sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Excited to start Dewey’s 24 hour #readathon. Here is what I am hoping to read in the next 24 hours. #teamanz #aussiebookworm #bookstagram #amreading #readathontbr #lotsofurbanfantasyandparanormalromance
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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#readathon | #teamanz | Audiobook time while I do some housework then bedtime for miss 5 then back to sprint for last hour. #bookstagram #aussiebookworm #aussiebookdragon #catandbones #nighthuntress #amreading #amlistening
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Already gone off #readathon TBR with book 2 but I always enjoy reads by @claudia_gray and this one I have been looking forward to for a while #igreadathon #teamanz #bookstagram #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #defythestars #bookandcoffee
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Hour 1 TBR + Opening Survey | 1) What fine part of the world are you reading from today? Sydney 2) Which book in your stack are you most looking forward to? Opposition 3) Which snack are you most looking forward to? My sweet chilli rice crackers 4) Tell us a little something about yourself! I live with my partner and 5 year old daughter and I have a cat called Jasper and a dog call Katie 5) If you participated in the last read-a-thon, what’s one thing you’ll do different today? If this is your first read-a-thon, what are you most looking forward to? I am busier this readathon so will need to be smarter about how I use the reading time I have. Good luck everyone! 😀📚#igreadathon #readathon #figthistlebooks #teamanz2017 #aussiebookworm #aussiebookdragon
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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5 minutes till #readathon starts! What book are you starting with? #igreadathon #teamanz2017 #aussiebookworm #aussiebookdragon
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Finally starting to read this and so excited! I have put all my other scheduled reads on hold to squeeze this read in as a I couldn't wait any longer. Loving that my day off falls at the perfect time so I can just read 😀What book are you most excited for and know you will drop everything else for in order to read straight away the moment it arrives? #aussiereads #theimmortalbind #amreading #bookstagram #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #newrelease #aussiefiction
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Some one found a new snooze spot 😀#catsofinstagram
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Having a lazy morning here whilst enjoying a read with my coffee. What's on your reading agenda today? #soulmated #longweekend #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #bookstagram #coffeeandbook #amreading #ARC
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Came home today to find #bookmail AND #owlcrate mail today :-) just in time for my 6 day break! I foresee lots of reading in my near future 😀 what new release are you most excited to get your hands on? #roseblood #wayfarer #theimmortalbind #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #amreading #bookstagram #longweekend #readingweekend
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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How are you keeping track of how long you are reading. I downloaded the new book out app on Friday and am currently having a lot of fun with it. It's a great way to keep track of how much time I spend reading and what I am reading. I also use goodreads to keep track of what I am reading. What about you? #24in48 #thiefoflies #libraryjumpers #blogtour #cleansweep #goodreadschallenge #bookout #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #bookstagram #yareader #amreading
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Finished read 1 then headed out to do some shopping. Back now and ready start my second book #thiefoflies What has been your favourite read so far? #ammp #cleansweep #24in48 #amreading #libraryjumpers #aussiebookworm #aussiebookdragon #yareader #upcomingblogtour #bookstagram
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Good morning everyone! Enjoyed a Sunday morning sleep in this morning and ready to start reading again. Still reading #ladymidnight but hoping to finish it this morning. What is current read for those doing #24in48 what is your book tally so far? #aroundtheworldin80days #ammp #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #eyefoundit #yareader #thedarkartifices #bookstagram #amreading
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Fell asleep earlier so I only got at about an hour and a half of reading done but I am slowly getting through it. Just finished dinner and planing to read for a couple of hours before heading to bed. What page is everyone on in their current read? #24in48 #ammp #aroundtheworldin80days #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #bookstagram #yareader #ladymidnight #onpage297
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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House inspection done ✅ Now time to start the #24in48 readathon and get stuck into this awesome title. What is everyone else reading to start off and any other Aussies participating? #aussiebookdragon #readathon #amreading #ladymidnight #bookstagram #aussiereader #goodreadschallenge #eyefoundit #aroundtheworldin80days #ammp
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sapphiredragon · 7 years
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Preparing to start my Christmas reading. What are you reading this Christmas? #bookstagram #christmasreading #owlcrate #heartless #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #yareader
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sapphiredragon · 8 years
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It's been a grave day for books...LOL! Picked up some books from the local bookshop today and they all have something in common😋I am getting my January reading sorted. What are your reading goals for the new year? #aussiebookdragon #aussiebookworm #bookstagram #paranormalromance #charleydavidson #nighthuntress #2017readingplan #charleydavidsonreadalong
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sapphiredragon · 8 years
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Congrats all on an awesome #readathon especially the awesome #teamoz. I managed to finish 4 books and get 200 pages into another. Reading a total of 1111 pages 😀Now it's time for sleep 😴 #bookstagram #aussiebookworm #aussiebookdragon
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