scp-tiggles · 3 months
(This is out of character)
AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE (in like, an hour or two cause my head hurt :( )
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scp-tiggles · 4 months
SCP 939
100% Ler
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Okay, so. 939 in this AU effectively functions the same, travels as a pack, mimics human voices to draw people in..
But of course, the difference is they tickle humans once they get ahold of some. Since, much like most anomalies, these guys feed off laughter!
Now, when tickling someone, they mainly utilize their snoots: nuzzling, nibbling, and licking. Though, they will gladly use that lil fuzzy end at the ends of their tails to help too.
And, these guys can mimic teases! Though mainly, they’ll only ever be from other scp’s. Especially 049 and 035 since their cell is closest to 939’s.
General biological facts!
Their pups, aka ‘pufflings’, will nestle in that big patch of fur on the back of the 939’s legs. Usually they can fit up to 4-5, which, is the usual birthrate with female 939’s!
And, to mention, they reproduce asexually. Nobody really knows how it happens. Pufflings will just..sorta pop out of the leg fluff.
Their tongues are blue, as 939’s only really see in a grey scale colored hue OUTSIDE of blues. Theres unlikely any evolutionary need for the tongues to be blue but, still. :3
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scp-tiggles · 4 months
So ive only been sticking to HUMANOIDS because, surprise, surprise! Animal/object anomalies are hard to cook up.
But my mind wandered to 939.
My mind then wandered ‘dragon dog’ and god damnit its BEEN STUCK there! I mean come on, big, fluffy dog mixed with a dragon type lizard?
Its *chef kiss* material here folks.
I’ll probably draw concepts later :3
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scp-tiggles · 4 months
..if i made C.Ai bots for my au, would anyone use them-
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scp-tiggles · 5 months
Scp 049
50% Ler | 50% Lee
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As a ler
• Okay this man is one of the nicer anomalies to get wrecked by
• His main reasoning to go after lee’s is if they’re sad, he treats laughter like the cure to anything (basically bro is the personification of ‘laughter is the best medicine’)
• Which, he’s not wrong. It is! You see, instead of having his plague ‘insta death’ touch, it makes the victim experience tickling all over for about 10-15 minutes! (His sub ability being it cures any disease afterwards.)
• But, If he’s in a ler mood? Pray.
• The man is fast, he loves to chase down lee’s and carry them back to his cell to tickle them. How? Well, by simply strapping them to a medical table and using doctor themed tickling items to get the job done :3
• Also, he and 079 team up a LOT. So you best hope that 079 has you in his database so it doesn’t go snitching to 049 about wanting to capture you.
• Teases. He fucking loves to tease!
• “Oh, my. Doctor, are you okay? You’re laughing quite a bit. Is something humorous?”
• “Yes, yes. Keep laughing! It’s good for you.”
• “Hm..i see, [insert tklish spot here]..well, i think i’ll just have to test further to see how ticklish it actually is.”
• “Tickle? That word embarrasses you? Hm, how peculiar! I never knew a word could embarrass someone..well, then. Tickle, tickle, tickle~”
• Does have a few favorite lee’s, mainly 035. Usually 035….okay yeah 035 is his favorite lee but he will still go after others-!
• Will use his wings and claws to bear hug and tickle lees, especially if there is more than 1.
As a lee
• Cannot take what he dishes out oml-
• Teases? Can’t stand them!
• Being tickled by 035? Can’t take it!
• The dude is basically a walking ticklish spot, but he is mainly ticklish at his neck, ribs, and back’s of the knees. His wings acting as a sort of death spot that he only really lets 035 tickle.
• Raspberries and nibbles annihilate him. Especially at the neck. Will be on the floor in minutes.
• His laughter is very, er..cackley? Sounds sort of the joker’s laugh mixed with snorts. Its very funny to hear, not gonna lie. plus he lets out bird like chirps but you didn’t hear that from me
• Teases that work best are generally remarking ones, compliments on his laugh, how ticklish he is, etc!
