saturniiddae Ā· 2 years
Hi all, so the years donā€™t stop coming. I turned thirty and had my first ever car accident aaaaaaand because I drive a compact from 2015 and the airbags deployed, insurance totaled it.
So, what I mean to say is: Iā€™m taking commissions. Iā€™ve never taken them before, but I need the money. Iā€™m open to writing or drawing, just send me a DM here or on Twitter @silentsongsā€”weā€™ll work out details privately since no one was really interested over on Twitter!
I also have a Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/minlin92
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saturniiddae Ā· 2 years
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I lost it when you found me
Chapter 12: First
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saturniiddae Ā· 2 years
I have a Twitter. I donā€™t use it. I should. MmHHMMMM
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saturniiddae Ā· 2 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Nine: Time | Chapter Ten: Shatter
Okkotsu fucking Yuuta is a menace.
His uniform scarf is all stretched outā€”and so are the necks of at least three of his turtlenecks. Donā€™t get him started on how many scarves Yuuta has straight up stolen in pursuit of Togeā€™s mouth. And now his face mask is loose. Itā€™s not a big deal, itā€™s justā€¦ well.
Heā€™s not really sure what else he expected, really: Yuuta loves so entirely that he once generated the strongest curse the jujutsu world had seen in centuries. Of course Yuuta is the sort to snag him any chance he can get for a quickā€”or not so quickā€”kiss. Heā€™s changing his uniform to a collar like Yuutaā€™s with a zipper just because his floppy scarf is driving him nuts and he hates wearing loose face masks.
This particular mask met its death that afternoon, when Yuuta left on a last minute mission: Yuuta was being sulky because he was going to miss making chocolate with everyone. Face masks arenā€™t meant to be held aside and tugged on; besides, itā€™s tie-pulling thatā€™s supposed to be sexy, not hooking a finger into a mask.
Heā€™s not entirely sure if heā€™s complaining or bragging about it.
ā€œYouā€™re bragging about it,ā€ Maki scoffs, shooting Toge a glare as Toge fiddles with his loose mask for the thousandth time.
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saturniiddae Ā· 2 years
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This is me planning the next chapter of my inuokko coming of age comedy by texting @sinhchan the various ways Yuuta can suffer as he and Inumaki try to bang
I am a serious author
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saturniiddae Ā· 2 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Eight: Affection
Yuuta catches him around the waist as he stands, nuzzling into the small of his back. ā€œHey,ā€ he says quietly. ā€œNo matter what gets decided today, Iā€¦ I am so thankful to have met you.ā€
Toge curls his fingers around Yuutaā€™s forearms, holding him there as his throat tightens, his face growing hot as his eyes burn.
No one has ever been thankful for him before. Yuuta must know that; must know how devastating that single word is. How much it makes his heart ache with love and longing and grief.
ā€œIā€™m thankful for everyone, but you, itā€™sā€¦ youā€™re special to me,ā€ Yuuta whispers. He hugs Toge tighter, cheek pressed sweetly against the curve of his spine. ā€œYou helped me feel human in ways the others couldnā€™t. You say you were named ā€˜thornā€™ because you were destined to hurt people, but thorns protect the plant. Even when I was scared of you and standoffish, even when Rika-chan was a threat to your friends, you protected me. I had never been protected by anyone but Rika-chan. Not by my family, not by senseiā€”I was just some anomaly to watch out for. Thank you. Toge, whatever they say, thank you.ā€
ā€œDonā€™t make it sound like youā€™re dying,ā€ Toge says, his power ringing out in the room despite the tightness in his throat.
Yuuta huffs, then laughs softly, squeezing Toge tightly. ā€œI donā€™t intend on it,ā€ he promises.
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Seven: Return
Yuutaā€™s mouth trembles, eyes shiny in the light spilling out around him. ā€œI donā€™t know what happens now,ā€ he admits.
Toge inhales sharply, mentally shaking off the wave of anxiety threatening to crush him whole. He slips his fingers from Yuutaā€™s, signing; ā€œWhat happens now is that you take a shower, I make us both some cocoa and help you bandage up, and then we can cuddle.ā€
ā€œAnd tomorrow?ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know. Get Panda to shit in the higher upsā€™ office? Sic Maki on them? Fuck if I have a plan for that.ā€
ā€œI donā€™t know if Panda canā€¦ uh, do that,ā€ Yuuta counters meekly, mouth shaking as he struggles not to laugh.
