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It’s been a while! Tumblr hasn’t been working on my phone but baby is finally here! Silas David was born 2/28/17 at 6:09PM. He weighed 7lbs 11oz and was 19.75 inches long, born at 40w6d gestation. He is his daddy’s TWIN! He passed all of his tests and we were released on March 2nd. Birth story coming soon!
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Birth Story!
I scheduled an induction at my 40 week appointment for Tuesday, February 28th (1 day shy of 41 weeks). I arrived at the hospital around 8:30am already at 5cm and contracting on my own but didn't even feel it! My doctor decided not to use pitocin because I was having regular contractions. The labor and delivery nurses tried 3 times to get an IV in and each time it failed (this was super painful). After about an hour they finally called the IV specialist and got my IV placed. My doctor ruptured my water at 10 am and I started to really feel the contractions so I got an epidural at 10:35. The IVs seriously hurt worse than getting the epi! After the epidural things slowed down a little so I started pitocin at 11:35. Silas' heart rate had some minor decelerations that weren't solved by switching positions so they stopped the pitocin after an hour. They checked me for dilation around 2:15 and I was 6cm. Got checked again at 3:15 and I was up to a 7. By 3:45 I was 8cm dilated and they started the pitocin again to get me the last 2cm. Baby tolerated the pitocin well this time and by 4:30 I was 9.5cm and 100% effaced! At 5:15 my contractions were coming every minute and a half to 2 minutes apart so I knew I was getting really close to delivering. I was fully dilated and effaced but made the decision to allow baby to descend by himself to save energy. I began practice pushing at 5:54 with the nurse, my doctor was called in at 6:04 and after seeing how I was pushing rushed to put on her gown and gloves. She told me to stop pushing but his head was delivered after I stopped anyways. She told me to push one more time and he was out! Silas was delivered at 6:09pm after 15 minutes and 6 contractions with his cord wrapped around his body. I cried tears of joy! I had a mirror to watch his entry into the world and both DJ and my mom were in the room. I had minimal tearing on my labia but otherwise no tearing on my actual vagina/perineum or any other complications! Baby had a small blood vessel burst in each eye because of the fast delivery but the doctor said it's normal and will clear up on its own. We did skin to skin for an hour and I breastfed him, an experience I'll remember forever. I can't believe my labor was that fast and easy! I expected to be miserable but the worst part was the IVs and being thirsty because I was only allowed ice chips but wanted liquid water. I feel so lucky to have had a vaginal birth with no complications that resulted in a healthy baby boy 🍀
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I lost 2 lbs 😮 What is this sorcery!?
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His butt is on my lungs and I have 10 weeks left 😳
Whyyyy are you balled up on one side, child?!
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I haven't gained any weight this week! It's a Christmas miracle! Hahaha
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Baby Checklist Update
✅NB Diapers ✅Size 1 Diapers Size 2 Diapers Size 3 Diapers ✅Diaper cream ✅Diaper Pail ✅Wipes ✅Crib ✅Crib mattress ✅Sheets  ✅Changing pad Puppy pads (for mattress covers and changing pad liners) ✅Blankets Storage cubicles and bins ✅Car seat ✅Stroller ✅Car seat cover (carseat came with a winter boot but I'd still like to get a canopy cover) ✅Diaper bag ✅Swing ✅Bouncer ✅Play mat ✅Toys ✅Books ✅Onesies ✅Sleep and Plays ✅Gowns ✅Pants ✅Socks ✅Hats ✅Baby mits ✅Wearable swaddler  ✅Wearable blanket ✅Receiving blankets Breast pump ✅Nursing pads ✅Breast milk storage bags ✅Nipple cream ✅Nursing pillow ✅4 oz bottles ✅8 oz bottles ✅Slow flow nipples Vitamin D drops ✅Bibs ✅Burp cloths ✅Pacifiers ✅Teethers ✅Baby bathtub ✅Baby wash and shampoo ✅Wash cloths Coconut oil ✅Grooming kit ✅Thermometer Sensitive laundry detergent ✅Saline drops ✅Infant tylenol ✅Gripe water Need before baby ·Sensitive detergent ·Coconut oil ·Vitamin Drops ·Breast pump (insurance supplies it, so I'm not worried about it) Puppy pads and bigger size diapers can wait.
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29 weeks - Installed the carseat to check the fit
And we got a great install! Much less than an inch of movement at the belt path, maybe less than a quarter of an inch. We can also have the front seat at a comfortable distance from the dashboard while still having room in between it and the carseat. The base has a recline foot and on the middle setting it’s perfect, juuust in the line on the level but reclined as much as it can be. Very happy with the fit we got. We took it out so we don’t have to replace it on the rare chance we get into an accident before baby comes, but we’ll be installing it again at 36 weeks and bringing it to get checked by a CPST just to be 100% sure we got everything right. Also picked up some extra heavy flow overnight pads for post partum because I’m sure that’s no joke. I packed baby’s hospital bag last night too, just for shits and giggles. I included nail clippers, a nail file, 2 receiving blankets, a warm fuzzy blanket, a 4 pack of newborn onesies, 3 sleepers, fuzzy socks, 3 pairs of breast pads, a small pack of wipes, travel size baby shampoo, lotion, wash, and his going home outfit. I’d rather overpack than not have enough. Still have to put a hat in there for the going home outfit though.
