#silas david
sicknessinmotion · 1 year
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ethel cain // @rbhvleo // mitski // laika cigarettes // ajj // silas denver melvin // cephalopodunk games // gilla band // david lynch
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Bonus Poll — Sopping Wet Cat
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on illness and fatigue
A Poem About Pain, David Budbill | She Used to Be Mine, Waitress | Under One Small Star, Wislawa Szymborska | Burried, Ashe Vernon | Vive, Vive, Traci Brimhall | Chronic Pain, NHS Inform | Drawing Restraints, Agnes Cecile | Half-Life in Exile, Hala Alyan | Body Terror Song, AJJ | Unknown | Battlefield, Topaz Winters | White Oleander, Janet Fitch | Boy In The Bubble, Alec Benjamin | Quote by Richard Siken | Autoimmune Disease, Anna and Elena Balbusso | In The Pines, Alice Notley | Twenty, Silas Melvin
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mervynbunter · 1 month
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LIES WE TELL (2023), dir. Lisa Mulcahy
What makes a monster, you may well wonder. My father taught me that only after our death will we know what we are, what we have chosen to be, angel or demon, creature of light or monster clothed in human flesh. He said I could choose, that I had a choice. He told me it's an easy journey between this life and the next. He told me he loved me. He told me many lies.
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alannacouture · 9 months
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Some utterly awesome Grimm quotes 😏
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tomoleary · 8 months
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David Crosland “Danger Mouse and Penfold vs Baron Silas Greenback” (1980s) Source
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harlstark · 9 months
y’all remember that movie the house of gaye from a couple years ago with david tennant and helena bonham carter playing a married couple but were both queer and kept it AND their partners a secret from their son played by timmy tim chalamet but did THE MOST doing so only to find out at the end that timothée’s character and his “best friend” was gay too?? that was so fun and campy why did that not get more recognition cuz i just rewatched it on peacock and it’s so funny istg
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loluy · 2 years
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“None of us are who we used to be”
Все мы не те, что были прежде.
“Seems like no matter how badly we want something to work, too many things we can’t control are in the way”
Как бы мы не хотели, чтобы что-то получилось, у нас на пути возникает чересчур много препятствий.
“History wasn’t something you studied. It was something you made, usually with a lot of blood”
Историю тогда не изучали. Ее вершили, и чаще всего кровью.
“I can’t breathe type of scared because now that I have everything that I never even knew I wanted, I feel like it’s all going to get taken away from me. And I can’t… I will not live like this”
От страха я не могу дышать, потому что у меня есть то, о чем я даже не мечтала, и я боюсь, что это могут у меня отнять. И я не могу. И не буду так жить.
Гримм/Grimm (2011-2017)
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secretlyaslug · 8 months
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Things that look like me
(or as Will Toledo would say, “what’s with this dog motif?”)
Wara! 2023 - Krzysztof Powatka// unknown // “Your love is suspicious” by @notidee // Andrew Kane “how to be a dog” // “Grit” by Silas Denver Melvin. Entry “neurosis” // unknown // David Lynch “the angriest dog in the world” //  Laura Gilpin “seeing a dog in the rain” // Cover of Emily Skajas “Brute” // Margaret Atwood // Emily Skaja “Brute” // unknown // “On the topic of growing up” fruiteas // “More and more” Margaret atwood // “Grotto” Kat Lyons 
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nashdoesstuff · 8 months
i think david tennant would play a really good silas if there were to be a live action graveyard book film/series /srs/biased
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garadinervi · 1 year
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Alain Kirili, Red Dance, For Howard Hodgkin, (painted mural with 12 forged iron elements), 2017 [installation view at ART 3, exhibition ARTICULATE curated by David Cohen] [Silas von Morisse Gallery, New York. Galerie RX, Paris. © Alain Kirili]
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Books of 2023 - July
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Somehow I've read a lot this month but haven't actually finished that many books considering I've been on holiday? I don't really know what happened.
Books read:
Silas Marner by George Eliot - this is by far the biggest surprise of the year. I was convinced I wasn't going to like George Eliot, but after reading Silas Marner I've been enchanted by her. On the surface I should have found this book a bit tedious, I typically don't like novels set in the countryside, however, I was hooked! Eliot's writing style was the big attraction here, she has such a lively style that I swear could make anything interesting after this, alongside her astoundingly convincing portrait of a village community in the 19th century. I came away believing people like those that inhabited Raveloe existed and I was fascinated by them. (It probably helped that I am VERY familiar with villiage communities in Warwickshire thanks to my research, which is where Raveloe is supposed to be.) Honestly this was the best place for me to start with George Eliot and I will be continuing.
The Age of Innocence by Edith Whaton - this was an impromptu read when I wanted an audiobook to listen to while sewing. However, I thoroughly enjoyed listening to this book! I was swept away into 1870s New York society and was captivated by how casually awful everyone turned out to be. I didn't enjoy it as much as The House of Mirth (mainly because I didn't like Archer, May, or Countess Olenska as much as Lily or Seldon) but I had a fabulous time revisiting Wharton.
Much Ado About Nothing by William Shakespeare - I love this play, it brings me so much joy when I read it and this time was no different. I still believe Beatrice is Shakespeare's best heroine and I will accept no arguments to the contrary.
Approximately 25 articles, reviews, essays, and introductions about Jane Austen's Emma by various authors - I don't know what's happened to me, I've become an obsessive... However, I have had a great time and learnt A LOT about regency literature in the process? It's given me a greater appreciation of Emma and I don't regret a moment I spent on this. My only problem is I don't really know what to do with all my notes!
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen - I tried okay? However, I finished volume one and couldn't find a single reason to keep reading except completionism. I hated Fanny and the Bertrams, I was bored by the Crawfords, and I missed the style of Emma. Overall, I was left wondering why I was bothering with Mansfield Park as I wasn't enjoying myself. So, I dropped it to read something else that I'd actually enjoy.
Currently reading:
Evelina by Frances Burney - I'm in love with this book, but for some reason I'm not devouring it? I'm taking my time with it and revelling in the experience - I've made my peace with this and will continue to enjoy my leisurely read.
Richard II by William Shakespeare - I'm rereading this and taking it an act a day because I'm making notes. I'll actually finish it tomorrow, but I'm not counting it as read.
The Book of Lost Tales Part Two by J.R.R. Tolkien - another leisurely read because it's so dense and, like Shakespeare, I'm making notes when I feel inclined. I also really struggled to get through the section on The Tale of Tinuviel... (I don't like ANY of the prose versions of Beren and Luthien? It needs to be in verse for me to get into it 🤷‍♀️) But now I've got through that opening section I'm enjoying this a lot more.
Charles I and the People of England by David Cressy - my current non-fiction tome. I'm having a great time with this, but it was going to be a winner considering my unreasonable love for Charles I!
Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke - I have no idea how I ended up in the middle of this but I'm enjoying it well enough that I'm going to continue (although I think I prefer Piranesi?)
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fullcatkryptonite · 3 months
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alannacouture · 8 months
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Grimm Celebration 🎉
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technofinch · 5 months
i would like to know abt hans the little german boy
well u see. hans the little german boy is a little german boy who came with us out of the fallout vault and into the post-apocalyptic uk. (he's actually a full grown adult man he just happened to be named hans. so of course he rapidly morphed into a little german boy)
there's not really much to say about him that i remember, sadly it has been many moons since we last got to explore the desolate wasteland of southern great britain 😔 but i can give you the custom mtg card the gm made for him
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harlstark · 9 months
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