seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
Hello everyone, 
It is with heavy hearts that we are sharing today that we’ve made the difficult decision of closing down Seattle Grace RPG. For the past almost decade, we have laughed, cried and written so many amazing, moving, crazy stories. We have said goodbye; to characters and writers alike, and said hello to so many new friends that became family. 
This group has been around for a long time and has thrived beyond what most groups do, and we are beyond proud of that and grateful to all the people that have made this group what it has been these past years. But, as the RP has aged ten years, so have we; and both of us, as well as many of you, have different and more demanding schedules, and things that keep us away from the group. It was a difficult decision to come to and we have thought it through and pushed the announcement, but we believe that all of us, and our characters, at last, deserve closure. 
We invite you all to leave your accounts as is so we can all go back and read what we created in the years to come, and keep on appreciating the characters we have brought to life and poured so much of our love and time into. 
Thank you for this amazing decade. It has truly been a blessing.
We love you all so, so much.
For the last time... 
Jen and Mel
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
If I was to apply for a Deluca would your members prefer Carina or Andrew?
We are opened to any characters! Whichever fits your muse best and makes you want to write them! :)
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
Hi, I was the anon who messaged about being interested in joining. However, I sent that message back in May. Is the group active?
Hi anon! Thanks for writing back! The group is active, yes!
So sorry for the delay, everyone in the group has been fairly busy lately and it is still an adjustment, however we are still an active group. We all have busy lives but we all still want to make time for our cherished characters and their storylines.
Hope to hear from you again, take care!
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
I'd like to join but I haven't done any RP for more than 5 years. I'll be suck probably 😅
There is nothing like getting back into the swing of things! We'd love to give you the opportunity to get back into writing, thank you for the interest in our group, we so appreciate it!
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
Hi, I’m interested in joining but can’t decide on which character. Do your members have any that are most wanted?
Thank you for the interest! 
I think it’s safe to say that any on the list down-below would be most welcomed and appreciated, so here are the ones we are currently seeking:
Cristina Yang
Jo Wilson
Maggie Pierce
Arizona Robbins
Callie Torres
April Kepner
Jackson Avery
Izzie Stevens
We certainly would love to welcome you aboard! Looking forward reading your application!
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
Mod Note
As you’ll see from paras occuring in the RP, Chris and Clay are no longer with us. Emily decided to step away from the RP officially in order to focus on her personal life, and we wish her nothing but the best. She is always welcome back here as she’s family...and this is a Grey’s RP, so anything can happen ;) 
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
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Good afternoon, 
It is with a heavy heart that I write this email to inform you all of the deaths of Doctors Clayton and Christopher Cormier. Dr. Clay Cormier served as our Chief of Pediatrics, and Dr. Chris Cormier was one of our esteemed residents. Both men were on sabbatical the past year, doing much needed research on osteogenesis imperfecta. Their losses will undoubtedly be felt throughout the hospital. Our thoughts are with their families during this impossible time. Information on services will be forthcoming. 
Dr. Miranda Bailey, M.D.  Chief of Surgery
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seattlegrace-rpg · 3 years
Loss || Bailey
It was a good day. She’d actually started managing her schedule right, so she’d gotten to do not one, not two, but three surgeries that morning, and she had already gotten the budgets done, so she might get to do more surgery that afternoon, if some traumas came in. She’s just gotten back to her office with some lunch, the cafeteria had her favorite today. For Miranda Bailey, it was a good, good day.
And then the phone rang. “Hello, this is Miranda Bailey,” She says, taking a bite of her Shepherd’s Pie. Dang, it was good. 
“Dr. Bailey, this is Dr. Hannah Bliss from Mater Hospital in Sydney, Australia. Drs. Clay and Chris Cormier have been working here?” The woman on the other end says. 
“Yes, Dr. Bliss!” Bailey says, remembering speaking with Clay at length about her. “What can I do for you?” 
“Dr. Bailey, I’m afraid I’m calling under unfortunate circumstances. Clay and Chris didn’t give us emergency contact information besides Seattle Grace Hospital. As you may have known, they were going to the island of Morangando to consult with a doctor on two cases of OI,” she says. 
“Yes, I spoke with Clay a few days ago...he said they were going to this island, and then they’d be back in Seattle within two weeks,” Bailey says. She remembers the call with both of them very well. She was looking forward to having them back, it would do well for the hospital.
“Dr. Bailey, the plane went down. It suffered catastrophic engine failure.” 
Catastrophic engine failure. Catastrophic...engine...failure. 
“Catastrophic engine failure...” Bailey murmurs, knowing that whatever comes next, it can’t be good.
