satorucomfort · 3 years
sorry that i kinda left this blog for dead 😭 i kinda wanna come back?? my requests will remain closed still, just bc i wanna update everything on here first aaa</3
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satorucomfort · 3 years
Hii :D could I ask headcannons on what Gojo would do if you got hurt and how he'd take care of you?
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a/n: tysm for the request bb!! i rlly hope you enjoy *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`)
⚠️warning: grammar issues maybe, might be a little too short??? aaAA
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when you come back to the college clearly beaten and in pain, on the outside he may be his usual teasing and joking demeanor but internally he’s freaking out
if you try and deny or play it off that your not hurt; he will call you out on it immediately and put a stop to it, its rare to see him this serious and when he is, you know he means it
doesn’t like seeing you in pain and does feel like its his fault because he wasn’t there to protect you, but you assure him its 100% not his fault hes still upset doe
will take you to see shoko immediately to get patched up and will not take no for an answer, you’re going whether you like it or not 😡
once shoko patches you up and tells you that you have to take a few days off and rest, gojo will stop any trips/missions that are planned and stay home to take care of you himself for the few days your off and doesn’t care if that pisses off the higher ups
his s/o is hurting, and nothing will stop him from being by your side !!
these few days consists of him going out and buying any and ALL of your favorite snacks, foods, drinks etc.
endless cuddles on the couch or in bed, constant kisses, making sure your taking the medicine shoko gave you, never letting you get up to do anything not even to get a glass of water
he wants make sure you’re resting and your wounds heal, and if that mean you want a random snack at 3 am he will get it for you with no complaints bby (︶ω︶)
overall, he will be super clingy with you during this time and take extra good care of you!! not that you mind tho ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
after the few days of healing, your able to go back to work and do any missions you skipped
Gojo will be going with you on a few for a while no matter how much you tell him you feel better/he doesn’t need to go with you
He just wants to make sure your okay and he will get pouty if you don’t let him go with you please just let him go with you, he loves you sm pls
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little extra bonus~
IF you did not defeat the curse spirit that you went up against that beat you, Gojo WILL go after the curse spirit and let’s just say it has a lot coming for it-
Gojo will go absolutely feral and make it regret that it ever existed, he will not be holding back at all (as he SHOULD!)
You don’t get to hurt someone he loves and get away with it, not on his watch !! (ง’̀-‘́)ง
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satorucomfort · 3 years
Could we please have little Satoru scenario with his s/o being jealous? 🤭
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a/n: thank you so much for the request hun! this was so much fun to write aaa ヽ(▽`)ノ
⚠️warning: gojo himself is a warning bc of how much of a tease he is, grammar errors probably, implied nsfw at the end but nothing too bad
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All you wanted was a nice dinner with your husband. But no.
With you and Gojo both being sorcerers and having busy lives, you two decided that on the rare days where you both were off, you would have a date night at home or go out to a new restaurant to try. This night your husband picked a fancy restaurant to go to, which made you excited because you finally get to really dress up for once and look nice instead of your regular daily work attire you we’re always in. Satoru knowing this even picked out a dress for you to wear; a silky short black dress paired with heels and then him in a all black suit, you two matched perfectly. Everything was perfect. Until being seated.
You we’re having a great night until the waitress you had came over and start outwardly flirting with Gojo infront of you. Complimenting him, twirling her hair between her fingers, winking at him, ignoring you anytime she comes to the table, and even going as far to ‘drop’ her pen infront of him to pick it up slowly and making eye contact with him while smiling. You’ve known since the beginning of your relationship that everytime Gojo walks into a room or down the street all women, men, and enbys we’re staring at him because of his good looks, and there has been instances where people have flirted with him but you have only laughed about it, never taking it seriously or getting jealous. Both of you love each other and no one can break that, you know this. But with the way this waitress has been acting, its making you boil with anger as you hold your wine glass, glaring at her.
And what set you off was your husband laughing at one of her little jokes at the end of your dinner. She came over to give your check, but she started to only flirt with him once again telling some dumb joke while doing so, making Gojo laugh a little too hard for your liking. It was obvious he didn’t know what was going on, but at this moment you we’re burning with jealousy and him laughing only made it worse. You ‘accidentally’ kicked Gojo under the table, making him yell out an ‘ow’ and slamming his hand on to the table making a tiny disturbance and the waitress jump.
