scriptedjuliet · 2 years
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The most ruthless man on the planet and he's creepy pillow.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
I have not forgotten this! This week just kicked my ass! I will need the escape so I’m coming back! Ready the shelves, I’m moving in.
A GIRL WALKS INTO A BOOKSHOP (Ezra x f!reader) Masterlist
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FANDOM: Prospect / Ezra
RATING: Teen (Interlude chapter is Explicit)
No Minors Please: My work is 18+. I will respectfully ask minors to turn away to protect themselves and me. Thank you.
SUMMARY: Set a couple of years after the events of the film. Ezra owns a bookshop. You walk in.
NOTES: The coziest, softest romance. They do work up to intimacy, but it is sequestered in it’s own chapter–the “Interlude”–which can be skipped without losing any of the story. This series is complete. A GIRL LIVES IN A BOOKSHOP is an ongoing, set of continuation one shots set after the series end.
Chapter 1: Something Tender Inside Chapter 2: Has a Glow in It Chapter 3: And It All Just Tumbles Out Chapter 4: The Opposite of Hurt Chapter 5: Been Waiting For You Chapter 6: A Damn Fine Fit Chapter 7: Someone Who Handles You Gently Interlude: Ezra’s Room Chapter 8: Whose Heart is a Home for Keeps
Quiet Within - A little quiet moment in the bookshop on a windy day.
You Have Kind Eyes - A Cee and Kinkaid six-sentence ficlet written as part of a follower celebration.
You Make Me Feel Like I’m Worthy - An Ezra x Tinker six-sentence ficlet written as part of a follower celebration.
queen’s lair by @amb-am
“Welcome to The Queen’s Lair - Ezra is here to help you find the perfect book.”  by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 1
“You truly are a clever one, tinker girl”  - by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 3
“He’s quietly running his hand through the fillianweed tufts…” - by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 7
“Congratulations. You are now a co-owner of The Queen’s Lair. Welcome home.” - by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 8
Ezra and Tinker by @miranhas-art based on Chapter 5
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
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PEDRO PASCAL behind the scene - Miu Miu Women’s Tale #23
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
Reblog if you think asexuality is a legitimate sexuality.
I’m trying to prove something.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
I like you, tinker girl. An inordinate amount.
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I’m not much of a crier. But THIS choked me up. I just heard it in his voice, imagined the look on his face, and my heart just went POOF. I want to hold him, kiss that perfect little patch in his beard (and maybe everywhere else too). Maybe have him read me a little something something, too.
Definitely. Definitely have him read me something. That beautiful mouth and the rich, dulcet voice? Dead.
The protection of someone you care for, too, when you’re facing something uncomfortable and frightening? That safety their mere presence brings? Maybe I AM crying. Maybe you’re crying! DONT LOOK AT ME.
And, if I haven’t asked for enough yet, could I also barter for a Kincaid of my very own? I, too, would like a gruff old junk man to give me gossip and goodies.
Okay last thing I swear: I’m genuinely curious. Is all of this stuff, like, canon to this universe? Did you just come up with everything? And if not, where might one learn such things? You know, for… me. Totally for me. I just love Prospect and Ezra and all of it so much!
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A Girl Walks Into A Bookshop: Chapter 3: And It All Just Tumbles Out
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Pairing:  Ezra (Prospect film) x f!reader
Rating: T for now. Soooooooft.
Warnings: We got something like angst going on here. Just bear with me, it’s just a tiny bump in the road.
A/N: I apologize for the low blow in this one. I promise I’ll make it up to all parties involved.
Summary: An unwelcome transmission threatens to stall your growing relationship and brings up some mistakes from the past.
TAGLIST: you can always request to be on the taglist for this or any of my work. If you’d like to be on taglists for upcoming fic, please sign up here –> TAGLIST
<–Chapter 2: Has A Glow In It
The object isn’t complicated, and you’ve only been able to put in some work on it in scattered moments between projects, but you have every reason to be proud of your work. The base is a flat square of wood, not much bigger than the span of your hand. You’ve beveled the edges, stained it the color of the bookshop woodwork, and engraved it with the insignia from the loan stamp; an old English Q and L interlaced, surrounded by stars. A hinge attached to the edge furthest away from the user, sticks straight up and then hinges back over the base. Attached to the free side of the hinge is just a long bar of matching stained wood, running crosswise. There are two brass hooks attached to the same side as the hinge, but pointing down the opposite direction. Off the left side there’s a little flat tray segmented into two parts. You’ve made the measurements by eye, but you’re certain the object will work. It doesn’t look like much now, but it will be beautiful in context when it’s installed.
