seasnek · 5 hours
playing erdtree with my pal we get invaded by someone named "Drip Inspector" and im like "waitwaitwait. ok lets just pose leaning back to back and wait for them to show up maybe our outfits will be so good they wont kill us"
so we wait until they show up and then they get reaaaal close to us . and then pull out their telescope and start circling around us and zooming in for a good 30 seconds. then they clap, use the "wonderful" and "youre beautiful" prattling pates, and jump off a cliff. invader vanquished
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seasnek · 20 hours
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seasnek · 20 hours
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I'm sorry, but I adamantly disagree.
This is very good behavior.
They didn't recognize the file extension.
They didn't recognize the EXE program.
And so they refused to open them.
That is excellent internet security hygiene.
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They went to a trusted person (their brother) and verified WinRAR was legit and then proceeded to unpack the files.
How is this not *encouraging* for gen alpha? Is it just because they didn't know what WinRAR was? Who cares? I'm just proud they were being careful.
Unlike my boomer uncle who once installed so many spam search toolbars that there was no screen real estate left to show webpages.
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seasnek · 20 hours
in my work of fanfiction i am going to hold the villain responsible for their actions by making them have sex with the person they tried to kill, which will effectively address all the relevant moral issues by being hot.
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seasnek · 20 hours
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seasnek · 20 hours
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seasnek · 20 hours
im tired of online discourse. look at this family of quails
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seasnek · 22 hours
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seasnek · 22 hours
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seasnek · 22 hours
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oceanic prisms 🌈✨ buy a wallpaper or leave a tip / twitter / instagram / shop 
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seasnek · 22 hours
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seasnek · 22 hours
*kisses you on the cheek* don't forget to only do bare minimum at your job today 🫂
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seasnek · 22 hours
Me when I use the blender that makes 50% of all turtles feel immeasurable pain
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seasnek · 22 hours
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seasnek · 1 day
Meme news: The Brazilian actress Renata Sorrah came out as bisexual at the age of 76
That's her, btw
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She's an icon and also very talented. We Stan.
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seasnek · 1 day
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Cameroonian Miku 🇨🇲💕
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seasnek · 1 day
You need to start unironically loving stupid things again and maybe realize they're not so stupid afterall
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