OOC : Ok, just a head up to warn that since a friend of mine is going to stay a week at my home, I won’t be too present (what’s new ;;; ) I wanted to reply to the asks I got this week today, but I had so much cleaning to do, I didn’t have time for it orz So hopefully, next friday ! ;;;
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Song been on repeat for awhile now 
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What you sow you reap
Starter for @mediknight
There was a voice in his head. Loud and deafening and hissing with urgency. And that voice kept telling him something was wrong. 
Kurapika stared at his phone with a frown, reading the message he just received over and over, worry growing within him with every second he was wasting there, indecisive.
Above the few words constituting the content of said message : the name of the sender, next to which was a phone number he knew like the back of his hand, only because he got to see the series of digits rouse his phone multiple times during the course of the year. 
They said : “From LEORIO (+xxx-xx-x) - 6:23 PM” to the right of a faceless picture. The lack of image was nothing out of the ordinary for his contacts, though. Kurapika simply never bothered taking the time to edit this sort of things on his various devices.
Receiving a message from Leorio shouldn’t be, and never had been, a source of worry for Kurapika. However, this time, there were a few signs warning him something was off. Kurapika counted three red flags already, details that inspired a sense of dread and alert to him. 
First, Leorio never sent him texts before. He liked to call, even though it was to continuously ending on Kurapika’s voicemail every time he tried reaching him. Kurapika actually never understood why his friend kept insisting on calling when he could write instead. But as it was, Kurapika never picked up, Leorio was leaving a voice message, and that was how it always had been. Kurapika wasn’t... didn’t want to ignore his friend, but he had his reasons.
Then, there was the nature itself of the message : nothing but what looked like coordinates to a location. No explanations. Not only was it odd, it was also extremely unlike Leorio. 
And lastly, it wasn’t signed. Yes, one could suppose it didn’t really matter, it didn’t need to be signed, especially when Leorio already knew his number was saved in Kurapika’s contacts list, however, even when he was calling, Leorio always introduced himself, often starting his messages with “Hey, it’s me, Leorio, ...”
Alarm and worry kept gnawing at Kurapika, the message was too strange  to ignore. Now it was leaving a painful lump in his throat, and he swallowed with difficulty as he finally took a decision.
Shoving his phone in his suit and almost missing the pocket in his hurry, he politely asked if he could, this one time, leave his duties, for something urgent came up. He then excused himself in front of his boss before going straight to one of the cars owned by his employer. He didn’t have to think twice before typing the coordinates in his navigation system, turning the key, starting the engine and leaving. He drove, well above the speed limit, directly to the mysterious place. All that time, worry didn’t leave him.
On the road, many scenarios ran inside Kurapika’s head, but nothing could have prepared him for what he found once he finally got to the site. Said site was a long deserted, old  warehouse, situated in a forsaken, disreputable area of the city. Stray cats fleed upon his arrival, while, on the horizon, the sun was starting to set. Broken windows, and a rusty gate with an even rustier, huge padlock at its feet greeted him instead of voices. It was awfully silent. Too silent to Kurapika’s liking.
He recognized the area. Leorio was renting an appartment not so far away. Even though it was located in a different district, it was enough to convince Kurapika that his worries were legitimate, that something had happened, must have happened.
The moment he stepped inside the building, threatening to collapse, Kurapika didn’t bother with his usual wariness and precautions for his mind, and eyes, were set on something else. Something lying on the floor in the middle of the place, right in front of him. 
There was absolutely no sign of life. The only thing he could see was that figure, lying immobile ahead, a familiar body with familiar clothes and Kurapika’s heart dropped. 
He hurried towards the body, and all his worries were confirmed. It was Leorio.
Immediately, reflexively, Kurapika grabbed the man’s wrist and just like that, he remembered how to breathe. Leorio was alive. But in what state... 
Unconscious, he appeared to be bleeding from numerous, tiny cuts covering his face and body, and while they looked like mere paper scratches from afar, a closer look revealed they were deep, sharp and messy. His left eye was also swollen and purple, he had numerous ecchymoses on his face and, given the color tainting his teeth and the splash of red by the side of his face, he probably had been spitting blood, too. Kurapika find it hard to breathe, the beating of his heart resonating so loudly inside his head he was starting to feel sick.
Leorio was fully dressed, but his suit had been slashed all over, showing the same kind of small cuts Kurapika had first noticed on his face, and it was tainted with blood. Leorio truly was in bad shape, but Kurapika feared this outer aspect was only the tip of the iceberg, and that the damages were deeper under all this. 
