satanskitchen-blog · 11 years
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Pan de Pascua!
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satanskitchen-blog · 11 years
Tomorrow I'll be cooking for around 15-20 people! It's my mother's boyfriend birthday so she asked me to make the salads and appetizers! I'm excited!
Tomorrow's Menu will consist of:
Caprese Salad
Queso fresco, spinach and walnuts Salad
Caesar Salad
Garlic Bread
Philadephia cheese, soy sauce and sesame seeds w/ crackers
And more!
I'll make sure to take pictures and post them later.
Stay tuned!
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satanskitchen-blog · 11 years
How to make: Christmas cookies! 
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Difficulty: Normal
50 grs. of softened butter
3/4 cup of sugar
2 eggs
1 tablespoon of vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon of clove powder
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
2 teaspoon of ginger powder
1/2 cup of honey
3 1/2 cups of sifted flour
2 teaspoon of baking powder 
Mix the butter and sugar together in a bowl until light and creamy.
Add the eggs, vanilla extract, clove, cinnamon and ginger powder.
Slowly incorporate the honey.
Gently whisk together until smooth.
Slowly add the flour and baking powder until the dough comes together.
Wrap the dough in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
Knead the dough until it's smooth 
Flour a surface and use a rolling pin to roll out the dough to a thickness of 2 or 3mm.
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  Use your favorite cookie cutters to cut the dough! ♡
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Pro tip: Make sure to grease and flour the baking pan so the cookies won't stick to it. I forgot to do it the first time and...
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  Poor bunny :(
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Bake at 200 degrees for 7 minutes
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  They're done! ♡
You can also make a cookie glaze to decorate your cookies with:
1 or 2 egg white (depending on the egg size. I had to use 2 eggs whites)
2 cups of powdered sugar
food dyes (optional)
your favorite cookie toppings!
Put the eggs whites in a bowl and slowly incorporate the powder sugar until smooth.
The cookie glaze hardens quickly so make sure to put the toppings inmediately! It's way funnier to decorate them with your family and/or friends. These are the ones I made with my family:
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We didn't have any food dyes so they're all white, but they tasted really good nonetheless! 
Merry Christmas!
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satanskitchen-blog · 11 years
Just a psa: This blog is not dead, oh no! The thing is, i'm just able to cook on weekends, at least until Christmas is over. After that, I'll have the kitchen for myself for two whole months! Isn't that great? So please be patient. 
Talking about Christmas, guess what! I'll post an easy & delicious christmas cookies recipe right now. 
Stay tuned!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
Cute blog!! I have a question about aguardiente, though! I'm in the US and not somewhere where I can get that-- do you know of an alternative I could use? Thanks!
Thank you very much! ♥
Yes, I do! You can use either gin or vodka. The only important thing is that the liquor you use must be transparent and make sure it isn't flavoured. Hope you enjoy it!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
How to make: Cola de Mono
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Difficulty: Easy
1 liter of milk
1 cup of water
1 jar of condensed milk
cloves, cinnamon sticks, vanilla sticks
5 tablespoon of coffee powder
Put a cup of water in a pot, add the cloves, cinnamon and vanilla sticks and bring it to boil.
When it hits the boil, turn off the heat, add the condensed milk and mix it well.
Once incorporated, add the milk.
Dissolve the coffee in a cup of hot water and add it to the pot.
Bring it to boil again.
When it hits the boil, turn off the heat and wait for it to cool down.
Once cooled down, add as much aguardiente as you like!
Strain the mixture to get rid off the cloves and cinnamon/vanilla sticks.
Bottle it and put it in the fridge.
Serve it cold!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
For all my non-chilean followers:
What is "Cola de Mono"?
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"Cola de Mono" (which literally translates to "monkey's tail") is a typical Chilean alcoholic drink. It's served around Christmas time, usually accompanied by Pan de Pascua and Christmas cookies. Although the recipe varies from house to house, it basically consists of:
Sugar (Or condensed milk)
Personally, I like to use condensed milk instead of sugar. When using condensed milk, the drink has a slightly denser consistency that reminds me of a Baileys. Either way, it tastes amazing!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
Time to go grocery shopping!
I'll go buy the ingredients to make "Cola de Mono", "Pan de Pascua" and Christmas cookies. 
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
Nice blog! Love u cousin
Thank you!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
I'm so glad you liked it Toby! ♥
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
mari yisus, you should cook pan de pascua without frutitas malas and only with almendras, nueces and i think mani, too?
Now that you say it... Yes! I should! I definitely should! Why didn't I think of it before?
It's also a good opportunity to introduce people to chilean cuisine. Thank you Cata!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
i'm gonaong cry bc i never get 2 eat food as good as this AND HERE IT IS U ARE MAKING IT RIGHT IN UR KITCHEN SO EASILY ACCESSIBLE i have 2 go out and order but then u r making it right after another i'm. lays head down on table. closes eyes. dies. hail jechu.
Thank you for your kind words Bichu! If you ever come to Chile I'd be more than glad to cook for you.
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
you made the pork soup?
Sadly, nope! I did not have enough time to make the pork stock and i didn't have any bones either. Next time hopefully I'll be able to do it "the right way" :( I made the soup with a curry ramen flavor packet, 1 tablespoon of soy sauce and 1 cup of water.
Thanks for asking! ♥ 
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
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Tonight's dinner: Pork Ramen!
I'm not really sure if I pulled it out visually but nonetheless, it tasted really good! I must thank my dear friend Darian for getting me interested in japanese cousine ♥
Let me know if you want me to post the recipe!
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
Your food is adorable!
Thank you very much! ♥
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
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Neapolitan mashed potatoes w/ spicy chicken topped with queso fresco and coriander 
Made this last night. It turned out better than expected! Mashed potatoes and mexican food, I never thought they would get along so well! This is my friend's new favorite.
In other news, I really need a better camera...
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satanskitchen-blog · 12 years
Are you planning to cook for christmas eve?
Yeah, I certainly do! I'm not sure what i am going to cook though. Well, "Christmas Cookies" are a must. No one in my family is a big fan of turkey so i guess I'll end up doing something like bacon wrapped steaks w/ rice and shrimps? Yes. I love shrimps. Everyone should. I think I'll also make canapés! For dessert I could make Suspiro Limeño...
Thanks for asking! ♥
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