schultzlindsey5 · 2 years
I am honestly so annoyed. I love the Rookie so much but this is getting ridiculous. How many times are we going to have these Chenford moments with no progression??? Tim and Lucy were basically on their own date and ignoring the people they were supposed to be with and no one really called them out on it?? If the writers don’t want to make chenford cannon then please STOP writing them into these situations where their feelings for each other are blatantly obvious.
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schultzlindsey5 · 5 years
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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schultzlindsey5 · 6 years
If someone has infinity war spoilers please message me because the anxiety is killing me!!
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schultzlindsey5 · 7 years
Okay all this T*mdaya nonsense is getting out of hand. I’m not sure why this fandom is so fixated on what Zendaya and Tom are to each other, but I think it’s starting to really be too much. They’re friends, and friends hangout. Zendaya has stated multiple times that she’s currently single and that she and Tom are no more than friends. She’s addressed and denied T*mdaya time after time, and honestly, if I were her, I’d be getting really irritated that my actions were being over analyzed the same way hers and Tom’s constantly are. And furthermore, if they actually are dating, which I doubt seeing as they behave as no more than friends and they both have attempted to clear up the rumors, people need to learn how to respect! their! privacy! I’m not trying to start drama with anyone so please don’t message me anything mean, I’m just saying that maybe shippers need to be a little more considerate to the two, real-life individuals they are speaking about. Focus on how wonderful Tom and Zendaya are by themselves, focus on how amazing the film that we’ve all waited so long to see turned out, and celebrate the fact that boys and girls can be just friends without anyone developing any kind of romantic feelings!💘
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schultzlindsey5 · 8 years
Spread this around so we can fight against the assholes that did this.
Captain America: Steve Rogers #1 follows two storylines, the first of which is about Steve Rogers battling a modern-day HYDRA cell. The second story is a flashback to Steve’s childhood in 1926, in which his mother is seemingly recruited to HYDRA.
In the present day, the issue ends with Steve pushing one of his sidekicks out of a plane and uttering the phrase “Hail HYDRA.” The implication is that Steve Rogers has been HYDRA since childhood, a plot twist that the comic’s creators promoted in a series of interviews.
Speaking to USA Today, Marvel executive editor Tom Brevoort confirmed that this is the real Steve Rogers, saying, “We knew it would be like slapping people in the face.”
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While you could argue that the post-Secret Wars Marvel Universe exists in a new continuity, the idea of a HYDRA Steve Rogers makes no sense in the context of any previous canon. There’s really no way to align this plot twist with the character’s 70-year history of fighting against HYDRA. 
(Pasting a couple of tweets here because I think they cover my opinion of this deeply stupid plot twist.)
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schultzlindsey5 · 8 years
“It means on the most fundamental level that the most trusted hero in the Marvel universe is now secretly a deep-cover Hydra operative.” (x)
No, it means you made a symbol of hope and freedom created by two Jewish men during World War II into a Nazi for shock value to sell comics.
The amount of bullshit, garbage excuses for doing something so deeply, offensively, morally wrong just astounds me. 
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schultzlindsey5 · 8 years
list of things steve rogers deserved:
not this
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schultzlindsey5 · 8 years
The person I reblogged this from deserves to be happy
I tried to scroll past this. I really did
I feel like minor acts of kindness and good intentions are really important on days like this. 
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
Just reblog this if you’re proud of 5sos
(via 5secondsofsummer-fanpage)
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
Reblog this if you like Harry Potter. No questions, just do. It'll make sense later.
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
Reasons why Parks and Rec deserved an Emmy
- Set in small-town Indiana, still manages to have 40% of it’s ensemble cast be POC, and not one of them is a token either
- 40% of the cast are women. ¾ are POC. All of them are badasses. 
- Every single fucking episode is funny. Seriously. 
- Perd fucking Hapley. I can’t even explain, you just have to watch 
- Pawnee citizens holy hell 
- The flawless political commentary behind the Langman’s and the Male Men 
- The scene in Comeback Kid where Get On Your Feet is playing and they’re all struggling to walk on ice 
- Chris Traeger and his mental illness. They worked it in so that it was comedic, but if it glorified anything, it was asking for help and accepting it. 
- Okay just Chris in general 
- Gary Jerry Larry Terry Gary Gergich Gengurch Gergich 
- Donna, the character who is exactly who she needs to be throughout her life. She acknowledges the need to change her behavior occasionally, but it doesn’t dent her confidence one bit. 
- Ann Meredith Perkins, you beautiful sun-ray nurse. The best friend everyone needs. Quirky and grounded and intelligent. 
- Everything Tom Haverford has ever said 
- Ben fucking Wyatt. I can’t even elaborate without crying and combusting. Much better nerd than any weasel from The Big Bang Theory. Feminist. Best Husband Ever. 
- Cones of Dunshire and Requiem for a Tuesday 
- April Blart, Mall Cop 
- April’s character development *heart eyes* 
- Andy and April’s love 
- Mouse Rat and hits like The Pit, Catch Your Dream, and - 5000 CANDLES IN THE WIND 
- Bert Macklin, FBI 
- Johnny and Johnathan Karate 
- Andy Dwyer, secret genius 
- Ron Swanson, the manliest man to ever man, owner of the world’s best character development, hater of Canada and vegans, beautiful beautiful man 
- Duke fucking Silver 
- I dig your groovy tunes man
- Ben and Leslie’s healthy, realistic, and beautiful relationship 
- Benslie proposal 
- Benslie wedding 
- Ben’s triplets freakout 
- the BOX 
- Amy Poehler plays the most amazing woman to ever grace any screen. Leslie Knope, a socially inept but selfless woman who dedicates her life to public service, her family, and her friends. Deeply flawed main character that wasn’t made lovable by her unfortunate but relatable love of sugar and hatred of vegetables, but instead by her love for others and thoughtfulness and work ethic and optimism. Food habits aside, her character flaws were acknowledged by the writers, her loved ones, and her. No one is an enabler for Leslie Knope’s bad behavior. When she does something shitty, she gets called on it and apologizes. But at the end of the day, hard work and positivity make a difference, and she achieves her dreams. 
- Positivity. The people on this show like each other. They believe in and support each other. They apologize when they’re wrong. They forgive when they’ve been wronged. They go out of their way to make lives better. And it is still funny.
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
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Niall for president 2k16
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
Reblog if you love a Gemini🌸
Dan Howell is a gemini so ya’ll better reblog this
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
if you dont think michael is the cutest person ever i have two words for you and they are fiGhT mE
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
spot the difference
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schultzlindsey5 · 9 years
reblog if you've heard the song i can't remember by 5sos
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