sconisimmer · 3 years
i’m watching this documentary about halloween and there’s a part where they’re explaining that ghost stories got really popular around the civil war no one could really deal with how many people went off and died and
the narrator just said 
“the first ghost stories were really about coming home”
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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me: [loses goddamn mind]
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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Ice delivery man in Houston, TX circa 1920 Check this blog!
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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“Football is life!” TED LASSO (2020- )
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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My next sims inspo
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sconisimmer · 3 years
“I take my cat on adventures but he just sleeps right through them”
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sconisimmer · 3 years
Normal Sims Furniture
Can we just have pack come out with normal couches and chairs and lamps and beds. I don’t need anything fancy. Like a normal looking couch in grey, white, black, and brown. 
I’d love an IKEA stuff pack like in Sims 2
 Stuff that would exist in a house. Is that too much to ask for?
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sconisimmer · 3 years
Unmute !
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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sconisimmer · 3 years
Anyone who believes “Animals tell no lies,” has not lived with a cat who wants to convince you that he hasn’t already eaten dinner.
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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sconisimmer · 3 years
I’m baffled by those posts by kids marveling that anyone over 25 would be on tumblr. they don’t offend me, they just raise all sorts of questions. like, what IS tumblr, in their eyes? and why do they think it’s so inherently youthful? do they consider it fun and silly and thus not suitable for “old people” who must eschew all fun silly things? or do they think it’s an idiotic waste of time and thus not of interest to adults with “adult interests” who spend their time seriously and substantively? 
cuz i got news either way: adulthood is just as dumb and pointless as youth was. as an adult, you will need silly, stupid shit to distract you from your suffering just as much as you did before - probably more so! if you think you’ll magically turn into a serious person who has their shit together and isn’t amused by inanities, think again. you’ll still laugh at dumb memes when you’re 40, i’m sorry to tell you. this is it - for better or worse, adult-you will still be you.
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sconisimmer · 3 years
… well, shit.
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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sconisimmer · 3 years
“A soft woman is simply a wolf caught in meditation.”
— Pavana पवन   (via crocket)
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sconisimmer · 3 years
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