ender-obsidian · 1 year
I’m back!!
hi!! I’m back! Srry I disappeared, there have been some complications, I might disappear again soon. But oh well, I’m back for now!
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
The day and night
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The day and night forever move in a cycle taking each others place across the world to maintain the balance needed in every ounce of the planets’ surfaces across the solar system and across Earth… one cannot exist without the other… day becomes night and night becomes day… two objects polar opposite are destined to forever cycle until god tells them to stop…
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
Gui Yãoxīng, Yāo for short
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====[&lt;Gui YāoXīng or Guài bìlíng Yāo (Yāo for short)>]==== <<information>> Yāo is one of the many embodiments of death, but like TAQ (I’ll introduce her soon), is considered a celestial being. He might not be TAQ & LBD’s biological older brother (my AU), but he took hem in as his little sisters and never failed at his duty as an older brother to them both. One day though, before LBD started her plans and ended up being sealed by the Tang monk, Yāo discovered that TAQ is not one being, but two fused to create her. He also found out that the longer he stayed close to her the more her powers became unstable, he tried his best to teach her how to use her powers and control them, but they still slowly became unstable. Left with no choice, he left LBD & TAQ in search of a way to cure her, but he ended up forgetting after a few hundred years and his mind came up with the story that he left them to go beast hunting and ended up earning to titles: “The Kitsune Conquerer” & “The Beast Conquerer”. He now is retired in the underworld, but every now and then meets up with Si Wang, another embodiment of death, and helps him claim some souls.
[age] older than time itself and TAQ & LBD [pronouns] he/him [origins] The underworld then the Celestial realm. [species] an embodiment of death. [friends] none [mentors] self taught [abilities] Telekinesis + variations, mind reading (not good at it), illusions, shape shifting, time & space manipulation (not good at it, and prefers not to use it) [scars] blind in right eye but hides it using illusions. [disabilities] insomniac, somewhat paranoid, half-blind, shakes hands (sometimes) [status] one of the embodiments of death [weapons] The Nine Tails’ Scythe
<<backstory?>> It was a quiet day, in the past, a few thousand or million years from now, at the Bì (meaning: Jade, Green or Blue) temple, the only sound that could be heard was Nüwa (TAQ’s real name, and she isn’t a goddess) and Yāo training as LBD watched them bored, “when can I join you two?” She asked annoyed that Yāo wouldn’t allow her to join them. “You will once your sister can control her flames,” Yāo told her for what seemed to be the fifth time, “you cannot rush time, fate, destiny, or training.” He said, “but don’t worry, you can join in a few minutes.” He smiled noticing LBD’s sad expression, “alright.” She said smiling back at him. “Yāo, I think I got it! I think I-“ Nüwa cheered as she conjured up a small black flame with a blue & purple hue before it started exploding in different directions out of control. Yāo acted quickly conjuring up a shield around LBD & Nuwa, he then started dashing around the room chasing the runaway parts of the flames containing them in a small sphere, he grunted as he landed on the ground capturing the last bit before he cast a silent spell causing the sphere, and it’s flames to whither away… “I’m sorry brother, I couldn’t contain the flames again…” Nuwa said holding her right arm tightly with a sad, disappointed look on her face, “hey hey, it’s ok, you’re trying your best and that’s what matters, you’ll get it right eventually.” Yāo said hurriedly as Nuwa sniffed about to tear up. “But it’s like I get worse at it every time i try, you and sissy nearly got hurt!” She cried, looking at Yāo in the eyes. Yāo opened his mouth then closed it again looking away, knowing that what Nuwa said was true. “That might be true, but you know what they say, practice makes perfect.” LBD said jumping off the short wall she was sitting on, she then brushed a tear away from Nuwa’s eyes smiling encouragingly, “and I’m gonna help you train this time, and if you ever lose control, I’ll just use my ice to stop your powers from going haywire, do you like that plan?” She asked looking at Nuwa in the eyes. Nuwa sniffed nodding. “We’ll then, I guess we three’ll be training together ey?” Yāo smiled rubbing the two girls’ heads, as they giggled…
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
The Six-eared Macaque & Qì Bìlán Gui
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these are spirit titans (I invented them): Spirit titans are giant creatures, with the body of a human but fluffier and are pitch black-colored and, most of the time, have some stars, constellation patterns, etc. across their fur. They also have four pairs of giant fluffy ears and flowey hair wether it’s long or short. Their eye number ranges from 2-5 eyes. They can use spells, and magic, change their form to look like many creatures including humans, they can grow body parts (most commonly arms or mouths), they are also very powerful beings surpassing the power of the monkey king, celestial beings and demons, and possibly the Jade emperor himself. That is why the celestial realm hunted down and killed all the Spirit titans, or atleast that is what they believe. As, Qi bìlán Gui is the last spirit titan in existence.
