sarahsmiles1991 · 1 year
What me and my friends come up with is amazing! lol
HC for FemShep that @sarahsmiles1991 and I came up with today...
Shep: gods first a turIan wants me to be a spectre, another wanted me to join with him as a slave to sovereign, then another turian wants me captured so he could live like a king, and then they want me to do things for them like save their planet, son and a head of a geth,what is it turians DON'T want from me?
Garrus: ... to die, we don't want you to die
Meshep: as sweet as that is, Sare-
Garrus: Siren was being brainwashed by a reaper, believe me many turians would kill to be in my position.
Victus: the Turian Hierarchy received a request to officially recognize Commander Shepard as a Turian citizen. I've also received requests for marriage requests from many families for the Commander.
Wrex: yeah? Well she's already officially a Krogan and has had breeding requests.
Tali: yeah, well she's already a Quarian Captain and can link suits with literally anyone she wants!
Geth: consensus was reached by 99.99999999999993% of all Geth that Shepard-Commander is Geth. She has entered our consensus space twice and survived. And is nice to us. We.. like her.
Balak: All Batarians want her dead
Bray: not me
Balak: except Bray
Bray: I'd marry her of she wanted
Balak: he's a bad Batarian
Aria: she can be my co-Queen.
Balak: Batarians want her dead
Batarians: nah, we're cool with her
Balak: but..
Batarians: she can hold her own word us. She's badass. And doesn't kill us just for being Batarian
Bray: she kinda threatened me once. It was hot.
Balak: ... okay maybe I was turned on when she said she would hunt me down BUT I STILL WANT HER DEAD
Balak: she blew up our solar system!
Bray: yeah, for a good reason
Bray: yeah, and billions lived because of it
Balak: ffs
Bray: I wish to make babies with her
Hanar: this one would also like to say that Shepard has been requested to mate as well for bringing back one of the enkindlers, along with the drell of course.
Elcor: Shyly excited, we too have accepted her as one of us after saving us
Volus: .....yeah I guess would make a good mate if she wanted us
Morlan: she is welcome in my shop at a 90% discount
Salarians: while one old bitch doesn't like the fact that she cured the genophage many has asked to send thier ancestor genes to her if she would be interested [we then discussed hoe Salarians swap genealogy stuff..]
Asari: ... ya no we want her we want many shep asari
We'll need to add more as we go..
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sarahsmiles1991 · 1 year
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Lizard bf pinned by tol human gf more at 5
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sarahsmiles1991 · 4 years
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Caduceus from Critical Role Inspired yet reminded of Flora and Merryweather’s fight over the colours pink and blue lol 
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sarahsmiles1991 · 4 years
Xena Sharptooth - Critical Role Fanfiction
Summary: Though she was banished by the clan, Lady Kima asks her to join on her quest to Kraghammer to go into the depth below to stop a great evil within.  Reluctant to go but agrees, Xena Sharptooth joins her; what dangers awaits her down there and who the hell are these clowns?!
Character Info Sheet
Name: Xena Sharptooth 30 ft Walking AC: 19
Class: Paladin lv. 9 Oath of Vengeance God: Bahamut
Race: Half-Orc Background: Urchin HP: 94
Armour: Mithril Breastplate Weapons: Animated Shield
Brooch of Shielding Flame Tongue Short-sword
Holy Symbol of Bahamut Platinum
Dragon attached by leather string and
hangs from her neck under her armour
Strength: 20 (5+)
Dexterity: 16 (6+)
Constitution: 18 (4+)
Intelligence: 15 (2+)
Wisdom: 15 (2+)
Charisma: 16 (3+)
Saving Throws
Strength +8
Dexterity +6
Constitution +7
Intelligence +5
Wisdom (P) +9
Charisma (P) +10
Xena Sharptooth has lived as an urchin most of her life and being abandoned by her own mother she took to the street and stole food from the markets and earn gold by singing. However her luck rang out when the fruit seller caught and prepared to chop her hands off as punishment, but then an old Paladin by the name of Sir Alistair Brightworth, servant to Bahamut stopped this a says that he will take this half orc and make something out of her. With little to no choice but to go with the old paladin he takes her to the monastery and begins her training. As she grew she became a strong and skilful with a shield and sword and was given the test to become one of the generals.