• Loves wing scratches for after care, becomes a massive snuggle bug if he gets them.
Random facts
• Loves anything butterscotch or caramel flavored, ice cream, candies, etc.
• Has a shit ton of lavender scented stuff, it helps clear his head.
• Technically works in the medical ward of site 19, though he’s only really ever used if someone somehow caught the flu or another sickness.
• He and 035 are in a relationship, kinda? They’re cuddly, all partner like. But both are old and don’t get the relationship terms. Don’t bother explaining it to them they still wont get it, everyone has tried.
• He can take off his mask! He just doesn’t do it often due to germaphobia, though he’s working to take it off more :]
• He prefers being called ‘Viktor’, as it was his human name before turning into a half corvid tickle monster thing-
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scp-tiggles · 5 months
Ive been sick :3
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
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Gift :]
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Tw: Tickling.
Char: Scp 073-1, 076-2 (TK au ver)
Young again.
Abel yawned tiredly, his sandals hitting the tiled floor of site 19 as he wandered aimlessly through the halls, trying to find the greenhouse: otherwise known as his brother’s domain.
He had, unsurprisingly, gotten lost. Again. He had walked the corridors hundreds: if not thousands of times, wether chasing a staff member or running from an anomaly, and yet could never manage to figure out how to get to Cain’s cell from his own!
That was, until he saw the familiar glass doors ahead of him. Eagerly rushing forwards to enter the greenhouse.
“Caaain! Im here! I got lost again!”
He happily called out, but oddly, no response. Matter of fact he didn’t even hear Cain’s plants moving out and about. Usually the snapdragons would have come out to greet him!
Nevertheless, he continued to walk along the stone step path. Looking around, by now he assumed this was a prank. Until he heard the familiar sound of his brother’s squeaky, cackling laugh.
His voice dripped with confusion as he poked his head around the hedge, and the sight before him made him burst out into a giggling fit!
Oh, there his brother was, tangled up in vines as they flicked under his shirt, tickling along the poor gardeners belly and sides. Not to mention valley bells poking at his neck while the snap dragons gleefully nipped at his ribs!
“AHahaAHaHABehel! HeHEHElp!!” The elder yelped out, followed by a loud snort as one of the snap dragons had started to nibble one of Cain’s lower ribs.
Abel pondered for a moment as he stood up straight from his hunched pose, still a bit giggly from laughing at his brother’s situation.
Part of him wondered, ‘The plants only tickle people when hungry..so they’re tickling Cain cause they’re hungry..’ in that minute, he had a light bulb moment.
“Ahahabel? Whahat aHAHAre yohohou-? AHA-!”
He suddenly squawked, as the younger sat on his legs. Squishing his knee caps vigorously. “Sorry Cain! But your little guys are hungry! I can’t let them starve! So keep that laughter comin’, brother~!”
10 minutes later..
The plants recoiled into their hedges, leaving Cain a giggly mess. Laying down against the grass. Before his gaze went to Abel, who sat merely a few feet away, a glare.
“Cain? What’s with the look? Wait..don’t- cmon, i was just helping your plants y-y’know-!” He tried to explain, blabbering on as the elder stood up, staring down at him.
“Really appreciate it Abe’..maybe you wouldn’t mind helping with DESSERT!” He yelled, as he tackled his brother fully onto his back. Luckily the grass below cushioned the fall.
“Wahait, Cahain- No- EEK-!!!” Before the anticipation giggles caught up to Abel, Cain had begun digging his nails into the younger brother’s sides.
“What? Think you get to tickle me senseless? Was I not suffering enough with the plants, hm~?” Cain asked in a sickeningly faux ‘Sweet’ tone. As he spidered his fingers upwards to his ribcage.
“FAHAHAHACK! CAHAHAIN!” He squealed, his sandles desperately digging into the earth below. Trying to get free.
“Cain what? Cain what? Show mercy? Never!” He grinned. “You get to suffer for being so mean to your elder brother! And here i thought you cared for me..”
