never leave it unresolved. Not once had you gone to bed angry. She was so persistent on making you happy that all you wanted to do in return was to please her and make her feel as happy as you were when she was around you.
It was safe to say that she had mended your broken heart. She had picked up all the pieces, and put them back together, like you were something delicate.
You'll never forget when she had asked, "is it insensitive of me to say, get your shit together so I can love you?"
It just opened your eyes to what was right in front of you when the divorce got the best of you. Since then, you never stopped thinking about her, and what the future held for the two of you. You never looked back, and let yourself fall for her, even though you were extremely scared of getting hurt again.
You pulled away from Scarlett and wrapped an arm around Florence, "this is Florence... my girlfriend, but you already know each other..." you said, looking at your ex-wife, and her boyfriend.
Scarlett's eyes darted between the two of you. "I'm happy for the two of you!" she said with a genuine smile.
Florence grinned, a raspy chuckle escaping her lips.
"Well, I think we should get going..." your girlfriend said, trying to get out of the awkward situation, probably wishing she had stayed in the car.
"It was great seeing you!" Scarlett beamed, and then you walked away, waving back at her, until she closed the door.
"Can I drive?" Florence asked, and you gave her the keys in an instant.
"That hug lasted a long time..." Florence stated, opening the door, getting into the car.
"What?" you asked as you entered the passenger seat.
"She was all over you..." she answered, placing a hand at your thigh.
"It was just a hug," you said, looking down at her hand.
"You sure that's all it was?" Florence asked as her hand crept closer.
This was not what you had in mind when giving Scarlett's child a present.
Your breath hitched as Florence lifted your skirt, giving her access.
Slowly she started stimulating you over your underwear.
It was so wrong.
You shouldn't let this happen, and you knew it.
But you wanted her too much.
You looked out the window, checking that no one was around, and that your ex-wife was in her home.
Florence leaned over, attacking your neck with kisses.
"This has to go..." she muttered out, pulling your underwear down.
In your mind you knew you should stop this. But you just couldn't. Your new lover was bold, and most importantly irresistible.
You pulled her in for a heated kiss, biting her bottom lip as she pulled away. Her hand found your core and soft whimpers left your mouth as she pleasured you.
Florence only added more pressure, stroking your clit and chuckling every time your legs twitched. You were basically in public. All that was between you and the world was the tinted windows.
As your moans got louder, and your hand gripped at the door, your legs started to tremble. "Fuck, Flo, this is so wrong..." you said in between heavy breaths, knowing your release wasn't far away.
"So wrong... but it feels amazing, doesn't it?" she asked mockingly, as two of her fingers slipped inside of you, making you gasp. Her thumb kept grazing your clit, making you arch your back.
You were a moaning mess, as she thrusted her fingers deeper. You were so lost in the feeling of her loving touch that you nearly jumped from fright when someone tapped on your window.
It seemed like it only made Florence's ego grow, her confidence was through the roof, and she started to roll the window down. Your hand instantly went to your mouth, muffling your moans.
"Are you having car problems? Since you're still parked here..." a familiar voice spoke out over you, peeking inside, only able to see Florence.
"No," Florence said, her raspy voice chuckling. Then Scarlett's gaze fell on you. She instantly saw where your girlfriend had her hand.
"Oh god... now this is something I wasn't prepared for..."
Florence added another finger, filling you up, pushing you over the edge. Even though you tried to silence yourself with your hand, you miserably failed, as a throaty scream escaped your lips. Your cheeks were flushed red out of embarrassment.
"I'm just... gonna go... and pretend I never witnessed this."
Florence laughed louder than she had done in weeks, while she rode out your orgasm.
"Oh fuck..." you panted.
"You need to drive; I cannot be here any longer. Drive!" you said, laughing nervously, pulling your underwear up again.
"Okay, okay!" Florence said and started driving, her hand resting on your thigh.
"Do you want to stop at a gas station? Get something to drink?" she asked, wanting to keep you hydrated.
"No... just... keep driving."
She kept driving until you told her to take a right, and she did, without questioning you at all. Soon enough the ocean became clear in the distance.
"The ocean..." she mumbled, a little confused to why you had made her drive here.
"You wanna swim?" she went on, and a small chuckle left her lips.
"No..." you answered truthfully.
She stopped the car, and you went to the backseat and grabbed the blanket that you always kept there, just in case.
You took ahold of Florence's hand and then you found a nice spot together.
Laying the blanket on the ground, she quickly sat down at looked out at the sea.
"It's pretty..." she said, looking out at how the sky and sea nearly blended in together.
"Not prettier than you..." you said cheekily, earning a nudge on your shoulder.
"Did you know that this has been a fantasy of mine for a long time?" you asked her, blushing.
"To sit and stare at the ocean?" she asked, not entirely understanding what you meant.
"No..." you laughed.
