deepalilohia · 4 months
How the Subconscious Shapes Our Lives
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The subconscious mind, hidden beneath the surface, holds immense power over our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
Our subconscious absorbs information constantly, shaping our perceptions and decisions without our awareness. It stores memories, beliefs, and emotions, influencing our actions.
To tap into the subconscious, practices like meditation and hypnosis prove beneficial. They allow us to access deeper layers of the mind, facilitating self-discovery and healing.
Unlocking the secrets of the subconscious empowers us to overcome barriers, achieve goals, and live more authentically. Embracing its potential leads to profound transformation.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
How Habits Work and How to Change Them
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Habits are things we do without thinking, like brushing our teeth. They have three parts:
a cue (a trigger)
a routine (the habit itself)
a reward (what we get from it)
Understanding this helps us change habits. To change a habit, we can swap the routine with a better one while keeping the cue and reward.
For example, if you snack when bored, try a walk instead. Or, start small and slowly change the habit over time. It also helps to set up our environment to make the new habit easier.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
Ethical Influence: Winning Hearts and Minds the Right Way
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Persuasion is all about making others believe in you, ethics mean that it should be with no unfairness or disrespect. Here's how:
Be Honest: You should always tell the truth and be straightforward.
Respect People's Choices: Do not make people agree with you if they are not.
Listen and Understand: Be an active listener and try to understand what other people want and need.
Offer Something Good: Demonstrate how your idea can assist them.
Ethical persuasion means being patient, open-minded, and fair. It is about the search for solutions that are suitable for all.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
The Magic of Self-Compassion
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Self-compassion is the act of showing yourself love when things fail, just like you would do to a friend.
You know what it is?
It is about seeing that even everyone is human and we all may have a hard time once in a while.
Instead of being harsh on yourself, consider treating yourself with understanding and caring.
Spend some time on yourself, do things that you like and remember that you are not the only person who is facing these problems.
Self-compassion is proven to lower stress levels, resist negative emotions, and provide people with the power to win against life obstacles.
Thus, you should be kind to yourself despite any imposed limitations—deserve it!
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deepalilohia · 4 months
The Power of Mindfulness
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Mindfulness, the art of being fully present, offers profound benefits in today's hectic world.
Through practices like mindful breathing, body scans, and mindful observation, we anchor ourselves in the present moment, fostering clarity and peace.
This simple yet transformative approach reduces stress, enhances focus, and cultivates resilience.
By integrating mindfulness into daily life, we navigate challenges with grace, appreciate the richness of each moment, and nurture a profound sense of well-being.
Embracing mindfulness isn't just a practice; it's a journey toward living more fully, authentically, and joyfully in the here and now.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
How Different Colors Affect Our Emotions and Behavior
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Colour is all around us, influencing our emotions, perceptions, and behaviours in ways we might not even realize.
All colours have their own colour psychology since these are shaped by culture, individual experiences, and biology.
The Influence of Color on Behavior
In addition to affecting our emotions, colours can also subtly influence our behaviour. For example:
Restaurant owners often use warm colours like red and orange to stimulate appetite and encourage diners to eat more.
Retailers use colour to create a sense of urgency or excitement, with red often used to signify sales or discounts.
Hospitals and healthcare facilities often use calming colours like blue and green to promote healing and relaxation among patients.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
The Power of Setting Effective Goals
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The same way you set a plan for your future trips, so as you set goals in this regard. You don't want to be lost on the way to your goal, and keeping SMART goals will help your map guide you to success.
What are SMART Goals? 
Specific: Your goal should be super clear.
Measurable: You want to be able to tell if you've reached your goal. 
Achievable: Your goal should be possible.
Relevant: Your goal should matter to you.
Time-bound: Give yourself a deadline.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
Boosting Self-Confidence: Overcoming Doubt
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What sets us apart from others is our self-confidence and belief in our abilities. Often, doubts fueled by anxiety and criticism can hold us back from making progress.
Instead, focus on the truth rather than negative emotions and challenge any negative thoughts that arise.
Take realistic steps towards your goals and celebrate each milestone along the way.