It’s been a busy week with the hopper in town, but profitable. Plenty of repairs–mostly clothing, but a couple of toys and even an old pair of cylinder earphones, the likes of which you haven’t seen in some stands. But many of your commissions are overnight work. Travelers are often in a hurry and don’t like to leave things laying in port too long when they know they are only here for a short time. You’ve got enough hours in your day today to run deliveries, get market supplies, and give Ezra a lunchtime reprieve at The Queen’s Lair, but it means you’ll be working late into the night when the people of the Windings are already dreaming. And since it is a workers’ sector, that’s saying a lot.
Ezra’s been swamped as well, but hardly complaining; it’s good income. You’ve stopped by twice in the past week to give him a chance to duck out for an hour. And each time he’s been “deeply grateful for your assistance and hoping you’ll let me show you my appreciation. Perhaps another late night dinner and walk, tinker girl.” As tempting as his offers are, he thankfully understands that you have to take the work when it’s flowing and you’ve done your best to show him you regret having to turn him down. 
Even so. It’s nice to know that he’ll probably try again today. 
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
Sorry. I don’t mean to yell. But I do. Seriously, how do you do it? Coming up with all these things? The Shillytern? Kevva’s Grove? Ezra and all of his pretty pretty words?
Finally came in. Has a glow about her.
This is just such a soft, soft man. For whom I would do anything, including working an occasional lunch shift. Forget the reward of food - I’d work myself to death just for this man’s smile.
Also kudos to you for calling me out for how I, also, inadvertently organize shelves when at a bookshop. Seriously. It’s a problem.
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A Girl Walks Into a Bookshop: Chapter 2: Has a Glow in It
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Pairing:  Ezra (Prospect film) x f!reader
Rating: T for now. Sweet AF.
Warnings: Will rot your teeth.
A/N: I just need a little softness in my life right now, and dammit if bookshop Ezra isn’t the key to that. If the question of “the perfect evening” ever comes up in one of those tag memes, I’m just going to link it to this chapter.
Summary: A return to Ezra’s shop. This time, you stay for a while.
TAGLIST: you can always request to be on the taglist for this or any of my work. If you’d like to be on taglists for upcoming fic, please sign up here –> TAGLIST
<–Chapter 1: Something Tender Inside
And in all the world, there is no greater comfort than a home that calls for you to lay down your heart, one that you choose and one that chooses you. 
You turn the final page of The Shillytern, soul satisfied, fully inspired by the story of the young woman whose heart was terribly broken yet found her way in the ‘verse. Ezra was right. This was the book you needed right now.
You burned through the short novel in a few evenings scattered throughout the week, any time you weren’t kept at your workbench chasing a deadline. You might have taken a more leisurely pace with it if you weren’t eager to get back to The Queen’s Lair and have a reason to talk to the shopkeeper about it. You’d started to look for him through the window in passing on your daily market runs, exchanging a wave if you caught his eye while he was helping a customer or just  happy to get a glimpse of him unaware and busy at work reorganizing shelves. 
A couple of times he waved you over from the open door, once in a slow hour to chat and ask you warmly “when you might feel the pull to return to these stacks” and once on the way home to ask if any freighter shuttles had come through. They hadn’t; he clicked his tongue and seemed disappointed. Seems he did a lot of trade and sales with offworld prospectors and shippers and it had been some time since he’d seen turnover. You’d vowed to let him know if you saw any hoppers come in and his eyes shone at this simple and easy promise, “even if it is, as you say, no trouble and on your way, it is a kindness nonetheless and it deserves my gratitude.”
He had a way of speaking that made you feel like you were the most important person in town. In your lower class position, it’s not something you’re used to. But that’s why every one of these interactions or sightings made you a little happier than the last.
Once, after making an evening delivery, you passed by after closing. It was dark and the iridescent glowflies were out–tiny insects that you spent your childhood chasing but never caught–creating a second starfield on the street. 
There were warm lamps glowing inside, and you could faintly hear something classical and choral coming from a radio somewhere in the shop. Ezra stood leaning against one of the cases, a book in hand, clearly having pulled a mis-shelved novel out in order to put it in its rightful place, only to have gotten woefully captured in its spell. He was too entranced and he wouldn’t be able to see you outside in the dark–none of those harsh floodlamps here in the old sector of town–so you’d stood a while, admiring the odd shepherd and his paper flock. 