“I’ll take the check, thank you.” Your voice was sharp and venomous, finally making the waitress looking at you and her finally understand to back off
She quickly set the check down and walked away, you pulled out your wallet and throwing cash down on the table. Gojo looked at you confused and shocked as he rubbed his leg where you had kicked him. You didn’t want to look at him, all you did was get up and walk away leaving him to quickly follow behind you.
“Baby, wait!” He yelled out for you, but you only ignored him and kept walking out of the restaurant, down the sidewalk to find your car letting the night breeze hit, only making you feel more bitter
Gojo was right behind you trying to catch up to you, but you we’re walking too fast for him.
Finally making it to the car, you opened the door quickly and slamming it in the process while Gojo quickly getting in the drivers seat.
“Bunny please talk to me...” He reached over to hold your hand, but you only pulled away and said nothing, looking out the passengers window with a pout
He only sighed and started the car, he didn’t want to pry but he knows your upset. Also, he is kinda scared of you at this moment.
The car ride home was in pure silence. He didn’t say a word to you, only thinking about what he could’ve done to make you so upset. You don’t get upset a lot, so to see you this way always hurts him. Was it the food? Maybe the restaurant wasn’t cool? Did he say something to you? His mind is racing the whole way home.
Once arriving home and Gojo parking in the driveway, you quickly got out and unlocked the door. Kicking your shoes off walking into your house and hanging your purse up then making your way to the living room only to have Gojo teleport behind you, grabbing your waist gently and pulling you closer to him.
“Let me go. Now.”
“Not until you tell me whats wrong.”
“Nothings wrong.”
“You cannot tell me somethings not wrong when you just kicked me, stormed out of the restaurant and not speak a single word to me in the car.”
Silence fell over you two again, but only pulled you closer leaning down to place soft kisses on your neck to your cheek
“Bunny.. Please tell me what happened.. If it was the food or something I said-“
“It was none of that..”
Gojo turned you around and gently tilting your head up to look at him, making you feel suddenly small under his gaze
“Then what was it bunny?” He coos softly, wanting you to speak more
“It.. it was that stupid waitress!” You yelled, letting your anger hit you all over again
He only blinks at you with a confused expression, taking him a minute.
“I- What do you mean-“
“WHAT DO YOU MEAN ‘what do you mean?’ SATORU! SHE WAS FLIRTING WITH YOU THE WHOLE TIME! Especially with all those compliments and the little drop the pen stunt with her big tit-“
“Oh my god... your jealous? YOUR JEALOUS~” Gojo only smirked, as he started to die with laughter which made you smack his chest in the process
“I am not jealous! And its not funny Satoru!” You glared at him with your arms crossed
“Baby, sweetcakes, honeybun, sugar, bunny, the love of my life; I’m so sorry, I need to be better at noticing these things. But I hope you know that I only love you and you only. No one or anything can make me stop loving you, okay? I love you so much.” He pulled you back closer to him, pulling you in for a real kiss making you melt under his touch, then placing small kisses all over your face making you laugh
“okay! okay! I love you too!”
“Good! Now, how about I show how much I love you hmm~”
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satorucomfort · 3 years
so uh... hi? (゚ー゚;)
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I am so so SO sorry and i know this looks bad but basically I’ve been kinda locked out of my account and thats why I haven’t been posting ahah (^▽^;) totally did not forget my password
I think I might start over, so any requests that we’re in my inbox I am so sorry!! I have a few requests that were in my drafts that I will be finishing up/editing that will be posted and after those all are done, I’ll reopen up requests for you guys! (if you don’t see your request that you sent in, please resend them in when i open up requests again! ill be more than happy to do it for you~)
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AND BIG THANK YOU TO YOU GUYS FOR ALL THE FOLLOWS/LIKES!! we reached 700 baby~ (〃ノ∇ノ) (but seriously thank you so much thats so cool my dudes)
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satorucomfort · 4 years
Tiny Update ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧
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hi everyone! thank you for the requests!!
im going to close requests for now just until ive finished the ones i have! (but they’ll be back open again soon ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) )
thank you so much for all of the likes/reblogs and follows! we reached 100!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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I know I haven’t been that active, but I’m gonna try to be from now on! There was some stuff going on but it’s okay now! My full attention will be to finishing up requests for you guys~
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satorucomfort · 4 years
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REQUEST: Can I request a fanfic of Gojo x reader asking Satoru whether he wants kisses and how many he wants but instead giving smooches from s/o he gets Hershey’s kisses instead- @ravenaxh
WARNINGS: grammar issues probably (*ノノ)
AUTHORS NOTE: thank you so much for the request!! this one was so cute to do (〃∇〃) (im so sorry that this took so long/might be too short aaa)
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Today was an off day for you and Satoru, and when you both finally have a day to yourselves it consists of nothing but constant cuddles on the couch in pajamas with movies or some new show on netflix Satoru heard about from the kids.
