savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Lilac walked a little ways, She was ahead of him. All of a sudden she felt something tub at her jumper, "What the fuck." She figured it was Parker just screwing around trying to scare her. She didn't believe spirits could touch you, They were dead. How could something that's dead touch you. "Knock it off." She yelled behind her. She laughed, and continued walking. Before she could even bat an eye she was thrown at all wall. She'd hit her head, and she couldn't scream for Parker. Lilacs head was throbbing, and she was lying on the floor. The room was dark, She didn't know where she was. She was feeling dizzy. Lilac reached up t touch her head, It felt wet and sticky. She pulled her hand to her nose to smell it, It almost made her gag. It was the awful smell of blood. Her head was bleeding, and she was alone. "Parker!" She screamed, "Help me!" Lilac cried. She was scared, and she just wanted to get out of there.
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"Ha-Ha." He said sarcastically, turning towards the blonde. Something touched his hand. He was sure of it. Even if she didn’t believe him, he knew it did. “You know. If you weren’t as pretty as you are, i probably would’ve ditched you already." He teased as they walked down the hallway, shining their flashlights in each room as they passed. They had wandered further than he realized they did.  But they just kept going, this place was interesting, how couldn’t they keep going?
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Trinity felt his lips press against her own, it sent a feeling through her that she'd never experienced. His lips felt so natural. Everything about the kiss was perfect. Trinity placed her hand on his cheek. It felt as if her whole world had paused for a moment. Just Trinity and Chase mattered. She loved the way his lips left, the way the moved against hers. She pulled away, looking into his eyes. Suddenly she felt his hand over top of hers. Her cheeks flushed, and her eyes dropped. 
Chase seen Trinity as one of the few decent girls left. They’ve been friends for so long, and throughout the whole time they had been friends she hadn’t changed a bit. He loved that about her. She never changed.. she was always herself. When she said she loved him too, it sent chills throughout his body. He always loved hearing that, even though they’ve always said that to each-other. It was just more special now. He smiled as she looked up at him. He wiped the tear that had rolled down her cheek, but he knew it was a happy one so it made him happy. “I love you too, Trinity. I really do."  He smiled and gently kissed Trinity’s lips. 
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Just to old, He laughed whispering it to himself. "If I'm to old, then I guess all the candy at my old persons house is to. Sorry about your luck." He teased the kid. He looked back to see his reaction. 
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"You better not." He smiled, following behind. I guess you could stay he was kind of bouncing in his steps. He was excited. Nothing made Chase happier than candy. “I’m not thaaaat young." He laughed. “Maybe you’re just too old." 
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Sebastian flicked his cigarette. He laughed at the kids comment, "I wont let them kill you." He told him, shaking his head. He began to walk towards his home, which wasn't very far, "Come on young one." She shouted behind him with a laugh.
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"Well then lead the way." Chase said, an excited smile on his face.  "But just a heads up, if they come home and they’re angry raging fire-balls.. I’m hiding behind you. Because i don’t think i could handle girls beating me up." He said with a soft laugh as he followed the older boy.
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
She stood from the hard bed, "That one wasn't just right anaways." She laughed, "Still on the hunt." She joked. "Yeah, you're not crazy." She said with a laugh. She looked around, walking behind him out of the room, "Alright Jacob, Stop messing with him before he pisses his jeans." She shouted, laughing at him. She walked down the hall a little, stopping by each room, shining her light inside.
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He shined his light towards the girls direction. And she wasn’t lying. She was sitting right there on the bed.. on the bed that was in-front of him at that. He would’ve seen her. He shook his head and snapped out of his thoughts. “I’m not going crazy." He said in defense. Squinting his eyes as she shined her light towards him, he laughed. “C’mon Goldilocks before the bears get pissed that you’re sitting on their beds." He joked, mimicking the three bears story as he turned towards the door. “I’m telling you, i’m not crazy." He repeated with a soft laugh.
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Sebastian took a drag from his lit cigarette, still smiling at the kid. The smoke escaped past his lips, Then blowing the rest out he spoke, with a muffled laugh. "They're not gonna try to kill you, They aren't even home." He laughed.