His scar, the missing arm, deep brown eyes that gathered more than just the words you gave him, a scruffy handsomeness that seemed more fitting to someone out on the fringe than on a settled liberation. This man had found his comfort and his rightful place among stories…which was fitting since he seemed the type to have several of his own.
And the longer you watched him, the more stories you could imagine. Not only from the past, but perhaps the future as well. Just for fun.
A crush was inevitable. 
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
How much HAVE you noticed?? 👀👀
Ugh. I, too, am looking. I, too, am wanting. For books, for gentle friends. For a damn HAND HOLD, all thanks to you.
But, mostly, for an Ezra. If he comes with his own bookshop? Bonus. 👌🏻
Okay. I’m gonna go scavenge the next chapter. Settle in, you mastermind you, because you’re about to get sick of me.
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A Girl Walks Into a Bookshop: Chapter 1: Something Tender Inside
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Pairing: eventual Ezra (Prospect film) x f!reader
Rating: T for now. Soft AF.
Warnings: None.
A/N: @grogusmum put the idea of bookkeeper Ezra in my head and I couldn’t stop thinking about him. (Although, I can’t stop thinking about Ezra just in general.) If y’all like it, his may be a soft little slow-burn series, not much will happen, just a pile of fluff to curl up with when you need something disgustingly soooooooooooft and chewy and dreamy (or if you’re @cannedsoupsucks and need a little Ezra + books to help you through a migraine). This is set a couple of years or so after the events of the film.
Summary: You’ve passed by this bookshop a hundred times. But today, Ezra convinces you to enter.
TAGLIST: you can always request to be on the taglist for this or any of my work. If you’d like to be on taglists for upcoming fic, please sign up here –> TAGLIST
The book is a work of art. Red binding, gold lettering, scrollwork. The Streamer Girl. When was the last time you sat down and read something new? Held a beautiful volume like that in your hands and smelled the pages? Watched the curling script fall over sentences and create worlds in your head? It might do you good, just to take an evening to let your mind wander away from things. You’ve been low for far too long. It really isn’t good for your health to fixate on your failures over and over….
But not this book. Not this expensive looking book in this quaint little bookshop window. You’ve passed by this shop a hundred times, meant to check it out, but tore yourself away. You had books back at your workshop you could read again. Points were scarce and new books were a luxury you weren’t able to justify at the moment. You knew if you ever entered the shop it would just break your heart for not being able to bring them all home with you. And so you usually tucked your head down and moved on. But today, that unexpected transmission from your ex…. You made bad choices, babe, told you you’d be sorry….You were in a haze of self-doubt and not really paying attention to your errands and this little red book just caught your eye. Took you on a stream-of-consciousness tangent. Screamed out “you need a little escape.”
What was this place called again? You’ve been staring at the book in thought for a few minutes now and when you lift your eyes to read the sign above the door, you jump when you catch instead the eyes of someone on the other side of the glass who’s obviously been watching you. Crooked smile under a rough mustache. Patch of blonde hair over one temple among a thatch of brown. He’s got a canvas apron on, must work here. Leaning forward over the window display not a foot away from your face. How long has he been there? Weirdo.
You huff a short laugh and give him the universal look of “you scared the shit out of me, buddy,” which only causes the smile to creep up further on one side of his face. He jerks his head, “come on in.” And you throw a smile that doesn’t travel up to your eyes and wave your hands, “no, just looking, sorry” and start to move on.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
I’ve decided I’m going character by character, and since I’ve finished all of Ezra I’m gonna tackle this series again this week. I’ve already read it and have SO MUCH love for it, but each chapter is so good it deserves its own affections.
So. That’s coming soon.
A GIRL WALKS INTO A BOOKSHOP (Ezra x f!reader) Masterlist
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FANDOM: Prospect / Ezra
RATING: Teen (Interlude chapter is Explicit)
No Minors Please: My work is 18+. I will respectfully ask minors to turn away to protect themselves and me. Thank you.
SUMMARY: Set a couple of years after the events of the film. Ezra owns a bookshop. You walk in.
NOTES: The coziest, softest romance. They do work up to intimacy, but it is sequestered in it’s own chapter–the “Interlude”–which can be skipped without losing any of the story. This series is complete. A GIRL LIVES IN A BOOKSHOP is an ongoing, set of continuation one shots set after the series end.
Chapter 1: Something Tender Inside Chapter 2: Has a Glow in It Chapter 3: And It All Just Tumbles Out Chapter 4: The Opposite of Hurt Chapter 5: Been Waiting For You Chapter 6: A Damn Fine Fit Chapter 7: Someone Who Handles You Gently Interlude: Ezra’s Room Chapter 8: Whose Heart is a Home for Keeps
Quiet Within - A little quiet moment in the bookshop on a windy day.