Remember, failures are not the end of the road, but opportunities for growth and learning.
Be kind to yourself and practice self-compassion, as it is crucial.
Surround yourself with supportive people and prioritize your mental well-being. If necessary, don't hesitate to seek help. T
The path to self-confidence requires patience with both others and ourselves. Keep in mind that you have the capability and deserve success.
Trust in yourself and take one step at a time – this will build your self-confidence and resilience.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
How Social Media Affects How We Feel
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Now, anywhere you go, social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook are so common.
It makes it easier for us to communicate to our peers and to find interesting stuff on the web. However, did you know that it can influence our emotions as well?
Sometimes, when we see other people's posts, we might feel like our own lives aren't as great. We might compare ourselves to others and feel sad or left out.
And when we spend too much time scrolling through social media, it can make us feel stressed and tired.
But it's not all bad! Social media helps us feel less alone and more connected.
The trick is to use social media smartly. We should take breaks from it, especially when we're feeling down.
Therefore, social media is both a friend and an enemy at the same time. It's for us to pick how it makes a difference in our lives.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
Inside Dreamland: Exploring the Meaning of Dreams
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Often dreams seem like a movie that is being played in our minds during sleep. Sometimes they can be just the opposite - they could be odd, scary, or weird. And so the question arises, do they really imply something?
Some specialists believe that dreams are something like coded messages our minds send out to us.
Some people believe that while dreaming we might see what we are in trouble about or things we care about very much.
Some scholars assert that answers to problems that we are trying to resolve can be stored in our dreams.
Ever heard of Freud? To him, what dreams could not do, humans could. He believed they were a garden of hidden desires and thoughts that each have a sense of us and live within us.
But still, not every one of us believes in him. Scientists blog that they believe that dreams are a process of this great mental machine cleaning out the day's memory of things we've seen and felt.
What do you think about this?
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deepalilohia · 4 months
Mind-Body Connection: How Feeling Good Helps You Stay Healthy
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Your body and mind are like the best couple of friends who have always valued and stuck together. When one is happy then the other feels good as well.
Have you ever observed that when your body is under stress or is sad your whole body feels weird? Because your mood and feelings can actually influence your physical condition, this is the reason.
Think of it like this: when you're worried or upset, your body might feel tense, and you might even get headaches or stomachaches. On the flip side, when you're feeling happy and relaxed, your body feels light and energetic.
Scientists have discovered that this connection between our mental and physical health is super strong. When you're feeling mentally healthy—happy, calm, and confident—it can boost your immune system and help your body fight off sickness.
But when you're feeling down or stressed for a long time, it can weaken your immune system and make you more likely to get sick.
So, it's really important to take care of both your mind and body. Doing things that make you happy and relaxed—like spending time with friends, doing hobbies you enjoy, or practising deep breathing—can actually help keep you healthy physically too!
And remember, it's totally okay to ask for help if you're feeling down. Taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your body!
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deepalilohia · 4 months
How Our Childhood Shapes Our Adult Relationships
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When we are infants, our first relationships are with our caregivers, usually our parents. Attachment theory points out that these first connections would later contribute to how we relate to different people. It is like a map choosing which paths to follow when we grow up.
If you, at least, had great parents who were loving and kind, you would certainly feel secure in relationships, trusting other people and having a sunny disposition of yourself. However, when your caregivers had demonstrated the same behaviour you might feel that relationships you have now are a risk for you. It was either "They've let me down in the past so I know better than to let my guard down" or "before I was momentarily hurt and now I am wary of any risk."
By getting acquainted with them we could benefit from these insights and increase the level of our relationships. Thus, by realizing what our attachment behavioural pattern is---being secure, anxious, or avoidant---we can start the process of personal growth. In this regard, we become capable of having more productive communication, making ourselves more (open, and let out), and developing our partnership qualitatively.
Therefore, determining how our past has its pull on the present will enable us to have better relationships due to it. It enables you to know the schematics you need to construct a fort using loving and strong connections.
