sayoxchan · 4 years
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another 6 fanarts challenge with requests from twitter! :^D 
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sayoxchan · 4 years
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First blog post after a while and it contains FANTASTICS, Winding Road looks so promising. Never get enough of Fanta and suits
The Song is great I just can’t wait for the MV to drop soon😍
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sayoxchan · 4 years
While I am still one of the newer EXfams, this is worrisome to me. I will never understand delusional fans. They are not "things" they are human beings doing their jobs, they will never be perfect and they don't want to be perfect. Toxic fans are the reasons why fandoms are seen in such a bad light, let the artist have their own way of wanting to do some stuff, especially with fans getting mad when the artist get into a relationship or marriage. 
I really hope the rumors you mentioned are not true, this would be really sad but in the end it’s the artists decision, if I follow the artist currently I would follow them in their now path as well, just because I love what they do. 
Raising a Concern
EX-FAMILY is expanding, EXILE TRIBE and other LDH artists are gaining popularity all over the globe.
How is this a concern? We should be happy right?
Well the thing is, when a fandom expands, it has pros and cons. A pro would be that there would be more people to love and appreciate the artists and for us fans, there would be more people to talk and fangirl/boy with. However, we the cons. Along with the expanding fandom comes the toxic and immature fans. It would be great if all the fans would be chill and be mature when dealing with some fandom stuff, but no.
I have experienced dealing with someone like this recently and it bothers me. (I don't hate them, and I respect their opinion). But let me just say that whatever our artists would do in future, even if it concerns leaving the group, is not our serious business and should not be the basis for hating that artist.
As fans we should be mature enough to accept what they would want to do with their lives. If the artist involve and their company has no problem with it, then we shouldn't also. I know it hurts a lot and it will forever leave a scar in our hearts but we must not let this be a reason for hating the said artist. That is toxic mindset! EXILE TRIBE and its members don't belong to us! I repeat
They do not belong to us!
They are people as well! They have their own private lives that we don't know of. They have dreams that they want to achieve! Some of those dreams they cannot do so when staying in the group. Don't be selfish and say "I feel betrayed and will not forgive him/her." Why? Are they bounded to you? Should they just abandon their dreams and other passions just so they can satisfy you? If the other members don't have a problem with it then, why do you have? If you truly love that person you would be willing enough to support whatever thing they would like to undertake. What we can do for them is support them, and send them off without making is heavier for them and for us. Their talent wouldn't go anywhere, in fact, it might be that they would have more facilities and freedom to show it off.
Furthermore! When praising our artists let us not bring others down. New fans have that mindset where they think that their artists are the best in the world when in fact (let's all be honest to ourselves) they are not. Don't get me wrong, they are the best for US FANS (they are our kings/queens), nevertheless, others might not think of it that way. Respect those opinions! Respect other people's preferences!
We fans don't exist to fight over who is the greatest but to appreciate what our fave artists do. Among the EXFAM, let's remember that THERE IS NO COMPETITION AMONG EXILE TRIBE MEMBERS SO DON'T MAKE ONE! WE ARE A FAMILY! EXILE TRIBE IS A HUGE FAMILY!! So please don't compare them. They each have their uniqueness, appreciate that and be content!
Sorry that this has become a long post and I may seem like I'm throwing tantrums but I just want to remind all of us that we are a family. 😓 We can't be perfect but maybe at least we can try to do what families need to do and that is to support family members.
I hope that we can all get along not only for the sake of our faves but also for our own sakes. 😌
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If you read this until the end, you have my greatest thanks 🙇💕 I also apologize for making you read this long post. 😅
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sayoxchan · 4 years
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“Mykayla skinner in the gymnastics world has started a youtube channel with vlogs detailing daily life in preparing for the olympics…SOMEONE FROM THE ELITE FIGURE SKATING WORLD PLEASE DO THIS, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!”
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sayoxchan · 4 years
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“Mykayla skinner in the gymnastics world has started a youtube channel with vlogs detailing daily life in preparing for the olympics…SOMEONE FROM THE ELITE FIGURE SKATING WORLD PLEASE DO THIS, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!”
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sayoxchan · 5 years
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“Shoma wanting to see Stephans reaction first after his free was WHOLESOME.“
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Challenge Cup 2020 in Den Haag
It's a wrap!
The time in Den Haag ended already and I wanted to share my highlights. It was the first time for me to see figure skating live and I was able to watch one of my favourite skaters as well!
First of all Shoma did amazing, I never thought seeing his skate live would be a different world, also delivering his best free skate I have ever seen. The Stephan/Shoma combi gives me life! He seems so happy and better with him.
Also Shoma gave his fans so much time afterwards, it's unbelievable I could get a picture with him and I'm still not okay, he was in an amazing mood and such a sweetheart!!!!
