savxjessica-blog · 9 years
All she wanted to do was go home and take a nap or read a book or something that didn't involve being interrogated by the male who as stood before her. Clearly part of 4k because why else would he be asking why she was there. But she was part of a gang herself so she knew that loyalty comes first and that he probably had to talk to people that were strange or unfamiliar to the area. Besides he’d trip if he found out she was not only a dragon but the second lieutenant.
“Oh? And what if I was welcome here hm? What would you do then?” She sighs heavily and rolls her eyes towards his comment. “Then Let me be on my way and there will be no problem.” Although she knew that would never happen.
And it didn’t. When dragging her away she protests and tries to break away but has no luck as his grip was so powerful and she was no match for him. Almost dropping her bag in the process. But she sighs once more and has no choice but to follow him into the house they were now in.
After sorting her outfit out, her eyes finally looked towards the other male. Arms crossing over her chest in a way that showed she was clearly not impressed and wanted an explanation. “This is harassment i’ll have you know!” she coldly addresses to him before she clicks her tongue making a tch sound. “So far I'm guessing it won't be a nice chat because treating a lady is not nice.”
her eyebrow raises towards his comment and she scoffs, partially almost laughing to his comment. “Yeah, yeah i believe you.”
Area codes, IJB&JSY
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
Her ears pricked up to the thumping sounds from the club. It seemed busy tonight and the queue outside was all the evidence you needed to confirm that. But Jessica wasn't worried, her name happened to be on all the lists. After all her mother and late father were wealthy enough to get you in anywhere.
A squeal practically rolled of her lips when they got close enough, dragging him straight to the front with her. She flashed the bouncer a smile, and he immediately proceed to lift the barrier and let them in. Her smile growing into a grin as she looked back towards Kyungoo handing him back his jacket coat.
“Kyungsooooo, thats not true!” her lips form a small pout and tilts her head to the side. “I want to have fun with you all the time!” A small giggle interrupting her childish pout and a smile accompanying it afterwards, avoiding his question all together.
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
Good, he was offended. That was what she was going for. Clearly he couldn't be KRP due to the way he was acting so shady around her. So he must be a gang member of sorts and that was even worse then him being part of the KRP. The way he acted was really really starting to bug her now though.  The main reason being he was as cold as she was, and she really really hated that. 
The sudden grip on her arm was surprising and her lips formed a frown while her eyes narrowed even more then they already were. The grip was pretty tight and it was clear that he was a lot stronger then herself, so trying to break out of his hold was useless. 
Fighting the urge to say something about her position in the dragons. By now he was really starting to get on her nerves. What had she done wrong? Nothing. Her tone was cold however her finger pointing in the direction of the building she had just come out of. “Then why did I just come out of that building back there, with all my dance stuff clever clogs. And to your question actually no i don’t.” Okay so it was a small lie, she knew she was in 4K territory but other then that she had no clue exactly where she was within it.
Her glare was kept up, and so was his. It was like a show down between two cowboys in some western. But she could keep her cold glare for a long time, and hoped that somehow he couldn't.
Area codes, IJB&JSY
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
A huff escaped her lips, one that showed she was clearly irritated. “You’re the one who walked into me buddy.” 
“Geez so many questions, what are you part of the KPR or something?” she blurted out without realising and bit down on her lower lip from saying anymore. Or anything that would link back to the dragons. 
She scrambled quickly to put all her belongings into her bag. After all she didn’t want to risk losing anything, it didn't come cheap. Eyes rolling in response to his tone, it was annoying. And it was weird having someone speak coldly towards her. Usually it was the other way around and she was the one with the icy demeanour “I don’t have to answer to you.” she snapped back at him. He had really got on her nerves and she just wanted to get out of there as quickly as she could. 
Her eyes met his, when she was grabbing her stuff. Snatching the ballet pump that was in his hands and stuffing it into her bag. Zipping it up this time so nothing would happen like this again. Slinging the bag over her shoulder she stood up to look at hm better. “And for your information I was just as my dance class. Not that you would understand anything about that.”
Area codes, IJB&JSY
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
The clubs atmosphere was pumping. Blasting music, drunk people staggering around and sweaty bodies pressing up against one another on the dance floor. A night filled with temptations. But for Sooyeon she was sat at the bar, drink in hand and phone in the other. She was bored and there was nothing she could do to cure it. Not even the alcohol was doing anything. But when her eyes looked up, they caught a glimpse of a familiar face. 