He pressed his palm to his forehead, faking woe, and that was all Abel needed. He quickly shot a hand up, scribbling at Cain’s (now semi exposed) armpit.
“Wahahat thehehe-?! Hehehey!”
Cain took this as a mere challenge! Quickly moving his own hands to Abel’s armpits, scribbling around.
Abel managed to speak through his laughter, scribbling one hand along his brother’s lower back, while using his other hand to skitter at his belly.
“YOHOHOU SOHOHON OF AHA-!” The two’s laughter mixed together, as Cain rolled to the side, desperately trying to escape the other’s ‘dastardly’ methods. But Abel merely followed, clawing at his belly.
“Nohot so tough now are you? Man, *snrk*, you still suck at tickle fights! You haven’t lost this bad since we were kids!” He taunted.
“Screw me? How mean to say to your precious baby brother!”
“PREHEHECIOUS MY AHAH- EEK!!! OHOHOKAY! OKAHAHAY! SAHAHARRY!” He blurted out, as Abel scribbled around the upper back, looking down at Cain with a cocked eyebrow.
He then stopped, looking down at him with a bright smile. Before pulling the elder brother into a tight bear hug. Which, after chasing the phantom sensations away: He gladly hugged back.
“Hey cain?”
“Wanna do that again later?”
“..You know what? Sure.”
The two relaxed, soon dozing off into a slumber. The chitters of the plant life watching the two brothers sleep, a bit curious. They had gotten more of their feed today. And it seemed the two had as well.
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
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Oc concepts for the scp au!!
Aracnid (yes his names spelt like that) is inspired somewhat by another creators oc, whereas missy (plushie) is completely original :3
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Art block is stabbing me rn
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Scp 076-1
50% ler | 50% lee
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As a ler
Surprisingly just as merciful as cain/073
Loves to use sheep for aid with lees! (Since he can summon them)
Absolutely has a favorite lee and its 073, when the two arent teaming up, they’re against each other
BIG on teasing.
“Aww, you’re laughing so much! Maybe i should just let the little ones get their fill of laughter and not help..”
Now, if hes the one tickling? Be warned, he runs FAST
Your best bet to try and avoid him is by hiding, he’s pretty much near sighted so you can easily get away
After wrecking someone will let the person chill with the sheepies :]
As a lee
Firstly, best spots are his back and his armpits
CANNOT STAND ROUGH TICKLES HE FOLDS IMMEDIATELY! (Its the cutest thing too, he curls up and clamps his arms down)
His laugh is soft mostly, but if he’s in a bubbly mood it’ll be a bit more cackly with some snorts here and there
Hes been wrecked more times by his sheep then he cant count smh, not even on purpose, they’re stupid and cuddly and end up accidentally tickling him!
Limbs DO flail when tickled, so be careful (hes never actually trying to hurt someone though)
Immediately sleepiness after being tickled, falls asleep in minutes (honestly hes just constantly tired lmao)
Scp 076-2
100% ler | 50% stoopid
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As lers
Okay so theres roughly about 30 of them in total, and a mix of actual sheep and the ones mentioned above.
These dudes are SUPER FLUFFY, and mainly tickle with their snoots or just trying to cuddle their victims
Abel is their favorite to target since hes basically their dad (plus its an excellent way to coax for treats!)
Real note though, if one approaches you, be warned. The rest will follow.
..as uh..lees-?
Cant tickle em
Okay so, if you happen to be faced with them, simply just throw a piece of food away from you.
Dont have food? Say your prayers cause these little dummies know no mercy.
Extra! (For both)
Abels flower crown was gifted to him by cain!
He has a reflection ability like his brother, any ACTUAL damage tickles him and the user who tried to afflict it.
Hes a big cuddlebug who loves naps, and falls asleep in random places.
Also follows budgie logic, throw a towel over his head and hes asleep in seconds.
His sheep all have names.
Except nobody ever remembers them so they just call them “1, 2, 3, 4,” etc
The sheep have, on multiple occasions, stolen from the cafeteria.