You Have Kind Eyes - A Cee and Kinkaid six-sentence ficlet written as part of a follower celebration.
You Make Me Feel Like I’m Worthy - An Ezra x Tinker six-sentence ficlet written as part of a follower celebration.
queen’s lair by @amb-am
“Welcome to The Queen’s Lair - Ezra is here to help you find the perfect book.”  by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 1
“You truly are a clever one, tinker girl”  - by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 3
“He’s quietly running his hand through the fillianweed tufts…” - by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 7
“Congratulations. You are now a co-owner of The Queen’s Lair. Welcome home.” - by @shite-art inspired by Chapter 8
Ezra and Tinker by @miranhas-art based on Chapter 5
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
This is so cute and playful! With just that little touch of spice in that kiss. Ugh.
Sign me up for the prank war, please.
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Had It Coming
Rating: T. 
Fandom: Prospect
Pairing: Ezra x gn!reader
Warnings: None. Maybe a little juvenile behavior.
Summary: Ezra has little patience for pranks. He just hasn’t met the right one.
A/N: This is a late late late request fulfillment for @fictitious-little-stitious​​ for my 300+ Follower Jubilee! (Sorry, my little ‘stitous, I tried to find the original ask but it’s disappeared from my box. Maybe this was a DM or a comment request…)
I’m sorry not sorry for the silliness contained herein. It was a quick little thought that came and needed me to write it down and I didn’t think about it too hard so here we are.
Prompt: Ezra + said in amusement: “Then what exactly *were* you doing, little bird?”
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There’s a sickening squelch when your foot goes into the boot.
You close your eyes and count, trying not to scream at your brother, not wanting to incur Ezra’s ire.
When you clench your jaw and drag the boot off your foot, there’s a tacky suction. He’s filled it with bulb sap. Your fackhad gumta dickshaw of a brother has filled your boot with sticky, gelatinous bulb sap. Dammit. With just a few minutes before you hike out to the dig, there’s enough time to rinse the boot but not wash it.
And it’s at the dig where you catch your brother grinning at you from across the hole, knowing full well that you’re probably dealing with a nasty case of goop sock because of it.
Why, you mouth at him.
“You alright there, sweetheart?” Ezra asks when he notices you scowling faces at Braidley.
“Hmm?” Your eyebrows shoot up in a question. “What? No. Fine. Thanks, Number One.”
He gives you a skeptical scan before concentrating back on the dig, all four of you on hands and knees at this point, pulling up a tangle of roots through clumps of dirt.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
Is this… is this before he went off to the Green in the movie universe?
Because ouch.
I’d do it, though. I’d wait however long it took.
This imagery was absolutely lovely and now I want nothing more than to go find a grove of orange trees of my own.
That’s a lie. I want my own Ezra just a little bit more.
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Golden Hour
Rating: T. 
Fandom: Prospect
Pairing: Ezra x gn!reader
Warnings: None.
Summary: On the last afternoon before heading off to the Green, Ezra makes some promises for the future.
A/N: It’s just a quick little drabble, but it’s checking a lot of boxes!
Firstly. I’m fulfilling a request from @princessxkenobi​ for my 300+ Follower Jubilee! AnneMarie’s prompt was:  Ezra x whispering in their ear, lips touching the skin
Secondly. This is part of Writer Wednesday, thank you to @autumnleaves1991-blog​ and @clydesducktape​ for this amazing prompt (photo below) and project.
Thirdly. This probably won’t be the last time I put Ezra in a sweater, but I needed to put Ezra in a sweater for a hot second.
Finally: This message is paid for by the Coalition for a Broad, Thicc Ez.
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He’s late.
It’s the last time you’re going to get to see him before he leaves on this last job to the Green Moon and it’s killing you–he’ll be gone for months and you have one more afternoon together–and he’s late. Eating into your time, twisting the pinions of your heart and keeping it earthbound, piling yearning on top of that which you know you’re going to feel for the coming season….
You remember to breathe.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
This, right here, is beautiful in such a different way. You capture grief so lovingly, and I find this ache all too familiar. As someone with their own memorial tattoos, I can’t say enough how accurately you captured the desire to keep them with you somehow, and the process of deciding just how to do so. On my end, anyway.
“…it is safe to say I never cheated them of their weight on my scales.”
Ouch. But so exquisite.
And now I just want to hear this confession all the more. How tender and raw it would be, leaving its own mark on the soul.