Gently pulling her in for a kiss she then got the message. Your hands slipped under her top to rest at her sides, carefully pushing her down on her back, getting a view of the waves meeting the shore behind her.
"I noticed how you've clenched your thighs together ever since we drove off," you said with a smirk.
Not wasting any time, you undressed her, placing her clothes under her head like a pillow for comfort.
The cold ocean breeze took her by storm, and you only laughed at how her nipples hardened as the wind hit her skin.
"So pretty for me..." you whispered looking down at her naked body, even though no one was around to witness this happening.
She took ahold of your hand and pulled it between her thighs in a desperate manner.
You teased her, slow strokes on her clit as she shuddered in anticipation.
"Don't be a tease..." she croaked out, pulling you towards her. Your lips found her neck and left a trail of kisses down to her collarbone.
She tried closing her legs to get friction, but you stopped your movements altogether.
"I didn't say you could do that..." you said disappointed and took the fingers you had used to stimulate her and put them in your mouth, using your spit to lubricate them.
She moaned at the sight, squirming slightly.
"Please just... fuck me," she said and gripped your arm.
"Well... since you asked so nicely..." you answered with a smirk, and stimulated her again, watching how her breath got uneven. She was so pretty like this, biting her lip, looking up at you.
You easily slid two fingers inside her, pushing them in until your knuckles were against her entrance.
Her mouth fell open, and you took the opportunity to kiss her deeply, your tongue met hers in a fight for dominance. She lost that battle the second she moaned into your mouth as you pumped your fingers inside of her, your thumb occasionally grazing her clit in the process.
You then pulled away from her lips, only to latch onto one of her breasts, teasing her sensitive nipple with your tongue, while you fondled the other one with your free hand.
She softly whimpered because of the pleasure that she was currently feeling.
Her legs trembled, and you knew she was getting closer by each stroke and thrust.
You pulled away from her chest and removed your hand from her breast only to grip around her throat, squeezing quite harshly, as you kept thrusting your fingers inside her. It was a great sight, to choke her with a sea view.
All that could be heard was her throaty moans and the waves that met the shore. Florence looked so beautiful; eyes closed shut as the immense pleasure took over her body. Legs shaking, her back arched, one hand fondling her breast as her other hand gripped the blanket she was laying on until her knuckles went white.
You pumped aggressively into her cunt, until you could feel her clench around your fingers. Then one of her hands softly gripped your arm that was around her throat, signalizing to you that she needed air, and you gently released some of the pressure.
She moaned loudly, and tried to catch her breath, while you rode out her orgasm.
"Wait... was that like really loud?" she asked when she had gotten down from her high.
"Yeah, I think those old people over there, having a picnic could hear you..." you lied, pointing at the empty spot to her right.
"What?!" she practically yelled, and sat up fast, covering her chest as she slightly turned to look.
"Oh, you're such a dickhead..." she said when she had realized you tricked her.
"The look on your face was so worth it!"
She only hit your arm in a playful manner and started to put her clothes back on.
"Do you want to stay here... for a little while and watch the sunset?" she asked when she was fully dressed, sitting beside you, leaning into you.
"Yeah... that would be great!" you answered, wrapping your arm around her waist, pulling her as close to you as possible.
She took your free hand in hers and softly squeezed, staring out at the midnight sea, and said, "you know I love you, right?"
"I know... you remind me every day, Florence..." you said, kissing her temple.
"I hope you know I love you too... more than anything." 
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Movie Night
It was a quiet evening; the streets weren't as busy as they were in the broad daylight making it disturbingly quiet in your shared apartment. Sitting at home alone, patiently waiting for your girlfriend to come home from work.
You were incredibly proud of her for getting to work as an actress but working round the clock made her unavailable to reach most at the time. When she was home, you were at work, and the other way around.
So, the time you got to spend together was special to you, scared of letting time go to waste you made every second with her worth it, giving her love and affection any chance that you possibly could. Kissing her on the cheek as she slept before leaving for work, or having dinner made before she got home, buying her flowers before you got home from work or just peppering her with kisses whenever you saw fit.
You had promised her to watch a movie that she had wanted to watch for a while, but never having gotten the time to watch it together you had decided that you were going to have a weekend with absolutely no other plans than to relax and get away from the real world for a little while. Hearing keys turning in the lock as you sat in silence you knew she finally had gotten home and was right outside the door.
The door then quietly opened, "I'm home!" she said loudly as you heard her in the little hallway taking off her shoes. "I'm in the living room!" you informed her as you had the movie ready to play as soon as she crashed on the sofa beside you.
You heard her steps becoming louder and louder from behind you.
"Come here," you said with a grin plastered on your face as she walked past the armrest. When she sat down beside you on the couch you couldn't help but pull her into your loving and warm embrace.
"I've missed you," you said and proceeded to lightly press a chaste kiss on her lips. "I've missed you more," she said after she pulled away only to lean in again, for a moment it felt like time had stopped when her lips met yours just as they did some seconds earlier.