Unfortunately, being a half orc the some of paladins and clerics were terrified, disgust and jealousy that such a creature would become one of the leaders. Before she could even start the test the head of the monastery struck a trial of scandal and murder on her; to her horror and sadness no one, not even her brothers and sisters in training took a stand with her and she was banished from the one place she thought was her true home. Now older and bitter Xena took to the mountains, killing bandits and evil creatures to take her mind off her anger and ignore the voice of a being who asks for forgiveness and redemption.
In town for a drink and supplies Xena comes across an old companion of hers, Lady Kima who she trained with. She pleads to Xena to come with her to Kraghammer to find a great evil that could be hidden within it’s depths; with great hesitation and a migraine from the voice in her head she agrees and goes with her to find this darkness and hopes that not only she makes it out alive but to have the voice stop talking to her.
Xena Sharptooth was having a good day!
Not only did she get rid of the rest of the bandits that have been terrorizing a village but also found a bag of holding! How the bloody hell the leader came by such a thing is beyond her but she didn’t question it cause she can only imagine the vibrating purrs in her head would do.
Oh yes, ever since her banishment from the Paladins of Bahamut the Platinum Dragon, the stupid lizard has not let her forget that they have not forsaken her. No matter how much she tries to ignore them they seem to insist on sticking around, it didn’t really help that she was helping villages and other unpopular areas with their troubles for only a few things like food and sleep. Hell in a few minutes she is about to head out to farmers home and help them harvest their goods in exchange for a sack of vegetables, can’t exactly tell a god to fuck off when you are doing good deeds left and right.
Oddly though, as they tore her holy symbol from her armor they allowed her to keep it along with her weapons.
“The Platinum Dragon gave you those tools, though you have used them for your own gain than for others they are still yours.” one of the head ass-holes had explained as they dragged her out.
Scoffing at the whole situation, she puts the last of the goods in her new bag of holding, she puts the strap over her shoulder and makes her way to the village.
The breastplate, though showed it has seen many battles with scuff marks and a few dents here and there one could tell it was kept after Xena thanked the heavens that it was made out of mithril one of the sturdier metals in the world.
Xena hums, as she walks through the animal, made trail, feeling pretty good besides the few scars added to her body; particularly the one at her cheekbone almost making her lose her eye were it not for turning her head the last second.
There’s a spark inside us
that we can all ignite
and all that’s dark inside us
will flicker into light
Like any warrior who has been in battle; scars and wounds were merely accessories and reminders that they have survived her learned in a library that Orcs regard battle scars as tokens of pride and ornamental scars as things of beauty. Her light green colored skin showed all her scars with no help and also being like a beacon if any sort of light took a shine to her and as if she wasn’t so horrific to humans, the orcs gave pause at her green flesh while they had their grey pigmentation before charging at her to attack.
Of all the healers and friendly scholars she would come across none of them could explain what was going on with her skin, she can only assume it had something to do with her parents or a mutation.
There’s a power in every breath
there’s a power in every note
a power that starts within the heart
a power that rises through the throat
Her tusks though not prominent still like to remind people of her background when she grinned in amusement or gave a sneer at a threat. She was of course teased for her features and there had been times where she wanted nothing more than to file her tusks, they did help her in a pinch when she had to bite an offender who thought covering her mouth was a good idea, she still chuckles at that memory. Her wild black hair still a mess after one of the bandits cut the string holding it up, got a stab in the foot for that, cascaded down her shoulders and to the middle of her back. Normally she would either has it in a ponytail or a plait to keep it out of her face, never once considering getting it cut.