Your cuddled up on his lap with your head resting on his chest and his fingers running softly through your hair, only hearing his tiny giggles from the movie you both we’re watching. Before you two sat down, earlier you brought out some snacks for the both of you because you knew Satorus sweet-tooth would kick in while watching movies, but when you realized he hasn’t touched any of the snacks you laid out it kinda surprised you. So you reached over to the table in front of you and grabbed the closest thing which was the hershey kisses bag.
You opened it quietly so you could still listen to the movie and then looking back up to Satoru and poking his face playfully to try get his attention.
“Do you want some kisses?”
“Of course I do!~”
You opened the bag more and reached in to grab a few, then looking back at him
“How many?”
“Oh~ is somebody getting bored of the movie my love-“
Satoru leaned down towards you, but before he could give you a kiss, he saw your confused face then looking down to see the little chocolates in your hand holding for him. You both realized what happened and quickly burst out in laughter at each other
“Aw, did my big-strong-baby-sorcerer think he was getting real kisses, hmm?” You laughed, and held his face to softly squish his cheeks together as he started to pout
“Maybe... but can I still get real kisses, pretty please?” He looked at you with big puppy eyes, making you laugh more
“Only if you promise we can have sushi tonight or no kisses for you!”
“You got a deal! Now come here and pay up baby, you owe me some smooches~”
You giggled as he leaned in and giving you a gentle kiss, you pulled away and planted more kisses around his face all over making you both laugh again.
He held you closer as you two went back to watching the movie and placed another kiss on your head
“I love you”
“I love you too honey~”
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satorucomfort · 4 years
gojo go brrr
okay but very true anon! ヘ(‘◇’、)/
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satorucomfort · 4 years
okay so i may or may have not made a huge oopsie!
i just realized i didn’t have my inbox open this whole time (゚ー゚;)
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satorucomfort · 4 years
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REQUEST: Hii! Could I please request a head canon of Gojo being Y/N’s older brother?? 😌 Ty! @siren-haven
AUTHORS NOTE: aaa yes!!! thank you so much for sending in a request! im sorry if i took too long but i really hope you like it hun!
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okay so first off, hes a little shit head like he is the ultimate annoying big brother you could possibly have
hes always teasing and pulling little pranks on you 24/7 just to annoy you
when this happens you always end up chasing him, trying to attack him and this could go two ways both are v e r y chaotic
you chase him around and finally mange to catch up with him to smack him or you keep chasing him and never catch up with him
the reason why this is so chaotic is because you two literally destroy everything in your path, to the point where principal yaga has told satoru multiple times may i add to not pull pranks on you at the school
yes you two have almost destroyed the school multiple times
yes you two have had talkings to from the higher ups
do you two care? no, not at all tbh
this is another reason why principal yaga tries not to have you both at the school at the same time but you two always do anyways
but, on a different note! even though he is very childish and always teasing, he’s very protective of you and obviously cares about you a lot
you two come from a very well known clan so that means you both get a lot of attention, especially since he is the strongest sorcerer
you may not possess the six eyes like him but satoru has never looked down on you because he knows you’re just as strong as he is, just a little different is all
there has been times where people have treated you poorly because of that reason, but any time that happens hes always right there to scare the person away with one death glare as he is standing behind you, leaving you very confused on why the person just ran away shaking
cue you turning around and he’s just standing there like “that was weird oh wow” ¯_(ツ)_/¯ pretending he doesn’t know what happened either
and yes, he has went after each person who has done that to you and lets just say he gave them a gentle warning! (^▽^;) *coughs* threatens them until they cried and apologized to you *coughs*
so after a few incidents, those certain people have learned to just not talk to you or bring you up in conversation like at all
and you have told satoru that its not necessary to do that because it genuinely doesn’t bother you, but he still does it anyways!
satoru knows you are very capable to handle things by yourself, but, you’re his younger sibling, so of course he’s gonna do those things! hes got your back no matter what! thats just what big brothers do!
he may be annoying at times, but he is the best big brother you could ever have asked for and you wouldn’t change a thing (/^▽^)/
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satorucomfort · 4 years
please send in some requests!! Σ(ノ°▽°)ノ
。*:☆ Welcome ☆:*。
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Hi lovelys! Welcome to satorucomfort! ヽ(”`▽´)ノ
I am a new writer for anime oneshots/scenarios, imagines and headcannons! As you can tell by the name, this blog will all (mostly) be about Satoru Gojo!