Her lips washing over yours like a wave of warmth and comfort.
"Are you ready to watch the movie?" you asked her after you had to pull away when you were out of breath, since you knew her all too well you knew she'd want to be closer to you. Moving beside you, onto your lap, she leaned forward until your heads were touching.
Her nose rubbing yours, making her giggle and then nod.
"Yeah, now I'm ready," she answered you, then turned around in your lap, and snuggled into you, her head resting on your shoulder.
Turning the movie on, watching it in silence with one arm wrapped around her waist, holding her soft hand in yours you instantly noticed how she'd momentarily bite her lip when intimate scenes came up on the screen. You noticed every time she glanced at you, then looked back at the TV blushing.
As this went on for a while you decided to take a hold of her jaw the next time she'd try to briefly look at you then pretend like it was nothing. It didn't take long before her gaze was directed at you and not the movie, so you did as you had planned, carefully grabbing her jaw forcing her to look at you.
Caressing her cheek with one hand and holding her chin up with the other you couldn't help but smile out of pure joy.
"What?" she asked you as she chuckled. Tucking her hair behind her ear gave you an even better view of her face. You let yourself take in every single little detail about her breathtakingly gorgeous face.
Her heavenly forest green eyes shining at you, buttoned cute nose and plumped irresistible lips.
"You're giving me the look," you said before your lips then gently found hers, you slowly got lost in the passionate kiss as your hands softly travelled up and down her body, stopping when they found her hips.
She moved to the side, making it harder for you to kiss her back, then her arm went behind the pillow beside you. Pulling out a strap-on dildo, looking at you shyly with it in hand.
"What are you waiting for, babe?" you asked and gently pushed her off your lap, as she was stripping in front of you, you took off your own clothes and put the belt on. When she sat down on your thighs just in front of it her breasts bounced, she reached forward to position it beneath her. You carefully entered a finger in between her wet folds to ensure she was ready.
There was no doubt that she was wet, soaking even, she placed her hands on your shoulders for stability then proceeded to carefully lower herself down on the strap-on. You pulled her closer, started to nibble on her earlobe as her arms snaked around your neck.
Steadily rocking her hips up and down on the strap, you placed sloppy kisses all over her neck until you then sucked and softly bit, pinching her skin, leaving bruises and marking her as your own. You could feel her getting impatient as she quickened her pace, and her breath gradually got uneven as she kept on rocking her hips.
You pressed kisses on her jaw, then stopped as your lips brushed hers. Smirking at her when her eyes would shut temporarily because of the pleasure that was rupturing between her own thighs.
"Open your eyes, Scarlett," you ordered, and her green eyes flew open. You chuckled lowly at how stared at you with curiosity. When you had gotten her attention, you spat down on her cunt, your salvia making it easier for her as she rocked her hips even faster, chasing the release she desperately needed. She threw her head back and let out a nearly pornographic moan.
The movie you were watching was quickly forgotten, and she let out quiet moans as you carefully thrusted into her. You pulled her closer and her breasts were practically bouncing on top of yours.
"Don't stop, please... don't you dare stop!"
Holding around her with your arms you let one hand fall to trace her bare back and thigh with your fingertips until your hand reached her core. Finding her clit, you started stimulating her to get her closer to her orgasm.
Pressing her even closer to you with the hand you rested on her back to rock her even more was what made her tremble on top of you, legs shaking and whimpering sounds leaving her mouth.
Your lips met hers as you thrusted harder, then you pulled away to make sure all she felt was pleasure, taking notice of all her facial expressions and sounds that left her mouth for any indicator if she was hurting, but to no surprise you already knew her boundaries and were sure to keep it that way.
Clashing your lips on hers again you kept a steady pace and stimulated her clit until her walls clenched around the strap-on and came all over it.
She clung to you, and you rode out her orgasm, letting her catch her breath as she was resting her head on your shoulder, her uneven warm breath meeting your skin making you hold around her tighter, hugging her.
"God, I love you, Scarlett," you softly said as she was still catching her breath.
"I love you too!" she said all flustered, stomach rising and falling unevenly, panting in sweat. She slowly lifted herself up and then sat down beside you.
"I'll be right back, babe," you informed her, took off the strap-on and went to the bathroom to get a towel with water to clean her up. After having cleaned her up you got some comfy clothes for the both of you, turned the TV off and carried her to your bedroom. You got under the covers, Scarlett snuggled up to you, and your arm held around her making sure to keep her close.
She looked up at you just to peck your lips one last time before she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Times like these were the moments that mattered the most, and even though you didn't get to see her every time you wanted to, this was enough for you, because it made these times even more special.
You kissed the top of her head and drew circles and letters up and down her arm as you watched her sleep in your embrace. When you knew that she was pleased, happy and safe, only then you let yourself close your own eyes, just to fall asleep to dream about yet another day with the woman you loved, so you then could wake up to live the dream.