And when it sails up through the air
more beautiful than any prayer
this power can right all wrong
and it will always thrill the ear
of those who have the power to hear
the magic of a song
Now it was her eyes that gave her confounded her; wolf eyes some called them with the yellow glare piercing one's soul if you got close enough to her. No other orc or even half-orcs had the eyes she had, maybe it was the gods' idea of a joke since her skin already make her freak why not throw in wolf eyes, she could feel the lizard admonish her, it gave the locals the idea to nickname her Einn ulfur, Lone Wolf.
There’s a strength inside us
that tells us wrong from right
becomes a song inside us
to chase away the night
By the end of her singing, she made it to the village, it was still midday so there not a lot of people about what harvest time being near and going about their own life. Xena frequent the village a lot so no one really balked at the half-orc heading straight for their elders with a slight smirk on her face. The elders consisted of three female halflings; Shaena Underbough, Portia Tosscobble, and last and certainly not the least Lavina Goodbarrel. Lavina is the eldest of the three and was the first to welcome Xena into the village with open arms, even offering her a place to stay in her home after her banishment from Paladins.
“Ah! And there she is!” Elder Lavina crowed. “Merle! You owe me a pint!”
Merle, husband to Lavina chuckles. “Aye I never should wager against Ulfer, especially against you love.”
“The bandits are no more.” Xena reports, placing the bag of holding to the ground and pulling out all the goods and other useful things for the elders and village to use. “They will not be bothering you a moment longer and I have found some trinkets and the like for you all.”
Lavina raises an eyebrow at the goods. “For bandits going after a small village as ours makes one wonder why they even bother with all this shit.”
“Them swords will be of help for certain.” Shaena says, watching the pile of weapons grow. “Heaven knows our people need them when you go off into the world again, I must say again how much we appreciate your help luv.”
“Mmm.” Portia mumbles, placing her pipe next to her knitting project before getting up and going to inspect the goods. “Plus Jeorge will getting more than enough supplies for the winter with these, did you find your own trinkets to take?”
Xena presents the bag of holding to them with a smirk. “The leader somehow got his hands on this, it is enough for me to-”
“The pretty bag is not enough of a reward for what you have done Ulfer!” Portia interrupts, frowning up at her. “Shaena may just let you do that but I and many others will draw the line if we must! I am sure there is enough gold for you to take.”
With that along with a sound of offense from the other lady, Shaena picks up a rather large sack of what is clearly gold and places it in a bemused Xena’s hand. Shaena though the youngest is the much stricter of the three and much more wary of strangers; when Xena first arrived in the village after months on her own after banishment Shaena was very hesitant to lend a hand to the creature that limped it’s way to their little village with nothing but armor and weapons on her person asking for a simple cup of milk in exchange to help any way she can. Lavina swooped onto Xena before the other two could say anything and the next thing they knew they had a mean green fighting being who protected the village and provided help to others.
“Jeorge will be heading for the city early in the morning, best get cleaned and well-rested for the trip.” Lavina informs Xena, picking up what looks like a bottle of fancy wine.
Xena smiles at the ladies, giving them a nod before heading for Lavina’s townhouse to do just that. Many of the halflings who live in the village greet her as she passes by, along with thanks as she left.
The next morning as she ate the last of her second breakfast Xena Sharptooth was ready for the road along with Jeorge. It took nearly a day to reach the city and Xena slips a gold to Jeorge in thanks as she leaves to the nearest tavern for a late dinner and sees if there were any jobs for her to do.
The Hanging Man was a dwarf-owned tavern so the place looks more made of stone than wood but with how many brawls and fights started one was pretty smart to not have many things made of wood. A large fire pit where many types of meat were being cooked in the middle of the tavern sizzled through the air and made Xena’s mouth water as she could taste that goat leg she had been eyeing as she entered.
One of her favorite meats in the world before her and the bag of holding? Maybe the old lizard was onto something.
“Hello!” a bright-eyed elf wench greets from over the booth with a smile. “Welcome to the Hanging Man! My name is Amelia how may I help you?”
“Leg of goat and a pint of ale.” Xena orders, taking a seat.