One the other was close enough, Sooyeon blurted out. “Tigers aren't welcome here.” Her voice is cold and blunt, however there is a slight teasing to it when you listened carefully. Lips pulling into a grin once her eyes laid upon the girl stood before her. “Boa!” She called out in an excited tone. Arms wrapping around her to bring her into a hug - something she didn't do often. Despite the two girls being in different groups, they strangely got on. Not that they would ever admit that to anyone. Not if they wanted to keep their jobs. “What brings you here?”
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
Area codes, IJB&JSY
The sun was bright against her delicate eyes, hand covering over the top of her eyes as if in the saluting position to shield her eyes. Or at least tries too. She pulls her hair up into a messy bun, and wipes the sleeve of her knitted jumper across her forehead. Her dance session had been hard work, especially to the fact work had her tied up and she hadn't been able to dance for at least a couple of days. So she was feeling the strain. But today was no ordinary session no - she had been called in to help teach a class as they were short staffed at a short notice. But she was happy to oblige. 
Her eyes scan around the area in which she was in, she had been far to busy to scope it out as she was running late and had no time for her other job’s thought to linger in her mind. A small gasp falls from her lips once her eyes finally clock the area in which she was stood. Realising that she's in enemy territory. 4k territory. An area which she was always reluctant to enter due to her position within the double dragons. 
she freezes. Dead in her tracks and mentally swears because of it. Why did it have to be here of all places? What if she were to be caught - She would have a lot of explains to do to her bosses. And she really didn't want that.
But as she was lost in her thoughts she hadn't noticed she’d stopped dead in her tracks in the middle of the sidewalk. And soon enough she’s snapped from her depressing thoughts from someone bumping into her quite hard. Causing her to drop her dance bag - which just so happened to be open, spilling some of her stuff. Cursing under her breath, her eyes fix on him and practically glare at the man. “Watch where your going!”
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
It was almost funny to watch the others cower away at his gaze, and in that moment she was glad he was her knight in shinning armour. Although she would never admit that to him. Her lips pouted more to his comment, and looked off to the side, clearly acting childlike and sulking. “Then i’ll just be selective to you then.” Her gaze returning to him and giving him a cheeky wink. “Kyungsooo, enough teasing them, lets go!” 
A small smile when he pulls her away almost before she had the chance to finish her sentence. Thats what she liked about him, it was as if he knew what she was thinking - that and he probably didn't wanna be there any longer. As they walk away, she tugs at the jacket, pulling it over her shoulders so it didn't fall off, her arm snaking through his for support in her 4 inch heels she stupidly thought was a good idea to wear. 
”Phuket Lounge isn't tooo far, I promise! With you on my arm the harassment will definitely stop, thanks for that by the way.” her lips curving up into a grin as her heels clip clopped against the sidewalk as they walked away from the previous gathering and towards the club.
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
savxkyungsoo ○ carried on from here
Jessica loved it when things went her way so when she finally caught on he was following her lead, a moment of pride washed over her and she couldn't help but maybe get a little too into her. “Im sooorryy” her voice a whine, but not an annoying one. Her perfectly painted red lips pushed out and formed a pout. Fingers pressing together as if she were being scolded. His words some what ticking her off, she personally thought she looked good, but she remains cool and keeps up her act. “But, whats the point in having them if i can't show them off?” Her head tilting to the side as her eyes glaze over the people watching them, before snapping back to him. 
For a moment, even his words lose her, her brain racking around trying to figure out what he was doing, and why for a second his attention was not on her. Shaking the thought from her mind, her eyes watched as he unbuttoned his shirt. What was he doing now? But eventually it clicks and her lips curl up into a grin, when she feels the warm suit jacket placed over her shoulders. She can't help but feel giddy,it was like a scene from a movie - except she had pretty much forced it upon him and he had obliged no questions asked, like a good boy. 
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
Her eyes scan over the records, stoping for a few moments to check out anything that caught her eyes before her fingers delicately flipped through them once more. But she didn't notice him stop humming and focus on her, that was until her eyes met his as she moved around to the next box. Now she could see he had obviously been watching her, and for some reason she felt uncomfortable and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Was he trying to make a pass at her? Or was he just interested in what she was doing? He was kinda cute but, she had no time for this. She looked back down at the records and began to flip through this box following what she had done in the one before. 
"flirty eyes" — jessica + sano
Keisuke immediately stopped his humming once he took notice of the customer in the store. He secretly prayed that she hadn’t heard him, for that would be very embarrassing in his case. Fingers interlocked, he leaned forward onto the counter, elbows set firmly on them. It was hard to keep a non awkward environment in moments like these, when there was no one else in the store but the customer. He wondered if he should strike up a conversation, but decided to let her be. However, unbeknownst to him, he had been staring at her throughout this whole time of his dilemma, focused on the back of her head. When he came to his senses, he realized that there was something in her hair, but she was too far for him to clarify what it was. Should he tell her? Another dilemma yet to be solved.
