saturniid-screaming · 4 months
The House Cat and the Stray
tw: mention of blood, mention of teeth
My teeth have grown dull
not the dull of over use
of enamel scrapped against bone
But the slow dull of inaction
of soft and warm nights
spent safe and comfortable
I am grateful for this gentle life
and for the healing that is brings
But I feel again the urge to run
to feel the earth beneath my feet
To taste fresh blood on my tongue
and to sharpen my teeth against bone
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saturniid-screaming · 4 months
Your Parting Gift
tw: maggots, mild gore, disease, parasites, worms, wasps, insects
Maggots fall from your mouth and hands
A writhing tide of sickness and of filth
They burrow into my skin, chew through my muscle, swim through my veins
They riddle me with the parasitic infection you have given me
You released these larva into me
And now that they have grown
Now that wasps tear through my rent flesh
You have the nerve to act surprised?
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saturniid-screaming · 5 months
TW: spiders, arachnophobia
When I open my mouth spiders fall from my lips
Their twitching arachnid forms spill down my chest in a flood of juddering limbs and dark carapace
They hit the floor and scuttle off to the hidden corners of your room to built their webs
In the husk of my body their mother has spun her own web in the hollow of my skull
She pulls this string or that string and my arms and legs move in a near perfect imitation of life
At night you pull me close and whisper
"Before I met you I was never afraid of spiders"
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saturniid-screaming · 5 months
Content Warnings: swearing and mild reference to injury
Fuck this, fuck this, fuck this. All of the time and energy I put into healing was fucking wasted. Up ending my life for this bullshit was wasted. I didn't learn anything, I barely remember anything and I don't even know if the work I did was necessary. I'm right back to where I started. Trapped in an endless cycle of healing and harm. The stitches are gone but the wound remains.
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saturniid-screaming · 5 months
WARNING: Please Read
Hi, this is a side blog I have made to give myself a place to vent and share some of my poetry about more personal things that don't fit the tone of my main blog.
WARNING: I am an adult, some content will likely be 18+ Relevant trigger and content warnings will be at the top of a post, the tags or both.
Similarly, I sometimes have a very chaotic writing style when I am trying to express difficult things. This includes use of some grotesque and potentially triggering imagery and metaphor.
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