For this blog at the moment, I wanna only write for Gojo but I will be open to add more characters from Jujutsu Kaisen in the future when I get more comfy here!
WARNING: I also am reading the manga and I am caught up with the latest chapter, so my blog is not spoiler free! (but I will try to tag/put a warning for spoilers if there is any!)
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。*:☆ About Me ☆:*。
AGE: 21
Other Animes I Am Into: Kakegurui, Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer)(I’ve also finished the manga for it!), My Hero Academia, Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, Given, Hunter x Hunter, Fire Force, Darling In The Franxx ( i know theres more, those are just the ones that I can think of atm (‘-’*) )
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。*:☆ Rules ☆:*。
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。*:☆ Requests: Open ☆:*。
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satorucomfort · 4 years
。*:☆ Welcome ☆:*。
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Hi lovelys! Welcome to satorucomfort! ヽ(”`▽´)ノ
I am a new writer and as you can tell by the name, this blog will all (mostly) be about Satoru Gojo!
For this blog at the moment, I wanna only write for Gojo but I will be open to add more characters from Jujutsu Kaisen in the future when I get more comfy here!
WARNING: I also am reading the manga and I am caught up with the latest chapter, so my blog is not spoiler free! (but I will try to tag/put a warning for spoilers if there is any!)
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。*:☆ About Me ☆:*。
AGE: 22
Other Animes I Am Into: Kakegurui, Kimetsu No Yaiba (Demon Slayer)(I’ve also finished the manga for it!), My Hero Academia, Naruto/Naruto Shippuden, Given, Hunter x Hunter, Chainsaw Man, Darling In The Franxx ( i know theres more, those are just the ones that I can think of atm (‘-’*) )
。*:☆ Reminder ☆:*。
please do know that I probably won’t be consistent at times, ill mostly write when I feel inspired too or free to do so! sometimes life gets busy</3
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。*:☆ Masterlist ☆:*。
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。*:☆ Rules ☆:*。
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。*:☆ Requests: CLOSED ☆:*。
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satorucomfort · 4 years
。*:☆ Rules ☆:*。
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I don’t have many rules, but these are a few that come to mind!
I do not write nsfw just because I’ve never tried, and if I do ever write nsfw it’ll be on my terms when I feel up to it or something thats short! It can be implied/mentioned though! (EXAMPLE: Aftercare)
I will not write any incest, pedophilla or nonconsensual themes! It makes me very uncomfortable and your request will be deleted!
But for the most part, I am comfortable with writing anything besides those things and if you have any questions please don’t be afraid to ask! c( ⁰ 〰 ⁰ )੭
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。*:☆ When Requesting ☆:*。
before you send me a request, please check in my bio to see if requests are open or closed!
I have the right to decline a request, as I said before, if you send something in that I am uncomfortable with it will be deleted! that also goes for if I don’t know how to write your request!
please tell me what you want your request to be! (ex: headcannon/oneshot) if you don’t I’ll probably make it whatever I feel at the time!
please say what you would like the reader to be! I mainly write reader as female or gender neutral, but if you don’t say it will be gender neutral!
please give all of the detail you want! the more the better, and it helps me out a ton! I want to make sure you’re getting what you want!
if my requests are closed or not, I am always open to drabbles! we can simp together 24/7 ヽ(•̀ω•́ )ゝ✧
ALSO pls feel free to say hi anytime! tell me your favorite animal crossing character/tiktok or talk to me about jjk or any other anime/manga! give me anime n manga recs pls (〃▽〃) (and ofc if you have any questions/concerns!)
and ill say this again, at times I might not be consistently posting so pls be patient<3
byf & dni if you are not okay with the occasional grammar mistakes, POTENTIAL nsfw, spoilers from the manga/anime or if you are homophobic, transphobic and just generally anti-lgbtqia and hateful- I want this not only to be a safe space for me but for other people who follow or like what I write, if you are any of those things pls leave my blog :)
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。*:☆ Requests: CLOSED ☆:*。
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