saythemthetruth · 3 years
Cinderella's prince attacks again. Old PR's and rumors again, they can be single without peace. - 🍿
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
there's a user on youtube called " la mística hinojosa" thst has a video called "Termine enculada por lauren jauregui", this person says ( in Spanish) at the beginning of the video that has a friend who knows camila and lauren and said camren was real, but not anymore. What do you think of that?
with all due respect, i think that’s bs-🔪
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
hello i am from brazil . i love paige
Halo, mate. My pleasure.
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Do you know why Lauren archived/deleted all of her pictures ?
A announcement.
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Important curiosity to observe:
The Carpool thing is so interesting, her voice, her face, the expressions.
I don't know if these scrambled facts was planned, but remind rumors of the past like SS said that Eyes On You is about M cheated on Camila and that's why they broke up (we know that's song is not about it). But after the Carpool's talk if you understand Camila cheated M to be with the S.
But we have this
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So, the beginning of the relationship was with a betrayal and the end of it too.
All the interviews associating S with Prince Charming only add to the rumor that S has saved C from a toxic relationship.
Waiting for the next step...
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
I came here to bring some observations on what we've researched in these past few months. So, follow the thread:
1) Camila's image is connected to 2 things: empowerment and latinity. A remake of a classic farytale movie that brings an empowered confindent Cinderella and also have the representativeness of said character being played by a latin woman. 
An album about her latin family and cuban heritage. She has been talking a lot about being confident about her body and regards the bodyshaming she suffered. I'm not saying that she can't be ok about herself and her body, but... 
they're clearly using that to promote a feminist discourse. 
And the visibility that she gave during the whole situation that happened in Cuba. Everything is interconnected and it's being used for self-promotion. 
It's simple: a marketing that takes advantage of her culture and showing her as someone that is independent and fearless. 
. https://t.co/MiPkoNsOS2
. https://t.co/rV8Ga6o5cj
. https://t.co/uJtOx2lqfE
. https://t.co/6OWCz4jwam
. https://t.co/oF3JfGeJ9o
. https://t.co/pDn0TpFap7 
Anon even mentioned something about this thing of her being confident and independent while Shawn stays as the insecure and dependent one of the relationship. It's the construction of a future narrative that It's also begining.
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2) Speaking of latinity, idk if y'all noticed but there's a new agency in this game. Imagine It Média. Romani (allaboutromi) It's behind this agency that manages a lot of latin artists, including Anitta and C. Tangana. 
That explains why they interact and promote each other:
. https://t.co/fm5Nx96xaq
. https://t.co/pQefRih7o0
. https://t.co/eAwE6Fc8iX
. https://t.co/UGZYy0Obla
And It just gets better (or worse): this company (Imagine It Media) has direct connection with Neon16, bc It also has clients like Tainy and Kris Floyd. 
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Remember that a few months ago Tainy said that he would do a collab with Camila in the future: 
. https://t.co/vKkS1YTjJV
Oh, and Steve Aoki is also part of this client list. Almost everyone of Lauren's work cycle in these past few years are part of It. What a small world, huh. 
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In Miami's Premiere Romani was replacing Dvora. A replacement to Camila's next era, probably, which is an empowered latina, as a said. This woman organized everything in Miami's Premiere.
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That also explains why even tho S was there, we didn't have many highlights of them together. She's there for Camila and her image. 
Shawmila PR it's Dvora's work, not Romani's.  
In case u wanna know who's Dvora:
. https://t.co/OAWSvAO9BS
Just a few more things to show to yall that there is connection: 
She's managing Jhon Legend and shawnmila. That explains why Camila and him are working together at The Voice
Coming back, C is still with her old team. Scott, Mike Sabath (that is also a part of Neon16), Dvora, etc. Dvora may continue while shawmila are together. 
What we think about this is that in case the contract with the current agency It's coming to an end, she's is going to Romani's agency. Consequently, she'll be connected with Neon16 more than ever. OR Romani's agency It's just an agreement for this new era. 
Neon16 wants to created an Empire and it's hiring en masse latin artists, or with latin descendants and even reggaeton sympathizers.
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Lauren, Selena, Shawn, DuaLipa, Rosalia, JBalvin. I believe that Justin and Camila could also be part of the list. 
Meanwhile, Roger is doing nothing (as always). If the new marketing strategy is in Romani's charge and the movie promo is from Amazon... He's literally just there, existing.
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Hi, How do you think Camila and Lauren had a very beautiful relationship, a lot of love, a lot of complicity, they started fighting, arguing, not communicating in their relationship? What do you think this change is due to? Have a nice day!!
i don’t think i understand your question. can you explain please? sorry i’m kinda slow
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Hope your safe. I would like to know your opinion about this. Do you think apart from the PR between Lauren and Lucy they had a relationship / fling (that is to say real)?
there was nothing between them. hope you’re safe too ❤️
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Hi, I hope you do not mind if I asked you. Do you think that the sabotage towards Camila's career is something planned (she knows it) or it's a situation that she had no knowledge until now?
it is planned (not by her) and she does know about it (most times)
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Cinderella premiere 👀
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Neon16 (Draft)
How Neon16 is become and empire ?