“Yes. Dr. Bailey...the aircraft went up in flames and burned,” Dr. Bliss says. She’s calm, direct, just like you learned to be. “It burned so hot and so long that...they could not recover any remains. Both Drs. Cormier and the pilot have all been declared dead.”
“What...what... why are we just hearing about this?!” Bailey shrieks. “What do you mean they’re dead?!” 
“I’m so sorry Dr. Bailey. I’m sorry this happened, and I’m sorry that you have to be the one to pass it on to next of kin.”
She doesn’t breathe much through the rest of the conversation, getting information from her, hearing her apologies. When she hangs up, she pushes away her lunch, suddenly disgusted by the thought of it. 
Clay and Chris Cormier...they were dead. 
Her head of pediatrics and her top resident were dead. 
Two men, two uncles, two partners, two fathers were dead, and now she had to tell everyone. She moves, numb, to her filing cabinet, pulling out their personnel files. She could guess their emergency contacts, next of kin, but part of her hoped. This was crap. 
As expected, Christopher’s is Amelia. That means she gets to go to Amelia Shepherd, with her daughter, going through cancer treatment, and tell her that her fiancee, the father of her child was dead. Great. 
Clayton’s, she’s not surprised. As expected, with his brother gone, it’s Allison and Evan Bradford. Fresh out of a traumatic birth and long hospital stay...and she gets to tell them their family is dead. 
It had been a good day. 
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the group as Alex, Galia! Please create your account and send it in within twenty-four hours! We look forward to RPing with you. 
Name: Galia
Preferred pronouns: She/her
Age: 22
Location/Time zone: GMT +9
Expected amount of activity: Moderate
Role play experience: 8 years of indie rp across various fandoms. 
What character you’re auditioning for: Alex Karev
Background/Biography (Since this is an AU RP, give us a little info on where you see your character at this point. Please note that seasons 1-4 happened as cannon, everything after that is AU. If there is a pre-made bio for the character, simply indicate changes (if any) you would like to make): I noticed the bio hasn’t been updated in several years so I’m not sure where Alex is relationship wise as there’s also no indication about how up to date the full plot is, but if possible I would like to start writing Alex as single at least for a while so I can get a sense of how he works with everyone. 
Writing sample (at least three paragraphs, in character. Must be in third person.): 
Ship(s): Alex/Izzie, Alex/Jo, Alex/Meredith
Anti-ships: I don’t really have any?
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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Good evening, 
We’re pleased to share that the Summer 2020 date of the Oral Boards given by the American Board of Surgery has just been confirmed. The exam will take place in San Francisco, California on December 11, 2020. All fifth year residents should confirm the flight and accommodation arrangements with Chief Bailey. 
Best of luck. 
SGMW Board of Directors
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome again to the group, this time as Dr. Giuseppina (Pia) Medici, Britt! We look forward getting to know this new character! Please create and send your account in within 48 hours! Remember, it must be a primary account, not a sub-blog :)
OOC INFO: Name: Britt Preferred pronouns: She/her Age: 21 Location/Time zone: EST (Eastern Standard Time) Expected amount of activity: Frequent except some instances during exams (Nov/Dec, March/April) and midterms (Oct, Feb) Role play experience: Playing Lexie in this group (yay!) and Discord RP for a few months
Name and age: Dr. Giuseppina (Pia) Medici, 32
Face Claim: Laura Bloom/Janet Montgomery
Position (Intern/resident/fellow/attending of what area): Attending Peds (Certificate in Peds Sports Medicine)
Biography for your character: Pia was born in Santa Rosa, California to two Italian immigrant parents. Her parents tried their hardest to integrate Pia into American culture so that she wouldn’t face the discrimination they did, so much so that they refused to pass on their native language to prevent her from having an accent that kids would make fun of. This would lead Pia to start to feel out of place within her own family, unable to communicate with her extended family. During her high school years, Pia became an avid swimmer and the rigours hours of the sport kept her away from her family. Further alienating her, she was pressured to attend a Catholic university, but ultimately paved her own way by securing herself a swimming scholarship from UC Berkeley.
While at school Pia threw herself into her hours and the pool, becoming a team captain in her later years, and she discovered that she was attracted to women as well as men. Pia was a fast swimmer, fast enough to earn a scholarship at a top ranked school, but not fast enough to make the American Olympic team. Dreaming of being an Olympian, Pia asked her parents to help her achieve her goals by claiming her Italian citizenship and swimming for the Italian Olympic team; her parents refused. Pia she suspected their rejection of the idea was because they had just recently found out about her sexuality, something that they were not supportive of. In 2008, Pia failed to qualify for the American Olympic team despite her vigorous efforts. Deciding to continue on her own path, Pia went to her beloved Berkley’s sister school UC San Francisco for medical school despite her parents’ attempts to get her to attend a catholic university or simply return home. Her parents hoped that doing so would get her out of the “phase” she was in.