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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Telling pretty lies
Warnings: Infidelity... and it's even sadder than my last few one-shots.
I can't help it... I'm in my sad girl era, Lana keeps singing in my ear, "the other woman."
It was getting late, and you had already made dinner, and set the table. Some part of you knew why your wife was late. She had a habit of coming home late these last few months.
Every time she came home to greet you, place a kiss on your cheek or a peck on your lips, you could feel the scent of someone else's cologne creeping up your nose.
Scarlett was acting different, and it smelled like infidelity.
Some other part of you brushed the thought away as you told yourself that it was fine. No matter who she was seeing, you were the one she ultimately came home to.
Knowing that she probably wouldn't come home yet, you started eating.
It was hard to look over at her empty plate. It reminded you of how you used to make dinner together. She used to rest her head on your shoulder and hold around you while she watched as you stirred whatever you two were making.
Finished eating in silence, you put the two plates and the cutlery in the dishwasher and poured yourself a glass of wine.
She entered the house in a hurry.
"Hey babe, sorry I'm late... I had to shoot some more scenes; it took longer than I had excepted."
"Oh... that's okay..." you mumbled, noticing how she refused to look you in the eyes.
"I put the leftovers in the fridge... I can warm it up, if you want to..." you asked, even though you were sure she had already eaten dinner with the person she was seeing behind your back.
"I'm good... but thank you for asking..." she said, flashing you a smile.
Your heart sank, knowing you once again was right.
It was great to be right about things, but this one time, you wished you were wrong.
"Is that wine?" she asked, with a smirk.
"Yes... you want some?" you asked, holding the glass out for her to take.
"I just want a little taste..." she said while slowly moving your hand away, clashing her lips onto yours.
The taste of wine quickly disappeared. Jealousy and bitterness were boiling up inside you as her tongue slipped inside your mouth.
The anger you felt ignited something in you, making you kiss her back harder. She carefully took the glass out of your hand and placed it on the counter.
Her hands roamed your body, feeling you up as she undressed you.
She softly pushed you down on the table and stroked your thighs.
"I've waited for this, all day," she stated, but you knew she hadn't.
This was her trying to reassure you that she only had eyes for you. Still, you knew it was a lie. She was trying to reassure herself.
If she could believe she still was in love, then you might believe in it too.
It didn't matter who she was in love with, she was intoxicating to you. Something about her pulled you in, like you craved her.
She slowly pulled down your underwear and threw it away behind her.
Her slender fingers started circling your clit and you bit your lip, trying to focus on her, nothing else. Just how she felt, even though she most probably had just touched someone else in this intimate way.
Your body still reacted to her touch, just like the first time all those years ago.
The warmth radiating from her fingertips with every trace or stroke still sent shivers down your spine.
Before she became distant, you knew you were the only one lucky enough to be called hers. But now you knew, her love had run out.
Her touches were still the same, still warm, soft, pleasurable, but there was no spark there anymore. No burning desire that drove her crazy to be with you, it wasn't as it was.
Nothing was like it used to be. She was there. But she was thinking of someone else.
She touched you, heard your moans spill out of you, as you were chasing your release, but it wasn't the same anymore.
Your legs started closing as you muffled your whimpers and soft moans by biting the inside of your cheek.
"You're doing so great for me..." she praised as she kept stimulating you.
Her words stung. You loved her too much to ever want to let her go.
All you did was pull her closer as she pressed her plump lips to your neck.
You knew that her lipstick was leaving marks on your flesh. The trail of kisses and love bites felt so good, until the smell of someone else's cologne once again crept up your nose.
It slightly angered you, knowing her love wasn't for you. So, you grabbed her hand, and tried to speed up her movements. "Faster, Scarlett."
She chuckled into your ear, and listened to you, speeding up her movements.
It felt like you had a war in your mind. You knew you wanted her, needed her, and loved her. But you weren't sure if you were going to stay. It wouldn't be right to stay when she didn't feel the same.
Legs trembling as she slipped two fingers inside of you made you whimper. "Oh, fuck," was all you could say as the immense pleasure washed over you. Your inner walls clenched around her fingers, and she slowly rode out your orgasm. Her plumped lips met yours in a delicate manner, but all you did was try to taste someone else's merlot on her mouth.
She had made you feel so good, until your high had left you even more unsatisfied than before. As her hand left your body, you tried your best to compose yourself and put on your bravest smile as she glanced at you.
"I'm going to take a shower..." you muttered out, picking up your underwear and taking it to the laundry basket.
As you stood there in the shower with the water running down your body, all you could think of was to rinse any trace of Scarlett away.
Like her other lover was still lingering to her skin, and you needed to wash it all away. Like they didn't exist.
It became to a point where you just stood there, staring at the ceiling, feeling so devastated you wanted to cry, but you couldn't.
If you cried, then she'd know that you knew. And you wanted her too bad to let this ruin everything.