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"Well you know." He joked, shrugging his shoulders, smirking. “It’s a really nice store, but the worker is an idiot." He admitted as a soft laugh escaped his lips. When the older boy mentioned candy it sounded how you imagine an angel singing would sound. He got excited and nodded his head. He listened as the boy talk. “But— what if they tried to kill me or something?"
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
His arms wrapped around her tiny cold body felt nice. She felt safe. He gave Trinity feelings she'd never experienced with anyone else before. She nuzzled her face in his neck. Everything finally felt so right. Trinity had always imagined this moment, It was much more magical than she had ever dreamed. She took a deep breath, ending it with a smile. She felt his lips atop her head, "I love you too." They'd always exchanged I love yous throughout the years, but this time it had a different feel to it. It felt so right. She lifted her head up, and looked at him, "I've imagined this moment, since we were just little kids." A tear rolled down her cheek, "I love you Chase. I literally owe you my life."
He sat there, caught in her gaze. His heart feeling like it was gonna pound out of his chest as he waited for an answer. When he got his answer, his whole world had stopped.. and focused on this moment. He finally got up the nerve to ask her out, and it went a whole lot better than he had always planned that it would go in his head. As she fell into his arms he squeezed her. He probably squeezed her tighter than he planned, but oh well. He kept his arms wrapped around her and he gently planted a kiss on his now-girlfriend’s head. He smiled and rubbed her arms, “I love you.." He said softly. It came out so naturally. 
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
She stood by the window of the dark room, examining the lonely items in there. "Tea parties are fun." She mocked him, with a muffled laugh. This kind of thing was fascinating to Lilac, and she wasn't a bit scared. She took it upon herself to sit on the bed for a moment, feeling the torn sheets. "Hold your hand? I'm sitting over here." She said to him, confused to what he meant. "You're going crazy." She laughed at him. She shined her light towards him, "Someone a bit on their toes, eh?" She laughed.
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"There’s so much bugs in here." He said, pointing out the obvious. He shined his flashlight throughout the rooms that occupied the hall. He slowly walked through the hallway and followed her into the room that she had wandered off into. “Hey, If you wanna spend your time having tea-party’s with the spiders and cockroaches be my guest." He laughed, looking at the bugs crawling up and down the walls. Suddenly he got sidetracked by something brushing against his free hand, he turned towards the blonde. “Like i said if you wanna hold my hand just say so, don’t scare the hell out of me." He said with a soft laugh, figuring it was her.  
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
He pushed Lilac to the side, and within seconds his foot smashed into the door. The door flew open, and she nodded, impressed. "Nice." She snickered. He handed her a flashlight, "Ah, To scare the monsters away." She said in a sarcastic tone, shaking her head. She walked inside with him. It smelled of blood and rotting corpse. It was repelling. Her nose crinkled at the abandoned smell. She scanned the hall with her eyes. "Sweet place." She mocked. She laughed, and shined her flashlight into a dark room. Ooh, can I have this room?" She joked, walking inside.
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"Right behind you." He said, hopping over the wall to the door, being by the blondes side. He watched as she tried to get the door open. “Why don’t you just do this." He said taking a step back before kicking open the door. He looked at the girl and laughed, “It opened like a slut’s legs". He walked into the building first, then watching as the girl followed behind. The place was quiet, which is usually how an abandoned place should be. “Here, take a flashlight." He said, handing the girl one of the flashlights he had in his pocket. “Let’s go this way." He said turning to a long hallway. The lights were flickering, the floor-boards were creaky… But he wasn’t worried, he actually thought it was pretty cool.
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
She walked alongside the boy, sort of trailing behind. When they got there, she looked up at the creepy old building. He began to explain what this place was, and she figured he was trying to scare her. She looked at the blown out windows and rotting doors, examining the place. "Hm, sounds exciting." She said with a blank face, still looking about the building. She looked at him, and began to walk inside. "I am, are you?" She was determined to show him she wasn't afraid. He wasn't getting his glory on this one. She laughed and hopped over the wall to the door, and she stopped to look back at him, "Ya comin'?" She snickered. She examined the door, in an attempt to find a way to open it.