ā€œHe can if I say so.ā€
ā€œOh my god, Toge, no.ā€
Toge grins, huffing a quiet laugh at the horrified look on Yuutaā€™s face. He reaches out and grabs Yuutaā€™s hands, thumbs smoothing against split knuckles and raised flesh. ā€œOkaka,ā€ he murmurs.
He lifts one of Yuutaā€™s hands to his chest, holding it in place. ā€œKonbu,ā€ he murmurs.
ā€œIā€™m back,ā€ Yuuta acknowledges, leaning forward to brush a gentle kiss to Togeā€™s forehead.
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
Hi all, I very unexpectedly had to have one of my cats put to sleep today.
While Iā€™m lucky enough to have had a completely paid off credit card so I could afford the diagnostics, X-Rays, and other costs, itā€™sā€¦ still a lot.
I made a Ko-Fi.
I draw and write a lot these days! If you could, check those out and send me a tip! Anything will help.
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
Leave a Trace
Chapter Twelve: Paradigm Shift
ā€œAbout that,ā€ Risa says pointedly. ā€œWhat is going on with you and Niwa-kun? Youā€™re so down in the dumps recently, and I donā€™t like it. Iā€™ll beat him up, just say when.ā€
Riku laughs, flicking water at Risa. ā€œDonā€™t! Geesh! Thatā€™s my thing, you know?ā€
Risa grins, then leans forward, her face slowly morphing into something serious as she studies Riku. ā€œI think itā€™s time you tell me whatā€™s going on with you two,ā€ she says gently. ā€œI know you donā€™tā€¦ youā€™re notā€¦ about Niwa-kun, Riku, Iā€¦ I never want you to feel like, like weā€™re competing.ā€
Riku looks down at her knees. ā€œSometimes,ā€ she says after a long pause. ā€œIā€¦ā€
She closes her eyes tightly, then immediately regrets it, remembering the winged shadow hovering over her, Daisukeā€™s face half-illuminated by the moonlight, eyes shining like polished garnet even as he scrambled away.
Daisuke, surrounded by feathers, bleeding and in tears outside of the museum; Dark, where Daisuke should be. A dream of a world of snow and scraped-raw palms.
Hiwatari, at the dance, ivory gun in hand, tears pouring down his face, and Daisuke, Daisuke was Dark, then, she knows it.
If this is true, then Risa needs to know. If itā€™s true, if itā€™s trueā€¦
ā€œWhat if,ā€ Riku says slowly, taking her time to form the right words, the right questions. ā€œWhat if that werenā€™t true? If we didā€”if we liked the same person?ā€
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Five: Readiness
ā€œYuuta was in a good mood this morning. A really good mood.ā€
Toge blinks at her, shoveling another spoonful of cereal into his mouth. She leers more. He shrugs.
ā€œAnd he came out of your room,ā€ she adds. She pauses, then leans forward, whispering ā€œDid youā€”?ā€ while making a very lewd gesture with her hands.
Sheā€™s very promptly rewarded with a face full of half-chewed cereal. ā€œOkaka!ā€ he sputters, coughing.
Toge isnā€™t sure if she meant to finish her sentence or if sheā€™s swearing at him. ā€œOkaka!ā€ he repeats, making his absolutely not hand signal even as his face burns hot.
Maki whips her glasses off, scrubbing them against her jacket, glowering at him. ā€œYou are disgusting and I am going to kick your ass.ā€
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
Leave a Trace
Chapter Eleven: Favor
ā€œA favor,ā€ Dark says quietly in his voice, something threatening and dark in his tone.
So he lets Dark take over, turns himself away from the sight of his own hands vaulting him over fences and onto the rooftops, closing himself off from what this means.
ā€œYou canā€™t stay blind,ā€ Dark says to him in that echoing space that is their shared consciousness. ā€œYouā€™re going to hurt more than just yourself, you know. Riku, Hiwatari, even Risaā€”theyā€™re just going to suffer if you refuse to think about this. About what it means. You know what it means! Youā€™ve known for a while that youā€”ā€
No! No! I already said I donā€™t want to hear you, I donā€™t want to listen, I donā€™t wantā€”
He curls in tight against himself, hands covering his ears.
Heā€™s willing to wrap himself up in this space again, cocoon himself against the realization that thereā€™s something wrong with him, that heā€™s let everything come to a head because he refuses to face the truth head on.
So much could be fixed if he would justā€¦ look at himself, but thereā€™s so much about himself that he already despises, so what happens when he looks in the mirror, and thereā€™s not a single redeeming thing about him?