The best pic I could take before my selfie 🥰
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Keiji Tanaka is another Skater I was looking forward to so much! His Sherlock FS is one of my favourites at the moment and let's be real his beauty is no joke 😭🥰, seeing his skating live another joy I won't forget!
Keiji looking like a king in my blurry pic
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Paul Fentz I am so happy for him, it wasn't his best skate but his jumps were huge and beautiful during the warm-up he was doing really good and jumping where I was seated. Need to support favourite homeboy 🥺 unfortunately I couldn't take a decent picture of him :(
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Men's last but not least, sunshine Donovan god I'm so mad for Donovan missing world's with what less than half a point??? Urgh His skate was so nice to watch and I really could feel why he is loved. The only half decent pic I could take of him
For the ladies
Rika was my highlight BUT YUHANA OMG she was so happy after he skate and with that score NO WONDER
Rika seems to skate so effortlessly and it was just simply beautiful Urgh the quality is so bad here, on my phone it looks amazing😂
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Too sad that I can't watch the Ladies Free!
I'm so happy that I decided to go, all the stress was worth it and I definitely won't forget this experience.
Hopefully they will be there next year as well I would love to see them again!
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Ahhh we did not get only the new Anime season we got both of the OVAs as well, Haikyuu never disappoints. 
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Haikyuu Season 4
So it’s been a looooong time and today finally we are getting the Anime of Haikyuu back and because it has been such a long time I was eager to write something because I love Haikyuu and missed the Anime so bad. 
Haikyuu has been my favorite Anime since I found it in the end of 2014(?) It was also the main reason why I even created a Tumblr Blog. It’s one of the rare Anime which I can watch several times without getting bored at all, also the Manga, usually I dislike reading a Manga for a sports anime because I want those movements but man Haikyuu just managed to make the Manga so interesting that I have, while waiting for the 4th season read it 2-3 times until the newest chapter 🤣
Considering the Arc in the Manga is the last one I can’t wait to see all of those events animated properly.
Let me talk a little about my favourite characters here: My ultimate favourite character for any Anime/Manga became Bokuto, I love Bokuto, he is so much fun, carefree and amazing as a character but also, when needed a serious Senpai with a lot of things in his mind. Haikyuu became 100% better for me with him in it (it was already high in my ranking before). I just love the dedication but seriousness of a Senpai. I am waiting so bad for the OVAs to be released so I can get my BokuAka Team back. When they are together, they are just the perfect team, you don’t need a IwaOi childhood bond (no worries I love them a lot) for trusting each other like they do. 
Ahh I had to get that out before the new season starts and I completely fall into a fangirl hell again. 
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Happy New Year to all my mutuals here!
I hope all of you guys have a good start into the new year!
Let's talk more with each other be it here or Twitter! 🥰
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Can a man be that good looking and not be a crime?
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Gunchan - Instagram update
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Can someone talk with me about Ossan’s Love?
I have been in LOVE with this drama since the first season came out and now with Chiba Yudai in the sequel I’m deaaad. Though I miss Maki T-T The comedy had me lying on the floor laughing with some stomach ache for a while and the sequel as the same great comedy. Mostly because of Tanaka Kei he is so good at acting this role. 
Can’t wait for the movie to be available soon, with Maki in it 🥰
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Happy Birthday Yuzuru Hanyu🎊✨
Today may have not been how you were planning it to be, but you landed 5 amazing quads and captured the breath of every person sitting in the arena. You are growing more and more and always pushing this sport to the max. I have once again been captured by your performance and can’t wait for the next performance you will deliver. 
Have an amazing birthday, rest well and hopefully you eat a cake with Ghislain later.
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Back to the roots...?
I have been thinking lately, that I am spending so much time on Twitter and really neglecting my blog here, well in the first place this blog is full of everything so I’m not having a ‘main’ thing on my blog, but in the end it’s the first social media that I used to kinda get into fandoms I guess.  I want to start post more (random) stuff again, hope the time allows me to do so. The reason why I went over to twitter is because it’s easier, I guess? 
Hopefully I can find my motivation again for posting stuff here, good thing I am getting back to Haikyuu as well recently so my fangirling moments will most likely return, please bear with me 🤣 Let’s call this a new year thing because Haikyuu is also returning next month. 🥰
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sayoxchan · 5 years
four years worth of waiting 😩
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Bokuto & Akaashi
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sayoxchan · 5 years
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i want to hold your haaaaaand i want to hold your hand
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sayoxchan · 5 years
Finally caught up with the Haikyuu Manga again.
That being said, it's the final Arc and I'm already becoming sad, Haikyuu is, was and will be my favorite manga of all time and seing the end nearing makes me so sad 😭
Hinata is now a 19 years old man, can't wait to see what happens in this final arc, though I wished to see a little bit more about their second and third year life
and the Bokuto vs Hinata I was hoping to see it so bad😖
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