Pro choice with an 8 week old 👍
Be all the Pro-choice you want..
Just know it’s us Pro-lifers that are the ones reproducing.
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When you put the sleeping baby down and they actually stay asleep...
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When the sleeping baby starts fussing and you just got to sleep...
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When the sleeping baby starts fussing and you just got to sleep...
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2 years and 10 months 👶
How long were you TTC before falling pregnant?
Patty ❤
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1 week update! Silas weighed 7lbs 9oz at his 1 week appointment, 2 ounces shy of his birth weight but his pediatrician isn't concerned and says he's gaining about an ounce a day. He ate 2 ounces every 3 hours for his first week and is using Similac Pro Advance for immune support to be switched to regular Similac Advance when we finish the current tub. I'll make a post explaining why we chose to formula feed later. He wore preemie size diapers for the first week and just moved up to newborn at exactly 1 week old. The newborn diapers are still too big for him but the preemies didn't have enough absorbency. He's still in newborn clothes and will be for the foreseeable future (depending on the brand). Koala Baby and Gerber onesies fit best and are the smallest. Carter's is the next best fit. Gerber newborn pants are still a little big though. He sleeps in his crib at night and naps in his bouncer (we only let him sleep for an hour in there before we move him to his crib though). Absolutely HATES diaper changes but loves to pee on me every chance he gets! He tolerates tummy time for a few minutes before fussing. He's doing really well and looks more like his daddy every day ❤😍
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Birth Story!
I scheduled an induction at my 40 week appointment for Tuesday, February 28th (1 day shy of 41 weeks). I arrived at the hospital around 8:30am already at 5cm and contracting on my own but didn't even feel it! My doctor decided not to use pitocin because I was having regular contractions. The labor and delivery nurses tried 3 times to get an IV in and each time it failed (this was super painful). After about an hour they finally called the IV specialist and got my IV placed. My doctor ruptured my water at 10 am and I started to really feel the contractions so I got an epidural at 10:35. The IVs seriously hurt worse than getting the epi! After the epidural things slowed down a little so I started pitocin at 11:35. Silas' heart rate had some minor decelerations that weren't solved by switching positions so they stopped the pitocin after an hour. They checked me for dilation around 2:15 and I was 6cm. Got checked again at 3:15 and I was up to a 7. By 3:45 I was 8cm dilated and they started the pitocin again to get me the last 2cm. Baby tolerated the pitocin well this time and by 4:30 I was 9.5cm and 100% effaced! At 5:15 my contractions were coming every minute and a half to 2 minutes apart so I knew I was getting really close to delivering. I was fully dilated and effaced but made the decision to allow baby to descend by himself to save energy. I began practice pushing at 5:54 with the nurse, my doctor was called in at 6:04 and after seeing how I was pushing rushed to put on her gown and gloves. She told me to stop pushing but his head was delivered after I stopped anyways. She told me to push one more time and he was out! Silas was delivered at 6:09pm after 15 minutes and 6 contractions with his cord wrapped around his body. I cried tears of joy! I had a mirror to watch his entry into the world and both DJ and my mom were in the room. I had minimal tearing on my labia but otherwise no tearing on my actual vagina/perineum or any other complications! Baby had a small blood vessel burst in each eye because of the fast delivery but the doctor said it's normal and will clear up on its own. We did skin to skin for an hour and I breastfed him, an experience I'll remember forever. I can't believe my labor was that fast and easy! I expected to be miserable but the worst part was the IVs and being thirsty because I was only allowed ice chips but wanted liquid water. I feel so lucky to have had a vaginal birth with no complications that resulted in a healthy baby boy 🍀
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Happy to announce that we did NOT circumcise our baby boy 👍
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Open the picture full sized to reduce blurriness
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It’s been a while! Tumblr hasn’t been working on my phone but baby is finally here! Silas David was born 2/28/17 at 6:09PM. He weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 19.75 inches long, born at 40w6d gestation. He is his daddy’s TWIN! He passed all of his tests and we were released on March 2nd. Birth story coming soon!
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Why a rear-facing carseat may be best in the events of a car crash. (Source)
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Ok but you're making a correlation/causation mistake here. Weight gain can exacerbate symptoms, but it does not cause the underlying condition - everything we know about pcos so far indicates it's probably genetic
I didn't have any symptoms of PCOS or any hormone dysfunction at all before I gained weight. In my case, my weight gain caused me to develop PCOS that I didn't have beforehand because the extra adipose tissue affected my estrogen levels and disrupted my hormone cycle. I've talked to my doctor about it
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In other words: eat more calcium so you don't get osteoporosis later in life
When your mother was pregnant with you, she was losing her bone mass to build your skeleton. Your bone is literally your mother’s bone. Alhamdullilah.
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when I first found your blog I judged based on the fact that you've been ttc since 17 but after looking at your blog a little more you seem very responsible for your age and I think you'll be a great mom. and one question is it weird to save for a baby if you're not planning on ttc anytime soon? I'm 18 and I know I wanna be a mom and I wanna make sure I can afford it and not have to worry a lot when the time comes lol
Thank you! It's good to save money period. At any time and for any reason, not just because you want a baby eventually. If wanting a baby is your motivation to save then that's great because it'll likely keep you focused on your goal but it's always a good idea to put money aside!
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Less than 24 hours 😭
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My parents are slightly more closely related to chimps than I am.
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This! ⬆ DJ is a welder and electrician at a shipyard that makes ferry boats and police boats. No college degree needed, so he has zero debt!
Can we PLEASE remove the stigma for blue collar work in America?
“You don’t wanna be a garbage collector when you grow up, do you?”
$34,000 a year, no college needed?
God forbid you take an honest job $7,000 above Michigan’s average cost of living line.
“You don’t wanna be a ditch digger.”
Bitch, I was making $15 an hour, post tax, doing exactly that, the fuck is wrong with it? (Other than it was physically exhausting.)
We need to help America, as a whole, understand that college is not, and should not be he only option, and that there is NO SHAME in trade school or even getting a career right out of high school.
I, personally, know plumbers making $80,000+ a year. Better than most 4 year degree workers.
We need plumbers, janitors, truck-drivers, garbage collectors, machinists, to keep this nation running smoothly. And they deserve respect for what they do.
Miss me with your classist bullshit.
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