sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
To the anonymous sender who sent in the application for Karkat, I haven't heard anything confirming your taking the spot in a week, so please send a link to the blog in an ask.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
The Nargacuga is moving dangerously close to the village. Children have reported seeing the beast around where they played. There have yet to be any attacks, but don't dismiss the idea yet. The threat must be taken care of immediately!
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Important notice
Please don't submit things with an email, it makes it a little tougher to contact you, I recently had someone submit an app with only an email address to get back to, and I'd like to keep things to Tumblr to stay organized.
Thank you.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
((A message to all people in and out of the AU, this is not an exclusive group, you can rp with the members no matter what. I felt the need to put that out there for everyone.))
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Announcement to all hunters!
A Nargacuga has been spotted in the forest, please be wary of the monster as it is still considered a threat until it is hunted or leaves of its own accord. Remember if you are going out for materials to bring a weapon with you.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
just curious, what is the tag i should be using? monsterstuck, monsterhunterstuck, etc? my vote would be for monsterhunterstuck ;;>> i think there are already a number of other AU using monsterstuck, but that's just my suggestion V__V;
Yes this has been a bit hard for me to decide as well, but even though its long I think that monsterhunterstuck is a good one because its the only one not being used by anyone else. I tried MHstuck and that's also in use by others in case anyone was wondering.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
((Regarding this blog as a small part of the roleplaying soon))
Typing 'out of character' seeing as this blog doesn't do too much other than take apps and submit new little things and guidelines and the such, I have decided that once things get moving in the AU, this blog will be used to announce big monsters and events happening. Things like if an elder dragon or something is available, weather, crisis situations, and anything relating to the guilds that need be announced.
Is this a good idea?
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Do you have to RP to be a part of this AU?
What do you mean by a part of it? If you mean to draw for it or write for or something not at all, this is just a blog to organize those who would like to roleplay it as a possible group.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Special characters
Special characters are simply the ones I haven't found a way to fit into the world. If you are applying for one of these characters, like Davesprite, you will have a lot more creativity as to how they got that way. Any unlisted character could count as a special, if you have ideas for how they fit in, then sharing could be much appreciated, even if you aren't applying for them.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
What counts as 'basic knowledge' of Monster Hunter?
Basic knowledge of Monster Hunter counts as knowing the universe you are role playing in. The world of Monster Hunter is a large one, inhabited (normally) by humans, beings called wyverians, and of course, monsters. They do have some technology, though its mostly used for weaponry and transport. You won't find something like Ahab's Crosshair's here, or anything of that sort. Nor will you find computers or television.
That being said the monsters in this world are different from what most envision from the word. A monster is simply a wild creature. Even the felynes who help in the city are classified as monsters. You don't need to know every monster's name, that would be crazy to ask of people. The only time you need to know a monster's name is if your character is going up against it, and even then you probably won't be using the name too often. Again all monster names can be found on the wiki, and most will probably be from either Tri or Unite.
Another crucial part of the universe is the items. There are a lot of items in Monster Hunter. You don't need to know all the items, only the useful ones. So here is a list of the useful items you should probably know: Healing stuff in order of least amount of health to greatest: Herb, Potion, Mega Potion. Field stuff: Whetstone, Paintball, Hot Drink, Cool Drink, Ration, Raw/rare/cooked steak, Shock/Pitfall trap.
That's all that's required to know, material wise I'd say look it up, even for a person who plays a lot I don't prioritize memorizing all but the bare basics.
The last thing that is crucial knowledge are things your character can and cannot do in this universe. For example, if you're fighting a monster underwater, you cannot stay under forever unless you're a seadweller, If you're a seadweller you might want to consider the conditions of the water around you, as they could be sensitive to temperature or even just the things floating in it, especially in the swamp! Just keep it real. Also, when going on quests only four people can join a quest unless it is a guild-wide emergency, in which hunting parties can conjoin, basically just having a bunch of hunting parties on the same quest rather than the usual one.
This may be updated.
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Submissions are now acceptable, if you have a character app then send it on over!
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Ask and submission boxes are now open!
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sburbanguild-blog · 12 years
Tumblr media
MORE MONSTERSTUCK YES WOO. This time in the ring we have Feferi vs a Lagiacrus, which I should have done Eridan for because he’s part land dweller? Ceadeus would make more sense for Feferi but this is good too. Also first time drawing Feferi. A proper ref for her will be out asap as I have the sketch.
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