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
“If you hadn't then, I have no idea what might of happened back there.” a sigh escaping past her lips as she tilted her head to the side. A nod signals that he was correct. But before she can reply back his comment makes her freeze slightly, before a giggle escapes past her lips. Her cheeks with the tint of a rosey hue. “You couldn't be anything like that man! You don’t pick on girls, I hope. Besides you are being incredibly sweet.” A grin soon starts to grow on her lips and she leans in closer to him once more planting a small kiss on his cheek. “Think of it as my thanks. And i’ll be sure to find my mint haired prince once again if needs be.” she added with the flash of a grin and a wink directed towards him. 
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
It wasn't unlike Jessica to route through old vinyls and records. Infant some of the best song could be found on them. Besides she was always trying to find creative ways to make her ballet dancing more interesting and this is exactly where she came for inspiration. It was a quickly shop she had to give it that. Her eyes gazed around the store until she saw a guy, an employee she assumed changing the vinyl on the record player. The way he hummed along couldn't help but make her smile. But back to looking around, she started to flick through a box to see if anything caught her interests. 
"flirty eyes" — jessica + sano
It was yet another day at the record shop. A vinyl was on repeat for the past hour or two and Keisuke decided it was time to replace it. He looked through the stack of LPs he picked out this morning and decided to go with Abbey Road from the Beatles. Setting the LP on the record player, he let the music flow throughout the store as he softly hummed the melody to himself.
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
It was cute the way he repeated her words in a sort of menacing tone, and she had to hide a giggle escaping past her lips. Besides guys who acted tough had a weak-spot on her heart. His grip felt as real as anything and for a moment she felt safe, but she shook the feeling off and watched as the guy walked off to leave them be. Thank go, she thought to herself, finally she could go on her day without him tail-gaiting her everywhere she went. So when she hears his ugh of relief she practically does exactly the same thing and takes a moment or two to get  her act together. Her eyes look towards him, a smile toying on her lips as she straightens up. “You are my hero.” her words are pleasing, and once realising she was still holding onto him she let go as quickly as she had grabbed him. “I am right as rain now that creepazoid has gone. Thanks for that by the way.”
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
○ Girls night
[ ✉ ; Minwhore ❥] Something chocolatey  [ ✉ ; Minwhore ❥] Ive got a bottle of red here btw [ ✉ ; Minwhore ❥] Incase you  wanted to drink.
A small smile takes hold of her lips as she sends the last message. Placing her phone on the kitchen counter and fishing around the cupboards until she found the bottle she was on about, and takes it out. Placing two wine glasses on the table next to the bottle she had gotten. Her eyes scanned the room, blankets and pillows were on the sofa, two spoons and napkins on the coffee table in-front and the place looked spotless. Not that her room was ever messy to begin with. But she couldn't let other people see her place if it wasn't to her standards. 
It had been a while since she had seen her friend, and it would be nice to catch up over ice-cream, wine and a horror movie. even if they didn't pay much attention to it. She nearly zoned out before she heard the buzzer go off. signalling that she had arrived and was waiting to be let in.
A smirk grew on her lips, and she pressed the button on the com, to speak to her. “Minwhore, get your ass up here now.” she pressed the button again and the door clicked signalling she was able to get into the building. 
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
savxyoongi ○ carried on from here 
It was true, that using tactics such as this was low for even Sooyeon but it couldn't be helped, she was a damsel in distress and he was her best option, her ‘prince’ with mint hair. So when he accepts what she said and wraps his arm around her, a small smile grows on her lips, but enough that she can hide it with a pout. Her hand placing on his chest, the other gripping his shirt. Her eyes gazing at the man bugging her. She didn't like how the man hadn't budged a bit, her uneasiness starting to show through as her hands grip her saviours shirt a little tighter then she originally had before. She really reaallly wanted him gone after all. “I haven't seen him in forever, and i was hoping i’d have him all to myself, you know. So please just listen to him and leave.” her words, surprisingly song compared to the state her body was in. 
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
[text] They’re fucking next door again. [text] Lets grab a drink, I’m tired of being here.
[ ✉ ; Minwhore ❥] Well at least they are getting some.
[ ✉ ; Minwhore ❥] Drinks are on you though
[ ✉ ; Minwhore ❥] Plan on getting drunk af - be there in 15
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
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Jessica for W korea 
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