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Four: Beautiful
Heā€™s covered in literal trash, bloodied, and heā€™s pretty sure his entire back is bruised, and who knows what sort of curse goo was on Yuutaā€™s hand when he unceremoniously shattered Togeā€™s entire idea of what his sexuality was like, and he on top of that, he doesnā€™t even know if Yuuta even realizes that what he did could be considered erotic.
The dude is like, curse-married to his dead childhood sweetheartā€”he has no idea what heā€™s doing half the time. Toge once watched him eat the leaf wrapping on a zongzi without question.
God, Toge loves him.
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
Please do not remix/rewrite/repost my fics without my permission.
This isnā€™t a post I should have to make, and in my fourteen years of writing, never thought I would have to, but here we go:
Do not, under any circumstances, remix/rewrite/summarize/repost my fics, WIP or finished, without my express permission and credit.
AO3 has a nifty ā€œinspired byā€ feature, along with comments, and Tumblr has a tagging and messaging feature. Thereā€™s no reason not to contact me to acquire permission. Iā€™m more than happy to provide it if something of mine catches your fancy or tugs on your inspiration. I am Not Happyā„¢ļø to stumble across stuff without it
Likeā€¦ yā€™all.
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
I lost it when you found me
Chapter Two: Screenshot // Chapter Three: Untouchable
Makiiiiiiii āš”ļø: i'm gonna kick your ass if you make yuuta cry *AGAIN*
what happened to wlw/mlm solidarity
Makiiiiiiii āš”ļø
you know what?????? no
you know who deals with your disaster bf when he gets all mopey about you?????
hint: it's not you or panda
is2g inumaki if he wakes me up like a demented zashiki warashi again
ok this is a hate crime
Makiiiiiiii āš”ļø
no its not
*i* hate it
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
I lost it when you found me
Summary: Inumaki Toge is just like any other teen in their first relationship: Horny, awkward, and way too obsessed with the way his boyfriend's ass looks in uniform.
Unlike every other teenager, he has to deal with the emotional baggage their powers carry, being run ragged on missions, and oh, the fact that his boyfriend just shoved his fingers into his mouth, and--get this--it was extremely hot.
He's boned. Just. Not like that. (Yet? Yet.)
Pairing: Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta
Rating: E
Heā€™s dead. Absolutely boned. Goodbye world, this is where he flees this mortal coil and all its trappings. Right here, right now, in some dingy alleyway in Tokyo, laid out in a halo of busted bags of burnable garbage.
Heā€™s not even going the way he thought he would: head down, mouth and nose streaming with blood, the thick taste of copper mixed with syrupy sweet benzocaine heavy on his screaming, branded tongue, body broken beyond saving in the face of a curse who wouldnā€™t listen.
Well, he was.
At first.
And then Okkotsu fucking Yuuta shoved his fingers in his mouth, and thatā€™s what killed Toge.
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
Blue Hour Mornings
Summary: Toge wakes to find a sleepless Yuuta.Ā  Pairing: Inumaki Toge/Okkotsu Yuuta Rating: E Tags: Post Shibuya Incident, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Aged Up Characters (SEE THE REST OF THE TAGS ON AO3)
Pale blue light spills through the crack in the curtains, soaking the room in pre-dawn moonlight.
Dazed with sleep, Toge blinks as awareness soaks into his bones, trying to piece out what woke him. Warmth seeps into his limbs, making him fuzzy around the edges. He stirs, nuzzling his cheek lazily into the sheets. Heā€™d been having such a good dream, too, something about Yuuta, an onsen, and sake.
Warmth surges, shooting to the tips of his ears at the soft ghost of breath against his neck. Yuuta, curled up against him, knees pressed into the bend of Togeā€™s, his hand flat against Togeā€™s belly, his other arm tucked carefully underneath Togeā€™s shoulder. Toge was never quite able to give up sleeping on his sideā€”itā€™s uncomfortable now, but sometimes itā€™s mitigated by Yuuta propping him up in his sleep, soothing him with a low-level of reverse jujutsu when Toge wakes up cranky.
He thinks, blearily, that must be why heā€™s woken upā€”but he doesnā€™t hurt and heā€™s not overly uncomfortable, so whyā€¦?
He shifts, stretching out against Yuuta, then grins.
Ah, he thinks, an anticipatory shiver working its way across his skin, thatā€™s whyā€”
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saturniiddae Ā· 3 years
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Some of my favorite one-liners from my inuokko wip, which is dubiously titled ā€œInumaki goes to jailā€, and boy does he ever
(to be fair, so does Yuuta)
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