scolt7 · 2 years
Today on 'the Prowler theme goes with everything'...
John Wick.
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scolt7 · 2 years
New edit! Here's Andrew Garfield's Spider-Man saving MJ, The Amazing Spider-Man 2-style!
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scolt7 · 2 years
Inej Saves Kaz - The Unreleased Soundtrack
Sorry for the wait! 🎶
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scolt7 · 2 years
Batman Begins... Zack Snyder's Justice League style!
Bruce climbs the mountain and meets Ra's Al Ghul, rescored with Junkie XL's 'A Hunter Gathers' and recolored Snyder Cut-style.
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scolt7 · 3 years
And for those following for Shadow and Bone's unreleased music, I've got two tracks up and scheduled already and more on the way! 🎶
The Doctors save Gallifrey with a Dazzling End...
Here's the climactic scene from the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who rescored with Murray Gold's 'A Dazzling End', from his Series 4's soundtrack. Gallifrey Stands!
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scolt7 · 3 years
The Doctors save Gallifrey with a Dazzling End...
Here's the climactic scene from the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who rescored with Murray Gold's 'A Dazzling End', from his Series 4's soundtrack. Gallifrey Stands!
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scolt7 · 3 years
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More unreleased music from Shadow and Bone!
Here's a suite of music from the basement scene at the end of the first episode, when Alexei finally speaks to the Crows about the Sun Summoner (with that epic flashback)...
And here's the soundtrack to Kaz's introduction scene at the table with Jesper:
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scolt7 · 3 years
Joe Manganiello's Deathstroke scene in ZACK SNYDER'S JUSTICE LEAGUE, rescored with TITANS' Deathstroke theme ⚔
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scolt7 · 3 years
UNRELEASED MUSIC from Shadow and Bone - the soundtrack of the 'Darklina desk scene'. 🎶
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scolt7 · 3 years
For this year's May the Fourth, here's Superman vs Zod in Man of Steel – rescored with John Williams' Duel of the Fates, from Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.
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scolt7 · 3 years
🎵 My first soundtrack restoration! Unreleased music from Shadow and Bone's first episode, where Kaz and Inej have their first scene together... (download link in the description!)
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scolt7 · 3 years
So Army of the Dead fired Chris d'Elia for being a fucking sexual predator. The problem is they had already shot the whole movie. So how did they move forward? They edited out the whole man and instead threw TIG NOTARO in the whole movie via green screen and special effects. Oh, and her promo images? A gift to the gays.
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scolt7 · 3 years
It’s kind of telling that Warner Bros is sticking by Justice League (2017) as the canonical version of the film and not Zack Snyder’s Justice League (2021).
This is the same movie where:
Joss Whedon oversexualised Wonder Woman by adding in gratuitous butt shots (which Snyder removed) and had The Flash fall on Wonder Woman’s cleavage, a joke stolen from his previous movie; Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Gadot reportedly refused to shoot that scene and so her stunt double was used.
Whedon also reportedly threatened Gadot’s career and locked her in a room.
The majority of POC characters were erased from the movie such as: Elinor Stone (Karen Bryson) Ryan Choi (Kai Zheng), Iris West (Kiersey Clemons) etc.
Executives Toby Emmerich, Geoff Johns and Jon Beg held racist conversations that led to the cutting of said POC characters.
Cyborg’s emotional back story and character arc, was thrown completely out of the window.
Ray Fisher was told that “we can’t an angry Black man at the center of the movie” by a literal room full of studio executives.
 The head of DC Films called Ray Fisher and told him not to throw Geoff Johns under the bus, thus attempting to derail the investigation.
Cyborg’s origins were reshot (despite being shown in Batman v Superman) to highlight the existence of his penis.
In the fallout of the movie and Ray Fisher’s accusations, he has subsequently been fired by WB from the upcoming Flash movie. (A movie where there was never a script without Cyborg.)
The movie was reshot, re-edited and re-hauled massively from Zack Snyder’s original vision whilst the man was in mourning for his daughter who had died that year.
Deborah Snyder and Christopher Nolan, upon seeing this version made a vow that Zack could never see it as “it would break his heart.”
Before the movie was released, Deborah had to report an incident involving Whedon to studio executives.
WB’s continual gaslighting of both Ray Fisher (which still continues at the time of writing) and of the fans by painting them solely as toxic, whilst ignoring the $500,000 raised for AFSP and the toxic environment they helped to create on the set of Justice League (2017); cannot be understated. The attitude taken by the studio, to protect and enable abusers is completely and utterly abhorrent and should not be tolerated.
Even after Zack was granted the rights to release his version of Justice League, WB simply wanted to release the movie in it’s unfinished format and told Zack that he could not use the original ending scene of Bruce Wayne meeting John Stewart (a scene Snyder filmed part of in 2016 and the rest in October 2020). Because of this, Snyder almost walked from the movie as he didn’t “want to take a person of colour out of this movie.”
At the end of the day, Zack Snyder’s Justice League isn’t just a victory for the fans who campaigned long and hard over the last three years but, in the words of Ray Fisher, it’s “ a righting of so many wrongs,”.
Accountability > Entertainment!
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scolt7 · 3 years
Jared Leto's Joker scene from Zack Snyder's Justice League, rescored with Hildur Guõnadóttir's Joker movie soundtrack...
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scolt7 · 3 years
And for the few places it's blocked, watch the uncropped and extended edit on Vimeo here!
I rescored Steppenwolf's big entrance in Zack Snyder's Justice League to the Prowler Theme from Into the Spider-Verse!
Everything goes with the Prowler's theme:
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scolt7 · 3 years
I rescored Steppenwolf's big entrance in Zack Snyder's Justice League to the Prowler Theme from Into the Spider-Verse!
Everything goes with the Prowler's theme:
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scolt7 · 3 years
Yalan Gur, the prehistoric Green Lantern of Sector 2814.
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