scarletwinds · 2 years
🍁 @caliburn​
Though this island and its people were fairly new to him, the trees and their pixies reminded him so strongly of Inazuma and the bake-danuki that Kazuha was unexpectedly drawn to any event the pixies might host... Which was how he found himself currently deep in the woods with a teacup pig. While he was used to foraging for food, the idea of working with a trained pig was a new and welcome one, as he was more accustomed to boars charging him if he forgot himself and wandered too close.
When the little animal dashed through a thicket, presumably having sensed something Kazuha could not, he was happy to follow. Entering the clearing, he found his pig snout-to-snout with another over a golden truffle they seemed to both have found at the same time. Near the other pig was a young blonde woman who stood with a noble air and beheld the scene with the eyes of a fighter.
“I see this prize is contested.” Personally, Kazuha saw no reason to fight over the truffle when there were most likely more around and hoped the young lady felt the same - though he did appreciate the spirited attitude of the little pigs.
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“If you find it agreeable, I propose you take this one and I will collect the next one we find. If we work together, surely we will find another truffle twice as fast."
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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A cat boop on ur tl!!!
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scarletwinds · 2 years
I’m working on replies and starters now, but I’m going to wait until I finish the summer event to get back to you golden apple people because I want to do right by you. So, it might be a few more days, sorry!
what a wild patch for kazuha tho
first my guy gets possessed by a talking sword then his patron god / friend purposefully gets him plastered then he has a nightmare-trauma-mirage and a boat calls him “brother”
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scarletwinds · 2 years
🍁 @douzeepees​
The ronin could feel the scene before him crystallize in his mind. Carefully, he gathered the moment up and carved it into a haiku.
“The sea waves thunder
Echoes hearts before battle,
Thy rival renown.” 
Though he did not know the young man, the other smelled of iron and steel even under the strong scent of salty sea. To Kazuha’s sharp eyes, his new ally had the stance of a practiced fighter.
"It's my honor to fight with you, even if so... informally," Kazuha says as his foam sword wobbles in his hand. He isn’t exactly sure how he managed to get swept up in a double battle with foam swords on floating rafts, but a good spar would keep his skills sharp and his teammate at least seemed an interesting sort.
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“My name is Kaedehara Kazuha. I have high hopes we will work well together.”
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scarletwinds · 2 years
🍁 @baddestdangerboy​
Having spent the last year of his life traveling the land and seas, Kazuha has long been used to the company of... more weathered souls. Many of his crewmates aboard the Alcor had eye-patches, and Kazuha himself has spent his fair share of nights sleeping under the stars. All this to say, the reason the samurai's gaze lingered in the direction of the young man was purely due to the two-headed, four-winged seagull perched precariously near the other’s table.
The unique fauna of the island seemed to be drawn to the locals cooking a large amount of food in an outdoor space. Most of the animal guests had kept a respectful distance under Kazuha’s interested gaze, but this particularly courageous bird was glaring daggers at the food set before the gangly young man.
"Excuse me," Kazuha began, "I believe that gull intends to steal your sandwh-"
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Unfortunately, he wasn't able to finish his warning before the seagull swooped towards the redhead.
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scarletwinds · 2 years
Starter call for Kazuha?
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Non-event but might be spiralefes related. Capped at 4 with castmates exempt!
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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✔ Kazuha’s story quest? done! ✔ Kazuha’s mirage? done! ✔ Kazuha’s blog? updated! -- replies and starter call? soon!
also, I’ll be tagging any 2.8 spoilers until the next patch!
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scarletwinds · 2 years
“The wind tells me that today should be a day of celebration for you, yet I hear no sounds of festivities-” is how Kazuha chose to begin his conversation with Childe after the taller man answered his door. The first part wasn’t strictly speaking the truth. His alternate self knowing Childe’s double was actually the main source of Kazuha’s information, but the samurai didn’t wish to unnecessarily burden Childe’s obviously already troubled mind with that information right now.
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“After meeting you, I find it difficult to believe that even a Harbinger of destruction - such as you - has wrought so much wrong that you deserve to isolate yourself today of all days.”
Smile now tinged with amusement, Kazuha begins to walk away before turning and beckoning to Childe with gesture.
“Fortunately, the city is holding many jocund events to partake in.”
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scarletwinds · 2 years
The samurai had been content to watch the colorful array of fireflies for a few hours, waves peacefully lapping at the sand near his feet... but something about the way the fireflies twinkled in front of his eyes spoke to him. 
Perhaps it was simply the wind whispering in his ear, but he felt as if the softly blinking lights were pleading with him. He was overcome with a sudden desire to grant these slow-moving friends a greater freedom of movement on this windless night.
Kazuha raised his bandaged palm, summoning a small whirlwind composed carefully of gentle breezes and the little lights flocked to it. Soon, the ronin had a large gathering of fireflies, changing colors in a dizzying show as they rode the gentle currents.
Watching these swirls of lights, a haiku sprang into the samurai’s mind and flowed through his lips unbidden.
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“‘Beneath midnight sky
Drifted drops of astral light
Transform as firefly.’”
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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scarletwinds · 2 years
At first, Kazuha simply thought Childe had gotten better at concealing his presence from him. He wouldn’t put it above Childe to try and ambush the ronin if the Harbinger considered that a fair strategy of war... But no. While both people had the aura of deep rushing water, the one approaching carried the scent of floral spring - an older familiar aroma that wasn’t the brisk scent of snow he was more recently acquainted with.
Instead of speaking immediately, Kazuha dropped to the ground gently - cushioned by wind. It simply wouldn’t be right to greet a long and proven ally by standing above them.
Soon, he finds himself nodding along to Ayato’s words in amused agreement. “’Copper Fox on the run, is it food or is it fun? Nightly searching far and wide, head and body full of pride.’ That is to say, if you moved two foxes to a new environment, they would likely still behave as foxes do.“ And indeed, Kazuha found Ayato to be largely unchanged from the man he knew when he was younger, if not only in nature.
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"Miss Ayaka mentioned that you too had made your way to this corner of the world. As always, the ripples in the water far proceed the source of their origin. May I be so bold as to ask why the Lord Commissioner should concern yourself with a simple ronin such as myself?"
It’s funny - they had discussed Kazuha, or someone who had deeply resembled Kazuha, he and his double.
Although they had only met briefly, the red-streak rebel, vigilante-type had been something that stuck in the CEO’s head, which, at the very least, meant that Kaedehara Kazuha as the Yashiro Commissioner knew him must also be here. Now that the seeming end of days had been averted, it was a simple matter of following a rumor trail.
Although he hardly ever followed that trail to the end in person - usually having his men inform him of the man’s presence and relative health, if they could even follow him across the ocean, he would appear in person now.
After all, he must needs follow the information himself. For the moment, at least.
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“Well now, while we have broken free of the domain of eternity, it seems some things don’t necessarily change.” Looking up, he spies the remaining Kaedehara in a tree. Napping? Perhaps, but it was time to wake up.
“As ever, tracking you down is truly a challenge of information gathering for the ‘anonymous red samurai’ who helped an old woman move snails back into her garden. Or warned someone against sleeping in factory plagued by bats.”
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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woops, I was so excited to share this I didn’t wait for the very cute ending
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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So Kazuha does wood carving while at sea ❤️
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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inazuma drip
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scarletwinds · 2 years
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KAEDEHARA KAZUHA ✧ Version 2.8 “Summer Fantasia” Trailer
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