Her lies were so sweet. It was easier listening to her deceiving words than it was to hear her admit that she was seeing someone else.
"Are you finished soon?" you heard her raspy voice call out.
"Yes..." you answered, voice quavering.
"Is everything okay in there?" she asked, trying to open the door, but you had locked it.
"Yes, everything's fine..." you lied through your teeth, like she had been doing for months.
"Okay... I'm right here if you need me, she said from the other side of the door.
You didn't answer. She said she was right there, right behind the door, but she wasn't. Literally she was, but not really.
She was another world away, you could feel her presence, but she was too far away to touch, to hold on to, to fall into.
Shortly after you stepped out of the shower and put on some comfy clothes and went out of the bathroom, acting like nothing was wrong.
You both went to sleep together, but even though she was right there behind you, she wasn't yours, not anymore. You could feel her warmth, and her soft hand that stroked your back, tracing letters with her fingertips, helping you sleep.
You fell asleep, and woke up, time and time again. Her warm hand wasn't on your back anymore. She had fallen asleep herself, but you couldn't seem to get any sleep.
Every time you closed your eyes you imagined her with someone else.
It made you silently weep. It all became too much. You carefully left the bed and went to the kitchen.
You grabbed a glass from the cabinet and poured yourself some water as tears ran down your face. Leaning against the counter you realized that it wasn't fair to stay when she loved someone else.
The bottom of your lip touched the glass as you stared at the wall.
You sighed as your eyes darted to the pictures of the two of you on the wall. Polaroid pictures that you had taken when you had the greatest time together.
You softly laughed as you turned around to look at the living room. So many memories were in your mind, like you were replaying a movie.
All the times she had laughed until she lost her breath on the couch, or that one time she literally fell out of it. But you couldn't for the death of you remember what you had said that had gotten her to laugh.
Then you remembered how she had practiced her lines, deepening her voice, only to soften it, and then fail miserably, forgetting the sentences she was supposed to say.
It hadn't been all bad, being with her. You still loved her. But she didn't love you back. Maybe she did, but not as much as she once did.
You were startled by a voice and your daydreaming came to an end.
"Hey... I couldn't feel you beside me in bed... what's going on? Are you okay?"
There was the raspy voice you used to love hearing, but now all it did was make you feel like you were suffocating.
You couldn't seem to find the right words to say.
"Hey... talk to me," she said in the softest voice.
"I... I know Scarlett..."
She raised one of her eyebrows, not entirely sure what you were talking about.
"I know you're seeing someone..."
She didn't dare to speak.
"And it's okay..." you said, placing the glass of water on the counter.
Then you walked towards her.
"It's okay to fall out of love... and in love with someone else..." you said, while cupping both her cheeks.
"I get that... I really do... but it's the lying, Scarlett... that hurts... the most."
"I don't lo-" she tried to deny what was true.
"Please just... don't... no more lies," you begged, caressing her cheeks with your thumbs.
"I know... I've known for months. I can smell his cologne, and I can taste him on your lips..."
She looked away.
"Hey, please look at me... I'm not mad... I could never be mad at you..."
She let out a shaky breath before she slowly turned her head in your direction.
"What's his name?" you asked, digging for answers that would only hurt you. But it's human nature, you couldn't help it.
"It doesn't matter..." she said back.
"Oh, but it does, Scarlett... he's the one you're picturing as you're making love to me. He's the one you want to sleep next to at night... he's the new me. Of, course it matters..." you said softly.
"How are you so calm?" she asked, voice breaking.
"I've been mad, believe me. But I realized that I love you too much to keep you here when you're in love with someone else... it isn't fair to any of us."
"So... what's his name?" you asked again, closing your eyes, scared of hearing who she loved.
You looked away from her, tears streaming down your face again. "No, don't... please don't cry..." she said, wiping your tears.
"Are you pregnant?" you asked, shocked at the words that just escaped your mouth.
"Fuck, I didn't... I didn't mean to sound so... unthoughtful," you said shortly after.
"It's okay... and yes... how did you know?"
"You haven't let me touch you in a while..." you said looking down at her stomach.
"So, I figured that you had more than one secret..."
"I'm so sorry..."
"Don't be," you said, pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
"You love him... and you're going to have his child... it's okay."
"I've changed... y'know... matured," you said, and chuckled softly.
"Cold was the steel of my axe to grind for the girls who broke my heart... but I've got a feeling I'll soon be sending your baby presents."
She only pulled you in for a hug, embracing you in her arms.
"I'm sorry... god, I'm so sorry for doing this to you... hurting you... betraying you like this."
"Scarlett, it's okay... but you do know we need to get a divorce..."
"Yeah... I know..." she answered, hugging you tighter.
"I love you so, so much... even though I'm not in love anymore..." she whispered, stroking your back.
"I know Scarlett... I know..."