While he was breathing, his breath was labored, until something that sounded like something between a groan and a word escaped his lips. Taking his face between his hands as gently as he could, Kurapika hushed him softly. The priority, for now, was to heal the man, and Kurapika’s chains’ rings materialized around his fingers as one of his chains, adorning a cross, hung loose above Leorio’s body.
For the time being, Kurapika was trying not to jump to conclusions and focus fully on Leorio, but he couldn’t shake away the fact that the authors of these atrocious doings gave him the directions to this place as a way to send him a message, probably a punishment or a threat, which meant it was his fault Leorio went through such treatments. 
If it was true.... 
Kurapika didn’t like the idea one bit, all the more when he had been doing all he could -or so he thought until now- to avoid a scenario like this one since the moment he started working for the Nostrade family. He bit his bottom lip as he closed his eyes. It was because of him. 
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For now I am too lazy/don’t have time to make an actual promo post for this blog, but I’ll probably make one some time later. So I’m just writing this as a notice that I ended up making a blog for this muse after all. 
We don’t know much about this character, so my wray of writing her may be very subjective and slightly off for a while before I get more comfortable with this muse. 
Blog will be under construction for a while because, again, don’t have much time but the basics are there (i.e : being able to send asks.)
Note : this is a sideblog, main is @scarleteyeskurta
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Magic anon! Kurapika is a vampire for 5 asks! He'll be a kurampire.
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(ooc : *whispers* don’t ever hesitate to send me magic anons ♥)
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You're incredibly sweet and fun to talk to and the way you play kurapika is perfect! I'd interacted with you before I even saw him in the series in game and I already knew I loved that stubborn avenger
aww thank you so much, you’re so precious!! ♥
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When you RP with people and their posts are like fucking Shakespeare and yours are basically I CAN COUNT TO POTATO
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TAGGED BY: @niightingcle
NICKNAME:  Kimie GENDER:   female  STAR SIGN:   Virgo HEIGHT: 160 cm SEXUALITY:  lesbian/demisexual (I guess ??) HOGWARTS HOUSE:  Hufflepuff  FAVORITE ANIMALS:  cats I guess ? AVERAGE HOURS OF SLEEP: varies constantly, sometimes I only need 6 but most of the time it’s 9 or even 10 hours DOGS OR CATS:  cats (love dogs but I never lived with dogs and I don’t think dogs are for me, they’d drain me, it’s too much energy ;;; but dogs are lovely <3) NUMBER OF BLANKETS:  usually one light sheet + one heavy duvet WHERE I AM FROM: France DREAM TRIP:   Nordic country, Japan (already been there but I want to go back, just not on my own this time lgkjh) WHEN I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT:  december 2017 WHY I CREATED THIS ACCOUNT:  because I had a (huge) need to rp leopika. First I was rolepying with a friend on discord (muse was Leorio) but, idk, I wanted to rp on tumblr instead, because I like the numerous ask memes/prompts etc, that are used on tumblr. I wanted to share my writing with others (even though it’s not really good, but it can also help improving), and also I realized I was slightly more comfortable with a Kurapika muse rather than Leorio. So making this account was an opportunity to pick that muse. FOLLOWERS:  51~~
Tagging: err gosh idk, I feel a bit uncomfortable tagging people I never interacted with before ;;; so hm, @loudyetkindheartdoctor ; @loyalbulterofthezoldyck ; @mediknight and @killua-and-company if you want to and if you haven’t been tagged for this too many times before I guess ^^”
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OOC : btw, if anyone has good advices to balance rp time with life in general, please I need help orz 
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Kurapika could tell he hit a nerve. Not that it was a difficult guess, everyone could see that much. Even though Leorio didn’t explicitly phrased it, his body language, and the way he was so obviously refraining from yelling by clenching his teeth and bending over with tight fists it was almost silly, was enough indication. 
Great. Fantastic. Their date was starting fabulously. Kurapika sighed and tried to soothe the atmosphere he -he admitted that much- created there. 
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“You are right, I am tired and today is no exception. ... I shouldn’t have said this.”
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“My apologies, Leorio. It’s been a long day...”  He added with a soft smile before brushing his hand against Leorio’s, a silent and shy request, hoping it would pacify his touchy friend, and that he would allow them to hold hands.  
“I wasn’t sure you’d show up. But I’m glad you did.”
Stages of Relationships Starters×× @loudyetkindheartdoctor // accepting
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Slightly taken aback by the words he received for greetings and, truth be told, that stung him more than he would admit, the hurt he would not speak out loud, but he thought Leorio trusted him a little more than that, Kurapika parted his lips once… Twice… 
No words escaped. 
Until finally, he sighed. Locking eyes with Leorio’s, he said slowly : 
“… I’m not one to come back on my words. I thought you knew that much.”
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