A label only created, two years ago with the difficulty of the health crisis. 
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Lex Borrero
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the main sentence : “ bring their guard down quickly”
They want to attract Latin artists (or artists with Latin origins like Shawn Mendes)
Neon16 like any other label have the same strategy. Make artists dream during the first year (sometimes also during the second. Like example, we can give Fifth Harmony in 2013 or Camila Cabello in 2017) so that artists are confident and sign contracts with clauses, many clauses. Clauses that will be the reasons for their misfortune years later. That’s how we have artists stuck in a toxic industry. Manipulative labels and naive artists.
Camila’s current catastrophic situation is due to her naivety in 2015.  The label saw that Camila was a dreamer and that her personality appealed to the public. So they sold her a dream in 2 points :
- promised her that she would have a solo career (= her dream)
- made her join the TayloSwift’s group purely built by the industry (= friend with her idol)
Goal : reach “Hollywood” via NTERTAIN
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Lex Borrero and Tainy : founders of Neon16 (Tainy for the artistic side and Lex for the business side)
Ivan Rodriguez :  Neon16’s Head of Creative
Tommy Mottola : was  the Chairman & CEO of Sony Music Entertainment .  Mottola has guided the careers of Celine Dion, Mariah Carey, Beyonce, Billy Joel, Bruce Springsteen, Aerosmith and Will Smith, and helped create an infusion of Latin music since the ’90s, breaking artists from Gloria Estefan to Ricky Martin, Shakira, Jennifer Lopez, and Marc Anthony
Project : 
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With Peter Micelli and Range, we wanted to make sure we didn’t come into Hollywood without the arm and strength of who we thought was the best of the best.”
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No coincidence on why we had the Showmila/Eva and Camilo (both working with Lex Borrero at the same time), like no coincidence on why John Legend and his wife help Showmila and why Camila is on Thevoice with John, they have the same publicist. Now the question is why  Radhi Devlukia-Shetty and her husband helps Showmila. 
Furthermore  Camila promoted a lot C tengana, lately because they have the same agent :
Romina promoted a lot Camila so Camila is officially enter into the network of Ntertain. Romina promoted also Shawn last song but it seems to be only because Tainy is on it so after the end of Showmila, Shawn will say goodbye to the latin world
Note : Romina work for years with Jose Angel Resendez. They worked for Camila, Lauren and 5H since almost the beginning.
5H :
Camila :
Lauren :
Artists signed under Neon16
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Dylan Fuentes and Kris Floyd : a new singer and and a person capable of singing and writing songs
Some Artists working with Neon16 (and so enter Ntertain)
Step 1 : the first generation of artists who worked with Neon16 (friends of the house and big potential)
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- Bad Bunny : Very popular artist in Latin America but who need to conquer the famous American market
- Rauw Alejandro : New artist who become famous thanks to Neon16 (Watch his evolution since the Lento Remix with Lauren J in terms of followers and views on Youtube)
- J Balvin : an latin artist who have achieved the “american dream” (big experience and friend with Tainy)
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Two female artists with big potential (and whose career has not really begun):
- Kali Uchi and Lauren Jauregui
Kali’s career is starting well while Lauren’s career is stagnating for the moment
Step 2 : Neon16 wants more and want popular singers
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- Selena Gomez : Very popular artist with the young generation who need new challenges to continue to be attractive (artist who must make comebacks regularly after depressions)
- Dua Lipa : Very popular singer who need to conquer the latin market
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- Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes : Two singers very popular with the young generation.  Two artists who by bad strategies (voluntary or not) of their team have entered into an obligation to constantly provide daily content whether musical or on social media. The eras from both don’t stop, it goes on, era after era without break and logic (and sometimes without too much creativity, without a universe specific to the album. A  disappointing #Romance and #Wonder). Camila and Shawn can’t afford to do like artists like Adele (or Stromae in Europe) who are artists who can disappear for 5 years and come back and it will be (except surprises) full of success. 
Step 3 : getting others popular artists
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Neon16 is dangerous but also the Massey family
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Interview in 2018 :
 “The whole purpose of this is to work with as many artists as we can,” David Massey adds, “in any form possible.”“We’re going to be very active and aggressive”
and they didn’t lie … Few examples :
1) In 2021, an Italian group exploded in the eyes of Europeans thanks to the eurovision contest, Maneskin. A few days later, David Massey signed them with Arista Records.
2) In 2020, the Massey signed Scott Harris. The singer full of potential, Camila cabello has working with scott Harris for her entire next era and for some songs for the Cinderella movie. Conclusion, Camila worked for them for the next year (or maybe the next two years of the released of the album and the tour is late)
The massey want to conquer the world and not only the US (and Canada). The american market is under control for them. With their artists, they use David’s networkd thanks to his past into the industry ( previously served as president of Universal Music Group’s ) and use classic strategy like fake relationship (Showmila or Julia/JPSaxe)
You don’t come out unscathed from Music Industry. 