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In other news, I passed my glucose tolerance test!
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It came! We officially have all the big items for baby Silas! The poor UPS guy carried it all the way up the flight of stairs at the back of the house 😵 Left to buy -Vitamin Drops -Free & Clear laundry detergent -Puppy pads (for changing pad and mattress covers) -Box of NB diapers -Wipes And that's literally it
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Baby Shower Went Great!
Our families got to meet for the first time and I got to meet DJs friends from work. We had a few no shows that RSVPed but otherwise it went off without a hitch. We got a lot of the things we still needed to get like burp cloths, gripe water, breast milk storage bags, grooming kit etc, the smaller things that are pretty important. My mom did a great job decorating and adding the little touches that brought it all together. Her friend made the cake, blue in the shape of a onesie with baby's name across the chest - so cute! I had a great time and didn't get anxious at all which was so wonderful 😊 I'll add pictures if/when I'm able to. All we need to get now is the travel system, vitamin D + K drops, diapers, and sensitive laundry detergent. It's getting real!
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Checklist Update! 27w2d and Baby Shower Tomorrow!
NB Diapers Size 1 Diapers Size 2 Diapers Size 3 Diapers Wipes (We lost all our diapers, 5 boxes of them, because we were storing them at DJ’s dad’s house and his dad sold them without our knowledge or permission 😡) ✅Diaper cream ✅Diaper pail ✅Diaper bag ✅Crib ✅Crib mattress ✅Changing pad ✅Blankets ✅Sheets ✅Baby monitor Storage cubicles + bins ✅Car seat/travel system Car seat cover ✅Bouncer ✅Swing ✅Play mat ✅Toys ✅Books ✅Onesies ✅Sleep and Plays ✅Gowns ✅Pants ✅Socks ✅Hats ✅Baby mits ✅Wearable swaddler ✅Wearable blanket ✅Receiving blankets Breast pump ✅Nursing pads Breast milk storage bags ✅Nipple cream ✅Nursing pillow ✅4 oz bottles + liners ✅8 oz bottles + liners ✅Slow flow nipples Medium flow nipples Vitamin D + K drops Nipple shields ✅Bibs ✅Burp cloths ✅Pacifiers Teethers ✅Baby bathtub ✅Baby wash and shampoo Wash cloths Coconut oil ✅Grooming kit Sensitive laundry detergent ✅Saline drops ✅Infant tylenol Gripe water Thermometer
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My baby shower is in less than a week now!
It's mostly DJs family and friends from work but my mom and her friends are going too. All of my friends are out of state but I'm only close with one of them so no big deal - she got me the diaper pail I registered for. I'm super excited to see what my mom planned and how it all turned out! DJs mom's best friend wanted to go but she had to work so I got an early gift which was cool. He got a 2 pack of 0-3 sleep n plays, 3 pack of bibs, 3 pack of hats, and 2 pairs of socks with little footballs on them (this friend loves football!)
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Why is my bladder always the designated punching bag?
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Baby Stuff Master Checklist
Must haves before baby arrives (we're doing good for 26 weeks!) ✅NB diapers ✅Size 1 diapers ✅Diaper pail ✅Diaper cream Wipes ✅Crib ✅Crib mattress ✅Sheets ✅Car seat/travel system (my mom is getting this but has yet to be bought) ✅Diaper bag ✅Swing ✅Bouncer ✅Onesies ✅Sleep and plays (need a few more) ✅Gowns ✅Pants ✅Socks (need a few more) ✅Hats ✅Receiving blankets ✅Warm blankets ✅Wearable blanket Breast pump ✅Nursing pads Breast milk storage bags ✅Nipple cream ✅4 oz bottles ✅4 oz bottle liners ✅Slow flow nipples (need a few more) Vitamin D + K2 drops Burp cloths ✅Pacifiers Baby bathtub ✅Baby shampoo + body wash ✅Grooming kit (thermometer mainly) Free & Clear laundry detergent Saline drops Coconut oil Stuff that can wait Size 2 Diapers (5 boxes) Size 3 Diapers (6 boxes) Size 4 diapers (4 boxes) Mattress cover ✅Changing pad Storage cubicles and bins ✅Baby monitor Car seat cover ✅Play mat ✅Toys ✅Books Baby mits (4 pairs) ✅Wearable swaddler ✅Nursing pillow ✅8 oz bottles Medium flow nipples Nipple shields ✅Bibs Teethers Wash cloths Infant tylenol Gripe water/gas drops
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25w2d and measuring 40 inches around! My waist used to be 26 😭 I wish I had an ultrasound soon to see how much he weighs because I'm gaining weight like crazy! I don't want to have a 10lb baby lol I caved and got my first pair of maternity jeans because I got tired of wearing oversized sweatpants and looking like a bum. Also - this boob situation is becoming more dire by the day. STOP GROWING, YOU DAMN BOOBS. They look normal size in pictures but I guarantee you it's because I'm stuffing them into a bra that's about 3 sizes too small 😂
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Whoa baby 👶 We've hit viability! I can't wait to meet him. It blows my mind that in 16 (or so) more weeks he'll be here and I'll be his mom. He kicks constantly at night and has the hiccups all the time now.
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