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"Aww, babe. If you wanna hold hands just say so." He teased, looking back at the girl once more. He playfully rolled his eyes as her response, looking back at her once more before they arrived at the place. “Alright, here we are." He said, looking up at the building, with all of it’s lights still on. “This is an abandoned Mental Asylum, typed..thing." He said, explaining his best. “Legend has it, it’s haunted as fuck. And supposedly, there used to be a boy named Jacob that was born in the asylum and they got rid of any trace that he was even born, there-fore they could use him for testing and i guess that he still roams the halls of this place. And you can only hear him coming from the sound of laughing." He said looking at the building then back at the girl. “Ready?" He said, smirking at the blonde.
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
He took a long drag, his eyes locked on her. Blowing the smoke through his lips, he spoke. "Come on, Play me something." He smiled. She played beautifully, and he yearned to hear more. "You are amazing." He told her in complete honesty.
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She looked up to find herself gazing at a handsome brunette boy. “I-" She stuttered. She felt a smile form on her appearances. “I—I don’t know." She said softly, managing to break the gaze that she’d gotten herself stuck in and speak. “You don’t have to be kind, if that’s just what you’re doing." She told him, her smile slowly fading. She was used people just being nice to her to be mean to her the next day. 
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
A beautiful voice rang through the park. Sebastian looked around, in an effort to find the source of the lovely siren. His eyes scanned the grass, falling upon a blonde beauty sitting among the grass with her guitar in her lap. He smiled, lighting a smoke. His first drag was the longest, and he began to walk towards her with that drag. His smile faded when she stopped playing and put her guitar down. When he got closer, he opened his mouth to speak to her. "Hey, Why'd you stop. I was enjoying it." He smiled, taking another drag.
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It was a nice day, Payton had her guitar in her lap, strumming the strings. “A drop in the ocean, A change in the weather, I was praying that you and me might end up together. It’s like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert, But I’m holding you closer than most.. ‘cause you are my heaven." Payton sang as she sat in the grass on the in the park, watching as people walked by. Payton wasn’t the person everyone was exactly, nice too. So by instinct she got worried and instantly stopped, setting her guitar beside her.
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
She raised her brow once more, in disbelief. He began to walk, and of course she followed. Although she was tiny, she packed a punch. Not much intimidated Lilac. "Please." She rolled her eyes, "It's alright if ya wanna call mommy, or hold my hand." She mocked, "Just don't piss yourself to heavy."
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He let out a muffed laugh. “We’ll see who protects who." He smirked. “C’mon. The place is right up here. You’ll figure out what it is when we get there." He said leading the way, checking back to make sure the blonde had followed him. “Just don’t get too scared."
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
"A scare?" She raised her brow, "Continue." A soft maniacal laugh escaped her red lips. She pursed her lips to the side, "Yeah, yeah. I wont let you get hurt."
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"You down for a scare?" He asked, outstretching his hand to the stranger. “Don’t worry, i won’t let you get hurt."
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Evelyn laughed, "Well, That's blunt."
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"I think you’re attractive. There-for i would like to have sex with you." 
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
i need more verses jdbn;ksjdf plot with me
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savagekidz-blog · 11 years
Her eyes were locked with his, For a moment it felt like the entire word had just disappeared and it was just the two of them. All she could see was him, that's all she wanted to see. His big brown eyes were so deep she constantly got lost in them. It made her so happy, the things he was telling her. He began to pull up her sleeve, and she got nervous. His lips met her wrist, which made her feel a tad better. Trinity looked up at him, and listened to him speak. Tears filled her eyes when he asked her to be his girlfriend. "I- Yes." The tears overflowed her eye lids. "Yes I will." She told him, falling into his arms.
He smiled, looking down at his brunette haired, beautiful, best friend. He missed her so much, he missed this. Just laying in bed together. Her always coming over to his house in the morning, waking him up at 3 in the morning just to drive a few hours to the beach and walk on it as the sun came up. In his mind, she was the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on. “I really do. I wouldn’t lie to you." He assured her, rubbing his thumb against the back of her hand that was on his cheek.  "You’re my best friend. I was lost without you for all those months." He admitted before gently grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it. He pulled down the sleeve of her shirt gently so he could see her wrist. “And, i have a deal for you." He said softly as he kissed her cuts. “If you give me a chance to be yours, to treat you the way you deserve to be treated.. I’ll make you so happy that you’ll never have to do this again." 
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