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The Ink Will Fade First
Rating: T. 
Fandom: Prospect
Pairing: Ezra x gn!reader
Warnings: A big pile of angst and grief. Single-needle tattooing.
Summary: You ask Ezra to place a memorial on your skin. He asks you not to become one on his.
A/N: This is a request for my 300+ Follower Jubilee! @ohlawdthebirds​​ contacted me with a request for Ezra giving a tattoo. While this isn’t the exact request they sent, it is inspired by the conversation. <3
Prompt: “Tattoo” and “pain.”
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The first prick of the needle makes your arm jump. Ezra barely lifts his head to check in with you.
“You sure you want this, sweetheart?”
You take another swig of the woodale and nod. “Yes. Do it.”
His fingers curl firmly and gently around your wrist, trying to hold you down without really holding you down, not unlike so many hours you’ve spent together lately on the floor. “Strong and steady then, okay?”
The next stab is harder, hurts more. The next hurts worse. It takes several more before your nerves are overloaded and it’s just one long irritation.
Your tearing eyes drift away from your bloodying arm as it lays on the table, not far from Ezra’s thrower. A beautiful piece. Bespoke. Custom made with an engraved shaft. He used it to save your life two rotations ago. 
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
Okay I’ll be thinking about this all day now.
Imagine going to IKEA with Ezra....
Shit. I actually have to go there this weekend AND NOW THAT’S ALL I’M GOING TO BE THINKING ABOUT.
Him striding between the chairs and throwing himself into whichever one seems like it would form fully to his lanky frame. Climbing the ladder to a bunk bed and then lying in it, contemplating being this close to the ceiling and the thoughts one might have here rather than a bed on the ground. Being perpetually disappointed when every book in the displays are fake. Insisting on walking through each section even if you don’t need anything there. Assembling a mish mash of plates and cups–one from each set–even if they’re only sold in sets. Choosing the most hideous rug possible and insisting on it for the living room. Spending an hour pouring over the lighting fixtures, especially the ones that telescope or bend into shapes. Wanting each and every item of furniture that starts as one thing but folds in or out into another. Taking one of every desert in the cafeteria. Pulling you into every closet in every display to kiss you until someone else opened the cabinet and you sheepishly push your way past them while he just grins at them like a man content with the world and everything in it.
Fkn Ezra.
If I had the choice, I would never take a trip to Ikea without him.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
…..we don’t even know what he’s done, and I’m hurting.
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Ahem. BROAD.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
Can you just not make me want? For once? I’ve pulled a muscle from all this yearning already.
But seriously if you don’t write this out at some point, I’ll die from the suspense. My death will be on your hands.
I hope you can make peace with that. 🪦
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Ahem. BROAD.
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
Either way, I would read the absolute crap out of it. 💖
oh, your six sentence ficlets are just delightful! may I suggest “I love you.” “Tell me that when you’re sober.” with Ezra? maybe he's the one tipsy
Thank you so much, love. This hit me in a quiet mood, so we're going full maudlin...
You’d stashed the costly distilled tanninrum in hopes of a celebratory occasion--perhaps a monumental pull--but the day had been rough on both of you, and it did not take long for the bottle to come out instead as a consolation.
As you lay in the twilight grasses together, staring off at the two moons--one blue, one gold--his hand reaches to clasp yours, his eyes beg yours to meet his own, and his “I love you” tumbles out of intoxicated lips eager to be kissed.
You smile sadly at him, seeing the disappointment of the day in his eyes, smelling the drink on his breath and, giving his hand a reassuring squeeze, you beg him quietly to “tell me when you’re sober.”
“You mistake me,” he groans, his eyes sliding shut and his head shaking in lazy frustration, “you think it’s the tannin pumping false feelings into my tank, but that fuel’s been burning from the first; the drink only loosens my gab to say so.”
“No, I know, Ez,” you sigh, sliding your arm across his breadth to hang on to his far shoulder, “but when you’re in your right mind you’ll put a novel’s worth of prettier words together to say it properly and I desperately, desperately want to hear all of them.”
For once on this cursed trip, Ezra stops his mouth, opting instead to pull you up close into his chest, breathing sweetened fumes into your hair while you take advantage of the silence to listen to the beating, aching heart he will present as an exquisite gift to you when tomorrow comes.
Six Sentence Ficlets 
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
This is exactly what I needed after a shitstorm day. 😎
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scriptedjuliet · 2 years
He gets it.
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“There was a lot of training involved, and it was a lot harder than I expected it to be.”
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