“You mean lamb?” she asks with a raised eyebrow.
Xena gave it back. “No I mean that goat leg you have in the fire pit.”
Amelia looks over to the fire pit before shaking her head. “I am sorry but that is for a customer-”
“Actually it is for her.” a soft familiar voice beside from beside her. “Please get it for.”
Xena’s whole body freezes at the voice. Are you fucking kidding you lizard!
A light purr was her reply.
“Three years away and I still know one of your weaknesses, Xena. Never understood your taste in goat than a lamb but to each their own.”
From the corner of her eye she watched as the halfling woman climbs onto the stool beside her, her dirty blond hair tightly braided, complexion darker than the usual halfling with a big scar across the side of her face along with other, smaller scars and of course wearing armor representing gold, silver, and blue of Bahamut.
“Oh like your weakness isn’t teriyaki chicken wings?” Xena mutters, tapping the booth waiting for her drink.
“Oooh don’t remind me, I haven’t had those in months!” the Halfling woman laughs.
Thankfully Xena didn’t have to wait long as her pint arrived along with the goat leg... though it looks magnificent and just asking to be devoured.
“What brings you here Lady Kima?” she asks, sipping her ale. “Don’t you and those dumb-asses have to keep Emon protected since you failed that last time around, also well done on that.”
“What? Can I not wonder about my vacation?” Lady Kima asks with a small smirk completely ignoring Xena’s comment.
“Not when you have Lady Allura waiting for you at home.” Xena was quick to reply.
Lady Kima’s dark complexion became darker as she clears her throat looking around nervously. “She is busy with her own things and I am not here to talk about such things. I am here for you though.”
“Oh? What happened? Is there something else they wanted to accuse me of?” She asks rolling her eyes. “Did I throw Timmy down the well?”
“No Xena this doesn’t have anything to do with the order and more of a personnel matter.” Lady Kima sighs. “I was given a vision... a dark one.”
Xena turns her head to Lady Kima, showing that she was paying attention. It wasn’t really all surprising that paladins got visions or messages from Bahamut it was just rare when they do give it so when one says they got a vision, you listen.
“I saw darkness taking root beneath Kraghammer, the dwarven city northeast of Emon in the Cliffkeep Mountains. I have been hiring a couple of mercenaries to accompany me into the mines and into the Underdark, and I want you to join me.” Just as she finished the sentence Xena choked back her drink.
Coughing a bit, wiping her mouth with her arm Xena looks over at Lady Kima in shock. “Okay first off you owe another ale, second of all wherein all your vision did it say ‘It’s dangerous to go alone, bring the half-orc that your order banished years ago!’ like seriously Kima.”
“Xena, the Order has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with my visions and they certainly have nothing to say about who I bring with me. Besides, in my vision; within the darkness, I saw a figure of a wolf within it, guiding me through the caves of the deep.”
There was a silence between the two.
“And the last murmurs I have heard here and in neighboring villages, that there is a half-orc wondering the area, helping the less fortunate, caring for those in need with the strength of ten men and eyes like a wolf, they call her Einn Ulfer... Lone Wolf, Now I wonder would such a person does not help her old mentor in her quest to suppress the darkness from taking hold in this world?” Lady Kima asks, gently placing it beside Xena’s hand.
Xena looks down at the object, taking a deep breath as she stares at her the most precious thing that was taken away from her, her holy symbol. The lizard her head purrs comfortingly, encouraging her to do what is right and help her Lady Kima.
Reaching over she picks up the symbol, grasping tightly to it as she feels the vibrating purrs in her head transfer slowly from her head down her body and into the item in her hand.
Xena sighs. “So, Kraghammer huh?”
Lady Kima smiles.
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sarahsmiles1991 · 4 years
Trying to tell myself being single is a good thing, but then you turn around and your friends are showing of their boyfriends and girlfriends and... you get tired sometimes
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sarahsmiles1991 · 4 years
goodness it has been years since i had a tumblr, i wonder what has changed
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