============[<Qì Bìlán Gui>]=========== <<information>> Qi bìlán Gui is a young lady that owns a bakery and is truly a spirit titan. She is famous for her amazing and home-baked pastries which she sells at her shop! “Jade Mist Bakery”. With one of her regular customers being the Six-eared Macaque. He is distant friends with her but mostly enjoys her pastries, (and her company but doesn’t admit it) especially her pies, and since he’s a regular customer, Bìlán makes offers for him and sometimes special orders. She is fascinated by Mk and his abilities, being a monkey king fan herself, she has her own theories on how MK came to inherit monkey king’s powers even though they are “only” mentor and successor. She never expected a life of adventure and danger when she left the orphanage to work, but eventually gets dragged in MK & the gang’s adventures. Especially since she believes that she owes MK her life for saving her (from Yin & Jin who tried to use her against MK in their shenanigans as usual) and her orphanage (from LBD), to Macaque’s dismay of course. Even though she herself isn’t aware that she is a spirit titan, monkey king knows and macaque theorizes it. (she has a little crush on macaque, and she acquires her powers in a scenario similar to when Mei got the Samadhi fire)
[age] 1218 y/o (real age) 18 y/o (fake age) (she has the mind of a fully matured adult) [pronouns] she/her [origins] a small village of spirit titans then an orphanage [species] spirit titan (she isn’t aware of that) [friends] macaque, MK & the gang later on [mentors] the orphanage warden, but is mostly self-taught [abilities] skilled at baking, hidden spirit titan powers [scars] a scar on her eyebrow hidden under her hair [disabilities] clumsy, insomniac, amnesiac, easily manipulated [status] a baker (owns a bakery called: “Jade Mist Bakery”) and a performer at festivals [weapons] none
<backstory> One thousand two hundred years in the past from now, a family of three, all of which are spirit titans in their human forms, are having a peaceful picnic on a cliff. A four years old Qi bìlàn Gui is playing with her father as her mother set up the food to be eaten. Suddenly, a gate from the celestial realm opens up as the sky darkens. Celestial soldiers come through and get ready to attack the family, waiting for their general’s command. Bìlán’s parents stand in front of her, her father growling ready to fight in order to protect his family. Her father roars, fighting the soldiers as general orders the soldiers to attack. Bìlán’s mother joins the fight to help the husband, but when I soldier is about to kill the little defenseless terrified Bìlán, her mother pushes her off the cliff getting stabbed instead. Bìlán let’s out a cry of horror, her parents getting killed right in front of her eyes as she fell into the ocean. When one of the soldiers asked if they should go after her the general tells them that there was no way such a young child could survive the fall. But on the contrary, from fear, Bìlán’s powers activate creating an energy ball around her that froze, causing her to stop aging, as if time inside it froze. It drifted off in the ocean unnoticed, and hidden from anyone for one thousand two hundred years, until it finally submerged in a beach withering away leaving behind Bìlán unconscious, and with utterly no memory but her name, Qi Bìlán Gui, meaning: “Together Jade Mountain Mist of souls of the dead”.
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
XiaoJì mòlíng
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Meet my LMK OC XiaoJì mòlíng! For now let’s just say that she’s a vessel to someone another OC that Nezha knows about… in other words she’s dead a walking corpse…
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
LMK art challenge
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I was bored and wanted to draw fanart for LMK so I made this… I was drawing a scene so ofcourse I ended up drawing something similar to canon… Dunno why but I imagine mk with 4 ears most of the time
which one is your favorite? Anyone interested to see the LMK AUs I have?
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
Just for fun
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This is pretty old XD like- a year old.
anyways , I messed up MK’s color pallet and made Redson’s horns too small -w-
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
No one can stop me >:D
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Nothing was able to stop me from drawing this, except for food and sleep
I literally took 5 hours and a half on this and I still messed up some characters like DBK 😭
anyways, anyone wanna see the Redson I drew? I also have like- more than 5 AUs that I got no one to talk about with XD please ask I’m getting tired of not finding anyone to talk with about LMK
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
A Tale of Nine Realms, Book 1
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just a little something I drew for the series I’m working on, anyone interested? Go ahead and ask questions!! (Please do I can barely find anyone to talk with about my books)
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
“He’s my Successor!”
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Mk was peacefully standing, but not so far 3 figures could be seen arguing?
LBD: “he should be my successor!”
macaque: “no me!”
Monkey king: “he was mine first!”
Alr hear me out, LBD herself tried to seize control of MK because she acknowledges how powerful and important he is, she also told him how he was waisting so much potential trying to o impress monkey king, while Macaque tried to steal MK’s powers ALSO acknowledging how powerful and important he is soon after…
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
A Shadow Of A Candle
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even when it is midnight and there is no moon and only darkness…
a little light danced with hope as the shadows, full with envy of how bright it is, tried to surround, tried to consume, tried to end it but failed, as the shadows turned to light or where pushed away by the flickering light of hope… even in the darkest hours…
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ender-obsidian · 1 year
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The mountain Lake view cottage
I drew this back before Covid XD
I’m proud though, do u like it?
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