This was kind of sad to write, but idk, I just felt like I needed to write it... a happy ending to infidelity? I don't even know anymore lol
It just felt right to not imagine someone ripping the other person's head off, but instead accepting that the love they had for each other was still there, but in a different way...
And then finding it in themselves to be happy for the one who broke their heart. 
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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On a press tour
The cab ride had taken ages, but you had finally arrived outside the hotel. Rain had started to pour from the sky that once was clear and bright, so you took all your belongings and ran as fast as you could while you tried to hide your face from bystanders.
You did not want to take a picture with a fan while you were extremely exhausted by traveling so much, knowing you would face backlash if you didn't act like the happiest person on earth. You were grateful for getting a chance to be in the spotlight, but fame came at a cost, your private life wasn't yours any longer, it was everyone else's business.
Starring alongside Elizabeth Olsen wasn't easy either, everywhere she was, there was paparazzi following her wherever she went. You did not understand how she put up with it, you were sure you would end up committing manslaughter if you were in her shoes.
You got away from the street and entered the hotel, trying to manoeuvre around families with kids in the age where superheroes were their reason for living. Covering your face with a cap and sunglasses seemed stupid but it worked most of the time, and luckily for you it worked this time too.
Taking your phone out of your pocket you saw two missed calls and one unread message from Elizabeth, you were getting slightly angry at yourself for having the habit of putting your phone on silent, no one had a chance to reach you even in an emergency.
Your head started spinning, what if something was delayed, or even cancelled. Quickly opening the message, your nerves calmed down when you read, "I tried calling you, but you didn't pick up, anyway, I'm waiting for you a few feet away from the desk in the left corner. – Lizzie"
You practically ran with your bag on your shoulder and your suitcase right behind you, trying to find her in the big crowd of people. You hated being by yourself in unknown territory, and especially while being surrounded by strangers. You finally saw her, standing in a gray suit, her wavy hair reaching down to her shoulders.
She noticed you too, smiled and waved, signalizing for you to come over. It didn't take you long to reach her, letting out a breath of relief as you stood side by side with her.
"You get nervous by... all this, too?" she asked as she gestured to the people around you, everyone walking with a destination in mind, maybe someone had a train to catch, a lover to visit, or a dog to walk. It was impossible to know for sure, but everyone was in quite a hurry to get to wherever they were going.
"Yeah, it's overwhelming, feels like I'm constantly being suffocated," you answered her, fiddling with your hands. She took the hint and went over to the desk and kindly asked for a room with two beds.
"Uhm, sadly, there are none left, we have a lot of rooms with a double bed if that works..." the receptionist stated, their eyes swiftly shifting between Elizabeth and you, casually checking if that'll be a problem.
"That... won't be an issue at all," Elizabeth informed the receptionist, and her genuine sweet smile reappeared.
When she got the key to the room and had walked a few steps away, you asked, "are you sure?" she didn't quite understand what you meant, tilting her head a little bit.
"One bed?!" You whisper yelled, already getting nervous. You had known her for over nine months, she was your colleague, maybe friend, but mostly colleague.
"Yeah? What's wrong with that? Besides, it's cheaper than paying for two rooms," she stated as she kept on walking. Not muttering a word, you walked beside her, peeking over to see which room you were staying in, trying to find the right door in the never-ending corridor.
"There," she quietly said and sped up. She unlocked the door and held it up for you, letting you enter. You spotted the bed and tensed up a bit. You didn't know how you would survive this night. Over the last three months you had started developing a crush on her, and it was going the press tours, like this one, incredibly hard.
"Which side of the bed do you want, Elizabeth?" you asked and turned around to face her.
"We're sharing a bed, so you better start calling me Lizzie, and I want the side closest to the window if that's okay with you," she said stifling a laugh. What she didn't know was that there were other things you'd like to call her instead.
Placing your bag on your side of the bed you carefully looked over at her when she was focused on organizing her things. She was so cute when something had her full attention.
Finished with packing out your own belongings you sat down only to send a message to your best friend. "I think I'm going to either shit my pants or pass away! I gotta share a bed with Elizabeth... the hottest woman to ever walk this earth!!!"
You then looked at the time and thought it was getting late way faster than you wanted it to. You went to brush your teeth and nearly choked on the toothpaste when the bathroom door opened behind you. She walked in wearing a t-shirt and underwear, you tried to stay focused, staring at your own reflection but when she leaned down to spit out her own toothpaste your eyes glanced down at the cleavage she was showing.
Internally screaming at yourself for being so disrespectful, you then avoided eye contact until she had left the bathroom without saying a word.
When you walked back out you saw her figure already under the covers, a book in her hands, with only the nightlamp on, everything else was pitch black. She was stunning with the light hitting her face just right, her hair tied up and her gorgeous eyes shining. You silently walked over, started to undress so you wouldn't sweat throughout the night and got under the covers too.
