A Humble Request
Hi Internet Friends,
I humbly came on here to do something I’ve never done before...and that’s ask for help. I’m currently working full-time and my car recently broke down. I need this car for transportation to get to work every day. I don’t get paid until the first of the month and that pay check next month will go directly to rent and student loans. I am asking that if you have the financial means available to help, I’d greatly appreciate it. ANYTHING will help. from $1- $5. If you can’t help financially, please send good thoughts my way. 
Venmo: Sarahi22
Thank you so much and have a great day.
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I feel like this is what Taylor's future children will see/hear...all her stories in the albums she has put out. Her kids will literally be able to see her story -  her heartbreaks, her fears, her chaos, her lover - through her music.
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Did anyone catch the words “Cruel Summer” on one of the butterflies (top right) in the Amazon commercial?
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A letter to my ex, who is currently at UCLA for residency in neurosurgery
I hope this letter finds you well. I’ve been thinking so much about you. Everything I see reminds me of you – I miss waking up to your morning forehead kisses before you left for work. I miss our morning Starbucks runs. I had the most vivid dream about you last night. Enchanted by Taylor Swift started playing and we were in your room. You looked at me and I knew, I knew that we were meant to be, and no one would ever compare to you. I can meet all 7 billion people on earth and I would still choose you. I know a lot of things went down between us during these last few years; however, this time apart has allowed me to reflect on what I need to improve on and to evaluate myself as a person.  
I made a lot of mistakes. I’m sorry I wasn’t the person I needed to be for you in Baltimore. I really wish I could turn back the hands of time. I know we both have our own demons to battle and I’m fine on my own. I really am. I’m sure you are too. I just hope we can battle our demons together one day.
I know your schedule is insane right now (your mom told me you were working 14-16 hours a day) but I hope that this new era is good to you – that you’re able to soak in all the endless information, refine your skills, and deepen your knowledge all which will make you an amazing neurosurgeon. You are already an amazing person – I just hope residency doesn’t take too much of a toll on you.
No matter what happens between us, just know that you’re the first person I think of when I wake up and the one I think of when I’m about to go to sleep. I love you and will always love you. I want nothing but the best for you – so I understand if you need to move on. Just know that I will be doing my part to hold on to this…what we have is special and I’m certain that nothing will ever compare.
I fell in love with the guy who would look at me from the driver’s side as we drove 80mph down the highway to get to Sonic and back before lunch hour was over in high school.
I fell in love with the guy who ran through the sprinklers at the Hazelton park with me.
I fell in love with the guy who would listen to Taylor Swift with me as we studied for exams.
I fell in love with a compassionate and intelligent person who is always willing to lend a helping hand.
No one compares to you and what you make me feel. Even after all this time, I still get butterflies when I think about you.
I hope you get to have some fun on your day.
Happy Birthday.
I love you always,
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