savxjaebum · 9 years
Injuries — JB/BoA
「 savboa 」
Jaebum roamed around the streets late in the evening. His current location was in Suwon. The past few days had been busy for him. There was more activity going on in the 4K territory and in general with the KPR. He had to find out more of the recent activity within Seoul and why as of recently had happened. He had gone back and forth between Anyang, Suwon and outside of Seoul, just watching as things went by and listening to any clues of the sort.
He was getting exhausted. Hadn’t eaten or slept for more than a few hours, ranging from three or four at most. He had taken a few energy drinks and now instead of helping him wake up, they were making him even more sleepily. Jaebum sighed. Suwon wasn’t giving him the information he needed. Just the same old stuff he knew from a while ago. Old news didn’t help him. He took his car keys from his back pocket of his jeans and started walking back to his car.
It was already getting late, he made his way back to Apjueong to grab a few of his things and then left off to his next destination. Seoul for sure, he knew, would have more fresh news of current situations, however at the moment it was dangerous for him to go there so he settled for another place he knew would also have some information. Gyeonggi was the first stop. He checked into a hotel with his “other” name for security reasons. He dropped his stuff in his room and left the hotel, and went out into the streets. Many people went out and about, Jaebum kept his eyes and ears open for anything that sparked up interest. And it didn’t take him long to hear something good. 
Two teenagers wondered carelessly not taking notice of him. He didn’t follow too close to hear what they were saying. They practically were screaming. “These rascals are going to get into deep shit if they don’t keep their mouth shut in public.” They were talking very openly about KPR business along with a few details of them wanting to join the gangs. Jaebum followed them into an alley, where they started to whisper. He had a hard time hearing so he followed closer, but the teenagers were walking fast and he didn’t want to make himself obvious so he backed up. It didn’t do good for him as later the two disappeared. Jaebum made a left when he saw them turn into another place, but didn’t see them afterwards. He cursed and sighed angrily, now he was getting really sleepy. He turned around and cringed in pain and yelled slightly. He looked down and saw blood dripping down his fingers. He had managed to cut his arm, and very deeply. His eyes turned to see a piece of metal sticking out from an old restaurant sign. “Fuck that’s deep, shit.” 
Jaebum covered his wound with his jacket and wondered around the streets of Gyeonggi-do quickly, trying to find his way towards someone he knew would help him. After minutes of wondering and feeling the blood soaking through his jacket, he found the place he was looking for. He made his way towards the door and knocked frantically and once the door opened, he made his way past the door inside the home.
“I need your help.”
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savxjessica-blog · 9 years
The clubs atmosphere was pumping. Blasting music, drunk people staggering around and sweaty bodies pressing up against one another on the dance floor. A night filled with temptations. But for Sooyeon she was sat at the bar, drink in hand and phone in the other. She was bored and there was nothing she could do to cure it. Not even the alcohol was doing anything. But when her eyes looked up, they caught a glimpse of a familiar face. 
One the other was close enough, Sooyeon blurted out. “Tigers aren't welcome here.” Her voice is cold and blunt, however there is a slight teasing to it when you listened carefully. Lips pulling into a grin once her eyes laid upon the girl stood before her. “Boa!” She called out in an excited tone. Arms wrapping around her to bring her into a hug - something she didn't do often. Despite the two girls being in different groups, they strangely got on. Not that they would ever admit that to anyone. Not if they wanted to keep their jobs. “What brings you here?”
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