The light didn't bother you, but you could not find a good position to sleep in. It was impossible to focus on anything else than her. She occupied your mind and refused to leave, sneaking her way into every thought you have, making you anxious in case she'd figure out why you were so on edge.
"Goodnight," she said softly, and you felt her looking at you. Lying completely still, frozen on the mattress your breath hitched. You closed your eyes, struggling to think about anything else, desperately trying to distract yourself but to no avail.
You laid there, waiting, hoping, and praying that she'd soon try to sleep herself. Twenty minutes must have passed before she finally closed her book, turned off the light and laid down to sleep. It took you by surprise when you felt her hands starting to hold around you, and her breath touching your neck, sending shivers down your spine.
She was snuggling into you from behind in her sleep. The panic inside you only grew as her grip got stronger, hugging you tighter. Overwhelmed and tired, you eventually fell asleep.
Waking up you figured you must've turned in your sleep, because when you opened your eyes, you were nuzzling her chest, not your pillow. You were fearing the fact that she had to wake up any minute now, you'd seem like the biggest creep ever.
"Good morning, I see you made yourself comfortable," a groggy voice spoke out from over your head. You closed your eyes, trying to figure out what to say back. Never in your life had you felt so terribly embarrassed.
"I'm sorry!" you said, as you got off her chest, and speed walked to the bathroom. You got dressed and ready for the interviews that was on schedule for today. The embarrassment had left your body and during the interviews you and Lizzie were joking as you normally would when you both gave your answers.
It was fun and rewarding, but when you were back at the hotel all your feelings came rushing back. It was the same routine; the press tours were straightforward but at the same time hectic. You went to bed just like the night before, laying down you felt her eyes on you regularly. She'd flip the page of her book, let out a heavy breath and then you'd get the feeling someone was watching you.
You didn't hate it, quite the opposite really, you liked it when she looked at you, but you wanted her to look at you the way you look at her. With adoration and devotion in her eyes, not just warmth, because that was always lurking there, radiating from time to time.
Soon enough she put away her book, as the night before, and fell asleep. Just as you feared, her body came creeping up behind you, her arms snaking their way around you. Her mouth resting so close to your ear that you felt her lips every so often. It felt great, but for all the wrong reasons.
Her hands started to roam, grazing your thighs, then softly brushing against your breasts over your t-shirt. It was working you up, and you did your best trying to remain calm. Her hands slowly kept stroking over your mound before her hands stopped, giving you time to breathe instead of persistently biting your lip to stay silent.
Before you knew it, her hands started to roam again, just stopping when they had cupped your breasts under your t-shirt, touching your bare sensitive skin, resulting in you letting out a shuddery breath.
"Is something bothering you?" the most seductive voice whispered right into your ear, as she continued to feel you up. You didn't dare to move; you didn't want it to end.
"Am I making you nervous?" she asked as one of her hands left your breast and softly rested at your throat instead.
"Yes... but I enjoy it," you quietly answered her with honesty. Her fingertips began to trace upwards, until her thumb was grazing your bottom lip. Slowly you opened your mouth in response, and as her other fingers started to make their way up to your mouth you gently wrapped your lips around them, lubricating them. When she carefully pulled her fingers away, you took a hold of her hand and dragged it between your thighs.
"Someone's needy..." she said with a raspy voice, letting out a chuckle.
Her fingers swiftly found the outline of your underwear, and almost immediately started teasing you, rubbing your clit at a slow pace, then stopping for no reason at all. You placed your hand on top of hers, moving her hand but it was useless.
She nibbled at your ear, then whispered, "beg for it, make use of your voice."
You let out a whine but then kept quiet, going against her order.
"I gave you a chance, guess you just need to learn the hard way, pet. If you're not willing to beg for my touch, then you'll beg for me to stop instead," she growled as her hand started to stimulate you again, this time with more pressure, and at a painfully fast pace.
Her fingers hitting every nerve, making it impossible for you to keep your mouth shut. At first it was bearable, enjoyable, and the best feeling your body had ever felt, all the stress you had felt just vanished, as your first orgasm washed over you like a hurricane, your legs slightly reacting as she rode it out.
Then she carried on, pleasuring you non-stop, your moaning became louder, so you tried to silence yourself with the pillow. It worked until the second orgasm hit, a croaky whimper broke out as your hand reached backwards, clasping Lizzie's thigh.
"Fuck..." you loudly swore as she kept on stimulating your soaked cunt. Your legs started to tremble and give out. That just made her more motivated, and you could feel her smirk behind you.
A guttural moan escaped your lips as you came for the third time while she continued to overstimulate you. She showed absolutely no mercy and applied even more pressure.
"Can I- can I call you... mommy?" you cried out, gripping the sheets until your knuckles went pale. "I like that... I like being called someone's mom," she said as you were trembling in her embrace, her hot breath lingering on your skin.