But they’re to cute to be mad at so everyone just lets it slide :]
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
hear me out; 106 would be terrifying as a ler cause he can follow you pretty much wherever what with the walking through walls thing
plus the "rise up from the ground" teleport thingy
Oh, he totally is.
He’s already been written (mostly), and he’s basically at the same level of 173, and per this au he’s basically a demon/poltergeist that LOVES to hunt down victims.
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Art burnout
(Naws on cage violently)
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Scp 173
100% ler | 0% lee
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As a ler:
Okay your best option is to PRAY when you see it
Theres quite literally no way to escape if it catches you, it pretty much teleports, and somehow knows every victims spot.
The ONLY way to stop it is if your staring at it, if it were to catch you, game over.
Now, surprisingly (or unsurprisingly?) its pretty mellow as a ler, it will keep track of whoever its tickling is reacting in order to avoid hurting them.
Can summon multiple arms to aid with a lee.
Despite being made of mainly concrete and wire, it’s practically animated (only when someone isnt looking or if it has someone in its clutches), meaning its a good ler.
Cant tease since it cant really speak.
I say really as it does tap on walls in morse code from time to time, but rarely does so.
It’s hyper intelligent. Hence why its such a threat at times, it breaches almost constantly and cant feel anything, so you cant even try beating it at its own game!
Doesnt have favorite lees as it basically holds everyone to a ‘favorite’ status.
As a lee
..yeah good luck, bro has no nerves. (Bwomp)
Scp 131, 131-2, and 131-3
20% ler | 80% lee
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As lers
Okay so these little guys cant do much, as they don’t have fingers. Meaning at best they just lightly poke people.
Mainly when it comes to tickles, its between each other.
Cant speak..at all. None of them can. The closest to speaking is mini, and he can only just make light mechanic whirring sounds
As lees
Okay so they’re, as a collective, adorable.
Now these little guys were made by the foundation along side 079 in the ‘Anderson Initiative’, which, was mainly ran by the head CEO of Anderson robotics when he worked for the foundation. The reason they were made was because they could stare at 173 during breaches, and not need to blink.
This, had a slight downside however..uh..well the foundation gave them nerve sensors much like 079 (who’s, technically their brother-?). So 173 was able to easily bypass them if it caught them off guard.
So, now they basically roam the facility in seek of tickles and affection, especially moe.
Their laughter is very squeaky, and again leans more to mechanical whirring sounds rather than actual..well, laughter.
They all share the same spot, sides.
Miny especially as he folds like a turtle when tickled.
Extra (for 173)
173’s origins are still a bit unknown, but its speculated it was made around the 80’s. Speaking of, it was found under a bridge outside of San Francisco.
Its technically does have a heartbeat right under where the heart graffiti is on its chest.
When speaking in morse code, it’s always asking for someone to ‘blink’. And, by far, is one of the creepier anomalies on site. (Still doesn’t change the fact its still mellow, lol)
Has on more then one occasion fallen over when giving chase, this includes down stairs.
It’s facial expression can actually change, kinda like emoji cons. Heres the following expressions: “:D” (normal) “:[“ (sad) “>:[“ (angry) “X|” (embarrassment?) which, that last expression only happened once. After the stairs incident.
Extra (for 131’s)
While 131 and 131-2 were made as twin brothers, 131-3 was made a bit later on as a ‘little sister’.
They dont need to eat, or feast off laughter like other anomalies. They just kinda chill
They age, surprisingly. They’re kinda like 999, developed but innocent! (Besides moe as she is on the same knowledge level as a toddler, where as mini and miny are about 16-ish mentally).
Which speaking of, they’re permanently short lmao
They cry motor oil, nobody knows why.
Wooo, more scps done! (Originally, i was going to post abel/076 next, but design wise im struggling-)
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Lee cain
..aye i mean-
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
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073 and 073-2 art! (Separate from my last post!)
