sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
It's funny how the only person in the class that questioned your perfect score earned by hard work is the one who copies during major exams. Seat down and shut up, gago.
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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All a good presentation needs is some solid research, a little enthusiasm, and a bit of confidence! Hopefully these links and tips will help make sure you can deliver the best presentation possible. 
Choose a specific and defined topic. Many assignments requiring presentations will have a broad topic, like “gun control,” but you should narrow down your specific field of research, like “the impact of handguns on violence in  the United States.”
Address opposing viewpoints in your research. Regardless of which you side with, make sure to address both sides in order to both give a balanced presentation and refute the perspective you disagree with.
Keep track of & cite your sources. Being able to refer back to reliable sources will make your presentation that much more effective and well-informed.
How to start research
15 steps to good research
How to select a research topic
Conducting research (from the Purdue OWL)
Step-by-step basic research strategy
Visual Aids
Only use visual aids if actually necessary. If poorly made or improperly used, visual aids can detract from the quality of your presentation and decrease the attentiveness of your audience. 
Try and use primarily images. If your audience has to read slides, they will be less focused on what you have to say, which should be the true backbone of the presentation. 
Don’t limit yourself to a slideshow! Plenty of alternatives exist– from a model, to a chart, or even a Prezi– which might be far more suited to your presentation than the standard powerpoint.
Make sure your visual aid isn’t a crutch. In most cases, you should be able to deliver your presentation just as well with or without your visual aid, and it should only enhance your work. 
Slides Carnival (powerpoint & google slides templates)
Piktochart (make infographics online)
Working with visual aids (includes a list of powerpoint alternatives)
Using visual aids effectively 
When not to use powerpoint
Try the 10-20-30 rule . This guideline originated with Apple, and says that slideshow presentations should have a max of 10 slides, last at most 20 minutes, and use 30 point font or larger.
Make your introduction the most exciting part of your presentation. Telling a story or joke creates interest, and makes the rest of what you have to say that much more interesting.
Reinforce your message at the end of the presentation. End strong with a persuasive 15-second summary that effectively emphasizes your message and any main points you want to reiterate.
More details on the 10-20-30 rule
Planning an effective presentation
How to give a killer presentation
Tips on making presentations
5 steps to a killer presentation opener
Rehearse your presentation! Naturally, if you’re well prepared and you’ve practiced before, you’ll do better in the moment, and your words will flow more naturally– either on their own or with your visual aid.
Even if you don’t feel it, act confidently. Stand up straight and smile, because people can’t see that you’re nervous unless you let them. The very act of having good posture can also make you feel much better!
Stay focused on your audience rather than yourself. Nervousness comes from within, so stop asking yourself questions like “how am I doing?” and instead ask “are they understanding this?”.
How to develop confidence when speaking
6 ways to look more confident during a presentation
How to calm your nerves before a presentation
10 tips for presentation confidence and reducing nervousness
How to deliver confident presentations
2K notes · View notes
sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
Anyone: u ok Me; yeah just thinking about how I’ll never be this young again and about how most of my youth has been lost to depression loneliness and self doubt lol
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
life hack: do ur readings and go to class
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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fun fact! google image search allows you to search for images that you are legally allowed to use for example as textures for your art or as assets for your blogs and websites
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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instagram: mi1341
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
There’s nothing wrong with girls who do a lot to maintain their appearance and there’s nothing wrong with girls who do very little to maintain their appearance but there’s something extremely fucking wrong with girls who think it’s okay to judge girls for doing either or. Shut your crusty ass up for 10 seconds and let a bitch live.
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
the first step towards confidence is not being afraid to be ugly
once you get over the fear of being unattractive and stop equating beauty with other good things in life (friends, love, happiness) it’s a lot easier to love yourself unconditionally
your job is not to sit around and be pretty and easy on everyone else’s eyes
your job is to do whatever the fuck you want and look however the fuck you want while doing it
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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code ‘daeint’ for 10% off soaesthetic
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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每天一到深夜 雙腳就會自動走到廚房 眼睛迅速掃描可以吃的食物 一拿起就往嘴裡塞 恩,戒不掉宵夜了 ——————— 是說,年後還胖了2公斤(沉默)
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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喜歡最近晚上的溫度 是走在一起不會黏踢踢的溫度
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sashi-mikun-blog · 7 years
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該離線了 Offline
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