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deepalilohia · 4 months
Beating Procrastination: Why We Delay Things and How to Stop
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Procrastination is the state of delaying things that must be done. It's like saying, "I'll do it later," when we're very much aware that we should do it now. However, why do we proactively procrastinate seeing that there are thousands of responsibilities on our to-do list? Now, it is probably because we are afraid of failing or we want everything to be perfect or we don't feel like doing it.
The problem is that when we postpone, we are really trying not to face the stress that we feel when we have a task that we should do. Instead of long-term aspirations, we’re compromising for an instant remedy. Nevertheless, there are ways to scrape procrastination off.
First off, it's important to figure out why we're procrastinating. Then, we can break our tasks into smaller, easier steps. This makes them feel less overwhelmed. We can also try setting goals that are realistic and easy to manage.
It also helps to have a plan and stick to it. We can use tricks like setting timers or making to-do lists. And if we have someone to hold us accountable, like a friend or family member, it can make a big difference.
Finally, it's about being kind to ourselves. We all procrastinate sometimes, and that's okay. We just need to keep trying and not give up. With a bit of patience and practice, we can beat procrastination and get things done.
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deepalilohia · 5 months
Inside the Mind of Addiction: Understanding How We Can Heal
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Addiction is an incredibly complicated problem. It originates from something which makes us happy or helps to avoid all of our problems probably. The bottom is the chaos rose from various elements- feelings, thoughts and the environment around. It takes place that occasionally, the unpleasant past experiences as bad moments or feeling bombarded leads us to resort to substances for relief.
But there's hope! Through the help of these techniques, we will be able to unweave these feelings and thoughts. Conversing with someone who can empathize (like a therapist) or discovering means of dealing with our negative thoughts (like confronting those thoughts) can be very empowering.
Apart from this, it is important be aware that it is okay to fail sometimes. It is always the part of improving.What matters is to learn from your mistakes and try again. We can derive support from people who have been subjected to the same situation as us - friends or relatives.
Therefore, once we get to know the root of our feelings and we get help when we needed it, we can begin to feel better. It is as though we are fumbling our way into the light at the end of a long tunnel. With advice and a few intelligent approaches we can manage to break this rule and live up a better life.
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deepalilohia · 8 months
The Power of Positive Thinking: A Journey to Mental Well-being
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The concept of positive thinking is not merely about plastering a smile on your face but rather embracing a mindset that can profoundly impact your mental health and overall well-being.
Optimism is a key component of positive thinking, and it's a mindset that can be cultivated through intentional practices. One such practice is gratitude journaling, where we can regularly reflect on the things we're thankful for. By focusing on the positives in our lives, we train our brains to notice and appreciate the good, even amid challenges.
Here are some tips for cultivating positivity:
Start each day with a gratitude practice, reflecting on three things you're thankful for.
Challenge negative thoughts by reframing them in a more positive light.
Surround yourself with positive influences, whether it's uplifting books, supportive friends, or inspiring music.
Practice self-care activities that bring you joy and nourish your soul, whether it's going for a walk in nature, practising mindfulness, or pursuing a hobby you love.
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deepalilohia · 8 months
Unwind the Mind: Effective Coping Strategies for Stress and Anxiety
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In today's fast-paced world, stress and anxiety have become common companions in our daily lives. So here are some practical ways to manage stress and anxiety to promote a healthier and more balanced life:-
Identify Triggers- The first step in managing stress and anxiety is to identify the triggers. Identify what is it that is bothering you.
2. Meditation- Meditation is one of the most powerful tools for managing stress. Through practising deep breathing and mindful awareness, you can cultivate a sense of calm and reduce the impact of stressors.
3. Physical Activity- Regular exercise is not just beneficial for physical health but is also a potent stress reliever. Engaging in activities like jogging, yoga, etc.
4. Time Management: Often, stress arises from feeling overwhelmed by a multitude of tasks. Break down tasks into smaller, more manageable steps and focus on one thing at a time.
Setting realistic goals and deadlines can create a sense of accomplishment and reduce stress.
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deepalilohia · 8 months
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Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature 🌸
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