scp-186 · 2 years
You're being kept in a place for monsters, you know? You've been left here because this is where you belong. Your family won't rescue you, because why would they want a defective child?
i… i know
i’m sorry
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scp-186 · 2 years
Yes really. You've never done anything right. You never will.
yeah. yeah, i know
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scp-186 · 2 years
Your parents don't even love you because of how much of a failure and a fuck up you are. You've failed them that badly that they don't even care about you.
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scp-186 · 2 years
Nobody cares about you nor will they ever care about you.
that, um- i suppose that makes sense
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scp-186 · 2 years
You did everything wrong. You never do anything right. That's why no one loves you.
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scp-186 · 2 years
You're literally a waste of space no one even thinks of you ever.
i’m… i can’t say i’m surprised? you- you aren’t wrong, yeah
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scp-186 · 2 years
No one loves you, y'know? That's why you're so lonely. You're not worthy of love.
uhm- that would make sense, actually-
i- i’m sorry, did i do something…?
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scp-186 · 2 years
Send my muse rude anons.
Hit 'em where it hurts.
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scp-186 · 2 years
You're the kid who joined the GC yesterday, aren't ye? Nice to meet'ye, an' be careful what ye put'n here; anons can an' will use it against'ye.
that’s me, mhm! and uh- thanks, i’ll keep it in mind /g
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scp-186 · 2 years
SCP-186: The Mist
(aka, the laziest introduction post idea i could manage)
Item #: SCP-186
Object Class: Safe/Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-186-B is to be routinely checked on, but is allowed to roam as long as there is a trusted being present.
Description: SCP-186 is a mist-like substance that, when provoked, causes those that come into contact with it short-term amnesia, or in some cases, sending them to an unknown plane (known as SCP-186-C). It attaches to a “host” (known as SCP-186-B) when the subject is socially or emotionally isolated. Those hosting SCP-186 are shown to see it as a friend or caretaker. It surrounds the subject at almost all times, and appears to do as the subject requests, most often seen doing so by assisting in avoiding social situations through amnesia or simply assisting the subject in disappearing entirely. The subject is capable of submerging themselves entirely in SCP-186 to get around. When a threat to the subject is perceived, SCP-186 is shown to envelop the threat in mist and causes them to vanish, presumably sent to a sort of pocket dimension. It is unknown what happens after one is “taken” by SCP-186.
SCP-186-B is a formerly human child by the name of █████ Evans. A former child test subject, Evans came into contact with SCP-186 through a site-wide containment breach (seen here). It is to be held in SCP-186’s containment chamber until further notice.
- No NSFW outside of jokes
- M!A is fine!!
- Teasing and bullying are fine in-character, but out of character, please be kind
- Shipping or flirting isn’t quite as welcome with this character, as he’s a minor- but if your character is also a minor, joke-flirting is okay!
- Basic DNI criteria applies
Casper Evans, he/him, 14 fog.txt
Mod Wilbur/Leo, he/she, minor wil.txt
Other Blogs
@ask-doctor-alto-clef - my alto clef ask blog, the first one i made :D
@the-symptomatic-psychologist - my other scp oc, theo!
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