Your shaking intensified and she wrapped her leg around yours, trying to keep you in place as she kept hitting your bundle of nerves until you screamed out in both pleasure and pain. You were shrieking as the overstimulation was too much to handle and came painfully for the fourth time.
"I can't take it anymore, mommy, please..." you begged as your body had reached a new level of exhaustion. She stopped immediately, kissing your shoulder as your breathing slowly got even again.
"You did so good for me. I'm proud of you," she praised you as she hugged you tighter, placing kisses all over the side of your face that she had access too.
"Just close your eyes, get some rest, I'll takecare of you," she said while stroking your arm until you fell asleep in herwarm and loving embrace. 
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sapphic-swiftie13 · 2 years
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A fight turns into something more
Listening to Lizzie's whining and complaining started to get on your nerves. She had been on about the same shit for hours, not letting the fight you had in the morning go. You wanted to take a risk, in hope of reaching out to your fans, but she thought you were irresponsible and not thinking clearly.
"Why do you never listen to me?!" she asked as she stood pissed off in the doorway. "I do listen to you, it's all I do!" you answered her as you kept your eyes off her not wanting to say something you'd regret.
"No, you don't, then you'd know I don't want you to do this!" she said as she put her head in her hands, both disappointed and angry.
"Why don't you want me to do this? Is it because you want to be out of the spotlight?" you asked upset, tired of her not wanting to comment on issues in the world since she thinks its unhealthy that your brain makes you feel like you must post about everything that is happening in the world.
"It's not my responsibility to do that, I just feel pressured to do it since I'm a famous person, it's a narcissistic viewpoint to have when you feel like the world need to know your opinion! Every other celebrity does that it, and I feel like it messes me up, and to be honest, I like my privacy, don't you?!" she asked back raising her voice as she stepped forwards.
"Just because I want to have a social media account to reach out to my fans doesn't mean you have to be a part of it! It'll be my account, not yours Lizzie," you answered then turned your head to glare at her.
"Don't give me that look, I'm just telling you what I think," she said as she stopped in her tracks.
"I know what you fucking think, and I sure as hell don't give a damn if you think I'm not doing what's right, it feels right to me! I'm an adult, you don't have to take responsibility for anything I do, so stop acting like it," you said as you stood up from the couch walking towards her.
"I just don't want you to make a mistake and end up paying for it!" she yelled at you as she kept her ground.
"I'm not going to make a mistake, and if I do, then I'll fix it, not just disappear from the world and hide like you did!" you yelled back at her, noticing how she went from mad to furious.
"I'm not the one risking my career just to reply to some stupid comments about how beautiful you look or see all the questions of work-related things that you can't even reply to because of spoilers. You can just promote your movies; do you think that is fun? To be used for money like that, just a pretty face for a magazine cover for people to buy so someone else profits because of it! Do you really want that, huh?" she asked you, waiting for you to say something hurtful back.
"Shut up," you said as you blankly stared at her.
"Or what?" she asked back, taking a step towards you, getting up in your face.
"Shut your mouth, Lizzie," you said trying to calm your nerves.
"I thought you liked it wide open," she practically yelled in your face.
Not thinking twice, you slammed her into the wall behind her and clashed your lips onto hers, ultimately shutting her up. Then started undressing her as your lips hungrily found her neck.
"This doesn't solve our disagreement," she stated as you sucked on her sweet spot.
"I know, but at least we don't fight," you said as you pulled back only to take off your own clothes, leaving them scattered on the floor.
You fell to your knees and dragged her pants and underwear down to her ankles. Before Lizzie could react, you had started to eat her out, taking her by surprise. She moaned in pleasure but quickly shut up when she remembered she was supposed to be angry.
She grabbed your hair, trying to be rough, but failing miserably, making you chuckle, sending vibrations to her core. You then swirled your tongue around her clit, hitting every nerve, making her shudder over you.
You repeated this process, until she was soaking wet and trembling. You then stopped, pulled away and looked at her until she opened her eyes.
"Are you really not going to let me finish?" she whined, and now it was her turn to glare at you.
"Are you really not going to accept it if I make an Instagram account?" you asked her back, with a smirk.
"I'll accept it if you don't ruin my orgasm again. Oh, and you're the one that washes the dishes this whole month, then I'll give you a chance with the whole social media thing," she bargained, trying to make the best out of this trade.
You only nodded and went back to pleasuring her. It didn't take long for her to become a moaning mess, she nearly lost her footing, even on solid ground. When she started to tremble, nearing her orgasm, you held tightly around her.
Coming undone over you, nearly falling to the floor, Lizzie practically screamed.
"I've got you," you told her as you let her ride out her orgasm.
When she had caught her breath, she walked away and said, "What are you waiting for? Go do the dishes. Because I won't do you."
She was bratty, but she had found a way to avoid punishment, you put your clothes back on, and started washing the dishes, she had played you and there was nothing to do with it at the moment, you let her have this win, but being an underdog was what you did best.
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