If the Camila, Shawn,  … want to get out of this, they’re gonna have to take risks and rebel because the industry won’t let them take their liberty. Taylor Swfif is about 10 years older than them and she’s still a lesbian who can’t come out. Ben Affleck and JLO are 50 years old and are still doing PR.
Lauren has a more original background than Shawn and Camila (who have a classic background) because she rebelled against management. Currently, she is stuck between the “free artist” side and her “celebrity” side. With the release of her album, we will know if Lauren will join Shawn and Camila in “hell” or if she will succeed in finding a certain freedom in this crazy world but I have the feeling that she locked herself up by associating with Neon16. 
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Clarifying some things from this week:
- Laucy:
There’s nothing confirmed about a pr but they will probably use them as stunt, you know, making up gossip at the time of the EP/album release so the public relates the songs to lucy.
However their intention is more than just an association, it can also be used as marketing since it would be helpful to promote both lauren and lucy’s works. Also, remember that lucy recently entered the music industry.
- 2016/cycles:
As we have mentioned several times, there are cycles involved in almost everything. Shawmila is turning Shawn back to 2018 Shawn (his fans have been noticing a lot and comparing his pics from 2018 and from now) or they repeat pictures and situations from the beginning of the pr and previous prs (pictures at the beach, amusement park, etc…) and we think they are trying to get us back to 2016, this time was really important to the public.
We don’t know if they’re gonna do that but it’s getting obvious that some things from that time are being repeated.
- Engagement:
The whole engagement thing is something we have foreseen months ago, being used as the last card of the deck in the pr, the couple was fed up (even tho they were able to get them back into synch) so an engagement would shake things up and make their names go up on the media again for a while and then they would end it with some excuses we have already talked about (it’s on the fixed post just look for it, it’s easy to find).
As we imagined, a few days ago the fandom started speculating about that possibility and obviously the management is well aware of it, they even brought that question to a tv show.
So don’t be alarmed if it happens, even tho that may mean that the pr will be slightly extended it’s also very likely to be their last move as a couple.
When we said things were messed up we weren’t joking. Imagine a chessboard where all the pieces are moving, everything is foggy and there are lots of loose ends that still don’t fit.
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
um about the lucy likes regarding lauren on tiktok, it wasn’t only that. lucy also responded to a comment which clearly hinted that laucy was pr with an ‘ouch’ and then someone under her said ‘why ouch?’ and lucy responded ‘ouch that you dedicate yourself to watering fake gossip that above all, all they do is hurt the people involved that you don’t even know’. also afterwards someone commented under that, saying that lucy was the one who watered cheap fake gossip herself when she hinted that laucy was pr or that lauren had cheated on her and once again lucy replied ‘if you did not live the relationship or what happened it is simply not your responsibility to talk about it much less with authority’. so yea a lot more than just some likes happened that day and tbh i don’t know i might sound stupid but lucy’s words feel legit to me.i mean it’s not like her platform on tik tok is huge and everyone would notice what she replied to the point where she’d be obliged to lie and support a ‘narrative’. she could simply ignore these comments and the fact that she didn’t, kind of sits wrong with me 🤷‍♀️
The major question one should be asking themselves about this is...WHY NOW?!!!
Forget the narrative for a second. It has been FIVE YEARS. Why is Lucy still entertaining anything about Lauren? If Lauren treated her so badly, and supposedly cheated on her, why is still giving it attention?!!!
You are right, she COULD have simply ignored the shit. In fact, with all the shit she has gotten since that whole fiasco, she SHOULD have been blocking and muting the hell out of people, not giving them a space to project, let alone giving them her attention.
So, I ask again, WHY NOW? Lauren is back in the news with her Diane Warren song. Lucy released a single not long ago, with her father. You are paying more attention to WHAT she is saying. I'm more interested in the TIMING that it's being said. It doesn't matter what size her platform is. She has you talking and thinking about it...and now, you have me talking about it.
See how it works. She says something to get attention on her little platform. It gets your attention, and you come to other platforms to ask about it. Then me/they answer questions about it, and it just spreads from there. (by the way, when I opened my ask box, the first 6 questions was about this shit. This is the only one I'm answering for all of them)
One doesn't try to PUBLICLY defend a fucking "relationship" that ENDED five damn years ago. There is only one reason to do that. TO GET ATTENTION, period!!!!!
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
I just read your bad kind of butterflies theory by Camila and loved the focus you put on the meaning of the song. I would like to know if you could make a theory of the song always love by Lauren? please!!! I would like to know what is your opinion about that song
That's quite funny to do. Will be settled, thanks for the suggestion. - 🍿
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Hi, in the answer to one of your questions you answered this "We have our sources" what do you mean by that?
Search, opening the eyes, theories and some informations. - 🍿
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Do you believe the rumor that Camila and Taylor Hill had an affair?
Definitely no. - 🍿
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saythemthetruth · 3 years
Hi, I'm new to your tumblr. I love It. Do you think L and C are still together as in a relationship? And why do you think that?
Hi, I'm so flattered. Yeah, certainly they're together. We have our sources and if you have 2 eyes and 2 neurons surely you would agree too. - 🍿
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