Now a Pediatrics specialist, Pia enjoys taking care of “tiny humans” because she admires their candor, ability to dream big, and open-mindedness, something she thinks adults lack. Pia also has an additional certification in Sports Medicine due to her long-time passion of helping athletes, taking on pediatric sports medicine cases from time to time. While warm and affectionate to her patients, Pia can come across as a bit more calculated to her fellow adults. She uses a brutally honest sense of humour to cope with her past and emotional events which can sometimes cause discomfort to those around her. She is also a self described “badass”.  Despite her downfalls, Pia is a extremely confident, cunning, resourceful, and ambitious woman who thrives in the spotlight and in leadership roles. She is very flirtatious in nature but very rarely follows through with her romantic interests as she is secretly insecure about her romantic life because of her parents. Pia intends to leave sunny California behind along with her past to take up a new job at Seattle Grace Mercy West.
Ship(s): Open to any!
Anti-ships: None!
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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Welcome to the group as Mark Sloan, Kimberly! We look forward to RPing with you! Please create and send your account in within 48 hours! Remember, it must be a primary account, not a sub-blog :) 
OOC INFO: Name: Kimberly Preferred pronouns: her/she Age: 30 Location/Time zone: East Coast USA, EST Expected amount of activity: Multiple times per week  Role play experience: 15 ish years.  
CANNON CHARACTER: What character you’re auditioning for: Mark Sloan. Background/Biography:  Mark fled Seattle three years ago, breaking his engagement and his families heart with an awfully vague note.  No one has seen or heard from him during that time, and likely no one will understand that he couldn’t burden anyone he loved with his trouble news.  A spinal tumor that was meant to kill him within two years.  
Mark has spent his time traveling and soaking in everything he thought life had to offer him, but now?  Now there’s hope that the neurosurgeon team at his former hospital could save his life, but he knows when they see his name of the scans…..things might be more than difficult.  
Writing sample:  RFP
Ship(s): Slexie!  Mark/Chemistry Anti-ships: Mark/No Chemistry 
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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Good Evening, 
We’re writing to inform the hospital staff at large about several staffing changes. While the official process was delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic as the hospital shifted its efforts to treating and flattening the curve. 
Now that we’ve had time to move forward with the searching process, we are pleased to share with you that effective July 12th, Dr. Miranda Bailey will shift from Interim Chief of Surgery to Chief of Surgery. After a nationwide search and narrowing down the pool of candidates, it was clear to us that the best candidate to move Seattle Grace Mercy West forward was the talented doctor we already had right here. Having completed her internship and residency right here, and having been our chief of general surgery for the past several years, Dr. Bailey’s dedication and love to Seattle Grace Mercy West was apparent in her speech as she discussed her vision and plans. Please join us in congratulating Dr. Bailey. 
On a related note, we’re pleased to announce, in agreement with Dr. Bailey, that the current Interim Chief of General Surgery, Dr. Meredith Grey, will take over as permanent Chief of General Surgery. Also having completed her surgical education right here, Dr. Grey’s dedication and passion speaks for itself in the way she cares for her patients and walks the halls of the hospital. She has more than earned the role as Chief of General in the past several years. We send our congratulations to Dr. Grey as she continues in her new role. 
As always, thank you all for your hard work and dedication to making Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital the center it is. 
Robert A. Barnes, Ph.D.  President, Seattle Grace Mercy West Hospital Board of Directors
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seattlegrace-rpg · 4 years
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Attention staff, 
As you may have seen, earlier today, the World Health Organization announced that cases of COVID-19 are at a steady decline. Here in Washington, our governor announced that the state would begin to slowly reopen and resume normal operation. Schools will resume operations on May 4th, non-essential stores will resume operation on Wednesday, and state parks will reopen on Saturday. While it’s strongly recommended that masks should still be worn in public for the next several weeks and large gatherings are still not allowed, our lives will begin to return to some sort of normal. 
After discussions with Interim Chief Bailey, we have decided that normal working shifts and rotations will resume beginning Wednesday. It’s still required that you wear masks and PPE with all patient interactions, and make use of proper cleaning procedures before departing the hospital for home. We will begin to resume non-essential procedures and open non-essential offices on May 1st. 
Beyond those updates, we wanted to take the time to thank you all, wholeheartedly, for your part in this. We are so incredibly proud to call you our doctors, nurses, and medical staff. You’re all owed a congratulations--it’s in large part to you that this happened. 
With gratitude, 
Seattle Grace Mercy West Board of Directors
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