sassandspells · 1 month
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Chocolate Cheesecake Cookies
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sassandspells · 1 year
Me: Is there like a cord cutting spell, but it only helps *me*?
Me: …
Me: That’s just my ice spell. That’s the Melt Away Feelings spell I made, I literally made that.
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sassandspells · 1 year
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Easy Hershey’s Red Velvet Blossoms Cookies
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sassandspells · 1 year
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sassandspells · 2 years
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sassandspells · 2 years
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Chewy Peanut Butter Cookies
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sassandspells · 2 years
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Peanut Butter Cup Overload Cake
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sassandspells · 2 years
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“Those Who I Love Receive Good Fortune”
Many times I have been asked for a luck sigil meant to be cast on other people, and here you go!
You can either go the basic method of drawing this on a picture of your target, or drawing this on something with your targets full name and date of birth
Because of the way I worded this sigil, you can simply hold this sigil against your heart and think about the people you hold dear in your life, people that deserve better than what life has been handing them. I recommend doing this method every night before bed, and you can keep this sigil close to you if you like.
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sassandspells · 3 years
Me: Maybe I’m finally ready to start dating!
Tarot Cards: 10 of Swords
Me: Fuck.
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sassandspells · 3 years
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Raspberry Cheesecake Mousse
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sassandspells · 3 years
Once upon a time I worked in this little burger/coffee/ice cream shop and a lady came in one winter and asked if we had a caramel apple drink and we were like ‘well we have cider’ and she was like ‘no I don’t remember what it’s called but this place made a drink that was chai tea, apple cider, and caramel’ and Breezy offered to try and make something for her but she changed her mind and left so Breezy and I were like ‘alright let’s try this’ because we had chai tea, instant cider mix, a shit ton of caramel, instant hot water from the espresso and too much free time. 
And let me tell you it was delightful. It tastes like watching the leaves changing color and dancing in the wind. It tastes like picking out pumpkins and gourds and fresh apples at the farm up north. It tastes like witches and freedom.
I make it every year now and this year I walked in the house on the morning of October first with all the ingredients and shouted ‘FALL DRINK’ and my roommates were like ‘????’ so I made them Fall Drink and now every time they get home from work they’re like ‘Fall Drink pls?????’
Anyway I remember literally nothing else about that woman but I’m very grateful to her. 
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sassandspells · 3 years
I made witchy friends!!! We’re gonna meet up and cast spells & manifest! I’m so excited! 🤩
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sassandspells · 3 years
Capitol Police lied about Jan 6 being an intel failure
There is an implication that they expected a mass casualty event. Whose casualties they were prepped for is a question for the books?
So in essence they lied to cover their hides. Everyone knew January 6 was a coup attempt. I won a knife from @soul-hammer betting on it and I am not an intelligence officer. It was clear from everything leading up to the election that shenanigans were to be had. From implied threats on Parlour and the escalation of violence and presence of the Proud Boys just weeks before Jan 6, it wasn’t a dog whistle. It was a bullhorn.
And the police were absolutely complicit in it.
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sassandspells · 3 years
All of us at work keep hinting that we’re witches without saying it and it’s getting progressively more obvious.
Like someone said something about charging moon water and I immediately go “Full Moon was yesterday” like who tf knows that—Me, I’m a witch.
Chatted about crystal correspondences and someone talked about charging them with sunlight like.
We couldn’t be more obvious, we’re all stupid.
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sassandspells · 3 years
Earlier today we announced to the press that we are running a beta test program for Post+, Tumblr’s newest add-on subscription tool. Post+ is a completely optional tool that will allow creators to make some of their posts exclusive to their paid subscribers. You can read more about it right over here on our @postplus Tumblr. This feature is being tested by a small group of incredible creators on Tumblr.
We want to hear about what you like, what you love, and what concerns you. Even if it’s not very nice. Tell us. We can take it. We WANT that feedback. It helps us make Tumblr better.
What we won’t ever accept is the targeted harassment and threats these creators have endured since this afternoon. These creators are some of the most talented people around, and all they’re doing is testing out a feature. These are the people who graciously agreed to pilot a program to help us discover bugs before we open it up to all creators. These are the humans who are testing a feature that we hope will soon help thousands of Tumblr creators feel empowered, get rewarded for their efforts, and find support within their community.
Our Community Guidelines are clear: Don’t engage in targeted abuse, bullying, or harassment.
Anyone in violation of these guidelines will be dealt with swiftly and will be forced to contend with the appropriate consequences. It’s okay to tell us how you feel. It’s not okay to bully someone because you disagree with their choices.
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sassandspells · 3 years
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“I Am Motivated”
Draw this on yourself on a pulse point (with non-toxic marker) to help keep you motivated.
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sassandspells · 3 years
Aww I *always* knew what color my first crush was gonna wear that day. Memories 💜
Little claircognizance things
- Getting a really bad feeling about someone right before they say something morally questionable
- The irresistible urge to put something in your backpack you swear you won’t need; if you don’t bring the Thing you always need it later
- An odd scenario pops up in your head; you shrug it off, wondering why you imagine these weird things. Later said situation or elements of it come back to haunt you
- Narrowly missing trouble by doing something you don’t usually do, but you had an intense urge to do this weird Thing
- Knowing who texted you before you look at your phone
- Feeling like your phone is vibrating only to pick it up and see that you had the vibrate setting off, yet still you do in fact have a notification. Can happen several times in a row
- Oddly specific pieces of information you get out of nowhere in the form of your thoughts; such as “My friend is going to wear pink today”
- Doing something dangerous but for some reason continually thinking “there’s no way I’ll get in trouble.” You never get in trouble when this happens
- Intense irrational fear while doing a random, normal thing; usually leads to avoiding trouble when this happens
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