seawitch-lapis-blog · 6 years
Unpopular SU Opinion
Okay I’m just going to say it. I think Rose Quartz/PD is horrible. I don’t think she deserves the love she receives.
Here are my reasons why:
- Within the first few seasons it’s made clear she’s had multiple human partners but when Greg wants to get serious she clearly doesn’t understand how a relationship works. She is an alien that doesn’t know regular human customs but she obviously thought of love as using someone as a plaything until she got bored or they died. That’s incredibly unhealthy.
- From the very beginning (looking back at A Single Pale Rose) it’s clear PD/Rose Quartz doesn’t love Pearl and instead uses her as a tool to win Earth. This is shown through her leaving Pearl to have multiple partners as well as through never expressing any desire to keep Pearl happy she also never gave Pearl the closure she needed when she needed it (their relationship was one sided RQ didn’t do anything about it that we know of/she only made Pearl feel she was valid when she needed to be/telling Pearl she isn’t allowed to share anything not even with her own son because she’s worried about herself being exposed)
- Rose Quartz lied to everyone and only showed what she wanted to show to specific people which is incredibly manipulative
No one knew she was PD except Pearl which not only cause a lot of conflict in Homeworld but tore at Steven when he knew his mother might’ve been the monster
Don’t get me wrong every character has their faults but I don’t believe we understand that RQ/PD wasn’t giving a f*ck about anyone she only did what she wanted to do and sometimes that’s not okay.
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seawitch-lapis-blog · 6 years
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Apparently people have been adopting dogs and either killing them themselves or dropping them to a kill shelter (and one even said they were flying them to poor Asian areas to be eaten) under the Twitter hashtag #pitbulldropoff
This is completely cruel and evil and word needs to get around about these demons so everyone knows what these demons are planning to do to dogs once they get ahold of them.
If you know someone or if you yourself is planning to give away a pitty by craigslist soon, DONT and wait for awhile!!!! They act like they’re going to adopt them and act all nice then they get rid of them, don’t be fooled!!
DM me for uncensored names!!!!!!!!
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seawitch-lapis-blog · 6 years
someone: oh you’re bi! but if you had to choose would you choose boy or girl?
me: um don’t be ignorant that’s not how bisexuality works tf
me, internally, without hesitation: girls
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seawitch-lapis-blog · 6 years
today I befriended an enemy d.va who wouldn’t attack me for whatever reason.
it took some time, but eventually my whole team just kind of accepted her as adopted team daughter, and we let her hang around with us while we went to town on her teammates
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