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scp-tiggles · 6 months
Scp 073
40% ler | 60% lee
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As a ler:
Okay so, surprisingly he’s very merciful as a ler, makes sure the lee is okay with tickles, offers aftercare, etc.
Rarely ever uses his own hands to tickle lees, he prefers using plants! As per this au, his withering effect is replaced with chlorokinesis!
While he’s more gentle with tickles, he WILL tease a lee to the hells and back, he cant help it!
“My, is something wrong? You’re awfully giggly!” “Is something funny? Is there something on my face? It’s quite rude to laugh someone, you know..” “Oh, don’t touch this is a spot? Right here? Are you sure? I mean, you’re laughing so much, it seems perfect!” Being his favorite ones.
During breaches, it’s best to stay clear of the garden area where cain resides. As the second those alarms go off, cain will drop whatever He’s doing to join the fun!
Staff wise, his hands are rated E for everyone. Nobody is safe. But anomaly wise, his favorite target is Abel. (Or, scp 076-2!)
As a lee
Firstly, absolutely adores being tickled, and pretty much everyone on site knows this. He’s touch starved damnit!
His laugh too..its the most precious thing, speaking of, if someone ever calls it cute he gets all flustered and starts hiding his face in his hands <3
His worst spots are his belly, ribs, and back. Mainly his belly though.
Now, the feather material on his shirt around his neck isn’t just for show, it’s his own way of tickling himself .
Speaking of, his plants can and WILL wreck him.
Cannot STAND light tickles, folds immediately at the slightest graze over one of his spots.
Feathers are insta death for him oml
The longer he’s been tickled, the squeakier his laugh gets. Almost like a squeaky toy!
Scp 073-2 instances
100% ler | 0% lee
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(By the way, the image is only SOME instances. Theres multiple of various entities, including fruits, vegetables, etc)
As lers:
Okay, so as a collective, you’re screwed. Period. These little guys FEED of laughter and show no mercy till they get their fill
Azalea’s, Like to group up and flutter against any skin visible. Mainly necks in an attempt to make a person fall, and then usually let the other plants nearby do the rest of the work.
Snapdragons are a bit more mischievous, will wrap vines around a persons ankles and then pull them into shrubbery, nipping, licking, and nuzzling wherever! Their teeth, of course, don’t hurt. And their ‘heads’ are fuzzy to where its pretty ticklish with nuzzles. And, fun fact, are the only plants that can be distracted by chin scratches!
Lily of the valleys aren’t attached to vines like most of the plants, rather they hop off their vine and run around in search of a victim, hence why they travel in a pair of two or more. Once they do, they climb up the persons legs and get under their shirt, scribbling their tiny hands against the belly and sides, occasionally moving to avoid any attempts at stopping them!
Spider lilies, are a special kind. They’ll entrap a victim in their webs, vines with a sticky sap, and then proceed to crawl over the victim, tickling with the four large feathery petals on its body!
Extra! (For both 073 and 073-2)
The plants adore cain, and more often then not will tickle him if he generally just seems sad and in need of a pick me up.
Cain is classified as a ‘creator’ entity, this is a au feature (that i’d love to explain more if asked!).
Cain and Abel USED to share the cell, but got separated for two reasons, one, abel and him loved teaming up when wrecking staff, and two, the plants loved to wreck abel. (The first reason is the main one, but since they kept targetting abel, d-class experiments rarely worked.)
The plants, while laughter is their main source of food, can also photosynthesize and “eat” sugar water!
Cain, much like 035, doesn’t need laughter to eat. Rather its just a better energy boost for him that sleep cannot always provide.
Some of the plants move their heads rapidly to signify excitement, a move they learned from cain while seeing him stim!
Speaking of, he’s on the spectrum..and is super knowledgeable about literally any plant
You can ask him about the most uncommon, unknown plant in the world and he’ll give you all the information you could ever need.
Cain, has a small crop bed for fruits and vegetables, which he gladly gives to the cafeteria in exchange for flower seeds!
Speaking of flowers, he loves making flower crowns, which he loves to give to staff (and other anomalies)!
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